Love Doctor

Published on Nov 17, 2019


Love Doctor 3

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Two weeks later, I had a call from Andy saying they would like to meet again. Since he, Brad and Osgood had fucked me the last time, I think they assumed it was time for them to open their asses for me. I hadn 't said anything about that, but they had obviously enjoyed my ass, and the owed me.

Andy told me there was a chance Brad had another engagement, but Osgood was eager to meet again. The night we met, Mitch, an old friend dropped by to say hello. When I was in school, we had a hot and heavy relationship, it was 75% sex and 25% friendship. When I met him the first time, I knew he was interested in me and his interest was not platonic. I told him I was meeting with other guests. I thought they were anal virgins, and I hoped that when they left their asses would have been well used.

Mitch told me he had a specialty opening tight holes. Mitch 's cock was a size smaller than mine, but he was vigorous while being gentle. He stayed to meet my trainees. As I suspected, it was only Osgood and Andy. They were surprised to meet Mitch, but Mitch was an oddly attractive man. He wasn 't handsome, but he was masculine and friendly. We talked for about ten minutes when someone knocked on the door. It was Brad and Wally. I was glad to see them

"Is everyone ready to carry on with our sexual explorations, " I asked. There was a murmur of agreement.

Mitch was always frank and direct. "You know my pal was asking if you would like to get naked and fuck like rabbits. This might turn out to be difficult for you, but I can tell you from my experience it might be the best day of your life. What is even better, it might be the first of many good days. "

Osgood said yes. "My pal Andy is interested too, but he too shy to say so, " Osgood added.

"I think the six of us could have a nice mini-orgy if you guys are into it, " Mitch said. "It could be lots of fun, but it will expand your sexual horizons a bit. I guess you know that any one of our cocks could end up in your ass. "

"Do we have to take all of you in the ass? " Andy asked. "We are not experienced, "

"I won 't do my Attila the Hun routine, " Mitch said. They laughed. "You only take the cock you want, but I should warn you. Once we get going, you might be surprised how accommodating you may be. I will warn you when I 'm close to shooting, but accidents can happen.

A little later the six of us were naked in my bedroom. I went for Osgood; Wally went to Andy, and Brad was with Mitch. Osgood was willing but tight. I hate to sound like I 'm a libertine, but I have several little tricks to get a tight man to relax his sphincter. He was on his back. I lubricated his ass and then lifted his legs on my shoulders and. I had my cock as his ass. I pinched his tits and them pushed. Osgood opened wide and I went deep on a single thrust. He moaned.

I think his ass had been waiting for a visitor who was hard but fair. My cock head has rammed his prostate as I entered, and the rest of his ass welcomed my cock as an old friend.

"Tighten your sphincter to grab my cock! " I ordered. I felt him tighten it. His cock has softened a little when I first entered. It was rock hard now. I pulled out leaving only my cock head on the dark side of his ass. I made a hard thrust and Osgood moaned again.

Mitch had his own tricks. He had fingered Brad 's hole and massaged his prostate. I 'm not sure Brad knew he possessed a prostate. Mitch 's cock soon replaced the fingers, but he only went in deep enough to massage the tender gland. Brad was out of it. He went from not knowing where the prostate was to become a prostate slave. Mitch was careful increasing the speed and depth of his thrusts. While Mitch had Atilla tendencies, he could read his playmates limits.

Andy fucked Wally first. They then switched positions and Andy opened his back door to Wally 's cock. We all went at it for about ten minutes when I suggested we switch playmates. I fucked Andy, Mitch fucked Osgood and Wally fucked Brad. Since Wally had opened Andy, I slipped in easily. You can never be sure, but I was not too big for Andy.

Mitch did go full Atilla the Hun in Osgood, who was more than willing to be raped and pillaged. Osgood was beging to take Mitch 's load. Mitch was always a generous man. Wally and Brad had a quiet, but intense session.

We had a nice rest period. I wanted the men to catch their breath and calm down. This was a lot for Andy, Brad and Osgood to absorb.

"Are you guys okay? " I asked. "This is a big step towards more intense sex. "

"I had some thoughts about being fucked, but this was more than I expected, " Osgood said. "It was more intense than I thought it would be. "

"Did it bother you to have a cock in your ass? " Mitch asked.

"It bothered me until it was in me. It didn 't hurt much, but I loved it when you pumped. I loved in when you shot off, " he added. "I seemed to think all cocks were the same. They were different, as was the way you all fucked. "

"You 're okay? " I asked.

"I fucking loved it! " he replied.

"I couldn 't imagine a man 's cock in me, " Andy said, "I thought it would be degrading and nasty. You guys were mellow about it. Was it good for you Brad? " he asked.

"I was surprised, " Brad said. "I couldn 't quite believe I could do it. I thought I feel like a girl. I felt more masculine as you pumped sperm into me. "

"Was the cock an invader in your ass or a welcome visitor? " I asked.

