Love Has No Gender

Published on Jul 26, 2020



It's been two years since the last chapter. I know...and I'm sorry.

I had gotten so many emails asking when I'll write another chapter. This afternoon I finally out on my big boy boots and got writing.

I really hope you enjoy it as much as you did years ago.

P.S. If you don't remember the story you MIGHT wanna read Chapters 1-5 first lol.

Stay safe, Ryan



"Come on, Ryder!! Pass it! Get in there! That's it! Show them everything we practised! Get in!"

"Your kid out there as well?" the woman next to Rocco in the stands asked, a friendly, understanding smile across her face. It was bitching hot out there and the parents were having to sweat it out way more than the little scamps on the soccer field.

Ryder's school was up 2-1 and they just needed to see out the final few minutes in order to claim the trophy for the provincial tournament for under 10 boys teams out of the entire country.

It's something that Ryder hasn't stopped talking about since the school year began. It would mean so much to his son if they could fly home with that winners medal safe and secured after all the hard work they had put in.

Rocco took a sip of his Coke before smiling back at the woman next to him.

"Sure is. That tall one on the left hand side. He's a defender. Makes me cringe every time he's trying to defend the other team getting the ball, because you never know what can happen. I take it yours is playing as well?"

The woman smiled and was clearly, smitten much, with the handsome Rocco. She tucked a string of hair in behind her ear whilst seductively batting her eyelids at him.

"You guessed it. I'm local. My son is playing for the home team. Not sure me and you should be this friendly towards each other when we support different teams today. Ha, I'm totally kidding. So...where's the Missus? I assume you are married," she asked, about as subtle as a house brick.

Rocco smiled and showed off his ring less fingers. He knew exactly what she was after and boy oh boy, she was not gonna get it.

"Nope. My wife, she died two years ago. Tragically. I was in the car with her. Still, life goes on. How about we concentrate on the football, yeah? Our boys are still on the field. Not being rude, but I don't want anyone in my life. Not even for a hook-up."

The woman suddenly had a face that closely resembled that of one of those Egyptian cats.

She sulked away, clearly refusing to continue their conversation. Rocco smiled, and searched for his boy on the field, until he spotted him, digging in his heels ferociously as he prepared for the onslaught of the local team's strikers.

If they could mange to score a goal, it would be tied 2-2 which would mean that the title would stay local because of their better goal difference to Ryder's team.

It was thus up to Ryder and co, to try their best to defend their lead. The local boys were trying anything in their nine year old power to play dirty however, as their coach continued to shout instructions from the touch line.

Rocco and the rest of the parents in the stands shrieked and grimaced as Ryder and two other boys suddenly collided head on, trying and doing their utmost best to defend the lead, and it was when Ryder didn't get up after the incident, that Rocco stood up, and slowly walked over to the pitch.

"Oi! Ref...stop the game! That's...that's my son! His injured!"

"Can't do, Padre. The game is almost over. We have to continue, it's unfair towards the local team," the ref shouted back, smiling evilly as he did so.

Bastard. Fuck this.

Rocco had enough of people messing with him in his life, and this overweight piece of shit with a whistle wasn't gonna join those masses. Not today.

Not caring about the game, Rocco jogged over to where his son was still lying face down on the pitch, and when he reached Ryder, he knew this was serious.

His boy had a huge cut across his hairline, and he wasn't moving. Rocco quickly felt for a pulse, fearing the worst, and thanked his stars that was still there. Faint, but still there.

He picked Rocco up into his strong arms, the entire stadium as well as the parents and kids watching him. Some of them stood up and started to applaud him for taking his son out of the game and putting HIS needs first.

As Rocco passed the referee he glanced at the fat idiot's face, now a mere shadow of that sarcastic wart he had so nicely asked to stop the game.

"Prepare yourself for a law suit. I ain't done with you," he hissed towards the man, who in reply, swallowed, hard, in sheer intimidation. Rocco was NOT the sort of man you wanted to be your enemy.

The mysterious woman, who had been flirting with Rocco to no avail all afternoon, came running towards him as he neared the stands with a still unconscious Ryder inside his arms.

"The nearest doctor is only a few blocks away. I can take you guys. Your kid needs help!"

When Rocco didn't answer immediately, she sighed and grabbed her handbag swinging it across her shoulder.

