Love Has No Gender

Published on Jul 6, 2018


"Need a hand, mate?"

"Uhm...yeah sure thanks. This your way to get a free beer off me?"

"Nah, I'm aiming higher. I was thinking tickets to the United game."

"United? You mean Manchester United?"

"No, you idiot. I meant Take The Piss United. Of course I mean the mighty red devils, mate. Ain't no better team."

"The blue half of Manchester won't be telling you that."

"Please. Half of the Man City players didn't even know the club existed before the money took over. Besides...they can't say shit. TWENTY TIMES!"

"If you sing that song when we're at Old Trafford, I swear I'm taking a free kick up your ass."

"Only if you score an own goal in my mouth."

"You're sick, you know that?"

"Oh yeah, I know."

Rooco took a sip of his beer while he finished up the seedlings, for the task that his son Ryder needed to have finished for school the following day. It turned out pretty terrific. However he'd be the first to admit that Brad's help didn't go a waste. Seriously, he has been here every day after he finished off at the consultation rooms, to try and help Ryder get as good a mark as he possibly could for school. In turn, Rocco, called in a favour at his job to provide fresh fruit for the task that Brad's son and Rocco's best friend, Dave needed for his own presentation of show and tell. Rocco reached into the coolbag behind him, grabbed a bottle of beer and tossed it towards Brad, who caught it expertly. Rocco returned to separate the seeds carefully from the soil when he saw a spider running over his hand. A fear from those pesky little fuckers has been with him all his life and before he could help himself, he let out a slight yelp and snatched his hand away from the soil. What was a genuine fright and flight reaction made Brad, who just swallowed a load of beer on that scorching hot day, jump his guts out in his own shock and the cold liquid went down completely the wrong way. The whole facade made Brad cough and choke on the beer going down his throat. His eyes stated to water while he clutched at his throat and his upper chest was wrecked with coughs. Rocco quickly got over his own fear when he saw his best friend, and his apparent choking on the beer. He rushed over to Brad and planted his open right hand on the latter's back with a massive force. The glob of beer that was stuck in the doctor's throat finally subsided and he was allowed to swallow what was causing him discomfort. Brad continued to heave from fright and not being able to breathe during his chokage. Even so...through all of that unpleasantness...there was one thing he was preciously aware of. Rocco was still holding him. Even more...he was still rubbing his back. It felt pretty damn good.

"God. I'm so sorry. Brad? You okay, man? Talk to me, come on," he could hear Rocco plead to him. The latter was still rubbing...nearly caressing his back. It didn't stop. Didn't help that they were both shirtless. From all their hard work in the afternoon, Rocco's hands was always gonna be warm as hell. His breathing returned to normal. His chest stopped heaving. Rocco's hand was still on his naked back. The caressing stopped. Brad looked up at Rocco. His eyes were still red and there were a few tears that came with all the coughing. As if in a dream, Rocco reached out and gently wiped away the fluid leaking from Brad's eyes. The latter closed his eyes as he felt nothing he ever did with his wife or anyone before. If someone's fingers could talk or show emotion...the connection he felt with this man was unreal. If it wasn't for the fact they were both men...

Rocco cleared his throat and smiled. He finally took his hands from his best friend.

"You okay?" He whispered. He was mesmerized by Brad's ocean blue eyes.

"Of course mate. Little coughing never killed anyone," Brad wheezed. He couldn't take his eyes away from Rocco either.

Rocco slowly, reluctantly, stood up and went about gathering the garden tools that they were using and started to put it inside the toolbox before he saw Brad also getting up in his hindsight, but perhaps since the latter was still a bit uneven from the narrow escape from choking in a slosh of beer, he was still a little uneven on his feet. Rocco dropped everything he was holding and grabbed Brad's arm to keep him from tripping over his own feet. He steadied the man unfront of him. Brad opened his eyes and grabbed hold of Rocco's hand, which was gripped tightly onto his arm. The sheer velocity of electricity between them could have given power to a small African nation. Both men felt it alright, they knew what it was called and if one of them was female, things would be excalating to a bedroom by now...although for obvious reasons, they didn't know what to do next or what to think. Neither was gay. At all. Neither ever had a sexual thought or fantasy about another male in their lives. Yet...why did it need to be labeled? In the end of the day, weren't they just two people, humans if you prefer, who were, at that moment severely attracted to another of their kind? Regardless of gender?

