Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on May 7, 2019


Love From the Ashes Chapter 5

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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I want to thank everyone who has emailed. I also want to thank those who have read the story. It means a lot hearing from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

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Copyright © 2017-2019

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 5

Princess & Him

Jamie decides, he wants to see Cameron, and he also decides to take Princess with him. Jamie picks the puppy up and looks into her eyes.

"Guess, where we are going?"

He asks Princess even though there won't be an answer. He laughs as she tries to lick his mouth.

"We are going to go see Cameron; the guy who helped take care of you at the pet hospital."

Her tail is wagging, but then it's been wagging ever since Jamie picked her up. Placing her on the floor, he grabs her pet carrier and carefully places her inside. Jamie then grabs a bag from the closet and puts her leash, a spare water bowl, an extra food bowl, as well as a container of her dog food. Grabbing the keys off the hook and then opening the front door, he unlocks the car doors so that Princess can be put into the car and all the extra puppy stuff into the car. Picking up the carrier and the bag, Jamie heads out to the car. He carefully places the plastic carrier and the bag into the car. Coming around to the driver's side, Jamie opens the door, gets in, and put the key into the ignition and then takes off for Cameron's house. Once he arrives at Cameron's home, he gets out and then gets everything out of the car. Walking up to the house, a smile breaks out on his face. Knocking at the door, he catches Cameron by surprise. Cam wasn't expecting anyone to arrive at the house, so when he opens the door, he is just about speechless, but he manages to find his voice.

"What are you doing here?"

Cameron said with a surprised look on his face. Usually, he doesn't like to have people stopping by randomly but this is okay in fact it's better than okay.

"Oh, you know Princess here wanted to thank the guy who took such great care of her, and I sort of wanted to see this adorable guy who lives here."

Jamie's eyes twinkle a bit, and he spoke those words. Cameron can feel a blush coming on so he turns and welcomes the hot guy and then puppy into his modest house. The carrier and the bag are placed on the floor, and once the front door is closed the carrier is opened. Immediately, a very excited puppy runs out and greets her owner and his friend.


With Princess out of the crate, Cameron gets down on the floor and is immediately attacked by an extremely playful puppy. Jamie smiles as he listens to the laughter and puppy noises. The spare bowls are placed in the kitchen. Quietly, he fills one with water and the other with food and then joins in on the fun in the living room. It isn't long till Princess is running between the two guys giving licks and giving a few playful bites as well. Cameron loves seeing Jamie's muscular frame down on the floor acting a little childish with the girl in his life. Jamie is taking in the perfect form of Cameron's body as he plays with the puppy. In the end, the guys are enjoying some playtime with Princess, and Princess is enjoying some time playing with the guys in her life.


While the guys are on the floor, it dons on Cameron that, in all honesty, that Princess would be happier with them if they were a regular fixture in her life.

`I'm not ready to say "Let's move in together," but I think this puppy would love to live with Jamie and me.'

Maybe, someday what Princess needs and Cameron wants can be one beautiful thing. There is so much energy when they're together, that he doesn't really want it to end. Seeing Jamie with his guard down is excellent, he wonders what it would be like to have his fireman next to him for good. After playing for a while, Princess seems a little tired, so the guys sit back and talk for a bit on the couch. After her puppy nap, Jamie shows her where the water dish and the food dish is located, and she eats.


Jamie looks at Princess and notices that she is doing her little potty dance.

"Cameron, I think our little puppy needs to get outside before her bladder bursts."


Jamie attaches the leash and then Cameron opens the front door and he slips outside. Next, Jamie leads Princess down the steps

"Why don't we take her for a walk? I have poop bags and my handy scoop in the pack for just these emergencies."

