Love Doctor

Published on Nov 23, 2019


Love Doctor 4

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Taylor came by Saturday evening. I think he underestimated his desire to connect with Whitey. He had run into him at the club and they were in a foursome. It was a good but only Taylor and Whitey stayed after to shower. This was just before a women 's night, so the men 's lockers and shower were empty. They didn 't do much but Whitey fondled Taylor 's cock in a dark corner. Whitey admired Taylor 's equipment and wondered if it would fit.

Taylor was frightened and excited. Taylor was a conventional man and I think he had never found a man as sexually exciting as Whitey. Taylor was wealthy, but his wealth was due inheritance. Whitey had turned a small business into major company. I think Taylor had a drink before he came to see me.

"Have you come to grips with cock sucking? " I asked Taylor. He said he was fine with it.

"Do you want to try some new things? "

"Sort of, " he answered. "Whitey played with my cock two days ago. I almost shot off it was so good, " he explained. "I 've never come close to being so turned on. I don 't want to lose him. "

"Is he a nice guy? " I asked.

"He seems affable, friendly and has no pretentions, " Taylor explained. "That is a problem for me. Compared to him I 'm a conceited prick. I feel like I 'm one of those cartoon-like characters of 40 years ago. Sort of like that guy on Gilligan 's Island. "

"I have some good news for you, Taylor. You can 't tell how rich a man is when you are sucking a cock or shoving your cock in the ass. Cocks don 't tell about your income level or family background. " I said.

"All cocks are equal? " he observed.

"That is sort of true. I have noticed the cock of a man you like seems be better. How many gallons of cum did your friend take? " I asked.

"Gallons? I thought it was more like quarts, " Taylor said. We both laughed. We were naked on the bed. He was erect, so I coated his cock with lube and sat on it. His cock felt bigger in me than it looked. It took a few bounces to get it in the groove.

"That 's nice, " Taylor said. "Really nice! " I tightened my sphincter and rocked my cock, so it effectively massaged his cock.

"Are you alright? " he asked. "It seems to fit. I want to shoot off badly. "

"My plan is to fuck the cum out of you, " I said as I sat up. I moved quickly and had his legs on my shoulder. I squirted lube into his ass.

"If you can relax a little that would be good, but I know that 's going to be hard for you. Think of it as if you are jerking me off, but instead of using your hands, you 're using your ass. You will have done well when you feel me squirting in you. Is Whitey 's cock bigger than mine? " I asked.

"It may not be as long as yours, but it 's thicker, " Taylor answered. "He said he shoots a lot and makes a mess. That 's why we didn 't go all the way in the locker room. "

"Have you thought about that creamy mess? " I asked. "Would you like to taste it in your mouth or prefer it in your ass. "

"How did you know that? " he cried. He lost his concentration and I popped through his sphincter.

"Guys are guys. We think about the same things sometimes, " I said. He moaned as my knob rubbed his prostate. I don 't think Taylor knew what I had hit, but I knew his gland was in peak operating condition and generating sensations he had never felt before.

"What was that? " he cried.

"Your prostate, " I replied. "You didn 't know you had a secret sex organ in your ass? Your prostate is in just the right place for my cock head to use it as a punching bag! "

"I need to catch my breath. Can you pull out? " he asked.

"I 'll stop thrusting, but I want you to get used to having a cock in you, " I said. "Just think of it as a little friend who dropped in to see you. " I did get off a little later and then sat on his hard cock. He fucked me Doggy style. We switched positions and I fucked him to a hands-free orgasm. He went home a bit sore, but very happy. I hope he was ready to please Whitey.

A week later I had an invitation to a party at Whitey 's mountain cottage. Taylor told me Whitey had a few old pals he had known for years. They were playmates and Whitey wanted him to meet them. Apparently, they like younger guys, and Taylor asked if I could come too.

That was a strange request, but I surprised myself by saying I was interested. I was inwardly pleased that Taylor thought I was a young guy. I had met some country boys who like to fool around. They all said they weren 't gay, but I couldn 't figure out the difference between guys fooling around and gay men sucking and fucking. Both seemed to enjoy it.

It was a fishing cottage on a remote lake. I might have been more correct to say it was a fishing shack. I was not a fancy cottage.

The men weren 't fancy either. They were working men who worked outdoors. They had been fishing and some had their shirts unbuttoned, others were shirtless. Whitey was shirtless. Muscular and weathered described them well. When they saw Taylor and me their eyes sort of sparkled and they were welcoming. I assumed they were either sociable, or we were new meat. It turned out we were both. There was a lot of beer and the morning 's catch was on the grill.

A man named Otis was a short order cook, but he knew how to turn simple food into feast. Lunch was excellent. Sex was on the program for the afternoon.

Otis came to me. "I know I 'm an old guy, but I was hoping to mess around a little this afternoon, " he said. He wasn 't exactly asking me to join him, but I knew what he wanted.