That question would have to stay hidden and unanswred for another time, as Teresa's car pulled up into the drive way. Brad removed his hand from Rocco's so fast, as if it had burned him to a crisp.

"I can't be here, I gotta go. I'm.. I'll see you," he mumbled before running towards and jumping over the wall that seperated the two neighbours. And just like that, Rocco stood in his garden all alone. And with a LOT of thoughts racking his brain. What the fuck just happened? ***

The next morning when Rocco arrived at school to drop Ryder off, he didn't see Brad or Dave at all. Ryder reminded him that parents were allowed to attend the Show and Tell presentations and that he really wanted him to be there. Rocco really didn't wanna tell Ryder that there was a good chance that he wouldn't make it. There was a staff meeting that was, as fate would have it, only 10 minutes before the presentation at school would begin. He couldn't afford to lose his job, not again. He hoped that he could try and talk Teresa into going but she flat out refused and said she didn't have time for shit. He left her at home without even replying. He didn't care anymore about her. He really needed to see Brad. He needed to know Brad was gonna be here incase he couldn't. At least that way Ryder wouldn't think his dad had let him down. He waited for 20 more minutes. No sign of Brad. Was there something wrong with Dave? Maybe he was sick and they stayed at home this morning? Rocco shook his head. As the events of the previous day replayed through his mind once more, he couldn't get this niggling feeling out of his head that Brad not being here had something to do with that. Rocco sighed. Great. He finally found someone to call a best friend and he had to fuck it up.

Through the grace of God, the planned staff meeting was postponed to the end of the work day and therefore Rocco arranged it to have 30 minutes off of work. Luckily it was mid month, so the food emporium wasn't that busy and the manager agreed providing he worked in the time. He arrived at school and immediately saw Brad's car. Great, he made it. Hopefully they could finally talk about what happened yesterday. He wasn't quite sure what had happened himself, but he truly cared for and valued Brad's friendship and he didn't wanna lose him. It. IT. He didn't wanna lose the friendship. Yeah. That's what he meant. Of course he did.

As Rocco entered the classroom, Ryder saw him immediately and he waved to his son. He looked around the room, searching near frantically for Brad, but instead his gaze locked on Nicci. Brad's wife and Dave's mother. Fucking hell. She was here and not him. What was wrong with Brad?? The two of them had worked so hard to ensure the boys were ready for today and now he wasn't even there to see it? Nicci waved him over and invited him to sit with her.

"Glad there is someone I know here! I don't normally get involved with the school issues. That's more Brad's thing," she said, waving at her son at the same time.

"Where is Brad?" Rocco asked nonchalantly.

"You know, I don't know what's up with him. He's been in a terrible mood since yesterday. Complained of a sore throat and chest all morning. He's at home, poor sod. Left him with a microwaved lasagne and some tea with honey. Bless him, I hope he feels better, he's so looking forward to your game on Saturday."

"I think its partly my fault where his sore throat is concerned. I got startled in the garden yesterday as he took a sip of beer and kinda choked a bit with the shock and all. Will he be home later? I feel really bad now."

"Yeah sure, I have to work until five, but you go. God, he never stops talking about you! Poor lad, I'm glad he has a guy friend he can hang out with. He never really had one of those, not one he talked about all the time like he does you...oh wait, they are starting!" Nicci whispered before the first kid was called to deliver his Show and Tell. Rocco was so proud of Ryder as he proudly showed the class how his dad and his Uncle Brad helped his seedlings to blossom. He was just as proud of Dave as he showed everyone how to make a fruit smoothie, just like Rocco had showed him. He felt sorry for Brad...which was quickly replaced by anger. He should have been here. He needed to see this. They were responsible for helping their kids together. He needed to see Brad. This needed sorting. Today.

