Love In The Air

By Blue Boy

Published on Mar 14, 2004



This story contains scenes that involve sex between consenting adult males and if this offends you, or if you are underage, or prohibited by law from viewing such material, leave now.

For those of you who have read my other stuff, I'm back! Hope you enjoy this one as much. Thanks to Sean for the ideas and corrections.

All comments and suggestions gratefully received at


"Boarding pass?"

I couldn't stop staring at him. He was gorgeous. It was hard to tell how old he was, but I would guess at early to mid-twenties. Five foot ten, dark hair, blue eyes and astoundingly good-looking... just my kinda guy.


Her voice brought me hurtling back to reality. She was collecting boarding passes and helpfully had her hand held out.

"Sorry," I muttered, red with embarrassment, as I handed her my boarding pass and walked towards the jetty, ready to board the plane. I turned around and took another look at him, stood there at the back of the queue. I hadn't noticed previously, but there was a girl next to him and as I looked they exchanged a brief kiss. Bollocks! Why are the cutest ones always straight? And worse still, attached. It was the story of my life. I sighed to myself and carried on walking down the jetty, focussing my thoughts instead on the great time I'd just had in New York, where I'd gone to see a mate who was working out there. We'd had a week full of shopping, sightseeing, drinking and clubbing, and there had been one night I'd had an unexpectedly better time than I'd bargained for in one of the gay clubs ;-)

But that was over now and it was time to return to my normal, humdrum everyday life. Once on the plane, I took my seat (a window seat as always) and observed the steady stream of passengers walking down the aisle locating their seats. I wondered who I would get sitting next to me for the next eight hours. Knowing my luck, it would be someone with a screaming kid, or some obnoxious old woman. Every time a half-decent looking guy walked towards me (and there were a few), I would pray it would be him... and then he would carry on walking. I'd always had this crazy fantasy about meeting some really nice guy on a plane and was it too much to ask, just for once to be sitting next to someone hot? I became completely absorbed in my thoughts for the second time in a few minutes, and it was only when I felt something brush against my arm that I realised someone had sat down next to me. I turned to look and... WOW! It was him. Sat right there next to me. Out of all the passengers it could have been, it was him. There was a God after all!

Man, he looked even more gorgeous up close. I would have to stop staring in a minute. He hadn't noticed yet anyway, as he had his face turned towards his girlfriend/fiancee/wife/whatever she was (who was actually also pretty nice looking, but that's another story...) He turned his face towards me and acknowledged me with a weak smile, which I immediately returned, and then we both looked away. I fumbled for the in-flight magazine in front of me and started flicking through the pages, staring right through them and trying to think of something to say. There must be a thousand ways to start a conversation but I couldn't think of a single one. "Hi, I'm Dan, you're gorgeous" probably wouldn't be a good opener. I sat in silence and hoped maybe he would say something.

"Thanks," I heard him say, and as I looked up, an air stewardess was handing out blankets and pillows. She held out a set for me and he passed them over to me. "Cheers," I said, and he responded with another brief but cute smile, before turning back to his (let's assume) girlfriend. As they were talking, I took the opportunity to discreetly check out his package while I had the chance, before it would be covered up with his blanket. I was pleased to observe that he had quite a sizeable bulge down there, even if perhaps accentuated by the tight jeans he was wearing. It was ample fuel for my rapidly forming fantasies about him anyway.

A few minutes later we were accelerating madly down the runway and then the ground was gone. Take-off had always been my favourite part of flying; I was like an excited little kid, staring in wonder out of the window.

"Wow," came a whisper from next to me, as a breathtaking sunset-backed New York skyline came into perfect view. I turned to look at him and he was wearing the same wondrous expression as I knew I was. It really was an awesome sight. (And so was the view from the window!)

"It's amazing, isn't it?" I said.

"Oh yeah!" he replied.

And so began our conversation. His girlfriend was already asleep with her earplugs in and her eye mask on. She didn't like flying, he told me, and she normally slept through the entire flight. Was that music to my ears or what! I had this beautiful guy (his name turned out to be Adam) all to myself for the next eight hours! What more could anyone ask for?

As the clouds rolled by outside us, we chatted and found we got on pretty well. He had the most sexy voice and I loved the way he talked, his gentle Manchester accent (or at least I was guessing it was from somewhere around Manchester, possibly Cheshire, I couldn't quite tell), the facial expressions he made, that smile to die for. We talked about music, football, even politics, and there was never a long period of silence. In short, we became mates. And as far as I was concerned, that was the perfect start. To what, I had no idea, but it was the perfect start.

