Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on Aug 24, 2017


Love From the Ashes 2

None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people. The city that the characters live in is also fake.

This story may contain some adult language as well some hints of sex or sex. I cannot promise that there will be sex in each chapter, but if you find my writing to be offensive or distasteful in any way, you're visiting the wrong website and need to move on.

Copyright - 2017

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 2


Jamie just got up, has got out of the shower, and is now ready to check up on Princess. He's hoping that his conversation with Cameron and the doctor are true and that Princess is still gaining strength today. He brings up the clinic's number and calls them.

"Good morning Webber Veterinary hospital, This is Doctor Courtney Williams, how can I help you?"

"This is Jamie Best; I brought in 4 puppies last night from a building fire."

She recognized Jamie's name immediately after he spoke.

"Mr. Best, I need to get to surgery. I am going to hand you over to one of our veterinary assistants."

Jamie hopes that assistant is Cameron. Doctor Williams hands the phone over to the assistant.

"Hi Mr. Best, This is Cameron from last night, and I have good news. Princess is doing much better than when she came into the hospital last night. She is still fighting, still being strong."

It feels so good to hear his voice. Cameron is thinking about Jamie's sexy body, and Jamie is thinking the same thing about Cameron.

"Awesome, I need to come up there, and see how high the bill is so far, so I can figure things out."

"Sorry but at the moment, I need to get back to the surgery but I should be be able to give you the information that you want when you come in."

Cameron has no problem helping Jamie out because he wants to see him again.

"I really do appreciate it."

"No worries, I look forward to seeing you."

Cameron seriously means what he said.


Arriving at the clinic, Jamie enters hoping to be greeted by Cameron. He actually has butterflies in his stomach, which is rare for him. It doesn't take him long to realize that his crush isn't up front.

`I bet, he's in the back helping out one of the vets with an animal.'

There is a woman behind the desk instead of his crush. He approaches the desk and then explains everything to her. She picks up the phone and then she calls to the back. After talking on the phone for a minute or two, she relays the information to Jamie, and that means he knows the amount of the bill so far. Jamie steps outside and then calls Captain Allison. He isn't sure that he can afford the whole bill for Princess' care and since the department has in the past taken care of the medical bills of pets found in fires, maybe the Captain will have some compassion in this case as well. It was hard convincing the captain to help Jamie with the bill, but he's able too. All Jamie has to do is come to the station and pick up the and then return to the clinic to pay the bill. He lets the receptionist know he's going to the fire station to pick the check.


Just as he is about to leave the clinic, Cameron comes out from the back.

"Would you like to see Princess?"

He smiles at Cameron.

"I'll take that as a yes. You can follow me to the back."

They wind their way to the room where they are holding Princess. I guess you could call this room an ICU room. Cameron watches as Jamie approaches the cage.

`I don't know if I want to get her excited but I do want to see her.'

He stands next the cage that the puppy is laying down in. He sees the IV and the other medical devices that are hooked up to her. The puppy is whining a bit and it breaks Jamie's heart. At the same time, the emotion that Jamie is showing has caught Cam's eyes. Cameron loves the fact that Jamie is concerned for an animal that isn't even his pet. Jamie just isn't showing that he is concerned for this animal, but he's showing love for her too. Princess is responding to Jamie's voice by wagging her little tail ever so lightly. It's enough to choke up both Jamie and Cameron.


Princess moves slightly and releases a whimper of pain that hurts breaks Jamie's heart. Jamie knows that Princess is still feeling pain either from the smoke inhalation or from the IV's that pierces her skin. It is clear that the pup isn't happy but the staff here at the clinic are doing everything they can to make her comfortable. Jamie is grateful for all they are doing on her behalf. Princess releases another whimper, and that breaks Jamie's heart. If it were not for the fact that Cameron is here beside him, he might just break down in tears. Jamie's face shows his concern. His pain is beginning to burn in Cameron's chest. Jamie needs something to help him feel better. Cameron is craving his touch, a kiss would be way out of bounds, but a hug, and a sincere hug might be just what Jamie needs. As Cameron considers the hug, he looks at Jamie's fear, which has overcome him. He cannot give this man a hug. Jamie is just too big to mess with, and it might not end well for Cameron. Still, he feels like he needs to do something or say something.

"I know this might seem odd, but do you need a hug?"