"If I told you I don 't like a little messing around, I like to mess, around a lot, would you be game? " I asked.

"I like to get desert straight from the balls, " Otis said.

"That 's fine with me, " I replied, adding, "Sometimes I like to shoot my thanks into a tight ass. "

"I guess everyone here is pretty much like minded, " Otis said. "If we get naked, other guys might join in. We stripped. Otis was one of those rare guys who looked better naked than dressed. He wasn 't a looker, but he had a great body. When I dropped my pants and exposed my cock, it was as if I had shot off a starting gun.

The guys knew each other well. They were careful not to mob the "new meat. " I was willing to be mobbed, but I decided to play it demure, interested but not crazed. A big guy named Walter went to Taylor. Whitey came to me and two small guys came over to us too. I took me a minute to realize the two men were twins, Greg and Dan. Greg was uncut and Dan was circumcised. They were house painters.

Whitey was all pink and white. He was one of those guys who couldn 't tan. He was bear covered in blond, almost white hair. He had blue eyes, pink tits and the tip of his lavender cock head peaked out from his thick foreskin.

Otis was on his knees sucking my cock. "I hope Otis isn 't too friendly. He is a bit aggressive, " Whitey said.

"I think he 's just aggressive enough, " I said. "Are there any ground rules here? "

"Some of the men are tops, " Whitey said.

"If you have lube, I can take the Washington Monument. I don 't mind homemade lube, shot from a hard cock, " I said.

Whitey smiled. "I think you will get along well here. "

"Are any of the guys here partnered or exclusive? " I asked.

"Let 's just say that if you do it with a guy while you partner is watching, it 's not cheating; it 's entertainment, " Whitey explained. He leaned near me. "Taylor told me you had some training sessions. Let me tell you, he was the best bottom I 've been with in years. "

"I do my best, " I replied. Otis had stopped sucking so I jointly sucked Whitey and Otis. Otis 's cock was long, thin and had a downward bend. Whitey had a long, white snake, and was thicker than I had guessed.

We were all like spirits. As far as I could tell, no one was shy and everyone was oversexed, but not so oversexed to be a pest. It seemed odd that no one hid in a corner. These guys liked sex and they didn 't try to hide it. Dan was soon fucking Taylor. Greg fucked me. Greg was maybe five feet four, but his cock was oversized. A few minutes later Taylor 's cock was deep in Dan 's ass and Dan was moaning in pleasure.

I sucked Whitey who sucked me as Greg rhythmically fucked me. At some point Greg found my groove as Whitey began to pump out precum at an impressive rate. This was sex in stereo. Greg and Whitey shot off simultaneously, filling my mouth and ass. It was lovely.

It was a relaxed and mellow orgy. It lasted an hour or so, of casual sucking and fucking interrupted by intense orgasms. I think most of us had two or three orgasms by the time things wound down. Whitey and Taylor stayed at the camp. I went back home with the twins. We were drained but agreed to meet again.

Several days later Trevor came by with a friend, Patrolman Martin. Trevor found him in a compromising situation and brought him to see me. Marty Martin was a butch, macho, deeply closeted gay man. Trevor had not turned him in or exposed his sexual preferences. Since Trevor had been in a similar situation, he felt sympathy for the man. Trevor 's problems weren 't as severe as Marty 's.

Marty thought he was not at all gay; he just had these strange urges. These left him feeling disgusted with himself. Trevor and I didn 't fit any of his images of gay men. He assumed all gay men were effeminate. He didn 't realize that gay men ran the gamut between ultra-masculine bikers and bears to the queen of heaven hairdressers and florists.

"Most gay guys are just guys, " I said. "Some are 100% gay, some 50% and others are 10% gay. You can say that I am 100%, but there are men who just have a little fling once and a while. I can tell you something helpful. If you had urges once and a while, it 's a lot better to relax and enjoy them, that it is to beat yourself up every time you feel these urges. "

"I try to overcome these urges, " Marty said.

"I can tell you from personal experiences, when I feel an urge my cock somehow takes over. I think that may be mother nature overruling my brain, " I said. "The key thing for me is to make sure it 's good for me and my playmate. I make sure I don 't hurt anyone. Things don 't work out every time. Some guys get nervous and don 't want to play. That 's fine with me. "

"You enjoy it? " he asked.

"Let me tell you, when your cock is rock hard, enjoyment is a real possibility, " I replied.

Marty laughed. "I guess that true for me too. "

About ten minutes later, Trevor had to get to a meeting, so Marty and I were alone. Somehow, we were in the shower a little later. Marty was body builder, and I am in good shape. He approved of what he saw. Of course, I knew of all the aches and pains that afflict body builders. I gave him some pointers to avoid them. He appreciated that.

