Love Doctor

Published on Mar 30, 2020


Love Doctor 10

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I was surprised when Worthington Wells came to see me. Worthy and I were old friends and sexual playmates. I met him after he broke his leg and needed therapy to get it working right. He tended to be a hypochondriac. I mostly did exercises for his leg and told him that what he was feeling was normal and his worries were just a byproduct of the healing process. I met him later at a party and discovered he had insatiable sexual urges that coincided with my own.

His career as a businessman could be charitably described as checkered. Taken in total, he made more than he lost, but there were some tight periods. He thought he was an idea man. That was true, but he was not a think it out and plan things carefully man.

Worthy was handsome, good in school, and good athlete. A gadfly, he made friends easily. They weren't deep and abiding relationships, but most were continuing. Technically he was not a sex maniac, but he was sexually generous and available to any healthy male. He was sexually imaginative and clever. If you can do it with a cock, he was your man.

There was no outward indicator or mannerism that he was gay. His family was loaded, but his mother and father made a big mistake. They had eight children. A good-sized fortune divided by eight is comparatively modest. Worthy's portion was ten million and a house in the Thousand Islands.

Worthy came over to see me and want me to help him with a plan. As is the case with most of his plans, it was imaginative and odd.

"I associate with many wealthy men who are secretly gay, living in fear of exposure and ridicule. I'm in their social class and thus I am a safe playmate," he explained. "My house in the Thousand Islands is called Aurora View. It is on an island sitting a hundred feet from land. I had an Aunt who loved the house and left it to me."

"Among my friends are some who might have been called gigolos at one time. They have marginal jobs and often go to parties and long weekends. Their lifestyles are not related to their incomes," he continued. "I wondered if they would be willing to visit Aurora View for a weekend with some wealthy men. I would pay them for their travel expenses. I assumed that nature would take its course and they would connect and most probably copulate. Everyone would be happy. They would not technically be paid, so it wouldn't be prostitution. My hope is that the millionaires would invest in one of my businesses."

"My marginal friends might hope to meet the man of their dreams, but they would be happy with a weekend of plain old sex. The millionaires would have a worry-free weekend of sexual abandon. I might find some investors, but I would be sure to have a weekend of sexual abandon. It seems like a potential win-win situation for all of us," he explained.

"I have talked about this with one of my younger friends, Peyton DeWitt. He sort of works for his father, but he usually has Fridays and Mondays off. Peyton told me he would do weekends at Aurora View for free, but a little pocket money was always welcome. He knew some other guys who would like a fun weekend," he continued. "Peyton dislikes users. As a formerly wealthy gay man, he has had some bad experiences and is on the lookout for fortune hunters."

"I also talked to guy named Tom Jones at my gym. Tom is a twenty-five-year-old actor want to be. He likes me; I am his father's age. He said he likes mellow older men. Tom keeps his calendar open so he can take any acting gigs that come up. These are usually off-off-off Broadway, experimental theater productions.

"Peyton, Tom and I know quite a few under-employed over-sexed men. They don't want to overtly take money for sex, but they like sex and they like money. The men could choose or reject playmates if the wished. The wealthy men could do the same," Worthy said. "I was thinking you might enjoy a weekend away."

"You think I'm under employed and over sexed?" I asked.

"I want you there because you are perceptive, intelligent have common sense and are attractively over sexed. You know me well enough to know I am lacking in several of those virtues," he replied. Of course, it was a strange and odd idea. It was so strange and odd, it attracted me. I told him I would do if I could work it into my schedule. I had five months of unused vacation and over time due to me so a weekend away wouldn't be a problem.

Worthy had a small experimental party two months later. He invited three millionaires who assumed false names, Atlas, Diamond Joe and Rocky. He friends Peyton and his pal David came as guests, and four friends from his gym, Tom, Denny, George and Lewis were to play servants. George was a Chef. He was a great cook, but had trouble getting along with restaurant owners. Everyone had taken a quick trip to the doctor before they came and passed the tests with flying colors. It was to be a worry-free weekend.

The millionaires were older men, Diamond Joe was a troll, Rocky a gorilla and Atlas was still handsome. Everyone knew that sexual satisfaction was the objective. Worthy's "servants" were attentive, friendly and helpful. Payton and David mixed easily with the older men.

A man named Elliott was with us. He was the son of a neighbor when Worthy spent his childhood summers at Aurora View. He knew a lot about boats, fishing and the river. Worthy and Elliott were the children his Aunt never had. He became the caretaker of the house and had been here ever since. He lived in the servants' quarters all year long.

Everyone was pleasant, but not overt or overly attentive sexually. It was a cool night after a hot summer day, so we sat on the north terrace after dinner to see the Aurora Borealis if it occurred. There were glimmers at 9:15 and a spectacular show by 9:30. None of the men had seen the Northern Lights before and they were dazzled. Elliot came in asked if the servants could join us to watch the show. We said it was fine with us.