Jamie's brown eyes seem to glow in the sunlight as Cameron catches a glimpse as he locks his front door. Cameron walks down the stairs to meet up with Jamie and Princess. The neighborhood isn't filled with grand homes, but it's still a pretty nice one. The houses are all kept up, and the lawns are also trimmed nicely. For about 15 feet, the guys walk side by side and then, there is a pause while Princess pees and poops Jamie made sure to clean up the mess. After Princess' potty break, Jamie and Cameron are walking together. Cameron so badly wants to grab hold of Jamie's hand. Jamie would take Cameron's hand, but he's worried that Cameron's neighbors might not want to see two guys holding hands. Eventually, though, Jamie's need to protect Cameron gives in to the need to feel Cameron's hand in his hand, and so Jamie takes the hand of the guy next to him. They walk a few feet like this, and then Jamie looks at Cameron with a concerned look on his face.

"Is it alright if I keep holding your hand?"

Cameron smiles as he finishes his question. He responds with a sparkle in his eye.

"Of course, I'm okay with it."

"I'm glad."

Walking hand in hand feels perfect. Cameron isn't even worried about the neighbors seeing him. Most of them have either guessed that he is gay or talked to him and it's come up in conversation, so he's not too worried about anyone finding out. He's never received a rude comment or a rude gesture. After walking for one block, Cameron picks her up in one hand and carries her back to Cameron's house.


It's early enough that one of Jamie's favorite restaurant's is still serving breakfast. He's hoping that he can convince his date to grab breakfast with him.

"Are you interested in having breakfast with me at my favorite breakfast place?"

Cameron is a bit hungry, and so he agrees to eat out with Jamie.

"I'll put Princess in her kennel, and we can wash our hands and head out to eat."

"Sounds good. I think I'll wash my hands while you put the puppy in the kennel."

While Princess is moved to her Kennel by her owner, Cameron is washing his hands. He's thinking about nice it felt to be held by the man he wants to love. With the puppy contained, Jamie finds his way to the bathroom, where he washes his hands and then heads back into the living room.

"Are you ready to go?"

Cameron asks as Jamie enters the living room.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

The fireman says as he gets stuff and heads out to the cars. When the guys get to the vehicles, they need to make a decision on who's going to drive.

"Who is driving?"

Cameron asks as he points to both cars.

"Since I know where we're going, why don't I drive this time."

Jamie knows where the place is at, and how to get there, so it makes sense that he should drive. On the drive to the restaurant, the couple talks about the diner and the crowd that is usually there in the morning. When they arrive at the restaurant, the guys park the car and walk inside. A hostess comes over and sits them down and hands them two menus. Just the smells in the restaurant are enough to make your mouth water. When Jamie told Cameron that, there are quite a few elderly people who come for breakfast, he wasn't joking. There is also a good number of families in, they are probably from the closest hotel. They start ordering their drinks, and both guys get a large orange juice. A few minutes later, the waitress is back for their orders. Jamie orders blueberry pancakes with hashbrowns, sausage patties, and scrambled eggs. Cameron orders his favorite meal, crepes; blueberry crepes with whipped cream, hashbrowns, and bacon; crispy bacon. When Jamie hears the words "crispy bacon," he decides to order some too. There is plenty of talking, eye contact, and smiles. As they are eating, Jamie notices someone that he knows is approaching the table. It's his brother Richard, who's here with his girlfriend and their little girl.

"Hey, big brother, what's up?"

Jaime looks at Cameron and then glances back at his sibling. He's hoping that Richard gets a clue and leaves them alone. He seems to need a hint.

"Richard, this is my date, Cameron. Cameron, this is my younger brother Richard."

Suddenly, the lights turn on in his brother's mind. Richard and Cameron exchange a handshake. Richard turns around and returns to his family. Jamie can see his brother pointing towards their table. There is going to be a million questions later, but that is okay because at least they are being left alone.

"Sorry about, I had no idea that they were here."

Jamie says as he apologizes for his brother's intrusion.

"No problem, I'm sure he was curious about who his older brother was having breakfast with, and so he did."

Cameron wasn't exactly ready to meet any of Jamie's family, but what can he do. Richard seems like a nice guy. As far as meeting family goes, this was pretty easy. Now hopefully, the rest of the family makes as good as an impression as he did.

