Love Doctor

Published on Feb 8, 2020


Love Doctor 8

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Wally, Philip and Marcus brought men to me who needed help. These tended to be either exceptionally timid men or very traditional men. They were trapped between overtly literal belief in the Bible or church doctrine and overly conventional views of masculine behavior. These often are minor problems, but most of these men refused to admit their own urges, preference and desires. The result seemed to be self-destructive or turned them mean. They were unhappy or often depressed men.

Thompson Dumont was a successful executive director of a major corporation. He was at the top of the pyramid, but he wasn 't happy. That is an understatement. He lived in a joyless world. He defined many the things that he liked as being bad or sinister. Enjoyment was a sin, or degrading. He was an extreme case. He liked art, music and theater but avoided them because of "the gays. " He was the son of an evangelical preacher who must have been a nightmare as a father.

Thompson had been married and had three children. His wife divorced him because living with him was joyless. Christmas, Easter and Halloween were nightmares. It was as if Thompson was afraid of enjoyment. Once the children were born, sex stopped. Sex was just a requirement for being fruitful and multiplying.

He retired at fifty with a considerable fortune and became suicidal. Philip had been his minister and discovered the problem. Philip realized Thompson was attracted to him, but he couldn 't act on his feelings. He was afraid if Philip, or any other person, found out about it, his life would fall apart.

They had been on a private boat that sank. They were on a small inflatable raft, alone and exposed. Thompson was injured and Philip had to use most of his clothes to make bandages. Philip was down to a tee shirt and ill-fitting boxer shorts. They were rescued after 18 hours and a long cold night. They had to sleep together for warmth and that caused unexpected erections. Thompson was embarrassed but Philip understood.

Philip told him to come to me. Thompson wanted to confess his unworthy thoughts and I talked to him about the situation. It took a lot of talk, but I got Thompson to realize he had been in a terrible situation and now all was well. He tended to look at bad events as god 's punishment.

I told Thompson that since he was alive and well, God obviously hadn 't punished him. That comment served as a switch that let him see the light. His view on the entire episode changed.

"You like Philip a lot, don 't you? " I asked.

"He was freezing his ass off to keep we warm, " Thompson said.

"I think you felt more than just gratitude, didn 't you? " He nodded in agreement.

"I think that 's a natural feeling. Sometimes just being friends is not enough. You want more, " I suggested.

"That 's what my wife told me, " he admitted.

"Sex can be that extra element that changes a relationship, " I explained.

"What if I screw it up. I did that with my wife, " he said.

"Well you could practice, " I said. "I discovered man sex as a teenager with another guy the same age. We didn 't get thing right at first, but we knew we would figure things out somehow. "

"Did you get it right? " he asked.

"We sure did, but I 've been working at it for twenty years now. There is more to discover and learn, " I said. He said nothing. "Did Philip tell you I give lessons? "

"Not exactly, but he did say he learned a lot from you, " Thompson said.

"I was hoping we might have some naked fun, " I said. "Is that too much for you? "

"Maybe a little later, " he muttered.

"How old are you Thompson? " I asked.

"Fifty-five, " he answered.

"I don 't want to seem tacky, but what are you waiting for? Are you planning to have sex with the undertaker in the coffin? " I asked.

Thompson looked shocked and then burst into laughter. "You have a point there, " he said.

"I 'm going to take a shower. Do you want to join me? " I asked. He nodded and followed me to my bedroom and the bath.

Thompson was an average middle-aged man who exercised and took care of himself. He had a hairy chest and a treasure chest to his cock. I would give his cock a seven on a ten-point scale and his low hangers a nine.

"You know Philip. Do you think he would be disappointed in my cock? " he asked.

"Thompson, I doubt there are many men who would be disappointed, and I am sure Philip would not be among them, " I said as I reached over and rolled his balls in my hand. "Do you make a mess when you shoot off? "

He nodded. "I was always afraid my mother would find the goop, " he said.

"You need to think of cum as the sign of a job well done, " I suggested. I dropped to my knees and began to suck him. He was tense but soon relaxed. When he was hard, I stood up.

"All those nerves generating pleasurable sensation aren 't in your cock by accident. While an orgasm is the objective, pleasure is to road to get there, " I said.

"Do I have to suck you too? " he asked.

"With good sex, everything is voluntary, " I replied. "Sucking a cock his pleasurable for me too. That seemed strange to me at first, but maybe way back in time, when your partner wasn 't a self-starter, sucking his cock got the engine running. "

"That seems unlikely to me, " Thompson said. He reached out and cupped my balls in his hand. I had the feeling I was denting his reserve.

"If you have ever watched a nature documentary on TV you know nature is filled with strange and unusual things, " I remarked.

"Is sucking good even if you don 't love the guy you are sucking? " he asked.