Cameron's comment stuns Jamie for a second. A stranger has never offered to give him a hug before but he sort of knows this guy. He met him last night so he isn't exactly an unfamiliar person. Heck, he knows his first name, so what the heck why not give the guy a hug.

"Sure, I could use a hug."

As they embrace, Cameron can smell Jamie's scent, a mix of cologne and Jamie's own unique scent. Whatever, the smell is it's driving Cameron crazy, but it's more than the scent. Jamie, too, can smell Cameron's scent, a mix of body wash and the clinic. It's more than just their scents; it's also their touch, which is completing a circuit, which is allowing electricity to course through them. The guys feel it and it scares them and also excites them, but right now things are too new. For just a second, Jamie looks at the vet assistant and sees his future Jamie doesn't want to break the hug, but this visit is all about his puppy. They break the hug and the guys try to ignore what they felt. Cameron is glad that he was able to help Jamie feel a little bit better about everything.


Courtney Williams, the vet, comes out from the back to talk with Jamie. She wants to update Jamie on Princess' health.

"Hi Mr. Best, I just want you to know I am not sending Princess home with you today. I'm going to be taking her off oxygen mask tomorrow.

Jamie smiles as Courtney continues updating him, even though doesn't like her news. He wants to bring her home tonight. He does find out that they gave her a dewormer and some shots. In the next couple of days, Princess will be his dog and at his home. This clinic has always taken care of the animals that the firefighters have brought into them, and today it's earned even more stars. It's earned marks for the care they've given to Princess and for employing the cute veterinary assistant.


Cameron watches from the front desk as Jamie Leaves. He's still feeling the electricity that swept through him during their short hug. Only one problem, the source of that electricity has walked out of the building. Courtney walks out from the back right up to Cameron. Nothing is said, she is watching the hunk walking to his car. She can also see the expression on her employee's face. There is no doubt that there is a lot going on in his mind. It isn't just the fact that the hot guy has left. Cameron is worried about the firefighter. Right now, things are looking good with the puppy, but he knows that things could potentially go south at any time. Owners and pets have come a long way only to see their beloved pet die. He doesn't really know how the firefighter would take it if the little pup were to die. Would his heart be crushed if the puppy died? He's seen it happen a few times before, but this time things will not end on a bad note. There are prayers reaching up to heaven for this little pup. Courtney is standing by Cameron's side, and she does not intend to let Cameron suffer through this crush alone, especially if it goes south.


The vet and her assistant walks back towards the recovery unit. As they are slowly and deliberately looking over each animal, Courtney looks at Cameron observing his body language. It's easy to see that he's not his usual happy self.

"Cameron, what has upset you more, the fact that I'm not sending Princess home or the fact that her owner has left the building again?"

"I guess, it's a mix of worrying about Princess and the fact that I gave that guy a hug and felt a surge of electricity that I know we both felt and seeing him leave without saying anything to me, it sort of hurts."

Courtney slaps his back for being stupid.

"You should have said something to him before he left and you didn't. Do you want sympathy from me? You being shy isn't the way to get things done."

Cameron doesn't want to talk with her right now. He doesn't usually crush on guys and Jamie is crush worthy for sure.

"I didn't ask for your sympathy Courtney but I do appreciate your pep talk."

"Okay then, you need to gather up whatever strength is inside of you and approach Mr. Crushworthy."

There is no way he's going to let this get by him. He would like to be the firefighter's boyfriend, but he doesn't want to lose this guy just because he tells Jamie what he thinks of him.

"I got that yeah; I just am not sure about him."

She stares at him in disbelief.

"What is there to be unsure about?"

"Courtney, I don't even know if he's gay."

"You apparently haven't seen him checking you out."

He's seen it, but Cameron plays it off as if he hasn't.

"I just need a chance to figure things out."

"Bottom line, you need to talk with this guy."

A new client enters the clinic and ends their conversation.


Cameron gets home and jumps the gun a little bit, and grabs a notebook and starts coming up with date ideas. He hops online and looks around for ideas. An hour is spent tooling around for ideas. Then he sits down and comes up with some from the local area that they can hit. He then calls Courtney and they discuss further date ideas. He finally comes up with a walk on the beach and then mini-golf followed by dinner. Hopefully, things will work out and everything will go according to his dreams.