"Yes, the food is coming."

Cameron says as the waitress comes up behind Jamie.

"Good, because my body is crying out for food."

Jamie says as he rubs his stomach through his shirt. His date smiles as he thinks about what is underneath that shirt. Someday, he'll see those abs, and it will be his hands touching them. Their food is passed out to Cameron and Jamie. Jamie wastes no time in starting in on his pancakes. Same for Cameron, who is loving his crepes. The food is perfect, and so is the company. By the end of the meal, both guys have laughed, and Jamie's and Cameron's plates are both bare. Now, they sit and talk some more while the food settles.


Cameron and Jamie continue getting to know each other. Jamie thought he couldn't grow more fond of the handsome guy across from him, but he has. It's been about the eyes since Jamie first sat down across from him. Cameron's shyness is slowly disappearing the longer they sit here. His date is making him feel comfortable, and that helps big time. He loves this time with Jamie. He doesn't want the time to end, and Jamie doesn't want it to end either. It's decided that what they need is some time away from the crowd.


Cameron takes charge of this part of the date. They end up along one of the beaches on Lake Michigan. Typically, Cameron is here with his friends, not a potential boyfriend. It does feel good to be here. Just like earlier while the guys were walking Princess, the guys find themselves holding hands. At one point, they stop to pick up some flat stones to skip on the water. They both can get the rocks skipping along the top of the water. After skipping stones, they move on down the beach with their fingers entwined together. At one point on a piece of the beach where they didn't have a ton of people around them, they kiss, and Jamie feels fantastic.


After their incredible kiss, they start walking again, and a thought that is floating around inside Jamie's mind escapes out of his mouth.

"You know, I don't think I've ever spent this much time with one guy before."

Cameron isn't sure if that is a compliment or not. He looks at Jamie and catches his smile, and right there on the spot, he knows that Jamie is giving him praise.

"Thanks, Jamie. It means a lot to me. I hope you keep wanting to be around me because it feels all kinds of incredible. I've never had a guy like you wanting to be around me."

Jamie's heart hurts for Cam. He can't imagine how that must feel. Still, he feels like he needs some clarification on what he means when Cameron said "a guy like you" because if it's what he thinks it is, then those other guys should feel bad not for Cameron but for themselves.

"What do you mean by guys like me?"

"You know hot guys, someone out of my league."

Jamie can't let this go. Cameron's response to his question slightly upsets him. It's hard to envision a guy walking away from Cameron's sweet spirit. He stops walking, and Cameron keeps walking.

"Hey come back here, there is something I need to tell you."

Cameron turns back and walks back to Jamie. Jamie has a sweet smile on his face as he waits for Cameron to stand next to him. Jamie removes his shirt right then and there and embraces Cameron. Cameron can't take his eyes off of the fireman in front of him.

"Yeah, I want you to like my body to like all of this..."

Jamie says he flexes and makes his muscles pop in front of his date.

"...why I want to be here, is because of you, because I like you, Cameron. You are not out of my league if anything I am the one who is out of his league. You are a thousand times sexier than me. A guy could spend hours gazing into your eyes and never grow tired of looking into them. You are smart, so smart. You're compassionate, and that makes you hot to me. So remember, you are not out of my league, and I love everything that makes you; you. Don't change Baby."

Cameron can feel not only the heat coming off of his man's body, but he's also feeling all kinds of good emotions at the moment.

"Thanks but can you put your shirt on, I'm starting to feel insecure."

Jamie swats Cameron's butt as he laughs. Jamie does put his shirt on, and the guys continue walking down the beach.