"Yes, is the simple answer. You may have noticed that your cock is in a convenient place. Your mouth is filled with nerves as is your cock. Sometimes it takes a while to relax enough to enjoy your lover 's cock right away. You are afraid he won 't like it. You are tense and he is tense. That vanishes after you get used to each other, " I said.

Thompson bent over and licked my knob. He looked up and said, "It 's sweet. "

"That is precum. It oozes when you are turned on, " I said. "It varies with the individual. I am a big leaker, and guys think it 's either the food of the gods, or a sweet mess. Some guys don 't ooze much, and it only drools just before you shoot off. "

"Will you warn me if you 're going to shoot? " he asked.

"I will try to, but my cock isn 't as obedient as I would like. Sometimes it has a mind of its own, " I said. Much to my surprise he returned to sucking my cock. A minute or so later he was clearly enjoying it. I told him I would like to suck him again.

"I 'm afraid I 'm getting close, " he said.

"As I said before, the objective is the orgasm, " I said. "I would like to be the first to take your cum. Don 't worry, no one will ever know. I like to take it all, the ejaculations and the post orgasmic drool. There won 't be a damp spot on your pants. "

I took his cock and he shot off and I took it all. I milked him until he was dry. He fell asleep and I gently sucked him until he woke up. He went home.

I was busy for the next week with a problematic patient. He was a young man who had been burned. Josh 's burns serious, but he had been a star swimmer and his body was disfigured. Some of that would heal but it ruined his self-image. He had been largely immobile for several months while the wounds healed. My job was to get him moving again

I had worked with burn patients before so I could explain what was going to happen. I never sugar coat things, but I also know what can happen with therapy and proper exercise. His mother and younger brother were good and helpful. His divorced father pretended nothing happened. Josh had been on his father 's "side " in the divorce. The father 's attitude hurt him badly.

Josh 's mother got the father, Luke, to come to see me so I could explain the therapy. I have a knack for explaining things in a sensible way. Luke was a fifty-year-old man desperately trying to look twenty years younger. He came with his "friend " Dustin.

As dues paying gay man, I could tell Dustin was a piece of work, as my Grand Mother would say. They made the saying "There is no fool like an old fool, " with Luke in mind. Dustin was a young, pretty, decorative type who demanded constant attention. Luke thought he had won the lottery with Dustin. Luke was wealthy, but I doubted anyone was wealthy enough to keep Dustin happy for long.

Dustin was board and uninterested, so he left to go to an "important " concert. Luke was almost normal without Dustin in the room. I explained Luke 's his son 's problems and Luke understood. He was torn between his son and his lover. He felt guilty but the excitement of a young lover was too much for him.

I was wearing shorts, and I noticed Luke making furtive glances at my crotch. My shorts were quite short, my briefs were old, and my cock was peeking out. I leaned back and improved the view. I am not new to the gay scene, but while Luke liked young men, I guessed he might like well hung men better. He agreed to bring his son to therapy on Friday afternoons. He would stay through the therapy and his wife would pick Josh up.

Unexpectedly Luke was helpful in the therapy sessions. Josh no longer felt abandoned and Luke realized how badly Josh was burned. He was good at encouraging his son. Luke and his former wife developed normal relationship.

Friday was Dustin 's big party night and when Luke was occupied, Luke was history. Dustin vanished when he found a younger, cuter man. Luke had sex only with his wife before he met Dustin. His wife became involved with a charitable institution and eventually became the president of the board. Luke felt left out and Dustin appeared. I think he might have had a few gay experiences as a teenager, but never explored it. He was successful and spent most of his time developing a large corporation that he had recently sold.

A week later, I was bushed by the end of therapy on Friday and Luke asked me out to dinner. I said sure, but I had to shower and clean up. Not surprisingly Luke felt the same way and he tried the old, let 's shower together and save water routine. I admire oldies but goodies, so we showered.

Luke was in good shape for a man his age and had a large, attractive feature hanging between his legs. It turns out that even the oldest and most stale lines work if you are tired and your potential playmates is well hung. He was not shy. I later found out Dustin 's man parts were delicate, modest and his ass was off limits. Dustin sucked, did not like precum or sperm and while he fucked, his cock never passed through the sphincter.

An old pal of mine had friends who practiced "tea party sex. " It was close to being non-invasive, polite and tasteful sex. Luke discovered I am a full service, "let 's get naked and see what happens " kind of guy. He immediately knew this was real sex. We sucked, fucked, 69ed and slurped cum. I could take his cock and he took mine. I took cum and he learned to take mine.

I was afraid he wanted me to take Dustin 's place, but there was a happy accident. Luke was leaving as Thompson dropped by. Luke open the door into Thompson 's face. After multiple apologies I introduced them, and they hit it off. They must have guessed that they were at my door for the same reason. I told them they shared similar tastes.

"You mean we are both afraid of gay sex? " Luke asked.

