Love Doctor

Published on Nov 13, 2019


Love Doctor 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Gay sex was illegal for decades and dangerous to even consider. Some men are outgoing and adventurous. They figure things out on their own. If you live with your family or in a small town, your gay sex life is limited. If you have a computer you can get some information and watch porn, but if you only have the computer at work, you may be up the creek. A good portion of the information on the web is suspect anyway. Some of the Penis enlargement medicines would make a 19th Century quack blush. The old claims that masturbation caused blindness, insanity or feeblemindedness are still floating around.

Most of the men who came to see me are shy, timid or too scared to ask. Liberal though we are, asking about the best way to fuck a guy is not normal coffee break material. As a masseur, my profession was suspect enough to know that sort of thing. I admit working the muscles of nude or semi-nude men doesn 't offend me.

Wally asked me to help a couple he knew. Brad and Andy were popular young conductors-church musicians. They were in their early thirties, monogamous. Their relationship was all but sexless. Brad had a bad experience as a child with an Uncle, and Andy had been raised in a group home, where there had been a strong emphasis on avoiding sexual contact with "the older kids. " He took the lesson to heart.

Wally was the brightest star in the local musical community. He was energetic, smart and always willing to help. If a soloist couldn 't make it at the last minute, he knew a good substitute. If you had a problem member of your choir, he had a solution. If you had a problem with your church 's administration, he knew how to resolve it.

The two men appeared at my door as scheduled. Brad was tall, bearded, bespectacled and well groomed. He looked professorial and mature. Andy was a short disheveled, red haired, bear-like man. He had a deep bass voice and spoke with authority. Had he been six inches taller, he could have been a football tackle.

"Wally asked us to come here, " Brad said. "I 'm not sure why. Are we to get a massage or is there more? "

"Wally told me you are gifted musicians. He said you have that special spark that uplifts a performance that turn it into something special, " I said. "He 's afraid your personal lives lack that spark. "

"What spark? " Andy asked.

"Sex, " I replied. "It seems to be tame, according to Wally. "

"I didn 't think it was tame, but I saw a video at a party and had never seen guys do the things they did, " Brad said. "I asked Wally about it, but he was uneasy about showing us the ropes. "

"Good friends are one thing, friends with benefits are another, " I said. "Sex can be a benefit, or a complication. It 's different for different people. We don 't all share the same tastes or preferences. Since I don 't know you and you don 't know me, we are starting from the same place. Are you uneasy about this? " They didn 't respond.

"At one time sex was mostly one person using another person. I think of it as a shared activity. Both partners enjoy it equally. Of course, it 's never exactly fifty-fifty, but I think it gets close to being equal over time, " I said.

"What are we supposed to go? " Andy asked.

"I was thinking that we might all get naked and play it by ear. I need a shower. Would you like to join me? "

"I 'm not comfortable being naked, " Brad said. "I get embarrassed. "

"If it told you to try it, you will like it, would you give it a try? " I suggested. They agreed to give it a try.

"My plan is to introduce you to sex and have some fun. For me it 's just fun, since you are partners, it may be a lot more than fun, " I explained. We went to my bedroom, stripped and went to shower.

Men usually think they are the ugly ducklings at the ball. Men are varied and different, but we all have the same equipment. "You are good looking men, " I said.

"I 'm bald, " Brad said.

"Baldness isn 't a rare condition, nor is being tall, short, heavy or thin. It 's all part of the pageant of man, as the used to say in travelogues, " I said. "I can also assure you that you have all the normal equipment, and it appears to be rather generous. "

"You are horse hung! " Andy blurted out.

"As a great sage one said, it 's not how big it is, it 's how you make it big, " I explained. "I think the sage may have been Mae West, and it 's probably not Confucius or the Buddha. " They laughed.

Brad was hard and looked embarrassed. "Remember an erection isn 't a proposal of marriage. It just means you are excited. By the way, yours is a beauty, " I said. Of course, I was hard by then as was Andy.

My shower was small for three men, so it was difficult to avoid touching. I dropped the soap and was face to cock with both men. "Did I mention that sex is on the agenda? I have one rule. Don 't hold back your orgasm. You can shoot off anytime and anywhere; that 's why we are here. Sex is messy, so you can let it rip. I like the feel of warm splattering cum against my skin. I like the taste of your balls ' goo. " I explained.

"You would taste it? " Andy asked.

"Sure, it 's your home brew, served up fresh, " I said. "I think it 's best really fresh, straight form the cock. Some men had a problem that their knob gets ultra-sensitive during an orgasm. sucking it as you pop is too much. For other guys my tongue coaxing sperm from their cock is heaven on earth. "

"How can you tell? " Andy asked.

"Well, it the old trial and error technique, " I said.

"Would you take ours? " Brad asked.

"Sure, but that is up to you, " I said. "Since you guys are close, you might like your partner to be the first. Now, if you don 't like it, I don 't mind. You might insult your partner if you don 't like his. " I went down on my knees and they were so close I could suck both. I guessed they liked that. Sucking can only be so bad.