Is it possible to feel better about the day? Jamie thinks so, and he is loving the fact that he is spending time with the guy next to him. Cameron may be the quieter of the two, but he feels so deeply, and it's hard to tell what that will mean to their relationship, but time will tell. He was absorbing the words that Jamie was saying, and he's holding on to them for dear life. No one, not even his own parents have made him feel so wanted and so loved. They were more interested in shaping his life into what they wanted. They wanted him to have the perfect job, the ideal degree, the perfect lover, and the perfect house. What they can't see is when their son is happy, they don't know when he's sad, and he's pretty sure that they won't like it when he tells them that he may have found the guy who is his future. In the end, his family might be his sister Sophie, and her boyfriend, and hopefully, he'll be able to include Jamie into his family. Because, if this is how it feels to be with him, then he wants time to slow down but keep moving on in his favor. Jamie can't help but feel pride right now. He's out in the outdoors with the guy he likes; no loves, and everything just feels lovely.


As they move down the beach, they come to a trail that takes them up the side of a dune and stops at a lookout area. Cameron decides that he wants to walk up the stairs to the lookout area and look out over the lake. As they climb the stairs, people pass by some smiling at them as if saying hello, while others seem to disapprove of Cameron and Jamie holding hands. It's sad, but they are welcome to their opinions. Reaching the top, the guys turn and face north. They look out over the beach and onward to the lake. A couple of boats move by, and it's fantastic. They can even see Chicago from this spot on the dune, and if they turn in the other direction, there is a steel mill and a city in their sights. The important thing here is that they are doing this together.


After watching the action on the beach and out on the lake, the guys head back to the car. What's on the agenda next for them? It's a little something called lunch. Lunch is going to be pizza at a new place near the park that they were at for part of the day. They get their pizza and then enjoy their meal. The talk at lunch focuses on the morning's events and what else they might do for the rest of the day. Lunch is precisely what Jamie and Cameron needed to get more energy. There is more to come for their day, but from here on out, it's not very well planned.


Now it's time to go home and to check on Princess, and maybe do something at the house. There is no plan for the day, Jamie decides though that perhaps they should pick up Princess and then go to his place. Cameron doesn't even begin to argue with his handsome man. He helps his guy gather up all Princess stuff, but when Cameron notices that the water dish and the food dish is left behind, he walks up to Jamie and taps him on the shoulder.

"Aren't you forgetting the water dish and the food dish?"

"Nope, don't you think that Princess needs them here with her second daddy, for when I have to be on call longer than a few hours?"

Cameron doesn't know what to think about the question, but when he looks at Princess, he gets happy.

"Are you serious right now?"

He asks Jamie with a smile on his face.

"Of course, I am serious. She loves you, dude."

Cameron cannot believe that Jamie would even consider letting him watch Princess. He wouldn't turn down any chance to spend time with her, because he can tell that she's going to be a big dog and she doesn't want to be on the receiving end of a bite. They get the dog situated, and then they head out for Jamie's place. Jamie drives them over to his house. Inside the home, the guys spend time playing with the puppy, which she thoroughly enjoys.


Something else happens while they are playing with Princess. Jamie finds himself hoping that Cameron will ask him to be his boyfriend. It won't happen, and he knows it, but it doesn't stop him from dreaming about it. Being with him would be amazing. He isn't sure what is making him want to be with the vet tech, but whatever it is; it's pretty deep.


A little later, and by that I mean several hours later, Jamie decides to he needs a shower. If he knew Cameron better, he might invite him to join him in the shower, but while he is in the shower, his guest will have to entertain himself. Jamie enters the shower and as he cleans himself also dreams a little bit of Cameron. He can't help but get a little bit hard, which is taken care of discreetly using the shower to hide the sounds. Yeah, he would love to have his guy in here with him. When he gets out of the shower, he moves from the bathroom to his bedroom. In the process of getting to the shower, he trips over Princess and manages to land without hurting the dog, but managed to drop his towel. Cameron catches the sight of the naked fireman in the hallway. While he might be better off turning his head, he finds that he can't pull himself away from Jamie's nakedness. He catches the firm ass, some tattoos, Jamie's abs, and his pecs, as well as his cock and balls. The image is burned in Cameron's eyes and mind. He did manage to pull his eyes away from Jamie's body. As quick as he can, Jamie is up and into the room to finish getting ready. He should have got dressed in the bathroom. Jamie changed his mind on what he was going to wear, so he had to go back into the bedroom to finish getting ready.