"It was friendlier than I expected, " Andy said. "

A little later, Brad successfully screwed Andy. We didn 't watch, but I kept my eye on them. They didn 't fuck, the made love. When Brad filled Andy 's back side with cum, it was beautiful.

Wally, Mitch and I took turns in Osgood 's ass. That was a total success. I think Osgood could have taken the sperm of every member of the US Marine Corp and still asked for more. He was the happiest man in the world when a cock was in his ass.

I had seen a few gangbangs and many seemed degrading to the bottom. Osgood seemed to bloom with each penetration. Osgood could not get enough of it. I figured that a first time anal at an orgy was good when everyone was a friend afterwards. I told Andy and Brad to practice at home. Mitch stayed with me that night. The night was quiet, but Mitch had a nice way to wake me the next morning.

One of my therapy clients was a police detective, Trevor Millard. He had worked up from being a patrol man to detective, due to hard work and a sharp mind. With a name like Trevor you might expect a Scotland Yard type. Trevor was a redneck with most of his rough edges worn off. He had been shot in the leg and the bullet had done major nerve damage. I worked at retraining him so he could return to full service.

He wanted to do everything fast and get it over with. I managed to convince him he needed to take some time to retrain his leg to function better. I gave him regular massages in addition to his therapy. Trevor was uptight and relaxing his muscles was difficult. His wife left him when he was shot. She told him she hadn 't signed up for this.

Massages are intimate and sometimes cocks react to the intimacy of the massage. I do not do the accidental bumps and touches so popular in gay videos. Trevor was nearing 50 and in good, but not great shape. I never work the cock, but my hands get close, especially when you get near the cock. Trevor got hard which I ignored. It was the result of muscular stimulation not a desire for sex.

I worked with Trevor for a year and he made great improvements. There were enough improvements for him to return to active duty. I ran into him a month or so later and we had lunch. When we left, he said he assumed I was gay. I said I was true. "I was wondering why you never made a pass at me. Am I damaged goods, or just too old? " he asked.

I said I never mix pleasure with business. "I guess you know that is a big problem with masseurs? " he nodded. "Once you cross that line, things never are the same, " I added.

"I guess you could say I 'm kind of curious, " Trevor all but whispered.

"Let 's talk about this in a more private place, " I said. We were three blocks for my house, so we went there.

We came in and I made some coffee.

"How curious are you? " I asked.

"I met this guy a month ago. He 's a lawyer for the District Attorney 's office. He a nice guy, friendly helpful. He seems to like me, " Trevor explained. "He 's gay and I don 't know what to expect. "

"Has he made a pass at you? " I asked.

"No, he 's done nothing like that, " Trevor replied. "I sort of thought I might kind of make a pass at him. " He added in a whisper.

"Well, Trevor, I 'm not sort of gay. I had a pal tell me that I was more than 100% gay. I don 't sort of suck a cock and fuck a little bit. Now it is just sex. When I suck a guy, I 'm not proposing marriage. I 'm not in love. I enjoy it, but that 's it. If I am honest, I sometimes fall in love while I 'm hard. I may have fallen in love while I 'm shooting, but it lasts as long as I ejaculate. "

"You can 't do it halfway? " he asked.

"I can 't do anything halfway, " I replied. "Am I right in thinking you are a lot more than just a little interested in this guy? " he nodded. "Am I also right in thinking you are more interested in the sexual potential. "

He nodded again. "If I told you that you remind me of a coach, I had in college would you understand? " Trevor asked. "He never did anything, but I thought about him a lot. I saw his cock once in the showers. "

"It 's been a long day; a shower sounds good to me now. Would you like to join me? " I asked. "You know that there is damn little chance you will be a gay sex virgin by the time you leave my place tonight? " I asked. Trevor said he understood.

I knew what Trevor looked like semi naked. I work in loose fitted scrubs, so he had only a vague guess at what I looked like. I had played peek-a-boo with his cock. It was more impressive exposed and not half covered with a towel. He like me and my equipment. He mentioned I was built like his former coach. I think that explained his interest in me.

I helped him get in the shower. His bad leg was good, but not great and I didn 't want him to slip. That involved a lot of touching, and I wasn 't trying to avoid his genitals. We washed and I managed to lick his semi-erect cock. He was uncut and the skin retracted to expose his lavender-purple cock head. I gave it a tongue massage before swallowing as much as the cock as I could. As my tongue caressed his knob, I tasted sweet liquids drooling from his slit. I knew his interest was genuine. Trevor had a thick six incher, with emphasis on the thick.

"I should do you, " he said. We dried off and went to my bedroom. I didn 't want him to put much weight on his knee. We got on the bed and he looked at my cock, almost studying it.