"I'm a parent as well. I know what it's like. My son can stay with his dad for a while and I can quickly take you there. Look, I know I was desperate for a shag. You're sexy as hell. I learned my lesson. I just want to help you. Your son is bleeding so much it's dripping on the grass! Stop being so hard headed, I said I'm sorry! Now are you gonna follow me to my doctor or not?"

There were more than just a couple of reasons why Rocco was nervous to do what she had asked. You never knew who was your enemy, and who was not.

Especially now that they were in unknown territory. But Ryder wanted to come, he wanted to play in the soccer tournament so badly. The boy had real talent, to perhaps make it big someday, in the Premier League. Dreams were meant to have you suceed.

Rocco couldn't look into his son's eyes and tell him that there was so much danger out there, that it was literally too dangerous to travel too much. Ryder didn't understand that, and Rocco couldn't explain why. The kid was only nine-and-a-half and he a and already had such a complicated life.

He knew he had no choice. He didn't know how badly Ryder's head was damaged in the collision that happened on the field.

"Okay, but I'll follow you in my car. Just...hurry please?"

The woman nodded and both of them walked as quickly as they could, out of the stadium. As luck would have it, both didn't park that far from the other. Rocco carefully, placed Ryder on the back seat, of his own car, and placed a blanket underneath his head to keep him warm and as comfortable as possible.

He saw the woman pull out of the parking lot and she had signalled to follow her. With a prayer that he wasn't walking straight into a trap, Rocco reversed and drove after her.


They pulled in to one of the local clinics, purely because going to a hospital would take too much time. Ryder needed help, and fast.

On the other hand, that was perhaps a blessing in disguise. Their money was rapidly beginning to run out and he had to save every cent they had. He didn't know when he would be receiving another transfer from the WPP.

The woman got out and carefully walked over towards Rocco and Ryder, examining the boy, who still had not made any moves to wake up and show any signs of life.

"Sir, I don't wanna worry you, but he really should have woken up by now. This is where I work, I'm a nurse. I'll get you Doctor Roberts, our paediatrician, to see you as quick as I can. Go inside there, at the Emergency counter, tell them what happened and the nurses will take it from there. I'll be back soon!"

Rocco did as he was told, an ice cold flutter inside his stomach threatening to overwhelm him. Ryder was his everything, all he had left in this world...please, please let him be okay...

Once he had explained what had happened and the severity of the situation to the nurses, they quickly placed Ryder on a gurney, and marched off with him to somewhere inside the hospital for treatment. One of the nurses told Rocco that he needed to be calm, and patient and they were gonna do everything they can for Ryder.

A nauseating feeling inside his belly told him that was usually what hospital folk said to people who wasn't gonna make it.

Stop it, Rocco. Get a fucking grip!

Ryder was a strong boy. He was young and healthy. He'll get through this, you HAVE to believe that.

If himself and Ryder could have survived Teresa, they could damn well survive anything.


"The head of the school said he wanted to see us both! Ryder's father AND his mother! What about that don't you fucking understand?" Rocco yelled towards his wife as she was stuffing her laptop inside it's carrier bag.

She didn't even so much as bother to even look up at him. Clearly he wasn't important enough.

"Lemme get this straight, Rocco. You want me to miss a department meeting to go and sit inside that bald fuck's office and listen to how BADLY our son has been doing in school? When I could have been making money? When I still have to support you and the peanuts that call a salary??"

I've had it with this woman. I couldn't anymore.

"You won't acknowledge me and our son but you don't wanna divorce me either! You go on and blackmail me by saying you'll fight for custody of Ryder when you can't stand to look at him! All just to spite me! You heartless bitch!"

Teresa smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. She picked up her mobile phone and held it out to Rocco.

"I'll do it, you know. I'll call the cops and tell them you've been assaulting me for years. Who are they gonna believe? The successful business woman or the fast food server?"

Rocco sunk down to his knees. His hands were piling up into fists at the unfairness of it all. He didn't know what to do! He felt so damn helpless! Was there NOTHING he could do to stop Teresa? He didn't have money to fight her in a law suit! She has an entire company backing her!

God knows Ryder was terrified at his mother because how she treated him. She was prepared to ruin his life only to spite me!

Teresa clapped her hands sarcastically.

"Sinking to the knees. What a performance. You should have pursued acting. Most of them actors are unemployed half the year, you would have fit right in."

She kicked out as Rocco's back with her high heel shoe she was wearing, making Rocco hiss in sheer agony.

"If it means that much to you, I'll reschedule my meeting. I'm not doing it for you, or even for that brat. I'm doing it because I can't afford stories of me neglecting my child get to the office. Are you coming or not?"