When I got up, Andy went to his knees to suck me. After a few tentative licks, all was well. He only took my cock head, but that was a good start.

He stood and told Brad it was good. "Actually, it was really good, " he exclaimed. Brad took a turn and he tried to deep throat me. He was a natural cocksucker. After a little while I pulled away and Brad took Andy 's cock. They broke apart, we dried off and went to my bedroom.

"It 's so intimate, " Brad said. "I didn 't know you could feel that way. It was so exciting and personal. "

"Think of the cock as the world 's best lollypop. A lollypop that is perfect for you, " I said. "It gets more exciting the longer you suck on it. " I got the three of us linked cock to mouth. Andy sucked me, I sucked Brad and Brad sucked Andy. We switched so we all sampled each cock.

As Brad sucked Andy, Andy cried, " I 'm going to shoot! " Brad pulled away and I swooped over to take Andy 's load. He had been saving his cum, and it was a meal and a half. My mouth was fill with his quivering sperm, when I pulled away. Much to my surprise Brad kissed me and we shared Andy sperm. Andy joined in, kissing Brad and tasting his sperm in Brad 's mouth.

Brad began to shoot, and I took his too, so we had a good exchange of man seed. We were all tired, so Brad and Andy went home. I told them to call me if the wanted to explore more. I had no idea if they would call. Our first "lesson " was intense, perhaps too intense for shy men.

Andy came to see me a week later. He told me it had been too much in the days after we got together, but as they thought about it, it seemed to get better. "We want to do it again, " he said. "We have a friend who would like to come along. He 's a nice guy, and he really needs some help. "

"He knows what he 's getting into? " I asked.

"He was really excited when we told him what we did, " Andy said.

Andy and Brad were at my door Friday night with their friend, friend Osgood. Osgood was a plump, young looking guy in his mid-twenties. He thanked me for letting him come to the session.

"Did Andy and Brad tell you about our last get-together? " I asked. "Have you ever done things like that? Do you think you would like to join in?

"I 've never done much, but I think I would like it a lot, " Osgood said. "I know I would like it. "

"I guess it 's time for the showers, " I said. We went off to my bedroom. Osgood was the first to strip naked. He was a beefy man, but there seemed to be some muscle under the fat. He was also well endowed, and not shy about showing his equipment.

It was tight in the shower, so we were pretty much cock to ass. "I 've never sucked a cock before, " Osgood said, "Could I suck yours? " I said sure and he tried to swallow my cock whole. I wasn 't fully erect yet, so he got most of it. His enthusiasm for my cock grew as my cock grew. He was clearly inexperienced, but he quickly got the hang of cock sucking quickly. I was playing with Andy 's cock as Osgood sucked.

Osgood was different from Andy and Brad. He wasn 't reserved or shy. He was adventurous and willing to try new things. He was an only child raised at a secluded weather station in the Rockies. He was home schooled by his mother who had mental problems. She was loving and affectionate, but she was agoraphobic. She was afraid to leave the house. His father was an outdoors type, but anti-social.

His mother died and her estranged parents discovered the situation at the funeral. Since Osgood had no social skills, the grandparents were overprotective. Osgood was smart and got a job that had few interpersonal connections. He was the night manager for an information technology firm. He like to sing and joined Andy 's choir. Andy and Osgood had an unexpected meeting in the rest room and hit it off. After several months of conversations, Osgood was in my shower.

Osgood was a normal looking man, average in every way. His cock was on the high side of average and I soon discovered his balls produce massive amounts of cum. Andy and Brad liked him and were in the rare situations of being more sexually skilled than he.

In the bedroom it was clear that a foursome was better that a threesome and was lower stress. We all had a good time. Brad and Andy had to go home. They had early morning appointments. Osgood stayed with me. He wanted to talk.

Osgood liked everything and wanted to do things right. He asked me if it was best to deep throat or concentrate on the cock head. I told him that was up to him. He asked if cocks normally drooled. I said yes when a guy is excited.

"Do I have to eat cum when it spurts? " he asked.

"That 's up to you too. I take it when I 'm excited, or if a guy I like is shooting. Not everybody likes the taste. "

"Can you take it anyway? " Osgood asked.

"Well I take it if I like a guy, like his cock or just want fresh cum, " I said.

"it 's not like getting engaged or going steady is it? " he asked. "It seems really personal. "

"Not at all, " I said. "It 's really personal to you. I will say that few guys object to feeding you their load. It is personal. A guy is feeding you his homemade-in-the-balls sperm. He 's feeding it to you through his cock. Sometimes I think of the cock as a special straw for cum. Sometimes I can taste his excitement and passion. It 's intimate and unbelievably passionate. He is on a trip to the moon, and you are working his joystick. "

"I guess you know I want your cum? " he asked.