"I 've never looked at a cock this closely before, " Trevor said. "It 's not that pretty. "

I laughed, "It is really useful. It 's your body 's drain and it 's also the key to human survival on this earth. It is also conveniently located for recreational uses. "

"I hadn 't thought of it that way, " Trevor said as he stuck out his tongue to lick my knob. A minute or two later he was fully involved. His cock was hard too. I had noticed years earlier that erections are contagious. It was as if you cock said, "That guy 's erect. Maybe I 'll join in the party. "

"All cocks aren 't the same. Some react differently to the same stimulus. Usually it 's a good sign if it twitches, or the guy moans, " I explained. "Try to remember when that happens and what you did to make it happen. When his cock begins to drool precum you know he 's working up to the grand finale. When you know a guy, you can tell when he 's going to shoot. "

"Do you take the cum? " he asked.

"If I like the guy, I often take it. He made it. It seems polite to take it. It also makes less mess if you swallow it and don 't leave splatter all over the place, " I said. "Let me warn you. Someday you 're going to have a mouth full of semen. Some men have stealth orgasms. They seem to come out of nowhere and there is no warning. "

"I know some men who think semen is the waste product of an orgasm. Others think it proof you are a good partner. It a reward for a job well done, " I added.

"I don 't know how I would react, " Trevor observed.

"Don 't worry, you can be both. Some men only eat their partner 's sperm. They don 't take other men 's loads. It depends on the man and the situation, " I said. "By the way. I 'm getting close. " He pulled away from my cock, them tried to deep throat it. I popped and he took it. It was a success. When he went home, he asked if he could come by again. I said I would enjoy that.

A few day later Taylor called me. He had met a man in the showers at the Golf Club. The man was semi-erect. That got Taylor going, and they exchanged admiring glances. As the left the club, the man gave him his card with his home number on the back.

"He 's not my type, but he was interested? " he said.

"I have a question for you, what is your type? "

Taylor laughed, "You 've got me there. Seeing one man for twenty years isn 't exactly a type. This guy, Whitey, owns a trash recycling business. "

"White Trash? " I asked.

"That 's him, " Taylor said.

"I read an article on him. He dad founded the business as a mom and pop trash collecting operation. It 's worth five-hundred million now. " I said.

Taylor laughed again. "Maybe he is my type! "

"Shit. I would bet his sperm is 50% gold dust, " I said. Taylor wanted to have another lesson.

He came back that evening. After some small talk I asked him about Whitey. "When you said he wasn 't your type were you talking about his attitude or appearance? " I asked.

"My friend was delicate and small. Whitey was built like a wrestler. He was on better shape than I am. He wasn 't delicate at all, " Taylor explained.

"Let me be more direct. Did you like his cock? " I asked. "Did it turn you on? "

"Let 's just say when he was semi-hard, I was hard as a rock, " he replied.

"Do you think you would like to suck it? Take it in the ass? " I asked.

"I was so turned on, I really don 't know what I would do, " he answered.

"Well Taylor, do you think we could do some experimenting tonight? " I asked.

We went to my bedroom, then to the shower. I sucked him to an erection and then told him it was his turn. "Do you wasn 't me to take your cum? " he asked.

"I do, but it 's up to you. Just think of it as a nice creamy nightcap. By the way, your pal Whitey may be big, but his cock may well be delicate. There are no exercises to build muscles in your cock. It 's designed for pleasure not strength. "

We switched to the 69 position and that seemed to relax him. I am not exactly a virgin and after three of four minutes I could tell he was getting into it.

"You have a nice one, " he said, and he returned to sucking. he copied my approach to cock massage. I think he tried to hold back, but it was too much. He began to shoot in my mouth. A second or two later my sperm flooded his mouth. After the climaxes we broke apart. I realized he had my load in his mouth. I kissed him and we traded loads.

"I can 't believe we did that, " he whispered.

"A nice cock in your mouth and a serving of sperm ends the day on a high note, doesn 't it? " I said.

"I wonder what my friend would say if he saw me now? " Taylor said.

"I never met him, but I bed said a breezy, finally! " I replied.

"I have a confession to make. I called Whitey yesterday. We are going to get together next Monday, " Taylor said. "Do you have time to teach me how to fuck? Somehow I have a feeling Whitey is into it? "

"Are you ready for that? " I asked.

"I wasn 't ready for this, and it was good, " he said. "I trust you. " Taylor was a cold fish and his physical contact with a cock discovered a few things about himself that surprised him. I think was a thinker not a doer. Cocks don 't seem to think but their wishes are hard to ignore.

He told me his relationship with his wife and his friend were good, but not wild or passionate. I think his equipment was in working order, but never exceeded the speed limit. He was not imaginative, and he never experimented.

Sucking a cock is an intimate and personal experience. He realized what he had missed when he never reciprocated with his friend. He didn 't know it, but he had a love at first sight with Whitey. He also didn 't recognize that Whitey seems to have the same feelings. Taylor was a distinguished looking man and well hung. Whitey 's cock realized that and became firm. Taylor 's saw it, he got hard too.

When Taylor said he "got going, " I assumed he was fully erect. It would have been hard for White not to notice that.

Next: Chapter 4

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