Love Doctor

Published on Dec 22, 2019


Love Doctor 6

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I know I am a gay man with a taste for introducing men to the pleasures of sex with men. I like fresh, virgin men. I am not into taking their virtue, I want to introduce them into a happier, more joyful life. Denying your true nature and pretending you are happy and have a satisfying life is exhausting. Often it turns you into a nasty, unpleasant man.

Some men may be good actors and they can play a role convincingly, but that is not the same. At one time I thought that no sex was a solution. That seems to me to be equivalent of using starvation to deal with being overweight. This approach can be both successful and fatal. Death can solve a problem with alcoholism or drug addiction.

As a physical therapist and masseur, some men come to me for help. My profession provided a reason to see me. sometimes I encounter men informally.

I am a regular patron of the Mid-Town gym. I meet lots of people every day. I am not flamboyant, but no one thinks I'm straight either. Since I am single, I tend to be helpful. I do not have many of the family duties are necessarily for raising children, so I have free time.

I met Philip Lord, the associate minister of a large Baptist church at the Mid-Town Gym. Philip was married with three children. That was fine. His wife, Lora, loved her children, but had no interest in him once the children were born. When I say no interest, I mean zero, zip, none what-so-ever. I suspected she desperately wanted children; he was essentially the sperm source. Once she had children, he was unnecessary. Philip was gaining weight and joined the gym to exercise and thin down.

I went to the gym in the early morning, before work. Philip was there at the same time, since he was supervising a church run homeless shelter. He was on duty there in the later afternoon and evening.

I showered at the gym on my way to the hospital or rehab center. Philip saw me showering. I noticed he looked at me whenever he thought I was looking away from him. He didn't seem interested in me while I was exercising but when I'm naked I have one attractive feature. It doesn't seem outlandishly large, but it seems to strike some men as having potential. Philip was a bland man with average good looks.

After a few weeks, I began paying more attention to cleaning my cock and ass. Philip seemed to like that. My cock didn't get hard, but I was firm, not half hard but not soft either. Philip seemed to like cleaning his private parts too. He moved to the shower head next to me and we talked a little, mostly about our exercise routines. I told him I was a masseur and he said he was stiff after hard days at work.

"Do you give free samples?" he asked.

"Nope, but I do preliminary massages to see if you need more work," I said. Three days later he came to my house in the early morning. He had been up all night. There had been an incident outside the shelter, and he had been with the police. The shelter's residents had not been involved in the incident, but several had gone out to help the victim of the mugging, so he had to identify his residents for the police.

He stripped, put on a towel and got on the table. "It's different being naked in a house than at the gym," he said. "I seem to feel more naked. It's sort of a turn on. Do guys come on to you?"

"I work with injured men most of the time in a hospital or rehab center. It's not a problem. In our society being touched by a man is rare. Men react differently," I said.

"Does that offend you?" he asked.

"We were all born nude, the human body doesn't bother me. That includes what the Victorians called the private parts," I said. "The cock is unique since it is both used in removing waste fluids and delivering sperm. It delivers minimal sensations while pissing, but maximum pleasure when shooting cum."

"It was good for me, but my wife didn't like it," Philip said. "She didn't like it at all after the kids were born."

"Well, I guess some think of it as an invader. Others see it as joystick," I remarked. "I'm a gay man, so it definitely is a joystick for me."

"I've never done any gay stuff," Philip muttered. "I might experiment a little."

"I's sorry, but it's hard to experiment a little," I said. "Has anyone sucked your cock?" he shook his head.

"So far, no one I know has ever complained about having his cock sucked. It always good or really good," I said. "No one says, that was awful, I'll never do that again."

"Do I have to suck the other guy if he does me?" he asked.

"No, but that isn't as likely as you might think," I said. "Most guys eventually reciprocate. There are men who only want to suck, but they are rare. This may sound strange, but if you suck a guy enough times, you get to like him. The best way to thank him is to suck him."

"What if he shoots off?" Philip asked. "Does cum taste okay?"

"Well it's not one of the great taste treats, but if you like the guys who is shooting off it can be really appealing."

"Do you think you would like mine?" he asked.

"I would be surprised if I didn't," I replied. "There is one problem. We are both men. I know exactly what you are feeling when you shoot off. If you like holding your cards next to your chest, you may be uneasy. I know you are uncomfortable being naked with other men. You will be incredibly naked when I'm slurping up cum from your cock as you shoot off. It will be either uncomfortable or spectacular."

"I'm not sure," he said.

"That is not a problem. I have noticed that your cock is 100% sure," I said. Philip was rock hard and impressive.