Jamie emerges from the bedroom clean and fresh. Entering the living room, he joins Cameron who is sitting on the couch with Princess.

"So, do you want to watch some movies, binge watch something, or just cuddle with the puppy?"

Trying to get naked imaged out of his head, he would love to spend a couple hours sitting on the couch safe and sound in the arms of his fireman.

"I want to sit back with you and watch whatever you think is worth watching and just enjoy the night."

Together, they sit back and watch television, while Princess ends up falling asleep between them. They exchange a couple of kisses every now and then, and they just enjoy the night. Cameron cannot get over how nice his guy smells. They love the movie, and even better, they're enjoying it as they cuddle on the couch together.


Cameron is sitting on the couch with Jamie's muscular arms around him. They're watching the movie together, and thoughts are running through Cameron's mind. Something is coursing through him. All he knows is that this feels right. Everything, today has been utterly, perfect. Safety and security are what he's feeling right now. This feeling is beautiful, and it doesn't need to end. Problem is it's going to end, but for now, for right now it doesn't need to stop.


As they're watching the movie, there were times when both Cameron and Jamie were trying to catch glimpses of each other. Cameron being shy would take a peek and then when he thought that, Jamie was wise to him, he would turn around and watch the movie. There was one moment when Jamie caught Cameron's eyes; those beautiful brown eyes of Cameron's.

`I could stare into those eyes forever. They make me want to stay like this forever.'

Just as Jamie's thought ends, Cameron's phone goes off which can't be ignored, since he works at a pet hospital with emergency hours. Cameron is obligated to answer.


The phone's screen shows a text from Courtney; Cameron's boss.

"Cameron, we have an emergency call. A dog was at home ran out into the street and got hit. Pay will be the usual emergency amount. Please text me back, so I know that you're coming in tonight."

Without thinking it through, he types a quick message to his boss.

"I'm on my way."

Jamie is a little concerned because he can see the worry on his date's face. Cameron gets up and grabs his stuff.

"Jamie, I need to get to my work as fast as you can."

"What's going on or aren't you going to tell me?"

Jamie asks as he gets up and puts his shoes on and then grabs his keys. The remote unlocks the car with just a touch of a finger. Cameron is already headed out the door and almost to the car by the time that Jamie is out the door.

"So what is going on at work?"

Jamie's concern is still written all over his face, and Cameron can see it. He realizes that he never answered the guy's question.

"There is an emergency call. A dog was hit right outside its house and needs help. My boss is counting on me to be there as fast as possible."

Jamie doesn't even think twice about it. He gets into the car and gets going to the clinic. Not wanting to get a ticket, he drives as fast as can without going over the speed limit.


After arriving at the clinic, Cameron opens the door and rushes to the door. He waves his entry card underneath the scanner and then holds the door for Jamie, who also enters the clinic. Cameron rushes past the owners and with Jamie right behind him.

" can't go with me. You'll need to either wait with the family or wait in one of the exam rooms."

"I'll wait with the family."

With that Jamie doesn't get a chance to say "good luck, before Cameron vanishes into the back. Two hours later, Cameron enters one of the exam rooms and lets his tears fall. Courtney comes up front and directs the family to the back, so they can make an important decision. In the meantime, Cameron has to wait on their decision before he can continue with whatever the evening might have in store for him. Cameron peeks out from the room and then walks up to Jamie. His eyes are red from crying. It doesn't go unnoticed by his date.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Cameron takes two steps towards Jamie, and then he breaks down in tears. Almost instantly, Jamie's arms embrace his date. He lets Cam sob for a bit. When he's ready to say what's wrong, he will, and Jamie knows it.

"The...the not going to make through the night. Courtney is talking to the family."

