Love Lessons

By S2G

Published on Nov 29, 2005



Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction, depicting sex acts between two men. If you are under eighteen or if the laws where you live prohibit you from viewing or possessing such material, please move on.

My friend Rick and I were late for the sign-up for our upcoming semester of college courses and almost all of the electives were filled. I looked from list to list, trying to find an opening in anything, but there was nothing I hadn't taken before.

"What about this?" Rick pointed to a sign-up sheet with a few lines open. At the top of the sheet was the title of the course, Gay Studies.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I looked at him, sure that he was joking, but he seemed serious.

"Yeah, why not? We're both into Psychology and we can always drop it later. You know people always drop out of certain classes after a couple weeks. We'll just slide in to an opening in something else."

"There is no way I'm taking a class on Gay Studies. I'm not gay." I turned away in the vain hope of finding something else.

"Dude you have to be more open-minded. Besides, I bet there will be some hot girls in that class. You know how girls always dig gay guys."

"Have you completely lost your mind?" Rick had to be pulling my leg, but he showed no signs of letting me in on the joke.

"C'mon man," he said and signed his name to the roster.

Not believing what I was doing, I did the same.

Rick was wrong about the hot girls. In fact there were only a few girls in the class, and they definitely weren't hot. Most were of the butch lesbian variety. I wanted to kick Rick's ass right then and there.

The professor was one of those militant gays, you could tell that he wore his proclivity for men on his chest like a badge of honor. He took one look at Rick and me and could tell that we didn't belong in his class, but he said nothing and just snorted in contempt when we answered to his roll call.

Then came the subject material. Besides a bunch of dry, required reading on gay rights, there were workshops and take-home assignments centered around sexually pleasing members of the same sex. The instructor told us that we would have to work in pairs in order to complete the various assignments. Rick and I quickly chose each other, not wanting to be paired up with some flaming queen.

After the class, I couldn't even speak to Rick, I was so pissed. Instead I marched straight down to the university office to get my schedule changed, but they were closed. I ended up at a bar near the campus and tried to extinguish my fury with a few beers.

A few hours later, when I stumbled into the dorm room that Rick and I shared, he was still up. I looked over at the couch and saw that one of the folders we had gotten in class sitting there open. Inside there were all sorts of diagrams showing different sexual positions for gay men. I squinted at the drawings and, realizing what I was seeing, threw the book down.

Rick came into the room behind me, wearing only a towel.

"There you are," he said smiling, obviously able to tell that I had been drinking.

"Yeah here I am. I ought to kick your ass."

"For what?"

"For getting us into that gay class. I'm getting out of there as soon as possible. I'm gonna march down there tomorrow and get this straightened out." I glared at Rick. "Pun intended," I added defiantly.

"Hey what's the big deal? I've been looking through some of the curriculum and its not that bad. I read in that book there that a man can increase his sexual pleasure by shaving his balls and around his cock and ass."


Rick smiled and took a sip from the beer he had left on the table. "So I tried it. It feels fucking great. I can't wait until I hook up with someone to try it out."

"You did what?" I sat down, not believing what I was hearing from my supposedly straight best friend.

"I shaved myself. You should try it."

"Look, I'm not getting involved in any of that faggot crap." I rose to my feet and unsteadily made my way to bed. "Dude, you need some help."

The next day we didn't have Gay Studies, but I woke up late and missed my first two classes. By the time I made it down to the office again, they were closed.

As I got back to the apartment, I pulled out a bottle of whiskey, hair of the dog you know, and sat down in front of the TV. Rick wasn't there. After a few shots, I realized that I hadn't showered that morning. I gave my armpit a quick sniff. I was ripe. I grabbed the bottle and made my way to the bathroom, awkwardly shedding my clothes as I went. As I turned on the shower to wait for the hot water I saw Rick's razor sitting on the sink, with some of his pubic hair on it.

Maybe it was the whiskey or something, but the thought of shaving myself suddenly appealed to me. My ex- girlfriend had always wanted me to do it, but I never did. Before I knew it, I found myself in the shower, soaping up my cock and balls and shaving myself as smooth as the day I was born.

After I got out of the shower, I stood in front of the mirror and took another swig from the bottle as I admired my work. Rick walked in, seeing me naked and smiled.

"I see you took my advice."

"Oh shit!" I nearly jumped out of my skin and moved to cover myself.

"Relax, dude. It's cool. We've both been in locker rooms before, right?"

"Yeah I guess so." I smiled lamely. I wrapped a towel around myself anyway.

"Hey since you took my advice on the whole shaving thing, I've discovered a few more things in that book. There's this kick-ass way of jacking yourself off, a two handed method. You should really try it, especially considering that now you're all smooth and all."

"Hmm," I replied, wondering where the conversation was headed.

"Yeah, I'll show you. I mean not on you or anything. I'll do it to myself and then you can copy me. Let me grab some porn and I'll pop it in the DVD player."

"No, um, that's OK." My skin suddenly felt hot.

"C'mon man, we've watched porn together. We've even jacked off in the same room before, or don't you remember?"

"I remember. When we were kids. A couple times."

"Yeah, so what's the big deal? I'll be right back." Rick sprinted to his room while I sat on the couch. I felt light-headed.

Rick came back into the living room, stark-naked, his cock at half-mast. He had a porn DVD in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other. Before he sat down in the recliner, he popped the DVD in the player and pressed PLAY. The screen came to life as the porno started. It was the standard fare, a secretary blowing her boss in his office. My cock stirred at the sight.

"Hey, take that towel off," Rick said, "And I'll show you what I learned."