"I would love to know what a blowjob feels like," he said in a near whisper. I leaned over and licked the base of his cock, then worked up to the cock head. He moaned and shot a single volley of cum. I took the spurt on my tongue, swished it around his cock head and kissed the tip of his cock. I went down on the entire cock and when I pulled away, he began to ejaculate his entire load. It was thick, rich and creamy. My tongue caressed the underside of his cock and he shot a few more spurts.

"Are you okay," I asked a minute later.

"I can't believe what happened," Philip murmured. "It was too intense to understand."

"Welcome to your first gay sexual experience," I said. He got off the table, dressed and went home. He was at the gym the next morning. We showered together in silence. When we dressed in the locker area, he asked if I liked it. I said of course.

"Was it the way it was supposed to be?" he asked.

"Usually there is a slower build up, but in many ways, there was nothing usual. There can be a lot of variations," I said. He was silent until we were out of the building.

"Could I come for a massage again?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "I think that would be good for me and for you." Philip said he would call.

A week later his wife and kids were off to visit her parents. I was Easter break at School. He was busy with Holy Week services, but he had a lot of spare time. The demand for shelter dropped in the spring and summer. He was needed as much.

My rehab center took a few days off too, since many of our patients went home or off to visit friends and relatives. I met with families when they picked-up relatives. Many were pleased at the improvement in the patients' abilities to move and function. I told them what to look for and what they could do to help. Mr. Williams could feed himself now. Mr. Williams was proud of that, but he warned them not to use the good china yet. I think his mind was working better too.

When I got home the answering machine was blinking. It was Philip. His family was out of town and the evening service was being run by the youth group. They definatly did not want another minister there to criticize their service. He was free. I invited him for dinner.

When he arrived, he was as relaxed as he could be. It turned out that I was a better cook than his wife. He referred to her as a "code minimum cook." Afterward he asked if he could get a massage. I said that would be fine. "Maybe we could have a little fun, like the last time," he suggested.

"That would be fine too. Let me make another suggestion. What if we were to do a little massage and have a lot of fun? Let's be more direct. How about exploring sex for an hour or so?" I asked. "I think that's what you really want."

"That sounds too . . ." he said.

"Let's not talk about how things sound. Why don't we talk about what you want, not what you think you should want?" I asked. "Am I right about what you want?"

Philip nodded. "How did you know?" he asked.

"Men may be squeamish about sex, but they always want it. It is part of being a guy," I said. We went to my bedroom. We stripped and got on the bed. He was erect as soon as we were naked. He bent over and gently licked my cock head. I had the feeling he was half-way expecting a lightning strike. I was only partly hard, and he soon had my entire cock in his mouth. As I got harder, he pulled back and focused on my knob. A minute or two later he got more excited. I think he encountered precum for the first time.

"Did I mention that sexually excited men can't hide their feelings from a man who is sucking him?" I asked.

"It's sort of sweet," he whispered.

I shifted so I could suck him as he sucked me. That was a total success. He was close to shooting, so I suggested were take a breather. Philip was fine with that.

"You know we are both aiming for an orgasm. Let me give you a helpful hint. The longer you postpone it, the better the sex," I said. He was hard, so I quickly straddled him and sat on his drooling cock. His eyes crossed as his tool slid into me. His cock seemed to fit perfectly into my ass. His knob was bigger than I thought, and it was a surprise, a pleasant surprise. I grabbed his cock with my sphincter and made some slight rotating motions. His cock head was a wonder.

"It's too much. I can't take any more," Philip moaned.

"That is exactly what I was hoping for," I said. "Try to keep the cum in your balls, but don't worry if you lose the fight." I bounced some and wondered how long Philip could keep his sperm trapped in his balls. He lasted five minutes before he lost the battle. Only in the battle between an ass and a cock are there two winners.

He thought he had shot every drop of man seed into me. I used my sphincter to generate a few more, almost explosive ejaculations. It was beautiful.

We talked afterwards. Philip was more than surprised. He didn't know, or even guess, that such feelings existed. He didn't know he could feel them. It was a shock. He went home but called me the next day. It was the Saturday before Easter. He had a meeting with the Senior minister of his church. He was fired. His wife had filed for divorce and he had spent too much time with the homeless and not enough time with the faithful. This was a shock, especially since he didn't know about the divorce.

Apparently, his wife had been talking with the minister about him neglecting his children. Philip hadn't yet received the papers. He was stunned. He had also received an award for public service from the city for his work with the homeless.

