Love Doctor

Published on Dec 16, 2019


Love Doctor 5

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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We got the ball rolling quickly. Trevor and Dudley sucked each other and obviously liked the experience. Then Trevor sucked me as I sucked Dudley. Trevor and Dudley sixty-nined and shot off but didn't trade sperm. That was too much for Dudley.

Trevor had to go, leaving me alone with Dudley. We talked. He told me he had never fucked or been fucked before. He was next to me lying on the bed, rock hard. Like the proverbial Boy Scout, I was prepared; my ass was lubricated. I straddled him and sat on his bloated cock. He has a look on his face suggesting that Christmas came early for him. He loved it. "Are you offended or bothered?" I asked.

"Does it hurt? Are you comfortable?" he asked.

"I think your cock was made for my ass," I replied as I squeezed my sphincter and bounced a little. "Did I mention that sex can be very intimate?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot off," Dudley cried.

"That happens," I said. "Do you think your sperm will be happy in my ass? Have you ever shared it with another man?"

"I didn't know it was possible," he replied.

"If it bothers you, I can get up and you can shoot off on your gut," I said.

"Please don't do that! It feels so good," he moaned. I bounced a few times then felt his load squirting in my ass. Dudley moaned.

"Shoot it all in me, every drop." I told him. His ejaculations had stopped so I squeezed my sphincter again and coaxed a few more ejaculations from his cock.

"I'm so embarrassed," Dudley said.

"Did you know sex could be this good? Orgasms are the most intense things a man can feel. I enjoyed sharing it with you," I said. "It was beautiful for you and good for me. Was your orgasm more intense for you when my ass wrapped your ass?" I asked.

"It was incredible. Do you feel used?" he asked.

"Dudley, I could feel you shooting. I volunteered to provide the service."

"Do I have to take your cock now?" he asked.

"Sex isn't about required activities. When it good, it's about sharing. You need to desire it, want it. If you are doing it because it's required, it's not that good," I said. "I think you have done enough for one night. Are you interested in meeting again?"

"I am, but it so new to me. I need to digest it," Dudley said. He got dressed and left. I thought he would be back, but you never know. A middle-aged man can have trouble making a U-turn in his life. A fresh start at 60 is difficult. I knew if he came back, my cock would eventually stretch his ass open. He would think it was only fair. I would need to make that a pleasant as possible for him.

Dudley returned a week later. "How do you feel about what we did last week?" I asked.

"Once I got over being embarrassed, I liked it," he said. "I'm still worried you think my cock was an invader in your ass?"

"Well, it was new to me. You are a stranger, but when I took your load, I felt as if we had been friends for years," I said. "I'm going to ask you an embarrassing question. Can you think of a cock you would like to have up your ass?" I asked. "Someone who you would like to shoot off in you?"

"I would take yours," he said. "I saw my high school coach's cock once. We were at an away game and had to use the same locker room and shower together. I had never seen a grown man's cock before," Dudley replied. "I never thought I would even touch it, not to mention suck it. Do you want to fuck me?"

"Dudley, I am usually ready to fuck anyone who is willing. You know it is not love; it's just fun," I said. "When I fuck a guy for the first time it a no-fault fuck. If you don't like it, we just forget it happened."

"What if you don't like it?" he asked.

"I have a little confession to make. I don't know. That hasn't happened yet. I don't have to shoot off in you, but you know, cocks aren't obedient. They shoot when they feel like it, not on command," I explained. "Is there someone you would like to be the first in your ass?"

"Not really," he responded.

I smiled. "Is there one particular not really?"

"When I was thinking about it, Trevor came to mind," he said. "When I say it our loud it sounds vulgar."

"You need to get used to finding men sexually attractive. I know that is hard for you, but you can't spend the rest of your life beating yourself up," I said. "Open yourself to the possibilities. It excites me to have a sexually excited man's cock in my ass. It's even more exciting when he drains his balls into me."

