Love Is Up Where We Belong

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jan 21, 2002


Disclaim: I do not know the Backstreet Boys nor the Royal Family. hides from the men in grey mutters dun want my head friggin' chopped off.

WARNINGS: Under 18 and/or illegal to view in your city/state/province/ planet, then please go to

Note: sorry it's so short.

Love Is Up Where We Belong Written By Nimm

Prologue: He looked at the picture he held in his hands. He never said he would fall for a man in uniform. But it was more likely of him to fall in love with someone as extraordinary as he was. Nick stared out of the London flat remembering the affair they had so long ago.

The man in the picture was only a bit younger than he was. He was dressed in the Royal Navy uniform, medals and all. Nick laughed as he remembered how he had commented that it was how a captain went down with his ship. The eyes were a ghostly blue, bordering a cornflower color. The face held nearly a vulnerable innocence.

Nick remembered that last photo shoot. There were only two pictures. One of him and one of his beloved at their best. It was the last time they were ever seen in public. He put the picture back on the nightstand.

It was worth it to be with him. It was worth it because now, his love as sleeping peacefully in his arms. He kissed the top of his love's head.

Cornflower blue eyes stared up at him before revealing a beautiful smile. "Good morning, Nicky." he whispered in his British accent.

"Good morning, Willie." Nick smiled as he brought Will closer. "So how do you feel?"

William stretched and snuggled into Nick. "Absolutely blissful." He sighed "Thank you for staying in England."

"Anything for my Wills." Nick kissed the top of his head. They lay in bed, conent with their lives finally winding down.

"Do you remember how you picked me up at the studio where I was waiting positively forever for you?" William asked.

Nick chuckled. "I figured I could give you one last moment of class."

"Good thing those medals were fake or else we'd have lost thousands of dollars worth of medals." Will smirked at his lifepartner. "I knew those were fake."

They sat back and remembered the wonderful and hurtful times they shared together. The thnderous and tormenting ride known as their love affair back then.

Will was from a world of absolute class and riches. Nick was from the world of pop music. It seemed impossible yet so possible at the same time.

Love Is Up Where We Belong Written By Lady Nimm (9)

Part 1: His Royal Highness, the 20-year old Prince William of Wales stared out of the rainy windows of St. James. It had become increasingly lonely especially since Harry left for rehab. He was the only one in the palace since grandmum and great-grandmum were off somewhere with father. A knock on the door brought him out of his reverie.

"Your Highness, the Backstreet Boys are here. They are only seeking shealter." A yung servaint maid was nearly tripping over herself thinking that the Backstreet Boys happen to land in St. James. "Oh please, your highness? They're so cute!"

William smiled. "Alright, show them in. I'll be down in a moment." So, he wouldn't be spending the day alone. He looked at his laptop sitting on a desktop. He had been to a site that really caught his interest. "All the world's a stage and I'm the greatest actress..."

He walked down the grand staircase to the living room. His eyes gave a glance over who they were and the youngest caught his eye. He was tall and had hidden muscles under layers of jackets. He could tell blonde hair peeked out of his hat.

He cleared his throat. They turned towards him and stood up. The blonde didn't stand up. Probably frozen off his own arse, Will thought amusedly. "Welcome, gentlemen." he smiled.

"Nick, stand up." said one of them, urgently pulling on the younger's arm. He reluctantly stood up. "We're sorry for barging in like this, your majesty, but it was pouring outside."

"It's no trouble at all. I could use the company." William smiled. "What are your names?" he asked.

"I'm Brian." the apologetic one smiled. "The tall guy is my cousin Kevin, and that's Howie with AJ sleeping on his shoulder. And this giant popsicle stick is Nick."

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you." William shook hands with each of them. He felt humbling and a tingly warmth when he shook Nick's hand. "Do you have a show in London?" he asked as they sat down again.

"Well, we're actually taking a break before resuming the tour in Paris and we really wanted to see London up close for once." Kevin explained.

"I see." Will mused. "Well, the rain isn't going to let up until tomorrow so I'll show you to some guet bedrooms."

"We don't want to intrude, your highness." Howie quickly said.

"It's actually alright. And please call me Will. I'm not going to send you to the tower of London for being my friend." he smiled. He called over a maid. "Bridgitte, could you please prepare three rooms? We have guests tonight."

"Th-thank you, Will." chattered Nick.

"You look especially frozen. I could have the kitchen send up bowls of soup." Will looked at Nick critically. He felt very dimunitive compared to him.

"It's ok, Will, I can warm up in no time. Remember, I'm from Florida." Nick smiled through blue lips. Will nodded as Bridgitte returned and escorted the five towards their rooms.

Nick lay under the layers of comfortable blankets. He knew who had graciously hosted them for the night. God, of all things, he had to be beaten over the heard repeatedly to forget who he was. For the longest time, he knew he had a rather growing crush on Prince William along with the rest of England's teenyboppers.

He didn't want to stand up because he knew as soon as he looked into Will's cornflower blue eyes, he would have trouble standing. He delibaretly got them stranded at St. James so that they would have a possible chance to meet him.

God, he saw concern and worry in Will's killer eyes. Nick wouldn't care if they sent him to the guillotine. If that's the price to kiss the tender boy's lips just once, it would be worth it.

But Will wasn't interested in him. He was concered because that was how he was brought up. He turned over to see the rainy streets of London.

Too many fantasies have haunted his head for a while. It was ever since he saw Will for the first time in '97. First, when the Windsors attended their concert. Will had been shy when he was around them. Then again, in August...that painful look in his eyes nearly ripped Nick in half. He wanted nothing else than to be able to console him for that.

How many times had he scratched the classic WILL+NICK in a heart? Or wrote countless fanfiction in his personal computer? Or wrote songs dedicated to him?

Nick buried his head in a pillow. Too many times.

Feverish dreams came to him as he tossed around the bed.

^^^^^^ "Nickolas," A Grecian woman stooped down to his level, "Be good for Jane and Bob. They are going to be your Mama and papa, understand?" she asked.

The little boy nodded. "Why cannot you be my mama or papi my papa?" he asked.

"It is very dangerous for you to be in our country." the woman explained. "Now be good Nickolas, be good."

Next: Chapter 2

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