"Really, Rocco. You think I'm evil? You think I don't have a heart? What happened to that teenage girl you fell in love with and gotten pregnant? You realise if my brother hadn't forced you to marry me, what I could have become by now? But nooo...Phillip always knew better. Can't harm the image of the Harlem's, he said! Had to do the right thing, he said! And look at me now. I'm stuck in a loveless marriage with an ape as well as his offspring!"

Rocco was clenching his teeth not to say anything. Inside he was shaking with rage. Focus on Ryder. Your son. You love him.

If only he could have popped over to see Brad. He'd know what to say, to calm him down.

He knew that was more than off limits. Brad and Nikki had moved a few days ago after a sudden transfer that he had gotten to God knows where. He had made peace with the fact that they would never see each other ever again.

It more than broke his heart. Falling in love with his best friend...not the most clever move he ever made. Rocco being straight, never having had feelings for another man, and yet, the bond he had shared with Brad was indescribable.

Love really had no gender.

He wished, prayed...craved...that he could see Brad just once more. Just one more time. To hold him inside his arms, feel his lips on his own. Those beautiful blue eyes of the man he had loved so very much before everything went to jack shit.

After rejecting Brad's wife, Nikki's request to make things right with Brad, the two of them having fallen out, he knew things would never be the same. Nikki know knew of his feelings for her husband and there was no way, no how, he was messing them up even further. He wasn't gonna be the reason Brad was leaving Nikki and their seven year old son, Dave.

He never saw Brad again, and as far as he knew, neither him nor Nikki made the effort to say goodbye before they had moved.

"How long does these meeting usually last? I'm talking to you, you stupid bastard!"

Sighing, used to this kind of abuse, he turned towards Teresa and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. It's up to the Head, innit? He usually talks to me about how Ryder is doing in school and gives advice. That's why its called "Parent Teacher Meetings".

Teresa made a sound like a pig squealing in mud.

"Waste of fucking time if you ask me. Don't these teachers realise we are WORKING parents? And by working, I mean me. Delivering take out, isn't a damn job! Why can't they just email us and say the brat is failing or passing or what ever the hell they're doing in school. In the real word, we adults have money to make."

Teresa looked at her watch what seemed like the millionth and time let out a fierce roar of anger.

"I'm late! I'm fucking late! See what you've done? If I lose that pitch today you and your son are OUT of my house!"

Rocco grabbed Jill's arm roughly. He had enough! No person could listen to all this and NOT get mad as hell.

"I think you mean, OUR house, wifey!" he choked out, his saliva splattering against her face.

Teresa violently pushed Rocco back into his seat and took control of the car, driving even faster.


It was like something inside Rocco broke. And it could never be mended...

"At least I could get it up for BRAD next door! Shows how much YOU know!"

For just a fleeting moment...Teresa took her eyes off the road.

She didn't slow her speed.

Humiliation, anger, resentment and complete and utter HATRED was etched on her face as she realised just WHAT I had said...and it would forever be.

The car SMASHED into an oncoming food truck that didn't have enough time to change lanes.

Teresa was lunged through the window and her body collapsed onto the rubble. I saw it inside her eyes. She was dead on impact.

Reacting on guts alone, I opened the car door of the passenger side and threw myself onto the tarred road, before the truck solidly slammed on top of the space where I had been mere seconds ago.

If that door had been jammed shut I would have been a dead as Teresa was now.


Relieving that fateful day as I waited for news from Ryder and his head injury, I looked up and saw a man wearing an overcoat walk over to me.

Inside his hand he was holding what looked like a file, and he was doing a once over on what was inside.

He was tall, imposing, he had to be a doctor of some sort. I stood up, hoping at last, that there would be some sort of news...I had been waiting over an hour and I was a little more than terrified to stay in the same area for more than a few hours, at least.

See, when Teresa died, her gangster brother, Phillip, or Cheetah, as he was known in the underworld, and his possy, the Harlem's, weren't too pleased with me.

They knew I had been in the car with her, and they were convinced I was responsible for her death. They weren't exactly much as I hated Teresa because how she treated me and Ryder over the years, she wouldn't have taken her eyes off the road, if I hadn't told her I was in love with Brad.

Me and Ryder had been on the run for just under two years now. We couldn't dare stay in Teresa's home. They were after us with an animalistic passion.

Until this day, the Harlem's hadn't been able to track us down. Because me and Ryder were always, always on the move.