We talked a while and then Dudley went home. He needed more time to think. I was pretty sure he would be back, but a first fuck is best when your partner is willing and wants it.

Later that week I had a visit from Joseph, a friend of my friend Mitch. Joseph had made a pass at him. Mitch accepted the pass as was his want, but Joseph chickened out. Mitch later went to see him and suggested that he see me.

Joseph was big guy, an EMT. He was socially inept, but good in an emergency. Mitch said day to day life was a chore for Joseph, but he was cool, unflappable and confident in difficult situations. Joseph was tall, overweight and dumpy looking.

He had been on duty for 12 hours due to a bad accident. He was sweaty and dirty. I asked if he would like a shower. He stood up and looked at the chair he was sitting in. Joseph was afraid he had stained it. I told him it had been a long day for me too, and I might shower with him. This was a standard porn scenario which preceded sex. It wasn't at all original, but it worked.

As he stripped, I discovered his weight was mostly muscle. He wasn't flabby and I assumed that his bulk and muscles were useful at work. "I don't shower with the guys often," he muttered.

"It looks to me that you have all the standard equipment," I said. "Some parts seem to be an upgrade on the basic model."

"You seem the be the deluxe model," he said.

"Thank you. We all get the cards we are dealt," I said. "Guys tell me I have good attitude too. I can both give and take, and I like to share."

"I've run into a few guys who are a bit one sided in the give and take division," Joseph said. He was getting erect. I don't like to seem superficial, but erect cocks seem to add greatly to a man's appeal for me. When Joe was soft, he was just a beefy guy. A beefy man with an erection immediately becomes more attractive. Sex organs aren't pretty but are often oversupplied with appeal. My cock was following Joseph's cock's lead, and I was getting hard too.

"I'm fat. Most guys make fun of me," he said.

"Joseph, I know you're a big man. I don't want to insult you, but my interest is focused on one particular part of you," I said as I dropped to my knees and began sucking him. I licked, kissed and massaged his tool, gently and carefully. It was responsive and began to drool.

"I have a hair trigger," he whispered. I kept on sucking.

After about five minutes he asked if he could suck me. I said sure. He was like a starving man at a gourmet feast. Joseph gingerly licked it at first and then became more enthusiastic. We got out of the shower, dried off and went to my bed. We sixty-nined.

"You are getting close," I said after a while. "Do you want me to take your load?"

"You don't have to do that. I understand," he said.

"I would like to take it. I'm fine with desert served directly from your balls," I replied. I just had enough time to return to my sucking duties when he shot off. I shot off too, so I was draining my balls into his mouth as I took his load in mine. His ejaculations were perfectly coordinated with mine. It was a perfect joint orgasm.

"Wow, he moaned.

"Wow is the right word," I said.

"Is it like that every time?" he asked.

"An orgasm can only be so bad, but simultaneous orgasms are rare. They are worth the wait," I said. I kept on licking the drool from his cock. He almost fell asleep, but my tongue stimulating his cock began to have an effect, and he was hard again.

"I've been fucked a few times. It wasn't very good," he said. "The guys who fucked me weren't what I hoped."

"Mitch is a good guy. He takes his time before he gets deep into it," I said. "Some men think you shove it in the rear, and pound to shoot off as quickly as possible. I think of fucking as jerking you off from the rear. Cocks are close in an ass. Mitch would enjoy your ass, but I think you would enjoy his cock deep in your behind more."

Joseph asked if I would fuck him. I said I would, but I wanted him fresh with fully loaded balls. "You need to really want the cock," I explained. He understood.

I called Mitch and told him he might have a visitor soon. He said that was okay with him. "I've fucked a few charity cases before. At least, they started as charity cases. They turned into hot sex. The guys were desperate and eager to please. It was like going to a fair to ride the Merry-Go-Round and ending up on the roller coaster. It was hot," he said. "I bet Joseph has a potential for a lot of loving in his ass."

Joseph called me the next day as asked if he could come by. I said sure. He arrived at 7:30, we got naked and on the bed.