A couple of hours into the flight, and we found that our conversation, although still flowing nicely, was becoming punctuated by yawning. As much as I didn't want to tear myself away from him, we both decided it would be a good idea to try and get some sleep and beat the jetlag. Although he was on my mind the moment I shut my eyes, I found that sleep came pretty easily. The next thing I knew, we were both lying in the aisle, naked and top of each other, my hands exploring every inch of his perfect body, and snogging each other hungrily... then we hit a sudden patch of turbulence and I woke with a start from my horny dream.

"Morning," joked Adam, and it took me a second or two to register my surroundings. And then I remembered, here I was, several miles above the Atlantic, sitting next to the man of my dreams -- literally.

"Alright," I smiled back at him. "You get much sleep?"

"A bit," he replied. "You look like you were enjoying that dream."

This threw me. What did he mean? Yeah I most definitely was enjoying that dream but how the fuck did he know that? He had an ill-concealed smirk on his face, and it looked dead sexy.

"What d'ya mean?" I finally asked him.

He continued to smirk at me for a few moments and then his eyes wandered down my body, coming to rest on my crotch. I realised with horror that I had a raging hard-on. I looked down and, sure enough, my blanket had slipped off and there was a large, noticeable bulge in my jeans. I felt my face burning, it must have been the deepest shade of crimson by now, I couldn't remember the last time I was this embarrassed, and I just wanted to vanish into thin air. I quickly pulled the blanket back over myself and glanced back at Adam. He was no longer hiding his amusement, but sat there with a big grin on his face.

"Is that what you meant earlier when you said you found it hard to sleep on a plane?" he grinned.

"I'm glad you find it funny," I said sheepishly.

"I do," he grinned back.

Suddenly I had a thought. "What were you doing looking down there anyway?" I asked him curiously.

Now it was his turn to feel uncomfortable and struggle for an answer and my turn to wear the superior grin. But within a couple of seconds, he was smiling again. "I was playing a game," he said. OK. Not quite an answer I was expecting.

"What game?" I enquired with a puzzled look on my face.

"It's called 'guess the size'".

I laughed out loud, and his smile widened.

"Go on then," I said. "What's your guess?"

"Eight inches," he replied, without any hesitation.

"Wow," I said, genuinely impressed that he had got it spot on. "You're good at that game. You know your cock sizes."

He laughed, and it suddenly occurred to me that we were talking about my dick. This thought immediately started to make me horny again. I was loving this conversation and I was gonna keep it going as long as I could.

"So do I get a go?" I asked.

"Yeah, OK," he said.

"But what do I get if I get it right?"

"Oh, I'm sure we can think of something," he said suggestively. Or at least I thought it sounded suggestive, maybe I was just imagining it, but who cares, I was loving being here with him and loving where this was going.

He pulled his blanket off and to my surprise the bulge in his jeans was considerably bigger than last time I looked. He must have had a hard-on all this time, the horny little bastard. I felt myself starting to get hard again, as I now freely ogled that bulge of his. He shifted forward a little, and moved his hand lazily up his thigh. He knew he was turning me on.

"It's kinda hard to tell," I said, my voice now dropping to almost a whisper. "It'd be easier if I could get a feel."

"Go for it," he said, and my heart began to race. He had actually agreed to let me touch him there, and I had definitely not imagined that.

Although it was now dark outside and the cabin lights were extremely dimmed, he wasn't going to take any chances. He pulled the blanket back up over himself and lifted one side for me. I slid my hand underneath and clasped it over his erection. I began to rub his crotch slowly, getting a good feel of that cock. He let out a small sigh and tilted his head back, as I traced the outline of his cock with my fingers, giving it the occasional squeeze. And all this whilst surrounded by three hundred people, not least of which was his girlfriend, peacefully asleep next to him, completely oblivious of what was going on. That was the biggest thrill.

My own cock was hard as a rock again, and I decided it was time to take things to the next level and see how he would react. I unzipped his fly and let my hand slip inside. If I was expecting him to flinch I had been mistaken, as the only reaction I got from him was a smile. This guy was horny. Hornier than me, and that was saying something. I rummaged around inside his flies and immediately felt flesh -- he didn't appear to be wearing any undies. Oh yeah, this guy was fucking horny, and I couldn't quite believe I was sat here with his cock in my hand. I took it out of his jeans, and softly stroked its length a few times. It seemed to be about the same length as my own, and uncut like mine, but maybe just very slightly fatter. I swirled my finger around the head for a moment, and felt a few drops of precum leak out. Man, I was enjoying this flight.

