Love From the Ashes

By HnstSkr4 / Chuck B.

Published on Aug 30, 2021


Love From the Ashes Chapter 11

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

Let me know what you think of the story by emailing me at

I want to thank everyone who has emailed. I also want to thank those who have read the story. It means a lot hearing from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

If you do not like this type of story or you do not agree with the issues in this story, then please feel free to read elsewhere

Copyright © 2017-2021

Love From The Ashes

Chapter 11

Another Fire

It's been a couple of weeks since the fire dream. The guys have decided to get together and play darts just a little date night. Jamie picks up Cameron, and from there, they head off to enjoy their day. Cameron isn't crazy about playing darts, but it's time spent with Jamie, which is what matters most. Cameron is a little bit ahead of Jamie in points. He's enjoying it. Jamie is having fun, too, which is good enough though he's not winning.


Somehow despite everything going against him, Cameron is winning. Jamie is okay with his "boyfriend" doing well in the game. The guys are pretty happy being with each other and teasing each other as they play. Yes, people are looking at them. For the first time, Cameron doesn't care about the people watching them. They are laughing and having fun, which is important. When the game is done, the guys show signs that they are hungry, so they decide to go out for lunch. They leave the game room, get into the car, and then talk about where they might go out for lunch.


They decide on a Vietnamese restaurant that just opened in their area. Cameron has wanted to try this place, and even Jamie intends to check the place out. Cameron has had pho at other places and loves it; maybe it has a different take on it. Jamie and Cameron get sat down, and the waitress came to hand them their menus. Jamie is getting pho bo or beef pho, and Cameron is getting Pho ga or chicken pho. They talk about life and what they want to do for the next part of their date. They decide to head off to the local river walk.


They are walking along the river when a little boy and his mother walk up to them.

"Look, Mommy, they're holding hands. Are you in love?"

The kid's mom is a little surprised, but he's always been talkative with strangers. Luckily, he tends to do this when his dad or his mom are with him, not when he is playing in the yard, which he has been in when strangers have come into the yard. He's also been taught to come into the house if anyone else comes into the yard. Cameron and Jamie are a little surprised at how forward the kid is, and they quietly discuss how to address it.

"My brother and his husband recently got married in Hawaii. My brother-in-law is Hawaiian, but he managed to get a job in Utah. My son loves his uncles. We speak with them every night."

The mother explains why her son is asking that question. Jamie loves kids, so he doesn't mind having this interaction with the kid and his mother.

"Cool, I'm Jamie, and this is Cameron. We just started dating"

Jamie tells the kid and the mother.

"I can tell by the smile on your faces that you're in love. How long have you two been dating?"

Cameron answers her question.

"We've been dating for four months now."

The little boy smiles, and the mother, well, is happy for them.

"Very cool!"

The mother says to Cameron and Jamie.

"Best of luck, guys!"

She says just before they head out to finish their walk.

"Thank you!"

Cameron tells the mother. As the mother and son move their way, Cameron looks at Jamie and jabs his man.

"You think we are in love?"

Cameron asks his lover guy. Jamie smiles at Cameron while pretending to be in pain from the jab.

"I mean, I guess we are in love."

Jamie says with a grin. Cameron pretends to be angry at his guy. They end up embracing in a hug.


As they are walking back to the car, Jamie's phone rings. The display says that it's Rachel calling.

"Hey Rachel, what's going on?"

Jamie is hoping that she doesn't want him to come to the house right now.

"I'm inviting you to dinner. Is Cameron free tonight? If he is free, he is invited too."

Jamie smiles at Cameron as he looks at him.

"I'm with him right now, so let me ask if he's free."

Jamie tells his sister.

"Rachel wants to know if you're free tonight?"

Cameron wonders why Rachel is asking if he's free tonight.

"What's the occasion?"

Jamie gives him a reassuring glance.

"Just dinner!"

He doesn't know what they will have for dinner, so it's a good thing Cameron isn't picky.

"I'm free."

Jamie is glad that Cameron is free because he wants to introduce Cameron to his sister and her family.

"Rachel, Cameron says that he can be there, so what time should I plan on us being there?"

Jamie hopes that it's not too late because he wants to see the kiddo.

"Be here at 6:30!"

Cameron nods his head.

"Cameron says the time is fine."

It's good that the guys can be there by 6:30 because Rachel doesn't want them to be late.