The next day after working out Jamie decides to call the clinic to check on Princess. He's hoping to hear Cameron's voice but Cam is behind the scenes right now helping with a surgery. The person he's talking too has to step away from the phone to check on the information that he needs on Princess. He's worried that things may not have gone the way that Doctor Williams thought they might. It would be nice to hear that she is off oxygen and and IV have been removed. The person on the phone had stepped away and came back to relay information back to Jamie. Doctor Williams did in fact remove the oxygen and the IV at least for now. She's in recover and the next few hours will decide when you can pick her up. He thanks her and goes back to his day.


Around 2:30 in the afternoon, Jamie decides to visit Princess. Cameron is just about ready to head home, but changes his plans when he sees Mr. Best entering the clinic.

"Can I help you today Mr. Best?"

Jamie smiles as he looks at Cameron. He's glad that he's here.

"Yeah, I'd like to see my puppy."

"Okay, you can follow me to the back."

Jamie follows right behind him and enjoys the view of Cameron's backside. When he gets into the room, where Princess is at, she perks up when he enters the room.

"Hey Princess, how are you doing?"

Her tail instantly starts to wag much stronger then she has in the past. She looks happy to see him, which is good. She even responds to Cameron's presence, which is also good to see also. This visit has been awesome so far. The visit only lasts about 15 minutes. Jamie is sad because Cameron does stick around very long. He hoped that Cameron would stay with him the entire time but he must have had something else to do. In truth, he disappeared before he got himself in trouble. Something about this guy that makes Cameron go nuts. His arousal really needs to be kept from this guy. It's just a shame that he stepped away from the room. There are good things to come if the guys would just act on their feelings. When Cameron comes back into the room, Jamie isn't in there. He was really hoping to talk with him. When he enters the front of the clinic, Jamie is speaking with Courtney. Since they're talking, he returns to the back and does some chores around the cages. He's back there for only a few minutes when he returns to the front hoping to catch Jamie before he leaves. Jamie is gone. Courtney somehow slips into the back and into one of the exam rooms.

`I hope he left a message with the boss lady.'

He moves slowly to the back till he comes to a closed exam room. Waiting for just a minute, Cameron is hoping that she'll come out of the room in a minute or two. Luckily, she does leave the room in just a few minutes.

"Courtney, did Jamie say anything to you before he left?"

"You mean, did he say anything to me about you?"

He's quiet for just a minute or two.

"So did he say anything?"

"I could tell that he was disappointed that he didn't see more of you, but no, he didn't say anything."

Now it's Jamie's turn to be disappointed.


Jamie is at home and he's just relaxing in front of the television. As he's watching some news show on PBS, when his cell phone rings. It's Brayden, so he quickly answers the phone call.

"Hey Brayden, what's going on dude?"

"I just wanted to check in on you. How are you doing?"

"I'm just a little disappointed. I was at the veterinary clinic and I saw the guy that I'm crushing on him but never got a chance to talk to him like I wanted too."

Brayden doesn't know what to say exactly. Their friendship is one that allows for some straight forwardness at times.

"So is this guy that you're talking about the assistant from last night?"

"Yeah, it's the same guy."

Brayden hasn't met this guy yet, but from what his best friend has told him this guy must be something special. At some point he wants to meet this guy and see for himself what makes this guy special. All he knows is that this guy had better not hurt his pal.

"So you haven't talked to him at all?"

Jamie chuckles a little bit because Brayden knows all too well that he hasn't spoken to him about the crush.

"No, I guess I haven't, not about crushing on him. Our talks have all been about the puppy. I don't know man, he's different, so different from anyone that I've ever thought about dating before, you know?"

In honesty, Jamie is right, he is different, and it's all in a goodway. He just isn't sure why but he wants to find out what makes this guy so different.

"You didn't answer my question."

"No I guess that I didn't. I haven't had a chance to just sit down with him just yet. I've been a little busy with work, and as of late, he's been a little busy with his work."

The real question is when will he get a chance to talk with the guy.

"I'm going to talk with him. I just have to get him away from the clinic."

"I know you can do it."

"Thanks for being my friend Brayden."

"You're welcome."

"Jamie, what are you doing later tonight?"

Jamie isn't working, he knows that much, so tonight he's open to going out and having fun.

"I'm wide open tonight. Why what's up?"

"Want to go out to eat? Nothing fancy, maybe a burger or a pizza? Actually, a pizza sounds really good."

Even now, Jamie's stomach is growling but it's not time for supper just yet, so he'll have to wait to have pizza.

