Love Has No Gender

Published on Jul 23, 2018


Yo peeps!!

Sorry for the week long wait. Life got in the way a little, I guess.

THIS CHAPTER HAS A SEX SCENE!!! HALLALUJA hahahaha. Aww bless. It was time.

Wanna chat about the story? Simple as. Just shoot me a email :)

Love always, Ryan


Did Rocco hear correctly?

Nicci had just walked in on him telling HER husband that he loved him more than life itself and she just stood there...not saying a thing...eyes wide and blotchy...watching Rocco intently...after saying that the police was outside and wanted to speak to him.


"It's nothing, Rocco. But I'll suggest you get outside. These officers looks pretty angry." Nicci replied, her eyes still firmly on her unconscious husband.

Rocco stood up and wanted to take a last, one final look back at the man he loved, but with his wife in there with him, he almost felt like he was caught of stealing. Oh yeah...he actually was. He was busy stealing Nicci's husband from right under her nose. God, how the hell did this all accelerate to this? A few weeks ago, his life was...well worse than it was right now, lets be perfectly honest. Simply because...because Brad was not in it.

He had fallen in love. With a man. With another dude. One that was seemingly happily married and had a child. Fuck sake. He shook his head. It will take forever to try and figure out how he and Brad developed these romantic feelings for eacother but right now, there was a very annoyed looking police officer standing in the corner of the hospital corridor. Rocco nervously looked at him and walked over to the man in uniform. He knew exactly what this was about.

"Officer? I was told you were looking for me?"

"Is this a photo of you wife, Teresa's car on this picture?" The officer said, showing Rocco a picture of the same car he used to drive Nicci to hospital. The same one, in which Teresa promised she would make him pay, if he took it to take Teresa to the hospital. Rocco was stunned. He didn't actually think she would really...

"Yes, Officer. I used my wife's car without her permission to drive our neighbour to hospital. Her husband had been in a serious accident."

"I don't care about long stories. Your wife laid a charge of theft of a motor vehicle against you. Please accompany us to the police station."

This was nuts! Rocco looked over his shoulder at the room where Brad was in. He sighed. Maybe this was for the better. His wife was in there with him afterall. She'll look after him and make sure he had everything he needed. Afterall...she was his wife. Funny that, he thought, as the policeman cuffed his hands together and people started staring...he felt like he was leaving a piece of his heart behind.

At the station he told the story over and over again. Until he was actually sick of hearing his own voice. The more he tried desperately to convince the officers that he needed the car in the need of an emergency, the less they believed him. All in all, he was sent home finally, but with a torrent about amount of bail that was needed for his release. Rocco didn't have that much money and he knew for sure that Teresa wouldn't bail him out. He didnt know of anyone he could call to pay that much to get him out of here. Teresa was her who did this to him in the first place. This was exactly what she wanted in her plan to take Ryder away from him.

As he was lead to a single holding cell, the tears rolled down his cheeks. Ryder had to be so scared right now, with his daddy not coming home. He was terrified of Teresa. The tears and the sobs really turned intense as he was pushed into the cell and after a loud BANG the door was slammed and locked shut. Rocco was alone. For the first time since his mother died all those years ago, he was alone.

His thoughts travelled from his young son to his best friend and the man who had stolen his heart. Would he have stopped himself if he knew THIS was where he would eventually end up? His heart swelled as he thought of Brad's beautiful blue eyes. The way his lips felt on Rocco's skin. Yes. In a damn heartbeat. He'd do things all over again. What he felt for Brad was more than just a school boy crush. It was real, intense, passionate. Evertything he had ever believed love could feel like. Now Brad was lying in a hospital bed. His wife, Nicci, knew the truth. And he, Rocco, was jacked up inside a holding cell waiting trial because his wife was a psychopathic bitch. So much for the nightmare that was his life.

Was he dreaming? He was so out of it, he didn't quite know or even care. But suddenly, as if for a thirsty man encountering an emergency oasis...there was Brad. Inside the cell with him. Rocco swallowed slowly and blinked twice. Was he dreaming? If he had to be by far the best one he ever had.

"Brad?" He whispered, hopefully.

"Yeah mate. It's me." Brad whispered back, smiling as he did so.

Rocco flew up from the floor where he had been sleeping and threw himself into Brad's arms. The latter clutched at his body like his life had depended on it. The two men stood in their close embrace for a while before Brad leaned down and kissed Rocco's lips.

"I told you I'd always be here, didn't I?"

"I love you, Brad. I need you..."