I thought this was all strange. It didn't make much sense. He was dazed and hyper excited. He couldn't calm down. I suggested a massage.

"A real massage or one of your special massages?" he asked.

"I can do either. It's your choice," I replied.

"I'm not sure," he said. "What do you think?"

"I can tell you that I would love to have wild, uninhibited sex with you," I said. "I would love to take you to some places that are miles away from your worries."

"Is that massage or cock therapy?" he asked.

I told him it would start with some massage and end with a lot of cock. We laughed. I thought that Philip was floored by losing the life he had known. He hadn't considered the life he might have in the future. He was a serious man with an urge to help the less fortunate. I thought adding a sex life would be good for him.

We sucked for a while and then I sat on his cock again. It seemed to me that he was more relaxed, and he let himself enjoy it. I was on his cock for fifteen minutes this time and he enjoyed every minute. Since he didn't work for the church anymore, he had his first guilt free orgasm. I felt a sense of joy as he ejaculated.

We talked as he recharged. "You're going to fuck me next," he said.

"You have to want me in you first," I said. "It won't be good unless you want it."

"It just seems fair," he muttered.

"Fairness has nothing to do with it. Desire is what is important," I said. We took a shower before he went home. He sucked me in the shower, and he took my load. he didn't complain at all.

A week later in the evening, Philip came to see me with a friend, Art. Art was the Junior Choir Director at Philip's former church. Art was maybe 25, pudgy and scared. He had lived with his parents until his mother took off with another man. He father thought Art was tainted by his mother and he kicked him out.

Art had been the perfect child. He had believed everything his parents taught him and obeyed every rule. He was now alone without a family, and a twisted view of the world. Philip encountered him in the church restroom. Art wasn't heterosexual, but he wasn't quite gay. He found men sexually stimulating, as Philip discovered in the men's room, but he didn't know the options. Art could look and get excited, but he didn't know what to do next.

I think Philip knew Art's type well, since they had similar back grounds. He wanted me to provide some guidance. I had just got home from a long day at work. One of the other therapists had an obese, uncooperative patient, who fell off the table. Fortunately, the patient was acting up and through himself off the table in front of three witnesses. We had no liability. He re-broke his leg, was in great pain and remained uncooperative.

A security man and I were the main muscle available to get him on the table again. Three female therapists helped and did all they could, but they weren't big enough for the size of the patient. To add to the drama, the patient puked on me.

I told Philip and Art I needed to shower and clean up before we talked. Art said he was looking for a long, hot shower when he got home. "Maybe we could share a shower," Philip suggested. I was agreeable and we all showered together.

It took me no time at all to see that Art was in heaven in the shower. Being with two naked men was a thrill. There was barely room for three so bumping into a naked man was unavoidable. "I know we are all guys here, but it's really exciting," Art said.

"It can get way more exciting," Philip said as he got his knees and sucked Art.

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot off!" Art moaned. "It might make a mess in your shower!"

"That's what Philip meant by exciting," I said. "I don't know if he's going to eat it or let it spurt on the floor." Art began to shiver and twitch each time he ejaculated.

"I think he's eating it?" Art said.

"Does that feel good?"

"God yes! It's wonderful," Art replied.

A little later Philip stood up. "That was good for me too, but I felt as if I were trespassing. It was as if I was tasting what he was feeling. I never felt that way when I was with my wife."

"Guys can appreciate another man's orgasm. It's good to share," I said.

It was soon clear that Art was inclined to be a first-rate cock slut. He had been despondent at the collapse of his family life. He discovered a new life he had not realized existed. For years he had followed his parent's austere and somber approach to life. I had a feeling he was following his cock to a new level of pleasure.

I so saw that he wasn't just following his cock's lead. He wanted to serve Philip and my cocks. He liked anything you could do with a cock. I made a little test poke of his ass and spent the next half hour fucking him. He ass was wide open. When I slipped in, he clamped his sphincter tight to grab my cock. His parents were standoffish. Have a stranger's cock exploring his ass was a surprise to him; it was pure joy.

Philip took a turn fucking Art, and both loved it. He spread his legs as he pounded Art, exposing his asshole to view. When my cock touched Philip's hole he shivered, and I pushed deep. There was no resistance. The three of us were linked cock to ass and all was well. When I shot off intro Philip, he shot off into Art. I pulled out of Philip and went to lick up Art's sperm.

Art was over ripe, and was receptive to any and all sexual connections. I think that Philip had similar reactions. I had a feeling, Art was like an empty house, and my cock had turned in the lights. My cock wasn't a stranger, it was a new friend.

Next: Chapter 7

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