"I've been fucked before, but it wasn't good. I was the trainer for the football team in high school. We had an away game that was delayed so we spent the night. Some of the guys got rowdy and three of the guys fucked and shot off in me. It was a joke to them," he said.

"You didn't turn them in?" I asked.

"Things were bad enough for me in high school. That would have been the icing on the cake. They won the regional championship, so they were riding high. I was a nothing," he explained.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do," I said. "This isn't a test. I am not going to be mad at you if you are uneasy. Being uneasy about this makes sense given what happened."

"I've watched a lot of porn, and those guys seem to like it," he said. "My sex life has been poor. I figure the more I can do, the better it will be. I would love to do it with Mitch, but I'm afraid I would do it wrong. I offended him when I ran out on him."

"Don't worry about that. He wasn't offended, he was worried," I said. "I've known him for years. He's a nice guy." As we talked Joseph's cock became fully erect. I had a tube of lube by the bed, so I coated it; straddled him and impaled myself on his erect too. My movements were unexpected, and he was shocked. the shock quickly turned to pleasure. I bounced on his tool while grabbing his cock with my sphincter.

I was shocked too. His cock was slightly above average, but it hit all the right places. His knob rubbed my prostate just the right way. It was good for me; much better than I expected.

I played with his tits and that drove him crazy. "Are you going to shoot off in me?" I asked.

"I want you to do me!" he moaned. "I want your cock scuzz shooting in my ass," he said.

I got off his cock. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I want it!" he replied.

"Have you been fucked since High School?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I'm going to open you as if your ass was virgin. Stay on your back, spread your legs and open your hole for me. Think of your ass as the tunnel of love in an amusement park and I am a first-time visitor. I want to enjoy the ride. I used a lot of lube and took my time. His ass wasn't that tight, and I popped past the sphincter easily.

"I'm not fucking you. I am massaging your cock from the inside. Squeeze your sphincter and grab my cock," I said. He did as I asked. "We're going to have a little contest. I'm trying to get you to shoot, and you are going the same with me cock. I want to watch your sperm squirting from your balls. I want to empty my balls into your ass." Joseph moaned.

I soon arrived at a rhythmic thrusting that worked for both of us. I massaged his sphincter, tenderized his prostate and then pushed deep. "I could do this for hours. When it's too much, tell me. I can shoot off or pull out. It's your choice," I said.

"Please shoot in me. I want it bad," Joseph cried. I made a half dozen quick thrusts and then filled his ass. I pulled out of him and then sat on his cock again. I think my sphincter pulled his trigger. When he went home, I called Mitch and told what happened. I told him I sat on his cock first.

"Damn, I like playing a guy's hood ornament too," he said, "Can he last long enough for me to get a long workout?"

"You never know, but I am sure he wouldn't mind giving your sperm a home away from home," I replied.

I was away at a family funeral for most of the next week. A favorite aunt died, and I ran into a lot of old friends. Aunt Sally was a free spirit and open minded. My family was conventional and while they didn't automatically reject anything unusual of different, Sally said they were late adaptors. She was tolerant and understanding. She had seemed to know my inclinations were not conventional. She didn't exactly tell me to screw any guy I liked, but she told me to follow my own star.

I met my cousin Thompson at the funeral with his high school buddy Johnny. Thompson had been a plump nerd who was obsessed by computers and Johnny was the captain of the football team. They were unlikely friends since they seemed to share no common interests.

I was staying at a hotel in a neighboring town. My hometown was small, and Aunt Sally was my last older relative. After the funeral I asked them to join me and have a drink at the hotel which had the nearest bar. Thompson worked for a major software developer. He was a Vice-President. Johnny was a high School coach downstate.

We had a few beers, went to dinner and had a few more beers. I suggested they spend the night since it was clear driving home was unwise. They weren't drunk, but they were clearly not sober. They agreed. Johnny and I went to my room, and Thompson went to the 7-11 to get a six pack.

