Love Doctor

Published on Jan 27, 2020


Love Doctor 7

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I had a call from Wally, the church organist. He told me he had a friend, Markus, who needed my help. "Markus is a tough case. If you thought I was up tight with you, I would be a crazed libertine compared to Markus."

I told him to bring him over. Wally said that wasn't possible. Markus was too up tight to be seen with a man who might be gay. He told me Markus knew he had a problem, and he would see me.

Two days later he came by my house after dark. Markus was a tall man of about 40. He had a deep and impressive voice. We talked, and he told me about his problem. He told me he had urges, that were getting stronger and he couldn't control.

"These are sexual urges?" I asked.

"In some ways but they are misdirected," he replied. He paused. "They involve men."

"Are they underage males? Do they involve inflicting pain or injuries?" I asked.

"No, I am attracted toward adults, and sometimes older men," he said. "It's not right."

"Well, if no one can get pregnant and is hurt, it's not that much of a problem," I said. "Am I right in thinking you are gay, but you don't want to think you are gay?"

"Are you gay?" he asked.

"I think I am somewhere between 100 and 150% gay," I replied. "If I told you the gay problems are more of an attitude problem than a sexual problem, would you understand?"

"I don't think I do," he replied.

"Sex is a natural process, it is the basis for reproduction; for human survival," I said. "Sex generates intense pleasure. While some animals have a limited sexual drive to a single time of the year, humans tend to sexually motivated for the entire year. Women get pregnant and until recently pregnancy had a high mortality rate in childbirth."

"I think of man sex as one of the bonuses of being male," I explained, "We can produce vast amounts of sperm and the orgasms that shoot it out of our balls are as pleasurable with other men as with our mates. Sex with men does not threaten death due to childbirth."

"Using other people for your own pleasure is my problem," Markus said.

"In my experience it has been sharing pleasure. Since you and the man you are with both enjoy it, it's pretty much a shared event," I said. "If one man dominates another man it can be a problem. In my relationships the pleasure is shared. I tend to be open minded sexually and I can do it all or take it all. Every man is different, but it all seems to be equal."

A little later I realized Markus was a Catholic Priest. He had decided on the priesthood as a very young man and his education had focused on what he shouldn't do. He had been a priest in small towns and rural areas and seemed to have had little experience of real-world life. He was the classic 40-year-old virgin.

Markus had problems with his more recent churches. The Bishop had told him he was harsh and impersonal. He needed to relax and enjoy life more. I had a feeling he needed to acknowledge his own nature. That would allow him to be a more accepting man.

I asked him when he noticed his interest in men. His father had been a building contractor. Markus saw shirtless men on the job. He told his father he thought they should have been better dressed. His father told him that when he spent his life doing heavy manual labor, he could make a judgement on the dress code. His workers were real men doing real work. Markus found that he came to admire many of this father's workers.

He didn't find Hollywood pretty boys attractive, but semi-nude, working men excited him. He had taken classes at a University near his seminary and took a course in archaeology. In the summer thye were excavating an early Spanish Mission in Arizona. He went on the dig to provide liturgical information on early churches.

He was in the tent with the male faculty and staff. In the day they wore shirts and covered up to avoid sunburn, but the dress code in the tent at night was very informal. This excited him, especially since the senior archaeologist, Dr. Anderson, was all but naked and his balls tended to hang out of his shorts. He hadn't realized that educated men could dress that way. He also had to share the showers with the men.

When he returned to normal priestly life, he missed the men. He thought he was just interested in hard working men and didn't admit he felt sexual stimulation. He was more realistic now.

I had been exercising at the gym and was wearing light weight gym shorts and Markus was looking at my crotch whenever he thought I was looking elsewhere. I told him I needed to shower. I said he could join me of just watch. He asked if being watched would bother me. I told him I didn't have a problem.

I guessed that Wally had told him about my shower gambit. I hoped his curiosity and suppressed urges with take charge. It was private and no one would know. We went to the bedroom bath. I stripped.

"You look a bit like Dr. Anderson. You're younger but he was solid and hairy," Markus said.

"Did you ever shower with him?" I asked.

"Once, he had spilled a bowl of hot soup on him. He needed to clean up for a meeting that evening. I was showering and he asked if he could share," Markus said. "There was no sex or anything like that, but I got semi-hard. Dr. Anderson winked at me, but nothing else happened."

"Do you think about that often?" I asked.

"I do," he replied.