Slowly, I opened my towel and turned my attention to Rick as he squirted a bit of lube onto his hands. He proceeded to grab his cock at the base with his right hand and then swirl his left hand over the head. He continued with this slippery two-handed motion, as one hand twisted up and down his tool with the other hand lightly teasing the tip.

"You have got to try this." He laid back in the recliner, giving me full view of what he was doing.

As much as I tried, I could not keep my eyes off of his cock. It was thick and meaty, about an inch longer than mine, with very pronounced veins. I pried my eyes away and then down to my own penis which had achieved about a three-quarters erection. I touched it lightly and it seemed to spring up. Things were getting weird. Not wanting to focus on my buddy, I started to mimic his motions instead. After a few seconds, I was fully hard.

"You're not doing it right," Nick commented. "It's like this." He demonstrated again, his cock glistening.

"Well I don't have any lube," I replied.

Nick jumped up. I thought he was going to hand me the bottle, but before I knew it he was kneeling before me with both hands on my cock. "This ought to lube you up," he said, grinning. However, once my cock was shiny with lube, he didn't stop. He kept massaging my cock slowly, deliberately, looking into my eyes as he did so.

"Hey, what the fuck," I said, even though part of me didn't want him to stop.

"Just lay back and enjoy it."

I wanted to get up, but what Nick was doing felt so good. I found myself sliding lower on the couch.

A drop of precum leaked out of the head of my cock. Rick gave me a self-satisfied smile and then leaned forward. With one stroke of his tongue, he licked the fluid away. I felt a shiver run through my whole body. Nick looked at me hungrily and then slid my cock into his mouth. I was too shocked to react.

The feeling was exquisite. He sucked at me with vigor, kneading my balls as he glided up and down my shaft. My cock had never felt so hard before. Nick stopped sucking and teased my balls with his tongue while stroking me. I thought that my whole body might explode. After a couple minutes of that he casually raised my legs and put them on his shoulders, then began to devour the crack of my ass, then my balls once more before he lowered his glorious mouth on my cock again.

It was pure ecstasy. No woman had ever given me head like that.

Nick pulled me off the couch and onto the floor. He turned back toward me, so that we were almost lying side by side. He continued his furious assault on my cock. As I writhed with unspeakable pleasure, Nick's cock brushed against my face, leaving a trail of precum across my lips. I licked my lips, surprised by the taste. As his cock drew nearer again I licked at it tentatively, Nick took that as a cue and thrust his hips toward my face, giving me better access. I studied his cock, watching it pulse with excitement, knowing what I was going to do, what I had to do. As I took him inside my mouth, sucking my first cock, my best friend's cock, I knew. I knew that it would not be my last.

Nick rolled over on top of me and we settled into a classic sixty-nine position, each of us sucking as if trying to suck out the very essence of one another. I couldn't take much more. I felt myself nearing the edge. I moaned around Nick's cock in my mouth as if to warn him and then, unable to hold back, I came. I could feel Nick swallowing rapidly as I flooded his mouth and then I felt his own cock swell and he shot hot streams of cum down my throat, deep inside me.

Nick collapsed on top of me and we stayed that way for a while as recovered. All the while we kept cleaning each other with our tongues, savoring every drop, bathing each others balls and asses with our saliva.

Finally Nick crawled from on top of me. "That was amazing," he said, for both of us.

In our passion, we had knocked the Gay Studies workbook off the couch and it had opened to a page, displaying two men fucking.

"Shall we?" Nick raised an eyebrow and gave me a mischievous smirk, his cock already starting to harden again.

"Uh, I don't know about that," I halfway protested.

"Fifteen minutes ago, you had never sucked a cock either. C'mon, relax."

Nick rolled me over on my stomach and spread the mounds of my ass. Again his tongue probed and explored me. I sighed, feeling my ass rise instinctively as he continued to work on me. My own cock responded and began to stiffen. I raised myself up onto my knees and elbows. Nick was everywhere; gently cupping my balls and stroking my cock as he ate my ass. I felt the coldness of the lube as he spread it on me, then he warmed it with his breath and hands before inserting a finger into my asshole. I felt him pull away and then he was there once more, but this time it was the head of his cock applying the pressure. I groaned as he slowly worked his way in, biting my lip against the painful intrusion. We sat there for a moment as I adjusted to the sensation and then I could feel his cock sliding slowly, ever deeper, until his balls rested on the cheeks of my ass. He began to thrust inside me, picking up the tempo until he was fucking me hard and fast. I was amazed as how easily we fit into these previously unknown and primitive roles; he was a natural top and I was a natural bottom.

His cock swelled inside me as he pounded away.

My cock felt as if it would explode. My voice was ragged with lust. "Oh, fuck me. FUCK MEEE!"

Nick responded by slamming me with everything he had. I could feel his cock grow even larger, the veins standing out painfully and then the warmth of his cum as he splashed my insides with his pearly wetness. My own cock spasmed as I shot farther than I ever had before, hitting my stomach, chest and chin.

As he withdrew, Nick pulled me close to him and we held each other on the rug, our cocks touching. We kissed hard, our tongues fighting each other as we basked in each other's presence. Exhausted, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, as we awoke, I was worried about feeling weird, but as Nick grabbed my cock again, all my doubts were pushed aside. Although we should have been getting ready for class, we went for round three and afterward everything felt right between us.

We didn't drop the class, quite the opposite. I guess you could say that we've become star pupils. I don't even think about girls anymore; I'm fairly certain that I'm gay or at least extremely bisexual. And in love. Yes, love. But who better to be in love with than your best friend?

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments are always welcome at

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