"I prefer to think you are developing new social skills, " I replied. "You are trying to be more sharing and giving. I hate to be crude, but there is a potential for 18-24 inches of cock in this room that could use some attention. "

"I am shocked, " Thompson exclaimed, "but I 'm turned on too. "

"Well I am turned on and mildly shocked, " Luke added. We adjourned to my bedroom and formed a three-man daisy chain on the bed. Luke sucked me as I sucked Thompson. I hoped Thompson would suck Luke. He did and he sucked with considerable enthusiasm.

After a few minutes, I said it was time to switch, and Luke sucked Thompson without hesitation. All was well. After a few more minutes, I asked if they were enjoying themselves. They said yes.

I then asked, "Have you tasted any sweet fluids oozing from the cocks you have sucked? "

"Your cock is leaking some, " Thompson relied.

"I noticed that too, " Luke added.

"Anyone else? " I asked. Both men nodded.

"I know you are both very discrete and private men, but your cock is letting the man sucking you that you are interested. Your cock can 't keep secrets, " I explained. "You need to know that precum is the appetizer. Your cock is building up to an orgasm and it wants your partner to help. "

"You may want to keep everything private, but you cock has a different agenda. Some men pull away when your pal warns you that he 's close. Others pull off when the cock begins to spurt. "

"Orgasms are so messy. " Luke said.

"If you were brought up to think cocks are dirty, that is a problem. Cock are dual function. Piss and sperm are the end products of totally separate systems. The only share the same drain. You can 't have an orgasm with a soft cock, and you can 't piss through a hard one. I like to share the orgasm. A twitching and spurting cock in my mouth is exciting, " I said. "We all know what it feels like to shoot off. I like to share it with another guy. "

Once things got underway, Thompson and Luke became increasingly involved and adventurous. Sex was continuous except for recharge times between orgasms. With three men there are many possible combinations of cocks, mouths and asses. I sat on Thompson 's cock as I sucked Luke. When Thompson shot off in my ass, he triggered Luke 's orgasm. I had never sucked a squirting cock as another cock tickled my ass before.

It seemed to me that Thompson and Luke were hitting it and I tried to get less involved. They shared similar attitudes and problems, and I hoped they would become friends and work things out. They went home around 10:00 and I wondered if they would continue their explorations as a couple.

Sometimes life is stranger than fiction, but several days later a young man named Edward Dumont came to see me. He was on the college swim team and had a back problem that his coach thought a professional massage might solve. Like some back pains it was tension related. I gave him a massage and Edward became hard. That is not unusual especially if you aren 't used to physical contact.

He begged me not to tell his father. He lived in terror that his father would discover sexual preference. I told him erections don 't indicate sexual preference. Cock get hard for any and all reasons, especially when you are young. He told me his life story.

Edward was a dream child. He was good at school, on the swim team and now at a local college. His father was a perfectionist, but no matter how well Edward did it was never enough. Edward thought that he was a cause of his parents ' divorce. He wanted to stay near his mother, since he was the oldest son. He discovered cock sucking from a cousin several years earlier, and he loved to suck cock.

Edward thought he would outgrow the interest in cocks, but he was now twenty, and he was more interested in man sex than ever before. I was amused that he seemed to think that twenty was old, but I knew from my own experience you don 't grow out of a sexual interest in men.

"Shit, I 'm still hard! " Edward exclaimed. He looked at my cock and noticed I was well beyond firm. He reached out and touched my bulge

"Do you want to play with me, " he asked. "I 've never done it with a man before. "

I was going to tell him that don 't do kids, but I realized that would insult him. He felt rejected by his father, and having another older man reject him wouldn 't help.

"Have you ever had all-out fuck like rabbits session with a sex crazed man before? " I asked.

"No, but it sounds wonderful, " Edward replied. "You like to fuck? "

"Edward, I 'm a cock sucking, cum eating, ass fucking guy. I like to go at it until my balls are drained either in your mouth or ass, " I said. I didn 't want it to sound romantic or lovey-dovey. I had misjudged Edward. Somehow, I had said exactly what he wanted to hear.

A minute later we were naked, and it clearly was lust at first sight. He loved to suck, and I could do nothing wrong. He said that he had been "sort of fucked, " by a pal 's boy cock. He wanted a man 's cock in him. I lubricated my cock and gingerly eased it into his ass.

Edward was tight. I pushed in and stopped at his sphincter. "Your big, " he said.

"Do you want me to pull out? " I asked. "Your sphincter is tight, it may hurt. "

"I want you in me. Push! " he ordered.

When I was fully embedded is his ass it was if my cock was an organ that had been missing from his life. He was squirming, making sure every inch of his ass was in contact with me cock.

"Are you going to shoot off in me? " he asked.

"Maybe, but there is a lot more high-quality fucking before I will breed you, " I said. Edward smiled.

I made it about ten minutes before I popped. I pulled out and sat on his cock. He shot off immediately. He loved it. It was good for me too. We were together for an hour and when he left his back was fine.

Next: Chapter 9

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