Later that afternoon he arrived back home and walked over next foor. He knocked on the door twice before silence welcomed him. No answer. Fuck this. He knew Brad was in there. He knocked once more, a little louder this time. The fucker messed up, Rocco heard movement inside the house, followed by a glass breaking. He smiled slyly.

"I guess I'd have to call the police and report that there is a burglar in my neighbour's house...!" He said just loud enough so that Brad could hear him. He saw a shadow freeze inside the house. Rocco was beginning to enjoy this.

"I'm dialing the number... police will be here any minute...!"

The door viciously flung open. An exhausted Brad with an annoyed look on his face stood infront of him. His eyes were bloodshot and it looked like he had gotten next to nothing sleep.

"What do you want, Rocco?" Brad asked flatly. He wasn't angry or anything. His voice was simply without emotion. It was like he had given up on something. Or lost something. Either way, Rocco wasn't about to give up. He needed his friend back.

"Ran into Nicci at the school. Told her I was gonna check on you. She told me you're sick."

"Now you've seen me. You can go now," Brad said, but made absolutely no attempt at closing the door.

"Jokes aside, pal. Can I please come in?"

"I don't... I don't think that's a good idea."


"Look, stop it! I have been up all night with this! What happened... freaked me out to my fucking soul. What...what WAS that yesterday?" Brad swallowed hard.

Rocco entered the house even though Brad said no. Gently he took the door handle from Brad's numb and cold hand and closed it. He lifted up Brad's head with his finger tips. There they were. Those blue, beautiful eyes. His heart fluttered.

"What, you're having your friend over and you ain't offering him a cup of your famous coffee?", Rocco said smilingly.

Brad choked back a smile himself but he failed miserably. He walked over to the kitchen, with Rocco behind him. Brad switched on the kettle and for the next few seconds both men were settled in silence. When the water was fully boiled, Brad seemed to regain his old, playful demeanour.

"Sit down your ass in there. Two sugars, yeah?"

"You read my mind, bro".

When Brad returned to the living toom and each man had a steaming cup of brew before him, Brad opened his mouth in desperate need to say something, but Rocco stopped him.

"Me first. Okay. Here goes. I'm... I'm sorry for what happened. You choking and everything. I know I had my hands all over you and that's because I was trying to help you. So..."

"Shut up."

Rocco stared at Brad in confusion. Brad took a sip of coffee and leaned forward, looking Rocco straight in the eyes.

"See, this is why I wanted to go first. Because I KNEW you would try and hide what really happened with some bullshit story. Because for some reason you think everything that is wrong in this world is your fault. And it's not. You have such a fucking tendency to blame yourself for all the crap that happens in your life. My God, am I the only one that really GETS you?"

Rocco was speechless. No one ever talked to him that way before. And for the first time in his life...he knew Brad was right. He did blame himself. For Teresa. For getting her pregnant. For her attitude towards him and Ryder. For him not being able to find work for months. And now...putting all the blame on himself for the sparks that was felt between BOTH of them the previous day. Brad slowly reached out and placed his hand on Rocco's knee, gently folding it into a fist.

"I didn't run away like a fucking coward because of what you did. I ran away because if I had to stay there for one more minute, I would have kis..."

Brad stopped talking. His fist on Rocco's knee trembled. Together they sat in silence. Rocco took a deep breath.

"I wanted it too."

Brad's fist stopped shaking. He let out a sound of relief. He stood up and nervously paced across the living room. Only to sit down at the opposite couch to Rocco's.

"Mate! This is nuts! We're not gay! How did this happen?" He asked, complete and utter astonishment on his tiresome face.