I couldn't tell Ryder the truth. That his uncle had declared war on me and that's why we had to go into witness protection? Hell no! None of this was his fault.

I felt guilty as fuck for giving Ryder half an life ...always on the run, looking over our shoulders. Because if Cheetah ever found us, he would personally take his revenge for his sister's death out on me.

I didn't even wanna think what he'd do to Ryder.


I was still lodged at the nurse's station when the doctor in question turned towards me.

"Mister Reed, I'm Doctor Brad Roberts, with news about young Ryder..."

He suddenly looked up.

Rocco would fucking recognise that voice and face anywhere.

Time was frozen.

It had been nearly two years.

It couldn't be.

It CAN'T be!

...and yet it was.

"Brad..." Rocco whispered, a funny sort of warmth spreading through his chest and heart.

Brad put down the folder he was holding, and placed his hand over his mouth in sheer disbelief.

"Jesus...Rocco, what are you doing here?" he asked, his eyes never leaving the other man's.

He was still as beautiful as he was when they were neighbours. His body was more built, he had gained more muscle, his hair was shorter...but it was still Brad.

Of course...Brad was a doctor. How could he forget that?

That's how they met in the first place, when the good doctor was checking out a rash on Ryder's tummy, and Rocco had assaulted him for thinking he was a paedophile.

Even so, he never expected to find him here! And if Ryder hadn't been injured in the football match, he would never have known Brad was here...

"Uhm...Are you the doctor who's working on my son?" was all Rocco could manage to croak out.

Brad's eyes, moving up and down his upper body, was drenched in utter confusion, before he realised where he was, and looked down at the folder.

"Yeah...I mean yes. Yes, I just said to my nurses that I wondered where I had heard that name before. Ryder Reed. Should have put two and two together. Relax, Rocco. Ryder is gonna be fine. He has a mild concussion and a minor haematoma on his frontal lobe but it's not serious. Still, I will recommend he stay here with us for a few days, just to be on the safe side."

Rocco's heart dropped.

"No. No! We can't stay. No, that's not gonna work. We have to move, we can't...fuck Brad, you don't understand!"

Rocco was halted by Brad placing a warm hand on top of his arm. His former neighbour looked him straight in the eye, before squeezing his arm tightly.

"Listen, how about I stick you for coffee? I think we have a lot to talk about and it looks like you really need it," Brad said signalling towards the cafeteria.

Rocco hesitated for a moment.

He really wanted to get himself and Ryder the fuck outta there ...but the man he loved most in this world, yes, still after two whole years, was now right in front of him. With Cheetah and the gang on his ass, he'll probably never get another chance again.

Brad was right. They needed to talk.


The steam from the freshly brewed coffee perked Rocco up as he mixed in some sugar and milk. He saw that Brad still drank his black, like he always did.

"Sorry this isn't one of my famous coffees you liked so much back then," Brad joked as he took a sip, still very much focused on Rocco, who sadly, chuckled.

"Yeah man. Those were good times."

Brad leaned forward and softly, gently, careful to have anyone see them, slightly caressed Rocco's knuckles with his thumb.

"Then why did you leave me?" he whispered, his eyes full of unshed tears and memories.

Rocco sighed and withdrew his hand from the table. He saw the hurt in Brad's eyes but this was for the best. There was no future for them. Certainly not now.

"I don't know if she ever told you this, but Nikki overheard me that day, two years ago, when you had the accident. I was sitting next to your bed, telling you I loved you. Yes, Brad. Don't ask me how, don't ask me why. I fell for you harder than I ever had for anyone. I couldn't break up your family. And when Teresa had me arrested for stealing her car, and Nikki bailed me out, I had to make some hard choices. I buried myself in work, so I didn't run into you. I purposely avoided you everywhere I could. And then, Teresa told me you and Nikki were moving. I guess, here was the location, right?"

Brad finished his coffee and folded his arms. His eyes were as red as his Man United jersey he always wore when they were together.

"Me and Nikki are divorced. We share custody of Dave. He's gonna be really glad to see Ryder again, the two of them were best buds. Where's Teresa though? She coming?"

Rocco flickered his eyes towards the floor.

"No. She died. Car accident."

Brad looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself just in time.

A silence drifted through them, as neither knew exactly what to say or do next.

It was Brad who stood up and threw away his empty coffee cup.

"I have to get back to Ryder and my other patients. I guess I'll see you later."

"No, Brad, wait!"

Rocco stood up and blocked Brad's path.