"Good, good, I cannot wait to see him."

Rachel is glad that her brother and her brother's guy will be at the house tonight for dinner. Now, she can get busy with the food.

"Bye, Rachel!"

He wants to get back to spending time with his babe."

"I'll see you soon, Bro!"

Once again, they have no idea what they are going to be doing next. Jamie ends the call with his sister. Jamie and Cameron discuss what's next. They decide that before they do anything else, they need to check on Princess.


They have to go home and make sure that Princess has a chance to use the bathroom. The first thing they do is get into the house and get the dog outside. Princess let out some barks showing Cameron and Jamie just how excited she is to see them. When she was let out of the kennel, she ran between their legs and gave them kisses. While Jamie gets the leash, she seeks out attention from Cameron. While Jamie attaches the leash to the collar, Cameron grabs the doggie bags, and they head out for a short walk before heading back home to throw the bags away in the garbage. Jamie and Cameron take Princess into the backyard and take the leash off to run around and play. While she is chasing the ball around, the guys start to talk.

"What do you want to do after we play with Princess?"

Cameron asks to see what Jamie wanted to do before dinner with Rachel.

"What about bowling?"

Jamie's idea is one that Cameron has never done before, so this will be a first.


As they are talking, Princess brings up the ball to Cameron. She drops the ball and then walks up to Jamie, who gladly pets her back.

"Are you a good girl?"

Princess again gets excited and goes to lick Jamie's face, who is now sitting on a chair in the backyard.

"Okay, you can give me one kiss, and that's it."

Jamie tells Princess as he pretends that he doesn't want her attention. She kisses him, and then Cameron gives her a pat on the back. She turns to lick him too.

"I love you to girl."

Cameron tells the dog. Princess gives him multiple kisses. It's not uncommon for her to spend quite a bit of time sniffing Cameron because of all the smells he gets from work. Jamie stands up on the step that he is sitting on and throws the ball across the backyard. Princess takes off and heads toward the ball. Her legs are running a mile a minute. She grabs the ball and then chews on it for a few seconds.

"Bring it, Princess!"

She gets up and runs the ball over to her owner.

"One last throw, girl."

Jamie tells his dog. He gives the ball a throw, and again she runs out and brings the ball right back to him. When Jamie opens the patio door and calls her, she comes running up to her. Jamie enters the house behind them and opens the kennel. She can see the kennel door is open, and she doesn't want to go inside, but when Jamie tells her to get inside, she does it.

"Good girl!"

Jamie tells her as he reaches up on a shelf to get her a snack. Handing her the snack, she takes it gently from his fingers. While she is eating her snack, Jamie closes the kennel door. He then turns around and locks the patio door.

"You ready to go try your hand at bowling.

Jamie asks his guy.

"I'm ready if you are ready?"

They walk into the living room and then out the door. Jamie makes sure to lock the door behind them. He walks over to the car and unlocks it. He gladly opens the front passenger side door for Cameron and then closes it once his guy is inside the door. He then turns around and gets into the car himself, and heads for the nearest bowling alley.


The guys head off towards the bowling alley. Once there, the date is on Cameron, and pretty soon, the guys are enjoying their game. By the way, you may remember that this is Cameron's first time bowling, so he's hoping he doesn't make a fool of himself. They are joking and laughing as they play. This time around, it's Jamie who is winning. It gives them plenty of time to take see and take in each other's backsides. Jamie thinks that Cameron's smile and laugh are contagious. They certainly cheer him up. There is only one thing that could ruin this date. It's attached to Jamie's belt, and at any time, it could go off and send Jamie packing to the station. Jamie glances down at the pager on his belt.

`You had better not go off tonight.'

The pager ignores Jamie's threat.


In the middle of their game, Jamie's pager goes off. Jamie immediately takes it off its belt and looks at it. He walks up to his date and taps him on his shoulder.

"Cameron, we have to go. There is a fire."

Immediately, Jamie and Cameron took off their bowling shoes, got their shoes, put those shoes on, and head out to the car. He doesn't want to end their date, but serving the community is all-important to him. Cameron can tell Jamie is upset at ending the date.

"Jamie, it's fine. I know you're job is important to you. You need to be there. I'll see you when you come home. Do you need me to call your sister?"

Jamie shakes his head.

"Call Rachel!"

Jamie says to the phone that is connected to the car's Bluetooth. Instantly, the call is connected.