"That sounds really good; I can't wait to have my cheat meal for the week."

"Whatever man, just be ready to go when I call."

He doesn't need to be told to be ready; when it comes to food, Jamie is always ready.

"I'll be ready."

As they end their call, it dons on Jamie that maybe he should have set aside tonight to talk to the assistant at the pet hospital. It might end up being more productive than having pizza with his best friend. Still, it's always good to bond with his fellow firefighters even it is one that you've known for forever.


While Jamie has been on the phone with Brayden, Cameron's shift has ended and he's resting at home. There is one person in his family who hasn't walked away from Cameron and that is his sister. Sophie took some time after he came out to let things soak in but she pretty much knew that her brother was gay all along. It was more or less something that didn't need to be said, but she was happy for him when he did come out, now the big question is will she be accepting when it comes time to have someone special in his life. He doesn't want to be left out of her life, and she would kill him for not allowing her to be included in his life. No doubt about it, she would be upset if she didn't hear it from him. She has a way of finding out stuff and if he wants to stay on her good side, the news had better come from him. He decides to call her and fill her in on this little crush.

"Hello Cameron, what's going on big brother?"

It tickles him every time that he hears her call him big brother. He may be older but she has always seemed taller somehow, even though the difference between them is negligible, maybe it's her confidence. She walks into a room and everyone already knows her or they will know her. It's always been that way. She has this unshakeable confidence that allows her to talk in front of groups or face decisions head on and know that things will be okay."

"I...have a crush on a guy that came in the other day at work."

It's quiet, not because Sophie is trying to come up with the words to say, but because she is in shock, happy shock. He's only came to her twice about the guys that he likes.

"Tell me about him."

"Well, he's over 6 foot, and I'm guessing around 190 lbs. but he's not fat. It's all muscle and he's a firefighter. He has tattoos or a large tattoo. He has brown eyes and brown hair."

Now, his sister is quiet as she gathers her words.

"All the other guys that you've dated or had crushes on aren't quite like him. I mean, I know you like muscular guys but you tend to go with guys who are shorter than you not taller."

She knows one of his fears is getting bashed by someone that he might approach or date. He's never been good at reading people's signals but with this guy he's trying.

"Why did he come into the pet hospital?"

"Well the ambulance brought us a bunch of puppies that were in a structure that was on fire and the firefighters rescued the them. He came to make sure that everything was okay with the puppies."

She wants to know more about this guy that has her brother flying through the clouds.

"There has to be something that you're not telling me."

"Now that you mention it, there is something that I haven't told you. We couldn't do anything more for some of the puppies but one little girl pup survived and he's claimed her as his. He calls twice or three times a day. Plus, he stops in at least twice a day to check up on her and to spend time with her. Well, today he came in and it looked like everything was just weighing on his shoulders. He wasn't crying at the time, but I could tell that something was wrong, so I offered to hug him. When I did give him a hug, I felt this surge of electricity course through me."

Cameron can be a lot of things but, outside of family, he usually doesn't go out of his way to have physical contact like that. Sophie is beginning to get an idea of what's coming next.

"Sounds intense, does he know how you feel?"

Cameron looks down at the floor for a second.

"No, he doesn't but I'm almost positive that he feels the same way."

`He needs to be careful, a good friend of mine once told me that assumptions are the mother of all screw ups.'

"Well, you need to fix that, okay?"

She knows her brother can be shy but hopefully Sophie can push him a little bit in the right direction.

"I'm building up the nerve to tell him."

"If you're not careful, you could lose him. You need to speak up."

"I get it Sophie, I get it."

"I love you Cameron, and I want you to be happy."

Cameron wants to be happy too, and spending time with his crush would make him very happy. Now, he just needs to let her go and move on with his day.

"Sophie, do me a favor?"

"What can I do for you?"

He takes a deep breath before speaking again.

"You know how Mom feels about gays?"

"Yes, I know but what exactly is the favor?"

"I don't want her to know about him. I don't want to risk losing her."

Sophie understands why Cameron doesn't want their mom to know about her crush.

"Cam, can I ask you a question?"


"What do you think Mr. Crush will think when he finds out that you aren't totally out?"

Suddenly, the high that he was feeling earlier in their conversation has dropped. He is actually just a little bit scared, because there are many guys who would not date him for being totally out of the closet.

"I'm hoping that he still wants to be with me, and that he'll support me when I do come out one hundred percent."