"Look dude, I'm begging you. You can't have Ryder stay the night. Not even to mention, a few. He has to leave with me if he's gonna be okay. Please."

Brad frowned. The cafeteria was near empty. He leaned in closer.

"Rocco, are you in some kind of trouble? If you are, maybe I can help you?"

"No one can help me, okay! Look, it was great seeing you, and thanks for looking after Ryder but we have to go. Please. Don't let him stay!"

Brad look one long look at a desperate Rocco, before shrugging his shoulders and forcing a smile on his face.

"You're his dad. It's on you," he said.

Both men exited the cafeteria and re-entered the paediatric ward.

"I'll quickly do his obs, and see how soon I can sign his discharge papers. Rocco...a head wound like this, especially on a child, really needs to be seen to, please..."

"Brad, just trust me! I can't leave him here! I can't be here!"

"Because of me? You're gambling with Ryder's health because you wanna get away from me? Is that it?"

Rocco sunk into the nearest bench he saw. Holding his hesd inside his hands he rocked back and forth in sheer morbidity.

"Look, if I tell you, you don't tell another soul. If you do, both me and Ryder are dead! You got me?"

Now Brad was more worried than ever. He sat down next to Rocco and placed his hand on his back, slowly caressing it in small circles.

"I won't tell anyone. You can trust me. You always did," he said softly, so only Rocco could hear.

Rocco looked up from his legs and swallowed, his eyes betraying just how much he was enjoying feeling Brad's hand on his skin.

In short, he told Brad everything he had kept secret for so long.

"And they think YOU caused her accident? Why? They are animals!" Brad murmured angrily, his entire complex having changed.

"Well, I might have told her something in the heat of the moment that made her take her yes off the road, she was insulting me, degrading me to the point where I couldn't stay quiet anymore. I told her...I told her about us."

"YOU DID WHAT?" Brad hissed, pulling Rocco upwards and into the bathroom on the paediatric ward. Making sure there was no one inside he locked the door and stared at Rocco in confusion.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't stop myself! You remember how she was! Only cared for herself! Mean, evil and just plain nasty! You told me yourself you and Nikki overheard her shouting at me and Ryder numerous times! I couldn't take it anymore!"

Brad seemed to calm down, as he paced himself around the bathroom.

"Should I be worried this gang is gonna come after me? I have a son to worry about too," he whispered.

Rocco shook his head.

"Cheetah and his boys don't even know you exist. I told Teresa about us, seconds before we crashed. There's no way they can know. This has been my life for nearly two years, Brad. We can't stay here."

Brad stopped pacing, and tapped his fingers gently on the washbasin.

"You can stay with me."

"Come again?" Brad asked.

"What I said. Both you and Ryder can stay with me. At least until he's fully recovered. Rocco, if he has a seizure or something else happens with that head wound because you took him home too soon, you're never gonna forgive yourself. Just until he's healthy again. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

Rocco was tired. More than he had ever felt before. He didn't have the sheer energy to keep on arguing.

He knew he could trust Brad.

They had been best friends. Mote than. They were lovers.

"Thanks. I guess. But only until Ryder can travel again! Please, go check on him, and make sure you tell him I love him and I'm outside waiting to see him!"

Brad nodded and turned to leave the bathroom.

Before he did, he looked Rocco in the eye, one more time.

" wasn't just you, who fell in love. "

Rocco held his breath. He pleaded for Brad to finish his sentence.

Brad blinked twice, before continuing...

"I did too. I loved you, mate. I...I kinda still do. But there's more important stuff going on now. Wait for me, I'll be back shortly."


Minutes after Brad had departed the bathroom, Rocco was still in there, trying to piece together what had happened in these few short hours.

Ryder got a nasty head injury. A friendly nurse brought them here. He met up with Brad for the first time in two years. The man he loved with his whole being.

And now... he was offering them a place to stay.

He knew of the danger Cheetah and the rest of the Harlem's posed.

And still...he didn't hesitate to help.

Rocco smirked.

He loved that man.

When you couldn't stop thinking of someone, when your whole heart and being is yearning to be with them, even after two years, you bet your sweet ass, it's love.

He had to trust Brad. He had no choice. Ryder was still in recovery. Brad was right, one didn't take chances with a head wound.

Question was he and Brad, who had been neighbours and lovers years ago, gonna live in a house...together?



It's been two years. I always hated myself for not finishing the story.

I owed it to you guys to do just that.

Lemme know what you thought xx

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