Love Has No Gender

Published on Jul 1, 2018


Yo guys!! What up??

This story is a LOVE story. As the title says, Love Has No Gender. I'm SICK of people thinking gays can CHANGE or that we CHOOSE to be attracted to the same sex.

I say fuck that. And with this story I really wanna try and show that someone can fall in love with any PERSON...regardless of their gender.

You wanna have a chat?? I'm always up for that hahaha. Feel free to email me

Love always, Ryan


"Come on Ryder, we're gonna be late!"

"Coming dad! Hey mom, can we go to McDonalds after school? They have that new Avengers toy you get with a Happy Meal."

"Baby I'm sorry but your dad's gonna have you take you. I have two meetings this afternoon and I've already cancelled one. Rocco, can you take him?"

"Teresa, I told you I have that meeting with the bank manager..."

"And I told you yesterday that if he didn't the give us the loan before he certainly won't, now that you aren't working. My meetings actually pay for you and our son to eat so is it too much to ask this once to take Ryder this afternoon?"

"You're right, Teresa. Come on, Ryder. School time."

It was not even worth it to argue. Ever since Teresa had gotten that damn promotion at her job she has acted like he was nothing. And just to top everything off on a sensational year that was 2018, Rocco had gone and lost his job. He sighed. Okay, so maybe it wasn't the best idea exactly to keep information on stolen money a secret from his boss.

Rocco himself grew up in terrible circumstances. The now 25 year old doting dad had never known his real father. His mom worked herself silly at two restaurants just to make enough to feed them both. At sixteen, Rocco had quit school and found temporary employment as a dishwasher to help with the finances. However tragedy struck as Rocco's mother was mugged by two delinquents on her way home after she finished her shift one night. Surely the teens didn't set out to...but when they knocked her over, the fall on her head was enough to create a haematoma.

Rocco, at age sixteen, had to make the heartbreaking decision to turn off the life support machines that was giving his mother breath. His mom's death broke him. For the first time in his life, his pain was too much to think clearly. He joined up with two seperate gangs of the neighbourhood to try and figure out who did this to his mother. And while he never got any names or answers, he did get piss high on cocaine and had unprotected sex with the sister of the leader of the gang. That of course, had to be Teresa.

Difference is, where Rocco did his best to clean up his act and create a better life for himself, Teresa and seven year old Ryder, but Teresa still had that cut throat hardness and mean spirited demeanour she always had, even when she was still affiliated with the gang. Somehow she managed not to ever change her ways. She worked her way up from a junior secretary to a branch manager of a local fruit supplier. Not only because she was damn good at her job. She was a heck of a manager, but Rocco knew the truth. The head of the factory was one of Teresa's former...clients...of the past. He knew she had the evidence to destroy him. Go figure.

Nevertheless, one of Rocco's former co-workers had helped himself to some of the shop's money, where they both were employed. Rocco caught him and kept the truth from his superiors, because he knew what suffering in poverty was. He knew Chris wouldn't blow the money on booze or gamble with it. He desperately needed it for his family. When the truth came out, Chris was fired immediately and so was Rocco, when CCTV cameras showed Chris taking the money and Rocco just watching him do it. Teresa was furious with him. Blasted him for becoming soft with age. FUCK sake, he was only 25.

He had enough of her but for obvious reasons he couldn't afford to leave her. She earned thousands and he was unemployed. He only married her because of Cheetah, former leader of the gang and Teresa's brother. No way was he gonna allow his kid sister pregnant and alone. The only thing Rocco still gave a fuck about was Ryder. He loved his son more than his own life. He'd do anything to be a part of Ryder's life. Even if he had to sit through all of Teresa's hurtful, snide comments.

Through all of her bitching. She didn't give a fuck about Ryder anymore. She actually gave the poor boy a hiding, when she was prepping for a presentation for work, and Ryder somehow managed to spill some juice on her laptop. Getting angry was one thing. Hitting the seven year old defenseless boy with a belt until his face and bum was the colour of a raspberry, was another. That was the only time since they were married that Rocco lost his cool with his wife. He went fucking mental when he saw what the bitch did to his son. In the end, everything Rocco blasted Teresa for that day went right in, and right out of her ears. After he was finished, she simply told him to sleep on the couch. Reminded him that SHE paid the rent. Not him. And if he didn't wanna be there, he was free to leave. As fate would also have it, try as he might, he failed to find permanent employment. Lack of experience and ofcourse...he was fired from his previous job because he allowed theft to occur. Not exactly a doting reference.