Later the men went to their bedrooms. The servants left too, but soon were busy taking extra towels and blankets to the guests. It turned out that an orgasm or two is a good way to insure sound sleep.

Diamond Joe asked Elliott and me if we would like a night cap. Diamond Joe was a diamond importer. He was five feet-six, heavy set and wore dumpy looking clothes. He knew the purpose for the party and after making drinks he was direct.

"I'm not usually considered a stud muffin, but love man sex. I was hoping you had the same interest?" he asked. "Elliott, I was hoping you are with the program here. You are my type. Rugged, hard working men turn me on. If this is a misjudgment on my part, I am sorry and feel free to leave."

"I'm not sure I have a type, but I like to sample the hardware before I fall head over heels in love." Elliott said with a smile. Diamond Joe stripped naked and we did the same. Joe was much more muscular than I had guessed and sported a nice cock and huge bull balls.

"Am I okay?" Joe asked.

"I usually like to taste it before I make a decision," Elliott said. He leaned over and swallowed Joe's cock. Joe passed the taste test and we were off to the races. Joe was almost attractive naked, and much more attractive naked and hard.

He asked Elliott if he bottomed. Elliott told him yes, but he liked to top too. Joe said he was more of a top than a bottom, but Elliott had a nice one and it looked like a good fit.

Joe's ass was exceptionally responsive to Elliott's cock. I know that my partner's response to my cock, greatly adds to my enjoyment. Joe was pleased and moaning as Elliott rhythmically forced his cock into him.

I left Elliott and Joe to their own devices and went to my room. Along the way I ran into George, the chef. I complimented him on dinner. "I'm glad you liked it," George said as he scratched his balls.

"Would you like a night cap?" I asked as I rearranged my balls. We went to my room collecting David on the way. He hadn't been able to snag a millionaire, so he was on the way to bed. David was a slightly pudgy computer genius with few interpersonal skills. I guessed there had to be a lot more to him than his gracelessness.

George was hot to trot and began stripping the second he got past my bedroom door. David was quickly stripping. George was a hairy, beefy Italian, with a nice cock and huge balls. David was a smooth butter ball with a cock so large it was almost a birth defect.

"What in hell do you do with that monster?" George asked when he saw it.

"I have a few ideas I'd like to try," I said. David just smiled. George dropped to his knees to suck David. I happened to notice that George has spread his legs wide showing his ass in the classic doggy style position. I knew that George wasn't a virgin. I lubricated my cock and took up the position at George's rear.

"You have a visitor at the back door," David told George. George spread his legs wider and I poked my cock into his hole stopping at the sphincter.

George briefly stopped sucking David and said, "I fucking love to be spit roasted." My cock slid into George's ass at the same time as David's cock slid into George's mouth.

"If you were hoping to fuck a virgin, you are a little late." I said.

"Don't worry, I don't mind sloppy seconds," David replied. "I like to churn it into cum butter."

"I've never tasted cum butter before," George said.

"We have a long weekend ahead. The possibilities are endless," David said. He looked at me. "I've never been in a threesome before. It's better than I expected. I thought it would be more impersonal. Are you okay George?"

"I sure am," he replied. I shot off and it must have been forceful, since George moaned. I pulled out and told David it was his turn.

"Are you sure about this George?" he asked.

"I sure am," George replied. David had an impressive organ and he took his time working it into George's ass, even with my sperm lubricant. George must have liked large cocks. He didn't complain at all.

"Have you ever used sperm as lube?" I asked David.

He shook his head. "It's oddly intimate. I really hadn't considered sharing an ass. I rarely get to top."

"Do you usually bottom?" I asked.

"I usually do what my partner asked me to do. Beggars can't be choosers," David said.

"Do you like to be fucked?" George asked. David had just popped through George's sphincter and was now in deep. George moaned in appreciation.

"I haven't liked it much," David said. "I have a feeling I would like yours."

"I'm too big for some guys," George remarked.

"That seems to turn me on," David said. He pulled out of George and got on all fours. George slowly slid his cock into David's ass. David began to suck my cock. I was still oozing post orgasmic drool, and he seemed to like it.

David tried to deep throat me every time George pushed deep. Usually my cock deflates after an orgasm. I was semi soft when David started but it was clear that he was a master cock sucker. It was good for all of us, but I knew that somehow, I would get George's cock in me during the weekend. I had a premonition of what would happen next. I pulled away from David and scooted under him in time to suck him as George shot off. George's orgasm triggered David's and he filled my mouth with his ball cream. We were all exhausted and that was the end of our session.

I sensed that this was like one of the old-time serial shorts like Buck Rogers. The interlude ended with a "To be Continued," notice.