Brad's piercing blue eyes bore into Rocco's soul. This young man had an aura which could not be easily dismissed.

Rocco said, "God, I'm so glad I can finally say it now. Come on," as he stepped back to allow the other man, his best friend, access to his police cell. Walking past him, Rocco drank in Brad's powerful body. Long and lanky, the tall man was any man or woman's dream.

Looking at the body presented to him, Rocco was dutifully impressed. Tight jeans seemed painted to the young man's firm ass. His powerful thighs strained against the cloth. The blue t-shirt he wore accented his fit body.

Long brawny arms stretched the thin fabric. Brad either spent time in the gym or swam a lot in his free time, in which he spent many hours working his extraordinary arm muscles to the limit.

Rocco motioned to the metal steel-hard bed in the middle of the room. "Please sit down," he said in the calmest voice he could muster. Brad strode over his long legs transporting him quickly to the couch. He placed a kiss on Rocco's head as he sat down. Rocco smiled shyly and ran his hands over Brad's shoulders. His best friend was wearing way too any clothes.

Stretching his arms over his head, the tight blue shirt escaped the confines of Brad's jeans. Its as if his lover knew exactly what he wanted. Rocco was teased by the brief sight of a firm six pack. The entranced man had trouble removing his eyes from the beautiful sight.

Brad began the events by lifting his blue t-shirt over his head. Rocco tried hard not to gasp at the beautiful flesh that was being unveiled in front of him. Long muscular arms tugged the shirt over the young man's head. In front of him was the most striking male body he had seen in years. Brad had a tight athlete's body, not the massive muscle of a bodybuilder, but the smooth and strong physique of a basketball or soccer player.

Rocco was in lust. He was unable to move, paralyzed by the body in front of him. Realising the effect he was having on the man he had somehow fallen head over heels for, Brad took matters into his own hands. He reached out and began to unbutton the other man's shirt. Brad looked at the strong biceps of the Rocco, his guy. Each button caused a slight twitch in the strong muscles. Undoing the last button he brought his large hands back up to the other male's shoulders and pulled the shirt off. Slowly it slid down Rocco's back and on to the floor.

The two men faced each other bare-chested. The difference was significant. Where as Brad was lanky and had more of a footballer's build, Rocco was pure muscle. Both didn't mind. Not when there was love like their's involved. Rocco had an urge that needed to be explored and satisfied. He needed Brad naked. His best friend was clearly confused as he fumbled with his belt. The message though in Rocco's eyes was clear as crystal. Brad's confused eyes slowly understood and they kissed softy in unison.

"Love you, mate..." Brad mumbled softly.

Bringing his right hand up, Rocco tugged at both sides of the pants, trying to unleash the monster within. First the curly hairs of his crotch came into view. Rocco realized that Brad wasn't wearing any underwear. His breathing became very shallow. He swallowed hard as the denim fabric slipped off of the doctor's thin hips and down his powerful thighs.

In the blink of an eye, there it was staring him right in the face. The beautiful cock he had been dreaming about ever since he had felt the hard organ against his leg when they kissed inside Brad's home. It had freaked him out back then. So much so, that it was part of the reason they avoided eachother the last few days. Theu figured they weren't gay, and was shocked at the mere thought of having sexual relations. Two straight men with a animalistic lust for eachother.

Then came the accident. He could have lost Brad forever. He wasnt gonna take that chance again. He loved Brad, and Brad loved him. Why wait?

Still soft, the thick member stretched down a good four inches. The plump shaft was surrounded by two very large fur covered balls. Hanging languidly in front of Rocco's face was a cock that was almost as long soft, as his was hard, and it looked to already be thicker than his average member.

"Go ahead, touch it, that is why I'm here," Brad said in an encouraging voice. Gaining confidence Rocco reached out and wrapped his hard, calloused hands around the soft cock. Pulling on the huge rod he marveled at the stretchiness the thick shaft possessed. He had never seen a cock this big up close, only in porno movies. In the last couple of days, he had wondered, imagined, and yes, thought seriously a couple of times about what being with his best friend would actually be like, but his friend's cock had actually been smaller than his own in his dreams, not even as big as this one was soft.

Brad pushed his hips closer to Rocco's head. He knew what he was supposed to do next. He was prepared. He loved Brad. Dick and all. Opening his mouth he pulled the spongy tube into his waiting mouth. The sensation of having this man's tremendous cock in his mouth was better than he even imagined. The soft hose began to lengthen and stiffen filling his mouth as he suckled on the thick masculine flesh. Pulling back, his lips clamped tightly around the mushroom head, he watched as the shaft stretched longer than his entire cock.