"Fuck me! I really don't know. From the beginning I felt this...this feeling that I wanted to be near you. To be with you. Not...not that way ofcourse, but I would be playing with Ryder or having coffee or just sell some food at work and I'd wonder...what's Brad doing right now. Dude...I don't like men sexually. Never have. There's nothing wrong with being gay, I know that. But...I know I'm not. You're not. So to answer your damn question...I don't know how this happened. I don't know, Brad."

The two men sat and looked at each other with lust and confusion at the same time.

"I'm married..." Brad whispered.

"So am I," Rocco quickly replied.

"I meant happily married."

"If I was married to Nicci, I'd also be happy."

"You perving on my wife, you freak?"

"I thought you liked me now."

"Piss off, you fucker!" Brad laughed as he pounced on Rocco. The latter literally had no where to run as Brad started fiercely tickling him. He rolled up into a ball onto the couch as he curled and shouted with hysterical laughter. He tried to grab Brad's hands to stop the relentless attacks on his funny bones but it was futile. Brad had a gotten a little bit of power over him right then and he wasn't letting it go just yet.

"Say sorry!"


"I'll keep tickling you!"

"Like I care!"

"Oh you don't care, do ya?"

Brad reached out to tickle his neighbour one more time, but Rocco was ready for him. He grabbed both Brad's hands and held it tight. Both men were aching with laughter. But had to stop. Things got quiet, and deadly serious. Brad, clearly still somewhat tired, leaned into Rocco...who had no reason or need to try and stop him. Rocco slowly allowed Brad's hands out of his own. His arms went around the slender guy on top of him. They looked deeply into each other's eyes. Rocco's heart was beating about twice the normal rate. He could feel the same situation happening with Brad. Brad smiled softly and slowly laid down his head on Rocco's chest. Rocco immediately held him as close as he could to his body. Both men closed their eyes. Happiness flowed through both. This was insane. This was like a dream. And it was. Here they were. Real, and happening.

"I can feel your heart beating..." Brad said.

"Shut up," Rocco said, smiling down at his best friend.

"Mate, what are we doing?"

"Brad, I'm no expert. But...does this feel wrong to you?"

Rocco felt Brad sigh and felt his fingers gently placed against his own chest. Brad was shaking. It was like he was stuck inside a walk in freezer. Rocco caressed the doctor's back and shoulders the best he could. That desperate need to make everything okay for him. Within a few minutes, Brad had calmed down somewhat and he was breathing normally. Silence once more filled the living room with two men, who met and became friends, now suddenly have opened up their eyes, hearts and feelings to what had been created between them.


Rocco frowned.

"What do you mean, no?"

Brad looked up from Rocco's chest. He gently moved forward and pressed his forehead to Rocco's. Their noses touched. They felt each other's warmth. Their desire. Both men closed their eyes. It was Brad who spoke first.

" doesn't feel wrong. I dunno how it can feel wrong."

Rocco responded with a broad smile and he held Brad's head in both his hands. He wanted to shout it out to the entire fucking universe. How happy he was. Brad playfully punched him in his gut and he doubled over in laughter. He never felt anything like this with Teresa. Far from it.

A couple of minutes passed and with a startle, Rocco saw it was time to fetch the kids from school.

"Nah, you stay here. I'll go," he said to Brad when the latter started coughing.

"You sure?"

"Don't start."

"I'll finish."

"You're such a fucking moron!" Rocco said, pulling Brad towards him.

"True. But I think you like me anyway," Brad countered again.

"Says who?", Rocco played along.


Rocco trembled as Brad's lips touched his own. It was quick, but powerful, strong, passionate...slow. He watched as Brad pulled away. The barriers between them had been broken, at last.

"You fucking make me crazy..." Rocco hissed. Determined to somehow control his emotions.

"Get. Your. Butt. To. The. School."

Rocco walked out of his neighbour's house as if inside a bubble. For the first time in his life, he wanted be ALIVE. To live. To breathe. Fuck yeah. This was the life he craved. He only prayed they could make this work. Whatever this was between him and Brad...he couldn't wait for more.

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Next: Chapter 4

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