I stripped and went to the shower. "You can join me if you want," I said. "If you want anything other than to shower, let your body be your guide. It knows what you want. I can tell you in advance I will like anything you might like."

I had the water going and a minute or two later, Markus joined me. He was slim and had a hairy chest and a treasure trail to his bush, his uncut cock rested on low hangers. I handed him the soap.

"I'm afraid I'm going to embarrass myself," he said as he looked down. His cock was getting firmer.

"Don't worry, that happens to me all the time," I said. "Let me warn you though, erections tend to inspire other erections. By the way, I think your cock is on the high side of average."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yours is big," Markus said as he reached out and touched my cock. He shivered a little.

"You can stroke it," I said.

"Would you touch mine?" he asked.

"Sure," I said. I bent over and licked his cock head. Markus moaned. His knob was freed from the foreskin. It was flared and pink. He had a wide slit.

"That's too much!" he cried. He was oozing precum by then.

"If I told you that I think it's just enough, would you disagree?" I asked as I pulled away from his cock.

Markus looked dazed and said, "I didn't expect that."

"You didn't think I would do that, or you didn't think it would feel so good?" I asked.

"Do I need to suck yours?" he asked.

"Markus, you don't need to do anything. It's about what you want to do, not what has to be done," I said.

"I'm afraid I might shoot off if you did any more," he said.

"Markus, that is what I want. I would love to drain your balls and taste your sperm," I said. "I like the taste of an excited man. It lets me share your orgasm. Has anyone ever taken your sperm before?"

He shook his head. "I couldn't do that for you," he said.

"It's only good when want it. It seems taste differently when you have to take it," I said. "Did you think you might have liked Dr. Anderson's spunk?"

"I hadn't thought you could do anything like that," he replied. I returned to his cock and he was drooling more precum. A few minutes later he flooded my mouth with sperm. I sucked until his cock stopped drooling. He dressed and went home. I didn't know if this had been too much for him, but I hoped he would come back.

He talked with Wally a day or two later. Wally told me he was adjusting his way of thinking. Markus came by to see me Friday night. He told me he was shocked at his reaction to our sexual interlude. "I couldn't believe the intense pleasure I felt. I didn't know I could feel so much, he explained.

"I have bad news for you," I said, "The more you do it the better it gets. You will relax and become more open to the possibilities. You will find a man or men who you feel affection for, and it will get still better. It's better when you share your bodies. You will find a man you want to suck and taste his seed."

As we talked the doorbell rang. It was Philip who dropped by just to say hello. The second Philip and Markus's eyes met; I knew they were attracted to each other. I knew their personal histories and they shared similar approaches to life and had the same hang ups. They also had similar needs. These needs were sexual, intellectual and theological.

It was soon clear that both men knew the real reason they were at my house. We talked for a while around the subject. Both men were timid about bringing up the subject of sex. I suggested that they get to know each other better. If they had been more comfortable, I would have suggested we get naked and them screw like rabbits.

"It was a long hot and stressful day at work," I said. "It's hot in here, and I'm going to take a shower. Would you like to join me?" It was a stupid and superficial thing to say, but when you are horny and curious, it does the trick. We stripped and they liked what they saw.

In that situation, I am embarrassed to say I tend to look at the cock first, and the rest of the man second. Philip and Markus were good looking men. They weren't teen heart throbs, but they were fit. They checked out the whole man before focusing on the cock and liked what they saw.

"Guys, I have the feeling if I waited for you to do what you want to do, I would die of old age," I said. "I will shoot the starter's gun!" I dropped to my knees and sucked both men. I alternated between them at first, but they closed the gap and I could take both cocks in my mouth.

I looked up at them. "If you could relax and let nature take it course, you would be happier men," I said.

"I'm afraid I might make a mess," Markus said.

"I was sort of hoping that all three of us would make a mess and drain our balls. The nice, creamy sticky mess is our objective," I said. "Your equipment is all standard issue and in working order. We all know how this will end." I stood.

"I'm good with that," Philip exclaimed as he dropped to his knees. I had put my arm around Markus, and I felt him shiver as his cock vanished into Philip's mouth. I wondered if Philip had been practicing. He seemed enthusiastic, skilled and comfortable.

A few minutes later Markus's knees touched the floor and Philip's cock was in his mouth. It was also clear that Markus wanted Philip's cock, not mine. That was what I wanted. I was trying to get them to open themselves to the sexual possibilities, not to me. I told them sex was more enjoyable with a man you liked.

We all went to my bedroom after the shower and talked. "Are you guys okay? I asked. They said yes.

