Love Doctor

Published on Mar 15, 2020


Love Doctor 9

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I had a call from a guy named Earnest who told me he got my name from a friend. After some conversation the friend was Edward. Edward told him that he needed my help. I told him I didn't give telephone advise and asked if he could come and see me. He said yes; I asked when it was convenient. Earnest told me he was a block away, so I told him to come by.

Edward was a young guy. Ernest was a 50-year-old man who lived across the street from Edward's parents. He was a stockbroker and was semi-married. His wife lived in Florida. She was a lawyer and had a senior position in a large law firm. That suited them both.

Edward connected with Ernest in the country club locker room. That had been fleeting, oral interlude. When the connected recently, Edward suggest he see me.

"I assume your interlude with Edward was successful?" I asked. "Can you tell me about it?"

"I was in the showers. He walked by and looked at me, a long look. I got a little hard," Earnest said. "Edward smiled and I followed him to the back corner of the lockers. He sucked me." Ernest hesitated.

"Did you shoot off" I asked. He nodded. "Did he take your cum?"

He nodded again. "He wasn't mad. He seemed to like it," Ernest replied.

"You liked it a lot?" I asked.

"Oh yes, it was spectacular. I had never felt anything like it," he replied.

"What did you do for him?" I asked.

"We heard a man coming into the locker-room, so we went our separate ways," he said. "I would love it if he did it again, but I'm not sure he is interested."

"Did you fondle his cock at all?" I asked.

"I just stood there," he admitted. "I don't know what I was supposed to do."

"Would you be surprised if I told you that you were supposed to more than stand there?" I asked.

"Like suck him?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm not sure I could do that," he added.

"Edward you already know you should have done something. There are men who only want to suck with no reciprocation, but they are rare," I said. "You are a mature man; you might be dead a buried before you find a man like that."

"I think a know that. I think that's why Edward told me to talk with you," he said.

"Do you really want to know how to sexually please a man?" I asked.

"I do, but I am uneasy," he said. "To be truthful, I am scared."

"Ernest, first you need to admit just how much you want it," I said, "and then you need to let go of your hang-ups. You strike me as a conventional man who doesn't want to stray from the conventional path. Can you do that?"

"I hope so," he replied.

"Well, let's get naked and take a shower," I said.

"I don't know about that," he said.

"Well you do take showers, and you've been with men in a shower," I said. "Your experience with Edward means that you know there can be a happy ending."

He smiled weakly and we went to my bedroom.

"I'm not a movie star. I gone to pot," he murmured as he undressed. He was well endowed. I assumed that attracted Edward.

"Ernest, I have a useful bit of information for you," I said, "Once you are naked and there is a hint of sexual possibilities, the main attraction his hanging between your legs." By then Earnest's cock was getting firm. "Right now, your cock is getting more attractive. Let's get in the shower."

Once we're under the water, Ernest relaxed. I assumed he thought cocks were dirty, and the water made things better.

"I need to tell you another thing. Guys can't hide their sexual interests. The cock can't fake it. It reacts to the slightest hint of sexual potential. When you are nude, you can't pretend you are not interested. In the same way, when you shoot off while a guy sucks you, you can't pretend it didn't happen. It did and your playmate knows exactly what you were doing and feeling." I said.

"That's embarrassing," he replied.

"For me sharing an orgasm is exciting. It's a turn on," I said. "I think that was why Edward took your load."

"I'm a stock-broker; that's not exciting," he replied. I dropped to my knees and licked his cock head.

"Well, that is exciting," he said. Luckily, a hard cock can overrule a stock-broker's mind. After a little while, Ernest told me he was getting close. I pulled away.

"Why don't you get on your knees and take a close look at my equipment?" I said.

"Do I have to do anything other than that?" he asked.

I smiled and said, "Do whatever inspires you." He dropped to his knees and looked. I was at about half staff, so it showed interest. The hot water was pouring over my body and dripping from my cock. if you were uneasy, my cock looked as sanitary as a squeamish man could wish. I knew it might be a step too far for Ernest.

After an exceptionally long minute, he stuck out his tongue and licked the flared edge of my cock head. A minute later his lips wrapped around my head. Two minutes later Ernest was sucking with enthusiasm.

He looked up and asked, "Am I doing it right?"

"You're a natural. You're going to taste some precum soon. When you get excited it oozes. It's sweet and tasty. Some men don't ooze much, but I ooze a lot. If you are into it, it's good," I explained.

"Did I ooze any?" he asked.

"Some, that how I knew you were excited. Yours is a taste treat," I said. "Sperm is thicker and not as sweet. I like it, but the main attraction is knowing you have caused the orgasm. Your own orgasm is spectacular but tasting and sensing another man's orgasm is good too."