Swirling his tongue around the growing head, he reached out and stroked the glistening shaft with his right hand. The flesh stiffened in his palm. Plunging back down he brought his lips until his lips met his hand. Brad let out a small moan and muttered "Yeah... that's it... swallow my thick cock..."

Rocco had very intention of trying to take as much of this swelling monster down his throat, but first he wanted to do something else. Letting the long rod slide out of his hungry mouth, the smaller man grasped the nearly fully grown cock with both hands. Stroking back and forth the smooth skin was coated with the saliva from his earlier work. After what seemed to him to be only a minute, but was actually closer to five, the massive cock was now fully engorged.

Rocco leaned back. The huge head was pointing straight at him. He took the throbbing monster in his hands and examined the substantial flesh. The shaft was a little broader than the head. There was a thick vein running across it at the middle. His hand barely reached around the huge tube. Rocco had to squeeze tightly to get his index finger and thumb to meet. Even with both hands one on top of the other grasping the wide shaft, there was still the head and a couple of inches showing. He could not believe that any man's cock could be the size of this doctor's delicious tasting member.

Lifting the tremendous weapon up, he pushed it against Brad's belly. Starting at the base of his egg size balls, Rocco's tongue traveled along the length of the long shaft swabbing the other man's package until he was flicking the tip of his tongue against the underside of the flared head. Retracing his path the inexperienced Rocco, slid his mouth down until ended up with his tongue lapping the underside of Brad's oversized balls.

This caused the by now, horny as hell, Brad's entire body to flinch. Opening his small mouth Rocco allowed Brad's jumbo sized nut to fall into his waiting mouth. With a dick as hard as a tin metal wire, Rocco suckled gently on the egg, rolling it around is full mouth using his eager tongue. All the while his small hands stroked the long rod above his head.

"That's right... suck on my big balls," Brad moaned. "Yeah that's it... keep it up, mate."

Inwardly Rocco beamed at his stud's comments. Rocco couldn't hold back his desire to swallow the powerful Brad's cock any longer. He released the large ball sack from his mouth and pulled the thick shaft towards his mouth. He was so aroused that spit was dribbling down the edges of his thin lips. Taking a deep breath he slid the plum sized head over his bottom lip and into his waiting mouth. With uncompromised determination he pushed his mouth forward. Before he realized it, Rocco's mouth was pressed up against his right hand. The first four inches had entered his mouth with surprising ease. Ahead lay the first challenge. The broad head was now at the entrance to his throat. He removed both of his small hands and placed them on either side of the Brad's thin hips.

Composing himself for a split second, Rocco pushed forward. He would not be denied. Grabbing the powerful ass of the stud lording over him Rocco pulled the other man's body towards him. The large head pressed against the opening of the other man's throat. Suddenly there was a small pop. Brad lurched forward. His thick cock entered the accepting throat of the man on his knees beneath him. Rocco stretched his mouth as wide as it would go as the remaining inches began to slide past his lips.

Brad groaned, "Yeah mate... take my fat cock down your throat. You love my thick rod stretching out your throat, ain't ya?"

Rocco could barely even nod in agreement. His small mouth filled to capacity with the thick pulsing man meat of his best friend. Concentrating his eyes forward, Rocco saw that he had swallowed almost all of his stud's massive cock. There was only about an inch remaining outside of his eager mouth. With one last effort, he pulled the bloke he loved so much towards him and swallowed hard.

Triumphantly he felt the curly hairs of Brad's belly pressed against his nose. He had done it. What he first thought to be impossible had occurred. He had all nine inches of this beautiful doctor's cock buried down his throat.

Brad was equally impressed and caressed the fine hair of the man worshiping his huge cock.

"Mate! I can't believe you did that on your first try," he said in true admiration. Nobody had ever done that the first time they got on their knees in front of this strapping man. The excitement of the moment and the pressure of the tight throat on his long shaft began to make the thick cum bubble in his huge balls. Saving his jism for the cock sucking man kneeling in front of him, he had not jerked off in two days. His balls were filled to the brim.

Gaining confidence Rocco began to swirl his tongue along the length of the rod imbedded in his mouth and throat. Swallowing in tandem, the flesh at the entrance to his throat was massaging further down the thick pole. The swimming he had done over the last few months had increased his ability to hold his breath, but finally he had to come up for air. Gasping as the last of the long cock departed his mouth, the proud man could not repress a smile.