Everyone was cheerful and happy the next morning. The night had been a success. George cooked a breakfast that was traditional but had distinctive fruits and remarkable pancakes. The men loved it. Diamond Joe and Atlas went out on separate boats fishing and site seeing in the myriad of islands. Elliot took Atlas and along with Tom. Peyton and Worthy took Diamond Jim along with David.

Rocky was uneasy in boats and stayed at Aurora View. The castle like design of Aurora View impressed Rocky. Worthy told me that gay men who knew Rocky referred to him as "the Fucking Gorilla." He was a successful investment banker, known for his good sense and directness. His professional associates knew nothing of his sexual tastes. He also tended to help young men with their careers. Rocky had a wall separating his professional life and sexual life. None of the young men had helped had a sexual relationship with him.

I could tell Rocky had noticed Tom and Denny. Tom was an actor and Denny was a personal trainer. Both were young and muscular. Tom was mostly unemployed and thus had a lot of time to spend at the gym. Denny reminded me of the 19th century muscle man Sandow. He was the Steve Reaves of the turn of the 20th century. Denny's muscles were natural not chemically enhanced.

Around 10:00, I went to a small natural swimming pond on east side of the house that warmed up quickly. I was skinny dipping when George joined me during the break between breakfast and starting preparations for dinner. He stripped and jumped in. I was hoping that I would get him to fuck me, but Denny joined us as did Rocky a few minutes later. Rocky was a well-endowed fur ball. I thought Rocky was a non-standard attractive man. He wasn't popular movie star handsome, but if you collected all the masculine physical characteristics and doubled them, you had Rocky. You probably had to triple the body hair.

I could also tell he was uneasy about his body. I suspected that immature kids would move away from him at the beach. Denny was shaved smooth. He had no problem with Rocky.

Rocky had been in a car accident. He wasn't injured but he had been thrown around and beaten up some. He was moving gingerly. I talked to him about it. Denny was interested too, and we talked about exercises that might help. Rocky asked if a massage might do some good.

"It might, but I think exercises you can do several times a day might be better," Denny said. "You need to get a real masseur, not a man who will rub your back before the happy ending. A happy ending is fun, bit it doesn't help your back."

"Do guys come on to you often?" Rocky asked.

"The secret to my success is sticking to no funny business," Denny said. "Most guys don't like wondering if his trainer going to jump him. They don't get much benefit if they are plotting to get in my ass either."

"My business is strictly business too. No parties or golf vacations thrown in," Rocky said. "Are you ever tempted?"

Denny smiled. "Guys make passes at me all the time. I like to pick the men I associate with," Denny said.

"Too bad, I was thinking about making a pass," Rocky said.

"I have a little confession to make. I'm a bit of a size queen and I was I wonder what you cock would be like up my ass," Denny said.

"I tend to shoot off in a tight ass," Rocky said.

"I think this is our lucky day," Denny replied.

Denny and Rocky went at it as George and I completed unfinished business. George's cock was big, but he took his time entering my ass. I rarely had sex outdoors and that added some excitement and novelty. George was a tease. I always wanted him deeper.

I later found out Rocky had never had group sex. It had been only one-on-one. As he fucked Denny he could watch George leisurely enter me. George leisurely built up to an orgasm, shot off and left.

I went to Denny and Rocky. "Are you guys enjoying yourselves?"

"It's wonderful. I've never done it outside before," Rocky said. "I've been used to quick pokes in a dark corner."

"I think most of the people I know think of sex as a rarity, like a lightning strike," I said. "Denny promised me earlier that he wouldn't get anyone pregnant. A little birdy told me he likes it when a guy gives his prostate a sperm bath."

"Is that true?" Rocky asked Denny.

"It will be true if you get a few more inches of your cock into my ass," Denny replied.

"That seems too intimate," Rocky replied.

"Sometimes shooting off is just draining your balls," I explained. "Sometimes you are telling a guy you enjoy him. It's not a proposal of marriage."

"What is it for you?" Rocky asked.

"All of the above," I said.

Rocky lost it and ejaculated deep in Denny's ass who was an appreciative bottom. Rocky pulled out and left. He was one of those men who crashed after an orgasm.

"That was good," Denny said, "I think he is a nice guy. I don't think he knew it, but he was making love to my ass not fucking me. Did George shoot off in you?"

"He sure did. Is there any chance you would like sloppy seconds?" I asked. "My ass still feels needy. A second load might fill the need."

"You are a mind reader," Denny replied. I was siting a low wall. I came over to me, straddled me and sat facing me as he impaled himself on my hard cock.

Rocky must have shot a pint or two of sperm into him. It was smooth as silk. "Oh wow!" he said as I went deep. "Does it feel odd to use another man's cum as lube?"

"Not at all," I said. "Has anyone mentioned you have a welcoming ass?"

"I've never taken a cock in the ass this easily," he said as he gently bounced on my cock. On the third or fourth bounce, his cock erupted spraying sperm over my chest.

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