We got out of the shower, dried off and went to my bed. I suggested we could sixty-nine. He was willing but asked if I would warn him when I was ready to shoot. I said I would. "When you get more experienced you will be able to tell when your playmate is close to shooting," I explained. "Remember that cocks sometimes have a mind of their own. They can shoot whenever they want. Sometimes you are both surprised when your mouth is suddenly filled with cum."

Ernest liked the sixty-nine session. He shot off and I took his load. He offered to take mine, but I didn't want to push him. One orgasm is enough for one night and taking a load after you've shot your own isn't a pleasure. He went home.

A week later Ernest called me again. He asked if he could visit. I said that was fine, but I had a friend visiting. He was a nice guy and they might enjoy meeting each other.

"Does that mean what I think it does?" he asked. I said yes. He was ten minutes away and said he would come over. I was with Sandy Billings, another physical therapist I met in college, years earlier. He was about my height and a beefy, ginger bear. Since our work was very physical, he was able to keep his weight under control.

Ernest arrived and of course he was nervous. Sandy had a knack for making people relax and feel comfortable. Ten minutes later, Ernest was fine. Sandy told Ernest he had be planning to have some playtime with me.

"I haven't been in a threesome in years," Sandy said. "If you would like to join in, that would be fine."

"I'm not sure about that," Ernest replied. "I'm not experienced."

"I have enough experience for four guys. I know how to nurture new talent," Sandy replied. "I can do slow and easy and move up to hot and heavy."

"Do your pals like that?" Ernest asked.

"Let's just say no one has ever complained," Sandy said. "Almost everyone comes back for more. I'm more of a playmate than a lover. There are no strings, no ulterior motive, no complications. There is no commitment or anything like that, but there is a lot of fun." Sandy was un-buttoning his shirt. Ernest did the same.

Sandy then dropped his pants and exposed his genitals. "You have a big one," Ernest remarked.

Sandy laughed and said, "As far as I can tell, an orgasm feels just a good with a small or large cock." Ernest was naked by then and Sandy started sucking him immediately. Sandy valued getting things going as soon as he could. He didn't like gay bars because they took an hour to connect. Ernest didn't complain.

When Sandy broke apart, I took his place sucking Ernest. Sandy went behind me, lubricated his cock and began massaging my ass with his head. He had visited my ass many times before, but I noticed Ernest's precum flow increased.

Sandy pushed harder and his cock was deep in my ass. I moaned and I heard Ernest gasp. He was surprised.

"Have you visited a man's ass before? Our friend's ass is tight, firm and welcoming. It's sort of shrink wrapped to my cock and feels heavenly," Sandy said.

"I've never fucked a guy before," Ernest said.

"I think it a step or two up the pleasure ladder," Sandy said.

"What if you shoot off?" he asked,

"We are old pals; he won't mind if my little pollywogs visit his innards. He won't get pregnant. Take a poke, he won't mind. Ernest went to my rear. I was going to complain about that comment, but he was right. I didn't mind. Ernest's cock was nice, just big enough, but not too big. His cock slipping in easily and I tightened my sphincter to massage it.

"This is wonderful," Ernest moaned, "Beautiful."

"Try a few thrusting motions. That's good for you and him," Sandy said.

Apparently, the little brain in Ernest's cock knew exactly what to do. He was little tentative at first, but he soon got into it. When he got close, he pulled out. He didn't want to shoot off too early. Sandy re-entered me and we had a nice old-fashioned shag the way we did in college. He soon had a spectacular orgasm.

"He's deep lubricated now," Sandy said. "You can glide into his ass using sperm as ball bearings."

"That's okay?" Ernest asked.

"It sure is," I replied. Sometimes another man's sperm enhances the second man's experience. Ernest loved it, and was able to hold off his own orgasm longer than I expected. It was good for me too. He had a spectacular orgasm.

We all rested after the double fuck. "Do you get to fuck me next?" Ernest asked.

"Not tonight, we're pretty well worn out now," I said. "You might put it on you to do list for the future."

"If I don't will you think I'm a wimp?" Ernest asked.

"This a not test," Sandy said. "Sex is voluntary. It's what you want and what floats your boat. We are all different and like different thing. I'm not into masochism or sadism. Pain and hurting people are not part of sex. Liking sex with other men is not a perversion. I think hurting people is not part of sex. I think that sex is a part of rape, but the urge to dominate and humiliate another person is the main objective of rape."

"You don't want to fuck me?" Ernest asked.

"I like it when a guy wants me in him. I want us both to had satisfied afterwards," I said. It was getting late and Sandy and Ernest went home.