Occasionally he went out for a beer with some of his co-workers but in all honesty he preferred to stay home and spend time with Ryder. Teresa gave him almost no time of day these days. He couldn't understand how a parent can put a job before the needs of her kid. Honestly, Rocco was happiest when he was cuddled up with Ryder watching movies. After what he went through as a kid, there was no way he'd ever allow Ryder to ever experience even a sniff of having a absent father. He loved his son...and being with Ryder little by little made up for the utter loneliness he felt inside him. Everytime someone invited him out for a beer, he had to check finances first. Or worse. Ask Teresa for money. He had another interview the following day, and he was hopeful. If he could support himself, maybe, just maybe, he could take Ryder away from that awful mother of his.

The following afternoon, after what Rocco felt to have been a reasonably successful interview at a local fast food complex, he drove to the Elementary school to pick up Ryder. He got out of his car and leaned against the bonnet and checked his messages. He needed that job. Badly. No messages tho. He looked up and saw Ryder and one of his mates at the gate. Ryder was facing away from Rocco and suddenly there was a strange man next to his son. He was reaching out to Ryder and stuck his hand...Rocco's eyes widened. Was this fucker really...?

"Oi! You! Get your hands off my son!"

Ryder turned around suddenly hearing his dad's voice, and the man's hand got stuck underneath his shirt. Rocco was speechless. So much he wanted to say, to do, to hurt this paedo touching his boy, but maybe...was it shock? He couldn't move. He just couldn't believe what he just saw. His fists was clenched with anger. The man stood up and held up his hands.

"Mate. I understand how this must look. Ask your son what happened. Go on. He wouldn't lie to you."

Rocco, still unable to speak having seen his seven year old getting...getting molested, could only cast his eyes towards Ryder.

"Sorry Dad. I have an itch on my tummy. Dave here's Dad is a doctor. He looked when Dave told him."

Dave was quickly to nod in agreement, but as he saw Rocco's eyes, that nod quickly faded. Rocco's gaze fell onto the fancy pants doctor. He was young, for sure. Maybe a year younger than him? Still. No one touched his son inappropriately. Not even this rich perv. And for no damn reason.

"Ryder. Wait in the car. Do what I say," Rocco said when Ryder started to protest. He waved goodbye to Dave and jogged over to the car and got in.

"Mate, look, I am sorry..."

"Look, I'm not gonna make a scene here. I can't afford to have my ass sued by you, otherwise you would have been flat out. I don't care for what reason you had. You DO NOT TOUCH MY SON. Ever."

Rocco's past inner gangster frightened the other man. He could see it. Probably never been threatened with violence in his life, the fucking pussy. He turned around and got in the car. Ryder was more than a little frightened as he looked at him and his heart hated that. He melted as he saw his son scared, not knowing what he had done wrong.

"Ryder. You did nothing wrong, okay? Daddy is not angry at you. All that Daddy wants to know, is if that man hurt you?"

"No Dad. Look!" Ryder said as he lifted up his school jersey. Rocco saw the red lashings across the boy's stomach that must have occurred with all the times Ryder must have scratched it. So it was true then. The good doctor was just worried about Ryder. Still...the image of another man touching his son! Fuck. He had to get out of here. They drove home while Ryder was telling Rocco about what they had learned in class that day. As they drove up towards the house, they were met by a furious Teresa. She looked like she could commit murder through her eyes.

"What took you so long? You KNEW I had a meeting on the other side of fucking town, Rocco!"

Rocco bent down and clutched Ryder's head to his chest whilst looking at his wife like she was possessed.

"Watch your language, Ryder can hear you!"

"So what? About time he toughened up and realised the real world is not full of posies, innit? Tell me, when you're lying about at home without a job and no income, do you worry about your precious son then?"