"Jamie. I'm surprised to hear from you. Is everything okay?"

As far as Jamie is concerned, things are not okay. Cameron knows that Jamie is committed to his job, but he doesn't like ending their date.

"My fire pager went off, so I have to report to the station. I'm going to drop Cameron off at my house, and then I'm heading to the station. I don't know if I'll be home in time for dinner. We might have to reschedule."

Jamie doesn't want to reschedule, but he doesn't know what else to do. Cameron was looking forward to the dinner. Even Jamie was looking forward to it. Cameron has wanted to put a face to names that he's heard Jamie say ever since they've been dating. Now because of a fire, he may not get that chance. It's just something that goes with dating Jamie, but it doesn't stop Cameron's anxiety.

"Hopefully, you won't have to reschedule."

Rachel tells her brother.

"Same here!"

He doesn't want to miss out on her cooking. He needs to let her go.

"I'm going to hang up, Rachel. I will call you when the fire is out, and I can come home."

Jamie has to drop off Cameron at Cameron's house before he can get to the fire station. Jamie quickly kisses his babe, and just before Cameron gets out of the car.

"Be safe Jamie, see you after the fire?"

Jamie is going to do everything he can to see Cameron when the fire is out.

"Count on it!"

Cameron closes the car door and watches as Jamie pulls out of the driveway. He watches as Jamie heads off towards the station.

"Text Captain!"

The car opens a window on the radio display.

"Captain, I am on my way to the station."

He places the blue flashing light on the front hood and then turns on the smaller blue lights in the back. Putting his foot on the gas and speeds off towards the station, it's about the only time that he speeds. When he arrives at the station, he stops the car, closes the door, and locks it. He runs to the door, gets inside, and goes to his locker. Opening the locker, he wastes no time getting into the fire gear, and then he gets to his assigned truck. It isn't long before the truck is racing towards its destination. Sadly, it's a mobile home in one of the area's mobile home parks. The good news is that everyone got out of the house, including the family dog. Now the only thing left to do is light this fire.


Meanwhile, back at Cameron's place, he is feeling a bit anxious. It seems like every time that he hears the sirens, he worries about Jamie's safety. It's that energy that comes from being worried that Cameron has to deal with. He puts his energy to good use by working around the house. He just wants to keep busy. All he wants is for that fire to be put out and his hottie to be next to him again. He reminds himself that Jamie is trained to do his job. All he can do is try to be positive and wait. This waiting would be easier if he had a dog like Princess to keep him company.


It was around 2:30 pm when Cameron was dropped off at Jamie's house. He immediately got in his car and drove home. It's now going on 3 hours since Jamie last saw Cameron. Instead, then call the house, Jamie shows up at Cameron's with a dozen red roses.

`I hope he likes them.'

Walking up to the house, Jamie hopes he'll surprise Cameron. He knocks on the door and waits for Cameron to answer the door. Cameron is caught off guard by the visitor knocking at his door. He opens the door and is surprised to see Jamie waiting for him on the other side of the door.

"I thought you were going to call me?"

Jamie gives him a little silly smile.

"I was, but then I saw these flowers and had to buy them for you."

The roses are passed to Cameron, who enjoys them.

"Jamie, you didn't have to get me roses. Thank you!"

Jamies wants to hug Cam but doesn't want to smash the roses.

"You're welcome, Babe. Can I come in?"

Cameron invites him into the house. Cam sets the roses down on the kitchen table, and then he goes into the living room to grab his vase. He goes into the kitchen and fills the vase with cold water. While he is filling the vase, Jamie is prepping the roses. Cameron carries the vase into the living room and sets it down on the coffee table. Jamie brings in the roses and places them in the vase.

"We have about an hour before we need to be at my sister's house. What would you like to do until we have to leave?"

Jamie had planned to see a movie, but there just isn't time to do that.

"We could just cuddle here on the couch, or I could put on some music we could do some singing. I mean, it's just us."

Jamie cringes at the thought of singing though Cameron might hear him eventually, so sure, why not try it.

"Okay, but no making fun of my singing."

Cameron nods his head.

"This is no judgemental zone."

Cameron gets on his phone and brings up his music app. They cycle through different songs as they sing to a mix of songs. For about an hour, they take turns listening to each other sing some of their favorite songs. It must have been fun because the time went by quickly, and now it's time for them to head out to Rachel's house.