As I continued to fondle his cock, I felt him reach down for my own blanket, and I knew what was coming. Within seconds, he had his hand under my blanket and my cock out of my jeans, giving me a slow, gentle wank. I still couldn't believe we were doing this, and the fact that we were in a public place gave me the horniest feeling ever. I looked around and everyone who was within view was either asleep or watching the TV screen in front of them with their headphones on. I caught Adam's eye and we smiled at each other. Then we carried on playing with each other's cocks for a few moments, our actions hidden by the blankets.

Adam looked behind him, and then back at me. Suddenly, he pulled his hand away and pushed mine away from his cock. He had the most mischievous look on his face. He leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to the toilet. Come with me."

I couldn't help but break into grin and I felt like a kid whose Christmases had all come at once. He zipped himself up and spent a moment adjusting himself so that his hard-on wouldn't show. Then he stood up and without a backwards glance at me, clambered carefully over his sleeping girlfriend and disappeared up the aisle. I gave it a few moments and then followed him. I saw him go into the toilet, and there was no one else waiting, which presumably was what Adam had turned around to make sure earlier. I reached the toilet and had a quick look around to make sure no one was looking, and then reached for the door. As I expected, it was unlocked, and I slipped inside.

We stood there facing each other, both grinning like naughty schoolchildren. He looked so gorgeous I would quite happily have stood there staring at him all day long. But now we had the privacy, I could do much more than that; I wanted to touch him, stroke him, feel him. But first I wanted to kiss him. I didn't know whether he would be up for it or not, so I moved towards him tentatively, and just as I was an inch away from his face, he grabbed me and pressed his lips onto mine. I opened my mouth and gladly let him in, enjoying the feel of his warm, moist tongue colliding against mine. He pushed me right up against the door and we kissed passionately, while our hands groped each other unashamedly. I found his groin and squeezed his erection hard through his jeans, and he responded with a prolonged moan, muffled by our kissing.

I was aching to get a glimpse of that cock and now that I had the chance, I undid his flies and took it out, struggling to pull myself away from his face to look down at my prize. I stared at it in awe for a few seconds; standing fully erect, it was big and fat and just as I had imagined it to look like. I gently moved my fingers up and down the thick, veiny shaft, and then pulled the foreskin right back to reveal a big, purple head. Adam meanwhile took the opportunity to expose my own cock and soon we were slowly jerking each other off again, only this time there were no blankets to hide them from view.

As we played with each other, we exchanged lustful smiles.

"You're one horny fucker," I told him.

"You better believe it," he said, and as if to prove it, he grabbed me again, swung me around and almost threw me onto the toilet seat. Before I'd even had time to protest, he was thrusting his hard-on into my face, and there were no prizes for guessing what he wanted me to do. And make no mistake, I wanted that beast in my mouth just as much as he did.

Sticking my tongue out, I let it touch the tip of his cock, softly licking the piss-slit, then teasingly swirled my tongue around the head. He moaned deeply, as a few drops of precum oozed out, and its familiar salty taste invaded my mouth. I carried on pleasuring his cockhead with my tongue, but eventually he grew impatient and thrust himself forward, forcing more of his cock into my mouth. I moved my head forward and took in all eight glorious inches; I loved the feel of a warm cock in my mouth. Slowly, I began slurping and sucking my way up and down the shaft, gently guided by his hand on the back of my head.

"Fuck, you're good," he sighed, even though I already knew that. A few minutes later, as his moaning and sighing intensified, I sensed he was close to cumming, and then sure enough...

"Uhhhhhhh!" he moaned, as I felt the first of the hot jets of spunk hit the back of my throat. I gulped and swallowed as fast as I could, as he relentlessly shot load after load into my mouth. He kept shooting and I kept swallowing, it was an exciting challenge to keep up with him. Eventually his orgasm subsided, and I swallowed the last few drops, as he withdrew his limpening member from my mouth, still breathing heavily.

Adam looked at me, and I could see a burning desire in his eyes. "Will you fuck me?" he whispered. As horny as this stud was, I have to admit I wasn't expecting him to let me fuck him, especially in a toilet which was barely big enough for one person to have a piss in.