"I did it," Rocco proclaimed. "I took your entire cock down to the hairs. I didn't think I could."

Gazing at the impressive man meat in front of him his eyes focused on the light glistening off of the spittle his talented throat had deposited along the pulsing shaft.

Brad looked down and said, "That was amazing mate, and I love you so damn much... but don't leave me hanging. My balls are ready to burst, don't stop now."

Realizing that he had gained a small measure of control with his remarkable oral talents, Rocco smiled and looked up at the smiling face of his best friend.

"Don't worry, I have just started," he said with confidence. Pausing to take one more deep breath, Rocco opened his mouth and began his assault. Unlike the first time, he slid down the thoroughly lubricated rod in one gulp. His gag reflex completely neutralized, he began to fuck the huge cock with his gifted mouth. Brad softly placed his hands on either side of the head of the man loving his lengthy cock, creating a rhythm between the two men.

Brad could not take any more of this amazing action, his abstinence over the last couple of days left him unable to hold back. His huge balls contracted up against his body. He moaned due to sheer exstacy...

"Agghh I'm cumming, mate!"

Rocco pushed his hands against the the beautiful Brad's flat stomach pulling back until only the oversized head remained in his mouth. Reaching up he wrapped both of his thin hands around the massive shaft and started pumping the remaining inches.

He actually felt the first blast power through his fingers and out of the tip. Rocco had no time to compose himself, as the next thick rope shot out after the first. He had only swallowed his one friend's meager offering, so he had no clue as to how much his mouth was about to be filled. Rope after rope spewed from the other man's virulent cock. After about ten long discharges, Rocco began to choke on the sheer volume now deep in his small mouth. Pulling back until only the tip remained Rocco was able to swallow the initial load. Still another four or five shots left the large piss hole of his stud.

Finally the assault ended. A few small drops dribbled out of the still large cock. Brad's cock twitched as it slowly shrunk just a little bit. Rocco ran his finger from the base to the head to push out the remaining juice. Catching it with his fingers, he opened his mouth and licked the nectar off of his fingers and onto his waiting tongue.

Brad wobbled a bit and then...he was gone.

Rocco woke up with a startle. The key rattled inside the lock of the police cell. A giant of a guard peered down onto him. He closed his eyes against the sudden bright light. No. This couldn't have been a dream. No. Come on. It felt so damn real. He felt wetness inside his boxers. Fuck. Fucking hell. It was a dream.

"You made bail. Get your ass out of here!" The guard spat out and Rocco didn't need to be told twice. Who the hell would pay his bail? Who at this time of the month had that much money? He walked over to the police reception counter and signed the release papers that was placed infront of him. As he turned around to leave, he saw Nicci sitting on one of the benches, near the door. What...the hell was going on? Nicci stood up and walked towards him. She smiled.

"Brad is doing better. He's awake and he was asking for you. You wanna go home first?"

Wait. What was she playing at? She caught him red handed earlier at the hospital. She heard him declare his love for HER husband. Why was she being so nice? normal? Nicci must have seen something was troubling him. She took hold of his hand.

"We can talk later. But I have to think of Brad now. I have to put him first. It was me that paid your bail. And what he needs now, is to see you. Please, Rocco. "

Rocco had no words left after everything that happened that day. Hearing about the accident Brad was in. Driving Nicci to hospital. Him finally admitting to Brad that he loved him. Nicci overhearing him. Him having been dragged off to the police station because his cunt of a wife pressed charges against him for taking her car. Him having the mother of all wet dreams about the man he loved inside his police cell. But most of all...Brad's wife seemingly not having a worry in the world over what had happened and she paid his bail. He closed his eyes. His brain was working overtime. His heart fought with his mental stability and it was the latter that won.

"Nicci, I can't. I'm sorry. Things are way...way too complicated. I gotta get out of here. And back to my son. That's what really matters. I'm sorry, Nicci. I didn't mean for any of this. I'll pay you guys back soon as I can."

Rocco left the hospital with tears, guilt, and a lot of regrets. He couldn't tear up that family. He didn't wanna be the guy who had to explain to Ryder why Dave's parents were getting divorced. He didn't wanna put both Brad and Nicci through that. Especially not young Dave. And as much as his heart yearned for Brad...he knew he was doing the right thing in stepping away. Someone had to. And this time, it had to be him.

THANKS FOR READING!! Is there still a future for Rocco and Brad? And finally...a sex scene hahahaha!!!

Wanna chat about the story? Or just with me? Hahaha send me a note anytime xx

Next: Chapter 6

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