A fifteen minutes later, Courtney comes across the intercom asking for Cameron to join her in the staff break room. Courtney is sitting in the break room when Cameron enters the break room.

"I can tell by your eyes that you've been crying again. Are you okay?"

She can tell, that things are not well. Cameron isn't doing well at the moment.

"Cameron in our jobs we are going to lose patients from time to time. Just like a doctor or a surgeon might lose a patient. There are times when even I get emotional after losing a patient. King was in serious pain in the end, and you wouldn't want anyone being in that much pain. Go home and relax? Oh and I noticed that we have company. Your firefighter is out in the waiting room. Did I interrupt something?"

Maybe if Courtney changed the subject, Cameron might come out of the emotion. She knows that she interrupted something between the guys, but she wants to hear it from him

"Yeah, we were hanging out at the house, enjoying some streaming television."

She knows how Cam can be when it comes to being around people. She doesn't like hearing that she interrupted their evening. Cameron didn't want to go into the clinic, but the Courtney needed him.

"Well, I'll let you get back to whatever you guys were doing. Thanks for coming in to help out. I have to finish up here, and then I'm going home."

He is dying to be back in Jamie's hands. After saying goodbye, he rejoins Jamie in the waiting room. He is happy to see that the family has left. He doesn't want to face them and their emotions.

"We can go home now."

Jamie is ready to head out. He's glad to be leaving the clinic.


Jamie and Cameron leave the pet hospital and head out for Cameron's house. Cameron needs to sleep, but at least he doesn't work tomorrow. On the other hand, Jamie is on call, but he needs his sleep also. When Jamie pulls up to Cameron's home, he stops the car.

"Can I have a good night kiss?"

Jamie's asking because he wants to give Cameron a sweet kiss, so he has something to remember. Cameron leans in for the kiss. Jamie delivers the kiss, and all is well. When he kisses Cam, the kiss causes electricity to course all the way down his body.

"That was amazing."

Cameron says to his guy, and a full minute after the kiss, he's still feeling the effects of that kiss even his penis reacts to the kiss. If Jamie noticed, he didn't let on which is good because Cameron isn't sure he's ready for him to see it.

"Good night. I hope you sleep well tonight."

Jamie says as he goes to start the car up to head home. As Cameron gets out of the car, he looks at the lights off in his house and then looks back at the driver. He's tired, but he knows that his new friend must be tired also, so he decides to make an offer that he hopes will be okay with Jamie.

"Look, I know how tired I am right now, and I figure you have to be tired also, why don't you come up and spend the night."

Jamie considers spending the night. Usually though before he has sex, there is a conversation about sex and things associated with sex like HIV and STDs. There just hasn't been any talk about the topic, so he's kind of nervous about that, plus he doesn't have condoms, and he doubts that Cameron does either, so maybe this "sleepover" shouldn't happen. Cameron can see the fight going on inside the guy's head, so makes the decision easy.

"Look, I was just offering a bed, that is all. You're welcome to share my bed, or you can sleep in the guest room."

Now, the offer sounds good. Jamie jumps at the chance to spend the night. As crazy as it may seem to those who know him, he doesn't mind not having sex with this sweet, but handsome guy. Cameron makes him feel completely safe.

"Okay, you win. I guess, I'm spending the night, but I don't have any change of clothes or anything else for that matter. You may have to deal with my morning breath. Is my car okay here?"

Jamie asks because he doesn't want anything happening to his car during the night.

"It's safe here."

With that Cameron closes the car door and then Jamie takes the keys out of the ignition and then gets out of the car. He used his remote to lock the car and then follows Cameron up to his house. Jamie is led to the master bedroom which comes with its own private bathroom, which Jamie is allowed to use first just so he can at least smell a little bit better. After Cameron's shower, the guys climb into the queen size bed and cuddle up with each other. Like on the couch earlier, Jamie has his arms wrapped around Cameron. They talk softly for a few minutes, and it isn't long before both guys are fast asleep.


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Next: Chapter 6

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