Teresa had hit a nerve. The one thing she knew would hurt Rocco the most...having no money meant he couldn't help support and take care of Ryder. He turned Ryder towards him.

"Mommy is just a bit upset, yeah? Go inside and get out your school books. I'll be there in a minute."

Ryder looked at his mom and pulled a face, before running towards the house. Rocco stood up and looked his wife straight in her face.

"You bitch. You dare tell me I can't take care of Ryder when you have no time for him? Look what you've turned into, Teresa. Its pathetic. Bitch me out all you want. But you're not gonna let Ryder hear all of this. He's just a kid!"

"A kid I never wanted."

Rocco took a step back.

"What did you say?"

Teresa walked towards him and pointed her finger straight at his forehead.

"You. You got me pregnant. You were the reason my brother forced me into this marriage. You knew he'd leave me no choice. So forgive me if I put something that actually matters to me, before that little shit inside the house. Excuse me, I've got to make money for you two to eat from."

And with that, Teresa got into the car and drove off, without even as much as a look back at her house or husband.

In the weeks that followed, Rocco and Teresa only spoke to each other when it was absolutely necessary. The food complex finally got back to Rocco and he had gotten the job to promote their products. Whilst not the glamour that Teresa faced in her job everyday, it paid the bills and he could provide a bit more for Ryder.

Their neighbours came over for dinner one night and surprisingly told Rocco and Teresa that they were moving. Teresa made the usual song and drama about how "she was going to miss the chats, coffee dates and support" they had shared over the years...when all the time she used to bitch about the woman's bad taste in clothes and the man's small VPL and bad breath afterwards. One morning which Rocco had off, he wandered over to next door, looking to help with anything that needed doing. Susan was grateful for his help and together they finished the packing of the living room and two bedroom stuff. Placing a cup of steaming coffee before him afterwards, Susan looked at Rocco a long time before sighing. "'s not my place to say. But your wife, she's just pure toxic. Everyone around here knows how she treats you and how she is behind our backs. And we kept quiet and still do. Know why?"

Rocco slowly shook his head. What...he couldn't exactly deny what Susan was saying!

"Because we love and care about you and Ryder. That little boy is so loved by you, anyone can see that. Please, promise me. Promise me that you will do something before that woman really hurt both of you."

Rocco was sad when Susan and Patrick left. He held his son as he watched them leave the neighbourhood for a final time. He so badly wanted to be rid of Teresa. But dragging Ryder through the courts? Teresa will surely tell her lawyers to drag out the custody case until he couldn't afford it no more. She had the backing of a major company behind her, he couldn't compete with that!

In the last few days, Teresa had spent all her time at home behind her desk. Ryder had a bad dream one night and she came into the living room where Rocco was sleeping, yelling at the top of her voice, at him to tell the kid to shut up, she was trying to work. THAT was about as enough as Rocco could take. He made his decision. He patiently waited until Teresa was asleep. He gently walked over to Ryder's room and softly woke the boy.

"Come on...we're going on an adventure."

"Is Mommy coming?"

"No buddy. We're going alone."

"Good, because I really don't like her..." Ryder whispered before his breathing were once more slowed down. He had fallen back to sleep. Rocco quietly carried his son out of his room, down the stairs and through the living room. He opened the door and left the house with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Susan was right, Teresa was poison. He needed to get his son away from her and fast. He couldn't take the car, it was registered in her name. It would be theft. No. There has no be some other way. He slowly walked out in the yard and turned left. The new neighbours had moved in the previous day. He still didn't know who they was. He probably never would now. As he walked passed the house with a sleeping Ryder in his arms, he heard a voice.

"Is everything okay?"

Rocco stopped and looked at the house. Someone was sitting on a bench on the porch. He could see the light from the man's cigarette.

"Is everything okay, mate?"

That voice...

The man stood up, trampled on the cigarette and walked over towards Rocco. Fuck was the fancy pants doctor. What...he was their new neighbour? And what was he doing up at two in the morning?

"Stay away from me. And my son."

"I live right here now, mate. Do you think I didn't hear what was going on next door? Your wife screaming at you about Ryder making a noise? She shouldn't really talk, not with a voice like that. Woke me up, she did."

