Love is it just is: part #1.

By ask ask

Published on Nov 29, 2006



This story is not real(fiction) it doesn't have any events that happened in my life or anything it's only made up and if it has anything similar to anyone you cant sue me.

This story is about love so if your only looking for sex stuff I'm sure you can find another one that does contain alot after all this is E-mail me if any comments good or bad any that you have for me.


This story contains adult material and may be unsuitable for anyone under the age of 18. It involves sexual acts between females, if this offends you, then don't read it. Or if it's illegal in your state/country to read it please don't other wise read on ;)




Love what does love mean. Well if you would have asked me a few weeks ago, I would have probably said love means nothing, or something like that. Now ask me what love means, and i'll tell you love is the reason why we are all here, love is the best thing any person could feel for another person. No love is not only between a man and a women. Well let me start this story so you guys can get a better understanding of what I am talking about.

I woke up one day feeling like complete shit, and as usual I opened my eyes looked around a beautiful room I saw, but the beauty of it doesn't change the fact that its empty. With no other life in it other than my own. I stood up went to the kitchen and as always I made a cup of coffee and started to read the newspaper as I'm reading the newspaper I start to remember the first love I had, he left me because he said that I had nothing coming for me, and that I would always be broke, well things have changed since then. I make about 1.2 million a year or more depending on what business I'm working in at the time. I work for GLOBAL TEC. and I'm currently the president of that company. In such little time I have shown that I have what it takes to have that position in the company.

So yeah, I was reading the newspaper then I remembered about him. Then I knew why I was alone. It is because he was an asshole, and left me for some waitress and since then I don't trust anybody. I stood up from my seat went to take a shower got dresses and was out and on my way to the office. I took my 2006 silver S600 sedan (Mercedes-Benz) not to long ago I would have probably been driving a 1993 Honda civic (the car that my dad bought me for high school).

As I'm pulling out of the drive way of my home I didn't really feel like going to work today, and plus nothing big was going on that day. I decided to drive you know, to just drive around and look at all the lucky people around me (the people that are in a couple). So there I am driving going through roads I never been on before (I was in another city) so as luck would have it one of the wheels of my car pop's, or I don't know any other way to say it so i'll just say pop. "Great just great I just got this damn car and it's already popping tires on me!" I was yelling to no one in particular though, I was yelling at the car. So there I was with a tired popped and to lazy to get my cellphone out and call for help or something. So I did what anyone in that situation would do. I got out of the car try and see what was up, you know check if I could see a spike, or I don't know something that would have cause the tire to pop.

"bad day huh?" a female voice from behind me said.

"yeah, I guess it has been." I responded to her

"Need any help?" at this point I was getting annoyed, so I turned around and saw what was soon to be the love of my life. She looked like she was about 21 or something like that she was and still is really beautiful 5'3 in height with black hair to the nipples, about 120 pound or so, and blue eyes I mean really really blue mesmerizing they were to me. Well I'm not bad at the young age of 24 with black hair alittle longer than my shoulders, weight 124 and I'm 5'6 in height so I would say im good to.

"umm.... yes I mean if it's not any problem to you if you help or ....anything." i was sounding like a complete idiot at that point not even making seance in what I was saying to her.

"No, I mean it wouldn't be a problem at all."

"Then yeah, because I don't really know what to do and all." I have been in that situation before but usually I just call for help, but at this point I was glad that this happened to me and in no way I was gonna call for someone to come and fix it, it's worth it just to get to know this girl. What am I thinking she's a girl I'm not a lesbian am I? , "Well in that case I'm in the same position as you but, your in luck cause there is a tire shop just around the way there, just follow my car and I will show you."


She then went walking to the car parked in the back of mine so, I went to my car started it. she went around and stopped next too me I on instinct open the window.

"Just follow me okay, put your emergency lights on cause I'm gonna drive slow so your rim doesn't get messed up or anything." she said I find it cute that she still reminds me to follow her.

"ok" I said back at her. she just then nodded her head and smiled, and I got to see those beautiful teeth of her(I just love perfect teeth I find them hot) we drove for about 3 minutes. Then we stopped at this tire shop. I got out of my car and to my surprise 'she' got out of her car as well, she could just have left I mean she did take me to where I needed to be, but she wanted to stay. As I was thinking that I started to think that i haven't even asked her name.

"hello there young lady, what can I do for you?" a kinda over weight greasy man about 34 years in age asked me with you know one of those perverted smiles .

"I need a new tire is all." I kinda looked at him bad, cause of the way he smiled I'm sure he caught up to the fact that even if he flirted with me for hours he wouldn't get as much as a smile from me so he just said.

"i'll just check out if I can fix the old one then."

"umm no please, can I just buy a new one?"

"Yes ma'am, then ill go check the size of the tire and get one putted in right away."

"that would be great, thank you."

"Nice car." it was her

"Thank you, excuse my manners I haven't asked your name."

"Well then excuse mine's too cause I as well haven't asked yours, hi I'm Katherine." with a warm smile on her face he extended her hand to me so I can shake it

*I took her hand, and I felt some kinda electricity go between us, I'm pretty sure she felt it to. You could tell from the look on her face, and the way her blue eyes were looking at our hands connect."hi I umm, I'm Crystal nice to meet you."I said in a really nervous tone.

She nor me said anything we just stared at each other. Then I saw a little blush come on her cheeks I knew she was nervous she looked away quickly.

TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

********************************************** hi and thank you for reading the first part of my 3 story that i have written for nifty it has really been a pleasure written for all of you guys. I wanted to say thank you for all the people that have e-mailed me about my other stories(DAMN TEENS 'LESBIAN:HIGH SCHOOL") and (LESSON LEARNED 'LESBIAN:COLLEGE') and know that i will keep on writing them as always any feedback to this story would be great you know just to tell me that you liked this story and to keep writing or just to give some comments on how i can improve it.

send any GOOD OR BAD COMMENTS to my e-mail ( or if you would want to e-mail me to just tell me to keep writing this story i would also love to hear from you.


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