They arrive at Rachel's house just in time. Jamie knocks on the door and then takes Cameron's hands. The door is answered by Victor, Jamie's brother-in-law.

"Hey guys, come on it!"

"Jamie and Cameron enter the house. Cameron can see a tiny person watching as they are lead into the living room.

"Where is my favorite two-year-old?"

Jamie is looking for his two-year-old nephew, Hadrian.

"I think he is with Rachel in the kitchen. I will get him and Rachel. We can hold off introductions will I get back."

Jamie nods his head, and Victor disappears only to return with his son and his wife in a few minutes.


Hadrian says as he reaches out for his uncle.

"Hey Buddy, can you say "Hi!" to Cameron?"

Jamie asks his nephew.

"Hi, Camin!"

Hadrian smiles and waves at Cameron.

"Hi, Hadrian!"

Cameron uses the same voice that he uses at the clinic when he speaks with the animals. He even reaches out to get a high five from the little guy.

"Okay, so Rachel, Victor, this is Cameron; he is the guy that I'm dating."

Cameron reaches out his hand to shake hands with Victor and Rachel. He is impressed with Victor's handshake. He didn't crush Cameron's hand, and it wasn't super soft either.

"It's nice to meet you, Cameron; I am going to go finish up the last-minute meal preparations."

Rachel tells him as she goes to get the meal on the table.

"Do you need help?"

Cameron asks, wanting to help out if she needs it.

"No, you sit down and enjoy your visit. If I need help, my brother can help, or my husband can help."

Cameron isn't going to argue with Jamie's sister. He sits down next to Jamie, and it isn't long before Jamie's nephew climbed up right next to Jamie and Cameron.

"So, how long have you two been dating?"

Victor asks the guys.

"We've been dating for four months now."

Jamie answers, getting a nod from Cameron, letting him know that he was right. Victor hopes that his brother-in-law is thinking clearly. There was no doubt that he was right in choosing Cameron, or maybe Cameron chooses right by picking Jamie.

"So Cameron, what do you do for a living?"

Victor is just trying to learn about Jamie's friend.

"I work at the Webber Veterinary Hospital as a veterinary technician. I was there the night that Jamie brought in Princess, and that is when we first met. I think that is when I first developed my crush on Jamie."

Victor has heard Jamie going on and on about this guy.

"Cool, one of our friends just had her cat at that hospital, and we see a vet for our bird at that pet hospital."

Cameron wonders if they are seeing William or Courtney. He doesn't ask, but he is curious.

"What type of bird do you have?"

Victor loves showing off their bird.

"We have a Moluccan cockatoo. He is a daddy's bird. He loves his mother, don't get me wrong, but he doesn't care too much for the little guy. Would you like to see him?"

Jamie already knows the answer to this one, so when Cameron doesn't answer, Jamie answers for him.

"I know, he dying to see the bird."

Jamie, Cameron, and Victor stand up.

"I guess that answers that question. We'll check him out. His cage is in the family."

They follow Victor into the family room. Jamie's brother-in-law leads the way into the family room. Victor walks up to the cage holding the bird.

"Hi, Pops!"

The bird comes out of his cage, and he climbed to the top of the door where a perch sits. Pops climbs up the perch, making some unknown calls. Cameron has been around enough birds to know that this one seems friendly based on her body language.

"Has he ever attacked anyone?"

Victor says he puts out his arm to the bird.

"With Rachel and me, he's been perfect. Right Pops?"

Cameron watches as the bird steps up onto Victor's arm, and then he climbs up to Victor's shoulder. Victor's right too, they have never had any problems with him biting, but the day may come that he does bite.

"We have to watch him around Hadrian, but other than that, we've been blessed. He is such a love bug."

Victor says as Cameron strokes Pop's feathers.

"Guy's time for dinner!"

Rachel says out loud. Cameron will have to visit with Pops later. Cam watches as Victor tells Pops to "Step up!". He's not heard Victor use any loud voices with Pops that make all the difference in the world. Once the cockatoo is put on his perch, the guys head to the dining room except for Victor and Cameron, who were washing their hands.


Rachel sits everyone around the table at the dinner table, and then it's time to dig in. Rachel has served up sweet and sour chicken, fried rice, fried zucchini, and steamed zucchini. After giving thanks to an absolute must in this house, it's time to eat and talk.

"So, how did you guys meet?"

