Love For a Straight Boy

By Joshua Scott

Published on Mar 17, 2012




  1. If you're not old enough to read this, what I don't know doesn't hurt me?.

  2. This is a 90% true story. I am keeping all the facts straight, but I am going to live out my part a little differently. Just to make it a little more interesting for you guys and gals to read! I also changed all but 1 name, Keep the identities private!

  3. FEEDBACK IS VERY ENCOURAGED~! I wanna hear what you guys think about the characters and their situation. The more e-mails I get the more I will want to write!

  4. Let the story begin, I hope you guys like it!

Love for a Straight Boy: Part 1

I pulled in Faith's driveway and there were about 6 cars pulled in the grass and about 3 in the driveway. I followed the driveway down and pulled into the grass off to the side. I put the car in park and sat there wondering if I was really going to do this or not.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Tanner; I'm 6 foot tall, 180 lbs, and one killer smile. I have dark hair and hazel eyes. I'm 19 years old and I am bi. Everyone always thinks that means I can't choose between guys and girls that is not true. To me it means that I date both guys and girls looking for my one true love! Little did I know, I might find him sooner than I EVER expected. Not many people know about me, one of them being my best friend in the whole world, her name is Lori. She is the one I am meeting at this party tonight.

Lori has always been a partier, She loves her alcohol! Don't get me wrong, I like to drink, but I can't ever get drunk, because I tend to flirt, with guys and girls. Which most people probably wouldn't care, but we live in Georgia, where being gay is practically a death sentence! We live in a big county, where all the boys are country; they wear camouflage and drive really big trucks!

Lori called me 2 days ago and didn't give me an option when it came to this party, I was going whether I liked it or not! So I told her to get me a six pack of Smirnoff and I would be good. Now to explain a little about where I messed up. I used to be really fat. I weighed over 250 lbs when I graduated high school, but this past year I lost 80 pounds and was the smallest I had been since before freshman year. Now when I would drink before, it took about 8 Smirnoff to even give me a buzz. Well tonight I find out, that isn't the case anymore!

"Hey Lori!" I ran over and gave my best friend a big hug! "Tanner, you actually showed up! I can't believe my eyes!" She truly did look surprised to see me. "You said I didn't have a choice." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah but usually you just tell me some long drawn out story about how your mom won't let you out, or you have a lot of school work, or some other made up bull shit!" It's true; I did have a bad habit of bailing on her when it came to parties. "Well I am here! I hope you have my liquor!" She pulled a bag out of the truck, "You know I do!"

"Cherry Lime, Looks fantastic!" She started walking towards Faith's house, "Well come on! Come see all your old high school classmates!" I wondered what she meant by that! I hope there wouldn't be too many from high school, I hated that place!

We approached the door and knocked. It was Faith who came to the door. "Lori! It is so good to see you, Oh my god! Is that Tanner? Or at least what's left of him!" She ran over and threw her arms around me. "You look so great! How much weight have you lost?" I blushed "About 80 pounds, but I am sure I don't look that different." She slapped my arm, "Are you kidding me? You look fantastic! I almost didn't recognize you!"

"Well thanks! I really appreciate that!"

"Well you two come on in! Make yourselves at home, Lori you can throw the drinks in the Fridge, or you can hide them in my room, totally up to you. Tanner you come with me to meet Andrew, my boyfriend." She took me by the arm and led me back through the kitchen and into the back room. All the lights were out and they had neon lights all through the room, so it was really hard to see! "Hey baby, this is Tanner, We went to high school together." He reached out his hand to shake mine. "I'm Andrew, Nice to meet you bro."

"Bro?" I thought. What kind of introduction is that? "Nice to meet you to, you and faith have a very nice house." I looked around the room at all the faces, scanning for people I knew, and that is when our eyes met. I looked across the room and he was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't take my eyes off of him! He was a little taller than I am, maybe 160 pounds and dark curly hair. He has beautiful blue eyes, that make your heart melt and dimples when he smiles that just make you swoon. I leaned over to Faith and said "Who is that?" She leaned in to me and whispered "That is Cameron, Michelle's boyfriend." I laughed until I realized she was serious. Michelle was a year behind Faith and I. In high school she was dating someone for nearly 3 years and they were in love, however it wasn't a guy. It was a girl named Bailey. Michelle and Bailey were both very far out of the closet! Why was Michelle dating a guy? "Faith, are you joking? We all know Michelle likes girls?"

"You're right and even Cameron knows, but apparently Cameron is different." I looked up to check Cameron out again and he caught me looking and smiled.

I hope you enjoyed Part 1! More is on the way!! With a couple more characters coming into play too! I wonder if Tanner is going to go for Cameron. Who knows? Email me at

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