I smiled and said, "I did have that suspicion. " Osgood took my load fifteen minutes later. He worshiped my cock, kissing, licking and sucking it in every possible way. He went home a happy man.

Osgood was back four days later with Andy and Brad. Osgood was interested in fucking. I told him fucking was not as sure-fire good as sucking. If you liked it, you tend to like it a lot.

"Do you fuck? " Osgood asked.

"You may not have guessed, but I do it all, " I replied, "I top, bottom, suck and get sucked. "

"You may not have guessed, but Osgood wants to get fucked, " Brad said. We went to the bedroom, stripped and showered. Returning to the bed, I surprised the three men by sitting on Osgood 's erect cock. I figured they were uneasy about being fuck, and since I am a well-seasoned top and bottom, I would leave the way. Osgood was the most demonstrative of the men, so I hope we would give a good demonstration.

I had sort of planned it. Unexpectedly, I discovered my ass was perfectly designed to accommodate Osgood 's cock. It rang every chime in my ass 's carillon. His cock was in love with my ass. We had a wonderful time. Osgood wiggled around so he could suck Andy and Brad could suck me. When Osgood shot off, I sat up and sat on Andy 's tool; he popped immediately. I didn 't want to leave Brad out of it, so I took a seat in his long thin cock. He went full bunking bronco. Since both Osgood and Andy had filled my ass, their semen lubricated the way. Brad 's cock pushed it deep. It was a long, exciting ride, but Brad eventually shot off so forcefully I could feel each volley.

I was wiped out, but still erect. Osgood was nice enough to suck me off. He took the entire load, but Andy and Brad licked some of the post orgasmic drool. They went home. I realized I had never taken three loads before.

I had a call a few days later from a man named Taylor. He had talked with Henry who had given him my name. Taylor sounded like an older man. He was a recent widower and had been in rehab after an accident. He had been rethinking his life and Henry thought I could help. He wouldn 't say what the problem was, but I knew how I had helped Henry, I had a good idea.

Taylor came by the next evening. He was in his early sixties and in better than usual shape. He was also a retired State Senator. He told me he had a conventional life with a wife, now deceased, and three children who now lived elsewhere. He also had one friend who liked to suck him off. Taylor provided the cock. Essentially, Taylor did nothing except get hard and shoot off.

"He loved it loved it. All was well until my friend died. I had no idea how dependent on him I had become, " Taylor explained. "I have since discovered that I am beyond my sell-by date for most gay men. Making it worse, I have a limited sexual repertoire that further reduces my appeal. Henry said you might be able to help. "

"If I told you we would start by getting naked and taking a shower, would you think that is too much? " I asked.

"I would have said yes, but Henry told me that would be necessary. I think I can do it, " he replied. We went to the shower. as we stripped, Taylor averted his eyes.

"There is no reason to be shy here. We are both men, and I think we have the same general sexual interests. Looking at another guy 's cock is not rare or unusual, " I said.

"It 's hard to break the habits of a lifetime, " Taylor replied. "I am used to the locker rooms at the country club. Looking is a problem. "

"You are well equipped, " I said. "If you show it off to the right men, you will get admiring glances. " We went in the shower and Taylor relaxed some. Shower rooms are always all nude.

"When did you have you last blow job? " I asked.

"I 'm not sure, " he said.

"I bet you know exactly when it was, " I observed.

"Three months ago. I was out of town visiting friends, where I met a sales representative in my motel. He like to suck, " Taylor said. I bent over and began sucking him. Somehow, I had the feeling that Taylor was a wounded man. I could almost taste his relief at finding me. Apparently, I came close to replicating his lover 's technique. "

I knew he was close to an orgasm, so I pulled away. "it 's your turn to suck me, " I said. I knew he was excited, and we were showering, so I hoped the time was right.

Taylor dropped to his knees, took a long hard look at my cock and took it into his mouth. He didn 't suck at first. He had wrapped his lips around it and cradled my cock on his tongue. I knew I would be dripping precum soon. I thought that might spook him.

"Do what your friend did that excited you the most, " I suggested. He began to massage the underside of my head with his tongue. "Did he mention your sweet precum when he sucked you? Do you know what he was tasting? " Taylor tried to deep throat me, and then pulled back trying to suction precum from my cock.

A few seconds later he had the tip of his tongue on my piss slit, tasting my sweet cock jelly. All was well. Taylor pulled away saying, "It 's good. I like it. "

We got out of the shower, dried off and went to my bed to 69. When I told him to imagine what his friend experienced as he sucked, Taylor got into it. I was getting close, but I suspected that would be too much, so I pulled away and asked if he would like me to suck him to completion and take his load.

"You would do that for me? " her asked.

"Sure, and I can assure you that your sperm would be a treat, " I said. As I said that he began to spurt. The first blob splattered on his gut. I captured the second in my mouth mid-air and then swallowed his cock and took the rest. Taylor was in heaven. He went home after that, but I knew he would be back.

Next: Chapter 3

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