Rachel asks, not knowing what was discussed in the living room.

"We met for the first time after a fire at one of the abandoned buildings on the west side of the city. No one was in the building. One of the other firefighters found 4 German Shepherd puppies. We brought them out of the building, and with permission from the captain, we took them to the vet. It seemed to take an eternity, but this great-looking guy eventually came out of one of the exam rooms to update me on the puppies. He told me that 3 of the puppies were not responding to treatment and that one of the puppies was doing better than the other puppies. I don't know if I've ever told Cameron this, but when I saw his brown eyes for the first time, I felt trapped but in a good way, and his voice kept me in place. He had no idea how much I needed that night. His could have lit up the entire front of the hospital. When he came into the exam room, while I was talking to Princess after speaking with the vet and finding out that the other puppies had died, he was so gentle and kind that I knew I needed to find a way to make him mine. I knew that night that I wanted to cuddle with him. I can't explain it, but I just knew it. For the record, I was not into cuddling back until I met Cameron."

Hearing Jamie's words causes Cameron to blush and feel warm all over. Rachel had met some of the other guys her brother dated, and none of them looked like this guy. Usually, his dates were muscular, sometimes, they were tatted up, and none of them were smaller than Cameron is. Cameron must be special to have caught her brother's eyes. Maybe, it was the situation that caused Jamie to notice Cameron that night in the pet hospital. It doesn't matter what forces brought them together; what matters now is that they are together. Cameron thinks back to that first night.

"Well, maybe it was the uniform, but I felt an attraction to him that night. One of the vets I work with tried to get me to go outside and talk to Jamie before he left to go to the station. My shyness and fear wouldn't let me through, and I was afraid that if I told Jamie that I thought he was sexy, and if he was straight, he might decide to punch me or worse. I...I couldn't do that. I couldn't get him off my mind. It was like he was haunting me. The next day, Jamie came in to see the puppy. I wanted to comfort him, so I asked him if...he wanted a hug, and I think we both felt something at that moment in time. Every time that I was around him, I felt so weird. Like, I wanted to kiss him or hug him, but I couldn't. I wanted to talk to him, but I would get swept up in my shyness. We've had some rough times, but I am so glad that he's mine."

Jamie takes Cameron's hand.

"Wow, I didn't know that anyone could feel that way about my brother. I'm glad you guys found each other."

Rachel tells everyone around the table. When Jamie looks back at the rough times, he's glad that they've managed to pull everything together. It might have been a family member or a friend helping them see what they needed to do, or maybe they found their way on their own. Before they started dating, Jamie and Brayden were out for pizza when Cameron saw them together, and Cameron turned and left the restaurant without even ordering. There have been doubts in Cameron's mind because of Jamie's job. There were attempts by another vet and another vet tech to break them up or plain interfere with their relationship—an argument that ended with Jamie sending Cameron home. Jamie and Cameron are happy to be where they are right now.

"Are you guys planning anything cool this week?"

Victor asks just to keep the conversation going.

"Just work and maybe seeing this guy for a date or two."

Jamie says, pointing to Cameron as he finishes his sentence.

"I know it's none of my business but who gave the first kiss?"

Cameron points to Jamie.

"Yeah, I gave the first kiss. We were on the beach watching the sunset when I got the urge to kiss him, so I went ahead and kissed him. My kiss wasn't sweet enough for him because he wanted ice cream after the kiss."

Jamie chuckles. Cameron gives him a little jab. He didn't appreciate Jamie telling them a lie about him. The conversation turns from their relationship into what will be happening in their day-to-day life.


When dinner is over, Jamie agrees to go upstairs with Hadrian to make sure he uses the bathroom; Victor and Cameron clear off the table. At the same time, Rachel is busy putting away the leftovers, but it's what happens next that impresses Rachel. Rachel finishes up the leftovers and then starts the dishes, but she isn't alone. Cameron steps in and dries the dishes. He does it without even asking. She's glad that Jamie is happy with his guy, and right now, she is thankful for the assistance in doing the dishes. Not only does this guy make her brother happy, and but maybe he's managed to change his mind as well. He didn't have to jump in and help, and he could have hung out with her brother or hung out with Victor. He's here helping her out with the dishes.