Rocco clutched Ryder tighter to his chest. He didn't trust the man. Even tho he knew he didn't molest his son, he just didn't wanna be here.

"Look, I'm sorry she woke you up. I gotta go. It's getting late."

"Mate, its past two in the morning

Where the hell are you going? And with Ryder?"

"None of your fucking business!" Rocco hissed, walking away. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He stiffened. He was carrying Ryder. He didn't wanna wake him. The strange hand was followed by another on his arm. It felt weirdly warm and comforting. Why, he had no idea.

"Look, my wife is away at a conference. Come inside. You can't just storm out to God knows where with a child in your arms. I understand you wanna get him away from that...that voice inside your house, but be realistic. Where are you gonna go? What if Ryder gets sick?"

Rocco turned his head away from the doctor. He didn't want him to see his eyes welling up. He wasn't a fucking cry baby but DAMN what was he supposed to do? He wanted to protect Ryder. Teresa wasn't a mother, she was a monster! Somehow the doctor must have realised Rocco was crying because he felt the arm on his shoulder tighten and he felt a gentle squeeze.

"Get in here. Come on. Please?"

Slowly Rocco wiped his eyes with his free hand, only to quickly reinstate it in holding Ryder. He slowly turned around and allowed him to be lead into the house of his new neighbour. He felt immediate warmth and relief as the door closed behind them. The doctor looked upwards and again, placed his hand on Rocco's shoulder.

"You take Ryder upstairs. First door on the right, that's Dave's room. Put him down, they'll be okay."

Rocco nodded. This felt like fucking charity. But he didn't really have a choice. It was cold and he had Ryder with him. He made this decision. After what felt like he viewed one of his horror dreams from his past, he made sure Ryder was tucked in safely and warm next to his school buddy, before slowly walking down the stairs. He had threatened this man weeks ago. With physical violence no less. He had suspected him of molesting Ryder. Now this. Fuck me. What is he gonna say to this man? What was there for them to talk about? This man offered his help without really knowing Rocco. God, he felt so bad. So alone.

The smell of freshly made coffee filled the air. He swallowed and licked his lips...he would kill for a good cuppa right now. He walked into the kitchen slowly. The doctor watched him and choked back a smile. He placed the steaming cup of brew before him.

"You're allowed to talk to me. I ain't gonna kill or torture you."

"Sorry...I just..."

"Feel guilty for calling me a peadophile?"

Rocco's face lost colour. Suddenly he was like milk on a hot stove. He felt hopeless.

"Well...yeah. I dunno why that was my first thought. You were touching Ryder. I saw red. Now you're helping me and my son.'ve heard what's going on in my home. I'm really sorry you did. I dunno what's going on with Teresa. All I want is to love and do the best for Ryder. I can't do this anymore. I can't be married to...that any longer. She's destroying my son!"

Wow. Fucking wow. He just bared his soul to a damn stranger. Rocco trembled. He shook with rage. Tears angrily flowed from his eyes. This meltdown was a long time coming. He kept it inside and tonight it exploded. He looked up and saw the doctor stare at him.

"What?" Rocco whispered through clenched teeth.

"I'm just thinking. You want the best for your son. And as a father myself, I respect the hell out of that. But...what about you? Who's taking care of you?"

Rocco felt an emotion he hadn't before. He didn't know what it was, or what it could be called. It was...a kinda warmth that had spread through his chest. For the first time in a while...someone other than Ryder actually cared about HIM. How pathetic was that...

"Look dude...thanks for...for this. Me and Ryder will be out of here first thing. You're right. I can't just up and leave with him. Dunno what I was thinking. If he gets a cold from being out in the middle of the night...And again...I don't think I'm a bad person. I really don't. But I said hurtful things to you. And I'm sorry."

"Sweet mate. Let's shake on it. Nice to meet you, neighbour. I'm Brad."

Rocco looked at the outstretched hand and slowly took it in his own.

"Rocco. Again, thanks."

THANKS FOR READING!! If you have any comments or if you wanna have a chat...fell free to shoot me an email

Next: Chapter 2

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