"Was it better than just okay?" I asked. They agreed to that.

"When I was a kid, I thought a cock was a drain. It was utilitarian organ. In my house we had a strong emphasis on getting piss in the toilet, not on or next to it. Aim was important. I later accidentally found out I could have fun with it. I had a pal and we experimented a little." I explained.

"It turns out that a cock can tell you things. It's non-verbal, but when you are with another man it lets you know what's up," I continued. "It is literally up. Cocks twitch, drip, drool and spurt information. When a cock is enjoying itself it seems to send a message to the balls to send in reinforcements. You are not just sucking a cock. You can taste what he is feeling."

"It just doesn't tell you things, it tells you your innermost, most private things," I continued. "It's not the weather report. It gives you a blow by blow update of a man's sexual arousal. It gives you a preview of coming attractions. Sperm is sticky, but it is also the essential element to human life. It's the only edible thing an made body produces," I added. "The first time I took cum it was an accident. I think of it as a gift now. Sharing an orgasm and sperm is the most intimate thing man can do."

"I thought that would be fucking," Philip said.

"It turns out you also have a nice little sex organ in your ass, the prostate. You can feel it with a finger, but it's best when you rub it with your cock," I explained. "I don't know if it's the shape of the cock that hit the spot, of it just having your pal's cock in you does it."

"I don't know if I would like that," Markus said.

"Well, cock sucking is almost always a success. Fucking can be good or bad, it depends," I said. "Some men don't like it. Others love it."

"You ass is tight and has muscles. When you are in, every inch of your cock in in contact with your partner, so it can be more intense that oral sex. Your bottom's sphincter can grab the cock and intensify the feelings," I explained. "The prostate is a bonus feature. It has intense sensations for the bottom. When the cock rubs it, it seems to think it ready for shoot. That can be intense."

"A finger can do that too?" Philip asked.

"It can, but cocks are thicker and have no fingernails. It a blunt instrument. When you shoot off together it is spectacular." I said.

"Does that happen regularly?" Marcus asked.

"It's pretty rare, but it's also worth the wait," I replied.

"Do you want to fuck us?" Marcus asked. I was surprised at his question. I had guessed he would reject fucking immediately.

"Sure, I do," I said, "but I have to confess, I'm almost always ready to fuck. I have one useful characteristic. I am neutral. If I fuck you, you can like it or not, that's not a problem. I have a feeling you guys are attracted to each other. If fucking is not good for you, it can screw up the potential relationship."

I made my usual offer. I told them they could fuck me to see if it was good. I think that lust is a basic human trait and they would take advantage of the offer. I sat on Philips organ and it was a good fit. I bounced on his tool and he shot off.

Marcus held back some, but since Philip obviously enjoyed it, he relaxed some. I told Marcus that Philip's sperm made it easier for me to take him. I knew that using Philips cum as a lube would be good for Marcus.

I was sort of right about that. Marcus was born to fuck. He loved it and as soon as his knob banished into my ass, he was 100% top. I think Philips's sperm was just icing on a fuck cake. Given how excited he was he lasted almost fifteen minutes before he shot off. My ass was a dream come true for him. It was better than a dream come true. His dreams had never been that good.

I fucked Philip and he was firm but open. It was a good fit for both of us. I took my time and I was almost fully embedded when Marcus fucked me a second time. He was just as hard as he had been before. As I twitched with each ejaculation I shot into Philip, I could feel Marcus squirting into me.

It was a mess. There were three cum-slicked cocks and two assholes drooling semen. Marcus still had a virgin ass, but I knew Philip would take care of that later. They both realized what they had been missing. They also had shared and discovered levels of sexual connection neither man knew existed. It had been a shared experience with all of us participating.

I was exhausted and fell asleep. When I woke the next morning, I took a shower. I was a bit sticky. Much to my surprise Marcus and Philip joined me. When I fell asleep, the went to my guest room and continued their explorations.

Marcus was worried. He was afraid he had short changed men he owed me a trip up his ass. Philip had spent much of the night using Marcus's prostate as a punching bag and it was my turn. I told him sex wasn't tit-for-tat, but Marcus insisted.

Philip must have shot a pint of two of semen into Marcus. Marcus had a tight ass and my cock was thicker than Philip's tool, but it was smooth as silk. He moaned, shivered and twitched as my cock pushed deeper into him. It was as if his ass was shrink wrapped to his ass. I shot a nice load into him and as I pulled out much Philip's and my cum drooled from his ass.

Next: Chapter 8

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