At that moment, Jamie is watching Cameron. Cameron doesn't know that Jamie is spying on him. Something is stirring in the fireman's heart. He's made his mind up to surprise Cameron by taking him outside and asking him a very important question. It's not quite time for Jamie to be pulling a ring out of his pocket. Jamie just needs to figure out the fine details of what he's going to do. He doesn't want Cameron to suspect anything, and he doesn't want to have an audience. So how does he get his sister and his brother-in-law to leave them alone long enough for Jamie to ask his big question. Jamie managed to corner Victor.

"Victor, I need a big favor?"

His brother-in-law can tell that whatever the favor is, it must be important.

"What exactly do you need?"

Jamie pauses before getting the words out of his mouth.

"I need to ask Cameron a question, and I need some privacy to do it. Can I borrow your beautiful garden?"

Jamie can't wait to do it. He could drive out to the lake with Cameron, but he needs to do it here.

"Jamie, you can borrow our backyard. Go ahead; I'll keep Rachel out of your way."

Jamie is nervous, almost to the point of shaking.

"Thanks, Victor!"

He loves his brother-in-law.

"You're welcome, Jamie; now go get him."

Jamie takes a deep breath and then goes to get Cameron. When he sees his cutie, Jamie takes a deep breath before approaching him.


Jamie is standing right beside Cameron, but he doesn't say a thing. He carefully takes his hand and begins to walk away. Jamie hopes that he'll follow without asking too many questions. For whatever reason, Cameron follows Jamie's lead. As Jamie and Cameron head towards the patio doors, Victor pulls Rachel aside and speaks with her. Jamie opens the patio doors and steps out with his love. When Cameron is outside, Jamie silently closes the door. Taking Cameron's hand again, he leads him to the arbor that has roses growing on it. Underneath the arbor sits a swing, and that is where Jamie sits down with Cameron.

"Jamie, what is going on?"

Cameron finally breaks the silence. He knows that something is going on inside Jamie's mind. Jamie isn't answering, though. He's focused on Cameron's eyes.

"Just give me a second!"

Jamie takes a deep breath and then kisses Cameron on the lips.

"Cameron Lockhart, do you love me?"

Suddenly, Cameron gets goosebumps. He's hoping this isn't a proposal because he may not be ready for that just yet.

"Yes, I love you."

Cameron doesn't get why Jamie asked him that question.

"Cameron, I asked you if you loved me because I have a bigger question to ask you. Cam, we've been calling each other boyfriends for a while now, but neither one of us has asked to make it official. So Cameron Lockhart, would you do me the favor of being my boyfriend?"

Jamie almost didn't get the words out, but once he started talking, the words kept coming until he finished what he needed to say. As easy as it was for Jamie to question Cameron, it didn't take long for Cameron to answer him.

"Are you serious? Of course, I'll be your boyfriend. I'm just sorry that I didn't do it sooner. Is this why your sister asked us for dinner?"

Jamie kisses him to stop Cameron's mouth from running.

`I love this man.'

Cameron thinks to himself as he kisses his boyfriend. Jamie doesn't do anything to stop him. He feels so comfortable with him. Course, the setting was beautiful.

"You knucklehead, course I am serious. No, my sister didn't know anything about this. I didn't know that I was going to ask you to be my boyfriend until about ten minutes ago."

Now Jamie wants one thing and one thing only. He wants to celebrate with Cameron.

"Let's go inside and tell Victor and Rachel the good news."

Jamie takes Cameron's hand, and together they walk indoors. Jamie and Cameron walk into the house with huge smiles on their faces. They follow the sounds of the television to find Victor and his wife.

"I take it that things went okay?"

Jamie grins at his sister's question.

"Yeah, it went great. I asked Cameron to be my boyfriend, and he said..."

Jamie looks at Cameron so that he can say what his answer was to Jamie's question.

"Yes, I said yes, and it felt perfect."

Cameron didn't say anything about the kiss. Jamie smiles and then surprises Cameron by kissing him right in front of Rachel and Victor. They decide that they need to say goodbye and head for home.


Jamie takes Cameron home. They exchange a kiss, and Cameron gets out of the car.

"Bye Jamie! Text me when you get home."

Cameron closes the car door. Cameron waves and then heads for the house. He reaches into his pant pockets, and then he heads off toward the door to his house. Jamie is sitting in the car watching his boyfriend as he heads up to the front door. He goes to leave, but he can't. Something has him stuck in his tracks. He sits there for a while, contemplating whether he should leave or surprise Cameron by knocking at the door. Jamie concluded that he has to stay, but he does go home to get Princess. When he gets home, he texts Cameron.