I was surprised when Ernest called and asked if Sandy and I would like to spend a weekend as his lake house. I said I would like that, and I would call Sandy. I called Sandy and he said he would like that. Two weeks later we were at Lake Woe-be-Gone on a beautiful, mid-Fall day. It was a small lake with five or six cabins. The other cabins had already been closed-up for the winter.

Ernest had a friend with him Robin. He had been a schoolboy pal and they had reconnected. Robin was an average, somewhat mousy man who had moved back to town to take care of his elderly parents. They had sucked each other in high school and had rediscovered the thrill.

There were two other guests, Edward and his Uncle, Gerry Dumont. Each knew Earnest and they discovered they had both sucked his cock. They had both lived in terror that the other would discover their awful secret, and now knew they had the same secret. They were trying to see how far they could let it all hang out.

While Sandy and I were openly gay, the others were messing around, semi-gay, or uncomfortable with their sexual preferences. The water was already too cold for swimming, but the lake and surrounding forest was beautiful. We had a good dinner complimented with fine wine. The wine had its effect. There had been a little bowl with six little blue pills. I noticed that all six had vanished after dinner. I knew where one was and guessed where the other ones were.

We had a conversation about euphemisms for sex. Letting off some steam, messing around and getting your rocks off were mentioned. Sandy suggested Fucking like Rabbits had a nice ring to it. Gerry suggested that using the word "fucking" undid the euphemism aspect.

"Do you think that sucking cocks like a madman and fucking any ass in range would be too much?" Sandy asked.

"It sounds more like a dream come true," Robin replied.

"I was thinking I might go to bed early, get naked and see if anyone wants to play," Sandy said.

"What if everyone wants to get naked and play?" Ernest asked.

"I am willing to entertain any and all of you," Sandy replied. A few minutes later we were all naked and had connected with one of the other guests. Gerry and Sandy hit it off. Edward connected with Robin and Ernest and I were together I assumed this odd group of people would be uneasy and cautious sexually especially with Thompson and his son in attendance. I soon realized that fully dressed conventional men were almost entirely different naked and erect. As their cocks rose, it turned off their conventional attitudes and reserve.

The men were unexpectedly compatible. Gerry seemed to regard Sandy as the man of his dreams. Sandy was masculine, well hung and accommodating. Gerry was clearly more experienced with man sex but was uncomfortable with the clichéd image of gay men. Sandy didn't fit that image. He didn't want to have sex with a man who would dominate him or be dominated by him. He saw Sandy as an equal, and thus a suitable playmate.

Robin was entranced to be with a handsome young man. It was soon clear that Edward wanted to fuck, and Robin's under used ass was more than willing. Edward discovered that not only was Robin willing, he possessed a nearly prehensile ass. It wasn't just a tight hole; it was a cock playground. Robin was trying to milk Edwards cock with his undulating ass

The sexual excitement in the room was so high that even Ernest was inspired. After a few minutes I was in Ernest no longer virgin ass. I had just cleared his sphincter when I realize that Ernest didn't know he had a prostate and had no idea what a collision of my cock head and his prostate would be like. It was a success.

I don't think Gerry realized that a cock attached to a man he was attracted to is a different sex act than a garden variety fuck. He and Edward discovered guilt free sex was better than worrying about being exposed. They seemed to understand they had the same urges and similar responses to sexual stimulus. They were members of the same brotherhood.

They traded partners and Gerry found the same pleasure in Robin's ass as in Sandy's behind. Ernest slipped into Gerry's back end. Sandy took Edward's cock with enthusiasm. I saw Edward react when he discovered his uncle had shot off in Sandy, and he was using his sperm as lubricant.

I made a tentative poke at Edward's ass. I expected to just remind him I was there. Edward spread his legs and I went deep. Sandy and my cocks were just inches away in Edward's ass. Ernest was screwing Gerry like a madman.

We didn't exactly have a simultaneous orgasm, but it was a sperm filled two or three minutes. We all broke apart and rested.

"Are you guys finished for the night or recharging?" Sandy asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think I want more," Gerry replied.

"I know I want more!" Robin answered.

Earnest and Edward wanted more.

"Most of you have been with me and were uneasy about gay sex," I said. "Are you okay now or do you still have some unease?"

"I'm feeling good. I guess this is no drama, no stress sex. It's all cock, ass and mouth," Gerry said. "I've always been so up-tight. It is a pleasure to be with guys who are into it."

"I feel the same way," Ernest said. "I didn't think I could take a cock in my behind. I had no idea what I was missing."

"Did you feel used?" Gerry asked.

"No. It didn't occur to me that you could have friendly fuck. I thought only the top felt pleasure. I loved it. Your cock seemed to belong in me," Ernest replied.

"The cock is the prefect blunt instrument. It's as if it was planned to fit in the ass," I said. There was laughter and soon our cocks returned to warm asses and eager mouths.

Next: Chapter 10

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