I told him that I just wanted him to stand still and relax. "I 'm going to do everything. I want you to know what happens naturally, without your participation, " I said. "Some of the things you think are due to you are just mother nature doing what is natural. "

He was semi-erect as soon as my lips enveloped his cock, seconds later, he was hard. He shivered a little.

"Try to relax, " I reminded him. "I 'm doing all the work. "

I returned to his cock and continued to caress his knob. I began to swallow more of his shaft. I used my tongue to massage the underside of the cock. He shivered a few times. I then alternated deep throating him and concentrating on his knob. He didn 't know it, but he was already dribbling precum.

"It 's too much, " he cried.

"It 's just right. What is going to happen is going to happen. Go with the flow, " I said. I few seconds later he flooded my mouth with sperm. He must have ejaculated ten or twelve times.

"Damn! " he cried.

I stood. "That was pure biology. It was either incredibly good, or spectacularly good. Are you tired? "

"I am. That 's strange, " Marty remarked.

"That is nature too. Dry off and get in bed. You can take a nap. " He did as he was told. When he woke up, he dressed and went home. As he left. he asked if he could come back. I told him he was welcome, just give me a call. I wasn 't sure he would come back, but good sex is hard to resist.

I had new massage client the next day. Rocky was a young football player who suffered brain damage. He was despondent, since his football dreams were over. It was a difficult case. I was a minor part of the therapy and followed a visit to a counselor. His body could work if only his brain would give the right instructions.

I told him I was going to keep him in shape until his brain was retrained. No one was sure that would work, but I gave it a try. He was 18 and it was an ordeal. The massage helped to restore feeling in his legs and arms. I would work with him for a half hour, and then his former coach, Dudley, came in for another hour after school. Repetition was difficult for me, but Dudley didn 't mind it. A trainer from a local university also came to help.

After one month we had one arm functioning, and one leg with feeling. I thought it was a small return involving a great amount of work, but the doctors were pleased. They had been afraid Rocky 's condition was permanent. For Rocky, that meant his could begin to feed himself again. The trainer was part of a sports health program and he got Rocky to the school. They had sixty majors who would work with him.

Dudley came by to talk. He asked if massage was a good career. He was looking for something to do. Dudley was sixty-two-years-old, and I told him it was heavy physical work. We talked and eventually he asked if there were massages with benefits. I told him some men did it, but I like plain old massages without complications.

"I was a coach so I couldn 't get close to students or team members. I seem to be well beyond my sell by date now. I don 't have gay friends, and I 'm not exactly sure what to do. If anyone discovered porn in my house I would have been toast, " he explained.

"Well, I hate to sound tacky, but I give lessons, " I said. "I also know some men who would like to meet you. "

"What kind of lessons? " he asked.

"That is hard to describe, but you might understand if I told you they are naked lessons, " I said.

"Sign me up, and I will join and pay the tuition! " Dudley said.

"No tuition, this is a charity, not a money-making operation, " I said.

Fifteen minutes later we were mutually exploring our nude bodies. Dudley had a good body and cock. He was timid and shy sexually in contrast to his aggressive approach to coaching. He had a hair trigger and he shot off as soon as my tongue touched his cock. He wanted to go home after he shot off, but I asked him to stay a while. Dudley was polite and stayed.

We talked a while. I think Dudley was 100% gay, but he had suppressed it for his career in coaching. For many of his boys he was the sensible father figure they lacked at home. He never took advantage of that. He didn 't connect with men his age since he was a workaholic and he had the championships to prove it. He spent 90% of his time coaching young men.

As we talked, we got hard again and had a second session. I think Dudley usually gave more than he took, and my cock was the beneficiary of that. I got us into a 69 position, and that was good for him. When I shot off, he shot seconds later. he told me it was his first mouthful of sperm and it was good. I told him it was good for me too. I said I would like to do it again with him.

He called later that week and we arranged to meet on Saturday. I don 't play matchmaker, but I called Trevor and suggested he come by too. In some ways Trevor and Dudley were alike. They were both devoted to their jobs and had avoided sex for their jobs.

I apologized for the double booking, and the men accepted that. Trevor knew of Dudley 's coaching success, and Dudley knew of Trevor 's injury. He dealt with sports injuries and understood the difficulties of rehab. They got along well.

I seemed to me that admiring a man translates into cock admiration and an openness to cock sucking. I had mentioned that I was excited when a man was so excited his cock began to ooze precum. "I used to think it was just messy, " I explained. "A guy can tell you lots of things, but the cock doesn 't lie. "

"Does cum lie? " Dudley asked.

"It doesn 't lie, but I sometimes has a short memory, " I said. "I think it tells the truth, but it isn 't a proposal of marriage. For me it is good, even if the feelings are short lived. It 's a lot more than good, and I like to suck until I get the last drops and dribbles of an orgasm. " The three of us had a good half hour of orgasm and sperm therapy.

Next: Chapter 5

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