"I'm home. Love you!"

It was a short text, but it was filled with love.

"Love you too, Babe!"

Cameron fires back a text to Jamie. Jamie takes a few minutes so that she can use the bathroom. He loads her up into the car, and then he heads for Cameron's place.


Jamie pulls up to the house and knocks on the door. Cameron gets up out of his bed to answer the door. He wasn't sleeping. He was enjoying some television.


Cameron calls out, so he doesn't have to unlock the door to see who is there.

"Cameron, can I come in?"

Cameron recognizes his boyfriend's voice. Instantly, he unlocks the door so that Jamie can come into the house.

"Come in, Jamie!"

Cameron's heart is pounding because he's excited. When the door opens, Jamie and Princess are standing on his doorsteps. Jamie and Princess greet Cameron in their own way. He appreciates having Jamie here.

"Aren't you supposed to be at home?"

Cameron asks his boyfriend.

"Well, I wasn't going to go home, but I remembered my little girl, so I went home to get her. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't leave. I wanted to be by your side, but I had to get Princess."

Jamie told his boyfriend.

`He's so sweet!'

Cameron thinks to himself as he listens to his boyfriend.

"Do you want to stay the night?"

He asks Jamie who is here beside him.

"I can if you want me to?"

How could he not want the firefighter with him?

"I want you to spend the night?"

Jamie kisses his boyfriend on the lips. After the kiss, Jamie opens the front door and goes out to his car to get the kennel for Princess. He goes back into the house.

"Where do you want it?"

Jamie asks so that he can set it up where his boyfriend wants it.

"You can set it up in the guest room or the master bedroom if you want."

It's decided that the kennel should go into the guest bedroom. Jamie sets up the kennel, and then Princess is put away for the night. As Jamie puts her away, Cameron is getting back into bed. It isn't long before Jamie enters the bedroom. He strips off his clothes except for his briefs. Then he crawls into bed with his boyfriend. Exchanging a kiss, the boyfriends snuggle up together. After a ton of snuggles, the guys fall asleep.


Jamie gets up early and decides to do breakfast in bed for his baby. He decides on French toast with powdered sugar, and instead of maple syrup, he uses apricot syrup that Cameron must have bought. With the French toast, he serves up freshly squeezed orange juice. There is also some breakfast sausage along with a fried egg. He plates everything up and makes sure to do a healthy dusting of powdered sugar on the French toast. Finding a tray in the kitchen, he places the plate, silverware, and the glass of orange juice on it. Next, Jamie walks to Cameron's bedroom and places the tray on the top of Cameron's nightstand. Climbing into bed, Jamie straddles Cameron's chest, reaches down, kisses Cameron on the lips, and lightly tickles his nipples. Cameron wakes up and kisses Jamie back. Cameron tries to get out of bed, but Jamie's weight stops him. Jamie gets off Cameron. Again, Cameron tries to get up out of bed, but Jamie stops him.

"I have a surprise for you, so stay in bed. It's alright to sit up in bed but don't get out of bed."

Jamie tells his boyfriend as he stood up and got the tray off the nightstand. Seeing what Jamie has in his hands, Cameron sits up against his headboard. Jamie carefully places the tray on his boyfriend's lap. Cameron moves the tray closer to him. He is pleased with the food in front of him.

"Why am I getting breakfast in bed?"

Cameron doesn't understand why Jamie is being so thoughtful. No other guy has ever done this for him.

"I thought I would cook you breakfast to celebrate us being official boyfriends."

Cameron appreciates Jamie does this for him. He loves that his boyfriend is so thoughtful.


When Cameron is done with his breakfast, Jamie is doing the dishes that he used in making the breakfast and serving the breakfast. Cameron never imagined himself with a like Jamie. He's thankful for everything that Jamie does for him. It feels like someone from up above put Jamie right into his path. Who knows where they are going on his journey that they are on, and right now, it feels like heaven.

`Hopefully, Jamie isn't just acting all kinds of nice to get something out of me.'

Cameron thinks to himself as he gets ready for the day. As he ponders over the weeks and months that they've been together, he is amazed at just how good things have been. Jamie hasn't hit him, hasn't put him down, or mistreated him in any way. This is how countless guys have treated Cameron. If last night and this morning are any indication, they are in good shape for the future.


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