"I'd love to, mate," I said, "but..." I trailed off. Clearly Adam had already thought about this, as the next thing I knew, his jeans were off and he had perched himself on the tiny wash basin. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd had been planning fuck positions in the toilet ever since he'd caught me with a hard-on.

He flashed me that sexy smile again and I stood up and pulled my trousers down. Adam raised his legs as high as he could and pressed his feet either side of the door opposite. He was still wearing his T-shirt and white socks, and I realised this scene was straight out of one of my hottest fantasies. His tight, pink arsehole exposed and inviting, and my cock twitched excitedly at the sight. Trying to exercise a little patience, I started with one finger, inserting it carefully into his hole, then making gentle stirring motions.

"Mmmmmmm," came Adam's response, prompting me to try two fingers and then three.

"You ready for me?" I said, as my patience quickly began to wane.

"I want that cock inside me," he pleaded, and I needed no further invitation. His hole was loosened enough and ready for me. I pressed the tip of my hungry cock against his entrance and held it there for a second. Then, slowly and smoothly, I began to enter him, an inch at a time, until I was completely inside him. I held it there for a second, and then leant forward and placed a kiss on his lips.

But he didn't seem too interested in a kiss just then. "Fuck me," he whispered. He wanted it bad. I pulled out three quarters of the way, and then speared sharply back in again. Adam grunted involuntarily, and I began fucking him with a steady rhythm.

"Fuck me! Harder!" he gasped, his breathing becoming heavier. Obligingly, I increased my pace, driving into him harder and faster with every thrust. This had to rank as one of the best fucks of my life, and judging by the look on Adam's face, his too. His face was lit up with pure pleasure and I'd never seen anyone look like they were enjoying being fucked so much. This gave me an overwhelming urge to want to please him even more, and I began to pound his arse harder and faster still, until his gasps started turning into gentle screams.

I'd always had a thing about snogging someone while I fucked them, and his open mouth and luscious lips were too inviting to ignore, so I leant forward again and pressed my lips onto his. I forced my tongue inside his mouth, this time not taking no for an answer, and when he realised there was no point trying to resist, he gave in and started kissing me back passionately. With my tongue deep inside his mouth and wrestling ferociously with his, I carried on fucking him with the same pace and rhythm, until eventually I felt my balls tighten and I could feel my orgasm building up inside me. And then with a deep, uncontrollable moan, I felt myself erupt and blow my load deep inside Adam's anus, flooding his hole with jet after jet of my hot man-juice. It had to be one of the longest orgasms I'd ever experienced, and when it finally subsided his arse was dripping a horny mixture of sweat and cum. I withdrew my cock from him but we stayed in that position for what must have been a couple of minutes, our arms around each other, our foreheads touching and our breathing slowly returning to normal. Every now and again, one of us would plant a little kiss on the other's lips. It was a sexy few moments after one hell of a shag.

"That was fuckin' amazing, man," he said eventually.

I couldn't have put it any differently myself, so I just smiled at him in agreement.

"We better get back," he said, and we both got dressed (which wasn't easy in a toilet that size) and straightened our ruffled hair. Adam unlocked the door and opened it just a crack at first to check that no-one was outside. There wasn't and he gave me a quick kiss before opening the door and walking out, closing it again behind him. I gave it a few seconds and then peered outside; thankfully there was still no-one waiting. I opened the door and casually walked out. But just as I came to close it, I almost jumped when I saw one of the air stewards stood behind it. He looked mildly shocked, but I couldn't decide whether he suspected anything or not. I smiled at him politely and had just started off down the aisle when he spoke.

"That was brave," he said.

He knew. There was no point denying it, I thought, he must have seen us both come out. He looked rather camp anyway, so I figured with amusement that he probably did this sort of thing all the time.

"Thanks," I beamed at him. He was probably expecting me to play dumb, and he almost certainly wasn't expecting me to thank him. He forced a weak smile, before I turned and made my way back to my seat, unable to stop smiling. I climbed cautiously back over Adam's still sleeping girlfriend and less cautiously over Adam, collapsing back on to my seat. We couldn't help but grin at each other with the knowledge of what we'd just done. Then Adam reached for his blanket and pulled it over himself. He looked at me with that now familiar suggestive smile and wicked glint in his eye, and raised one side of the blanket. We were still only half-way through the flight and I got the feeling that the fun had only just begun...

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