"I guess that is fair. Hope he does support you."

"Me too."

"Love you bro, I'll talk to you later."

"Love you too Sis!"

They end the call and go about the rest of their day.


Brayden has called Jamie and they are ready to head out to dinner. Jamie's friend is on his way to pick him up . When he arrives at Jamie's house, he honks the horn and then waits for Jamie to come out. It takes just a minute or two for Jamie to get out. He quickly gets into the car and off they go for pizza. It takes less then five minutes to arrive at the pizzeria. They walk inside and wait for the hostess before they are seated. She comes up to them and quickly sits them in on of their booths far away from the doors. They order and then talk quietly between themselves. As the guys are eating, a lone guy enters the restaurant. The patron scans the restaurant looking for a place to sit when they see Jamie sitting with another guy. It is none other than Cameron and right now he is feeling devastated. He considers going ahead to be seated but then his hurt feelings take over, and he decides to leave rather then sit around thinking about them. Before he leaves, he stares at Jamie for a few seconds. At the same time, Brayden is looking for the waitress and happens to see Cameron staring at Jamie.

"Jamie, there is a guy over by the door and he's staring at you."

Jamie turns his head and catches Cameron's eyes. Instantly, he can see the hurt in his crush's eyes.


Jamie says as he looks back at Brayden.

"That is the guy from the pet hospital."


Brayden says as he realizes the reason for the stares.

"Jamie, I think he thinks that we're a couple."

Jamie panics and he can still see the pain in Cameron's eyes. Brayden is trying to think of what to say or to do.


Cameron is visibly upset and just about to walk out the door. He turns and heads for the door. As Cameron escapes out the door, Brayden and Jamie get up and head for the door to stop him. Before Brayden can get to the door, he can see Cameron getting into his car. Brayden feels defeated as he heads to Jamie who is trying his best to text Cameron.

"Sorry man, we missed him."

"Okay, well that wasn't planned. I guess that guy is done and over with, huh?"

Brayden can see some disappointment in his friend's body language and it hurts him to see it.

`Please let me explain.'

Jamie sends the text to Cameron but Cam ignores it. At the moment he is pissed at himself and at Jamie. Maybe he shouldn't be angry at Jamie, after all there not dating but it still stings. He could have misread the signals coming from Jamie, but he knows better.

"Did you just text him?"

Brayden asks looking at Jamie who is wanting to go home at this point. Brayden returns to the booth where he finds the receipt already waiting for them. Brayden pays knowing that Jamie wants to get out of this place. The guys take off for Jamie's house.


Cameron is at home feeling betrayed by Jamie. A few small tears run down his face. Cameron has always been a bit emotional but nothing over the top. Rather then, keep it trapped inside, he calls his sister one more time today.

"Cameron, are you okay? I thought we were done for the evening."

"We were, and then I decided to go out for pizza."

She is glad that he's going out by himself to do stuff. Many times, Cameron has food delivered and eats by himself at home.

"Well, I got to the restaurant and while I'm looking for a place to sit down to eat, I see my firefighter and he's laughing and talking with this really cute, red-headed hunk."

"Cameron, are you sure that you're not letting your imagination get the best of you?"

He knows he has a tendency to jump the gun sometimes, but he also doesn't want to be hurt again, so if he's going to get hurt, he would rather it happen at this stage. He can't deny the fact that this guy was making eye contact and seeing things in those eyes that makes him want to jump into his crush's arms right away.

"He wasn't looking at this guy the way he looks at me, but it still didn't feel right. I didn't want to watch him with the other guy, so I came home."

"Sorry Cameron, but I really think you need to let your crush explain himself. Maybe, it's innocent, they could just be friends."

This is why he called Sophie. She always helps him see things differently. Another of her gifts is her ability to calm him down. Something she hasn't been doing lately.

"Thanks Sophie! I think, I'll give him a chance to explain himself, but I'm not going to dwell on him if I can help it."

She knows, that he won't be able to help himself, that he'll dwell on it despite the fact that he said he wouldn't. He can't help himself when it comes to guys that he likes. If it was not for that beautiful sister of his, he might be going crazy without her wisdom.

"I'm going to let you go big brother. Don't sweat it. I'm sure things will be okay."

"Thanks Sis!"

She loves helping him out with all his guys' problems. He has to just relax and put his faith in what his sister said. She is the best.


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