The room had two queen sized beds and I figured we could work things out. I usually have a good sense about who is or is not gay. It had been a hot day and my room faced south. It was warm and I turned on the cooling unit which was not impressive. When Thompson returned with the beer, we all took off our funeral clothes and sat around in our underwear.

I took a sip of the cold bear and realized they were more than pals. The flies on their boxer shorts need buttons to be discrete, but thye were unbuttoned; Thompson's cock was visible. I am openly gay, and I knew that a visible cock isn't accidental. I was wearing bikini briefs that covered my cock but not my erection. They knew I was a physical therapist, and I told them that involved massage.

Johnny said he would love a massage. I said I would be glad to give them both massages.

"Do we need to be naked?" Thompson asked.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"No, not really. Thompson and I have become close friends since high school," Johnny said, "real close friends."

"I have a few intimate friends too," I said. They didn't object to me using the word intimate.

"A lot of my massages are therapeutic. I work with injured men and stroke patients to get the muscles working again," I explained. "They often are uneasy about getting naked, but they get used to it. I need to feel the muscles and see how they reacts."

"I have some friends who come by for pleasure. They seem to enjoy being naked and enjoy the massage." I added.

"Does it get intimate?" Thompson asked.

"When your hands touch every inch of a guy's body, it's always intimate," I said. "It often becomes very intimate."

"Do they get hard?" Johnny asked.

"They often get more than hard," I said.

"Does that bother you?" he asked.

"Not at all. We are all guys; we know what we like," I said. "There are many men who are tense and stressed. Nothing relieves stress more than an orgasm."

"I guess you could jerk off," Thompson said.

"Some men want more than that," I replied. "Sometimes I help a man in need." They said nothing so I added, "Are you two men in need or just looking for a trip to the wild side?"

"We have a little fun once and a while, but the wild wouldn't describe our fun," Johnny said.

I smiled and told them I understood them. "You can't be semi-virgin. If you have tried man to man sex, once your tongue has touched another guy's cock head, you might as well swallow the entire cock." I said. "I think sex is best when you shift out of low gear and kick it up a notch. Johnny, you know that being okay at sports is not going to get you on the cover of Sport's Illustrated."

"I'm not sure I am going to be the cover of Hot Studs in Heat weekly," Thompson said.

"You don't need to win a gold medal for fucking at the Olympics. You might win it in Johnny's ass, or he might deposit a few medals in your ass or mouth," I said.

"Have you won some medals?" Thompson asked.

"Every time a pal squirts man seed into my mouth or up my ass, I feel I've won something," I replied. "Every time a guy moans when I hit a good spot, I feel good."

"I guess it's time begin practicing!" Thompson said.

I dropped my shorts and stripped. That got the ball rolling. They followed suit and if their semi-erect cocks were any indication, they were anticipating action. I took the bull by the horn and started things. It would be more correct to say I took the both cocks in my mouth. Thompson began oozing right away. I licked his slit to coax more from his cock. He liked that.

He was shyer than Johnny, but his cock was more responsive. At least that was what I thought until Johnny shot off. His warm spooge triggered Thompson and I had two loads in my mouth. Thompson promptly got on the bed and fell asleep. Thompson and I took the other bed. I licked his drooling cock.

Does eating a guy's cum bother you?" Thompson asked in a whisper.

"How did you feel when you shot off in my mouth?" I asked.

"It was really good when I popped. I feel sort of embarrassed now," he said.

"Well I feel almost as good eating it as you do when you shoot it," I said. "We all tend to think our own orgasms are unique and rare. I like to taste your reaction and share it. I also like to know I was able to pull your trigger."

"Did I shoot a lot?" Thompson asked.

"You both shot so it's hard to tell," I said.

"I've watched guys shoot, but I've never tasted it. I might try it," he said.

"Maybe you should wait until Johnny wakes up. A friend's cum usually tastes better," I replied. Johnny woke as I mentioned his name.

Next: Chapter 6

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