Love Doctor

Published on Nov 4, 2019


The Love Doctor By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I am neither a medical doctor nor a PhD, but I am not exactly a self-anointed doctor either. Legally I am a masseur. I am a good masseur and for years I worked in a rehabilitation clinic serving men and women recovering from serious physical problems.

Massage is not near the top of the professional ladder. When a doctor had a happy ending or result, it is entirely different from a masseur 's happy ending. I often worked with physical therapists with injured clients.

Men do have sexual reactions to a massage. For most of us physical contact is rare. Some reactions are physical and not necessarily sexual. I think some of that is due to our uptight society. Many men do not know how to react to physical contact. As a man I work with men 90% of the time.

I have a second career after working hours with gay men. Most of these men are new to the scene and are uncomfortable with physical contact or are simply inept. The just don 't do it right. This is a problem, and in some cases a major problem. It is a problem with both heterosexual couples and gay couples.

My first patient was Henry, one of my rehabilitation patients. He was a 40-year-old man who had a stroke. I worked with a therapist and got his muscles working again. Our efforts were successful, partially due to his young age.

Several years after his treatment I ran into him at a party given by a gay friend. He came home with me and we were soon playing. He was an average looking man, but a below average sexual playmate. I told him he needed some sex lessons. He told me he had met some nice guys, but things never developed. He thought there was something wrong about him.

I told him he tended to be a bit mechanical sexually, a bit robotic. I also said he had a limited range of skills. He asked me what that meant.

"Well Henry, it would be good if you fucked and were willing to be fucked, " I said. "That is not a requirement, but it doubles the number of men you might connect with. "

Henry said he didn 't know how to do that. Henry was a bookkeeper and excelled at doing repetitive work. he was intelligent, but he did what he was told to do. He didn 't move on. He was a bookkeeper not an accountant. He never made mistakes. That is good for a bookkeeper, but he rarely noticed irregularities or oddities in the data. If you told him to look for oddities in the data, he would find it, but he never thought of looking for it on his own. Henry was a nice man, but limited.

I know enough about sex to know that limited is not good. You don 't want sex that is just okay or good enough, I guess. I explained this to Henry without much success. He was not into imaginative leaps.

"Are you a good lover? " he asked.

"I 'm a good lover, but a great playmate, " I said. "Some guys say I 'm a bit wild, but they say that as a compliment. If you think of sex as fun, it 's better. Sex with a woman can result in a baby. That hasn 't happened to me yet. " Henry didn 't pick up on the joke.

"Could you give me some pointers? " he asked. "I know guys do stuff I don 't do. I don 't really know how to do it or if I 'm doing it right. "

It was getting late, I told him I would give him some lessons, but it was better if we started fresh. I gave him my phone number and told him to call me if he wanted to get together again. He said he would and went home. I didn 't think he would call me. I thought he was too timid to do that.

Henry surprised me by calling and we arranged to get together on Saturday afternoon. He arrived promptly at 1:30. I asked if he was ready to play. He said he guessed he was.

"Henry that is your first mistake. You are here for sex, not to watch a classic film, " I said. "Try saying, "I 'm ready if you are, " or "I 've been thinking about this for days! That will get things off to a good start. "

"I 'm really nervous, " he said.

"I 've been working hard all morning and need a shower. Would you like to join me? " I asked. I led the way to the shower and stripped. "Henry you do take your clothes off for showers, don 't you? "

He smiled sheepishly and stripped. I as a masseur I 'm a muscular man. Henry was not. I got the water going and we went into the tub-shower.

"It 's tight in here, " he said.

"Some guys are brought up to think sex is dirty. This shower is to make sure everything is washed. I 'm uncut, so I will make sure my foreskin is peeled back and my knob is cleaned up. Can you help me with that? If you do mine, I 'll do yours. " Henry did as he was told, and after some hesitation he got into it. Henry 's cock was hard by the time I washed it. He was uncut too.

We moved on to cleaning his asshole next. The sexual stimulation of washing his cock left him turned on, and he was more willing than I had feared. He shivered when I touched his hole. I checked his cock and felt slippery precum emerging form his cock. When I pushed a little deeper into his anus, there was more precum.

"Have you ever fucked? " I whispered.

"No, I 've seen it in porn movies with women, " he said.

"Men 's asses are tighter than a cunt, " I whispered. "Do you think you would like to fuck me? "

"Do you like that? " he asked.

"I do. I like it a lot, " I replied. "Is my ass clean enough for you to fuck? " I asked. "You can clean it more if it isn 't clean enough. "

"I can 't clean the inside, " he said.

I had some lubricant in the shower. "Coat your cock with this and push it in me. It will do the trick, " I said. Henry did what he was told. Henry 's cock was average, but it slipped into me like a hot knife through butter. There was no drama, but a lot of pleasure. It was a good fit.

"Holy Mother of God! " he moaned.

"Keep on pumping, get it all juicy in there, " I said.

"I 'm afraid I will shoot off, " he moaned.

"Henry, that is why you are here. Let it flow! " I said. Much to my surprise he had a good ten minutes of fucking before he shot off. When I told him, he could cum in me, it must have reduced the immediate urge to ejaculate. We got out of the shower and went to my bedroom.

"Maybe I should go? " he said.

"Can I ask you how many times you can shoot off in a day? " I asked. "Don 't tell me you can only do it once. I was a teenager once and I could do it four or five times when the moon was full! " I leaned over and sucked his cock. He was still drooling.

"I never got to five, but three was pretty easy, " he confessed.

I stopped sucking, "Would you suck me for a while? " I asked.

"Sure, " he replied. "How long do I have to do it? "

"I 'd like to suck until you and I are both hard again, " I said. He wasn 't exactly enthusiastic about that, but he was obedient. Nature took its course perhaps with a little help from the Mother of God. I shot off and while he didn 't take my load he watched carefully. I took his and he went home.

"Could we do this again? " he asked.

"Sure, but the next time come when there is an itch in your ass. I will scratch it for you, " I said.

"I don 't have an itch, " he said. I smiled and let him out.

I had a call from Henry the next day. "Were you saying that I had to let you fuck me yesterday? " he asked.

"Yes, I was, but it was supposed to be a hint, not a requirement or a demand, " I said. "I was trying to be clever. "

"I tend to be literal; I don 't seem to get hints. I 'm sorry, " Henry said. "I almost lost my job because my boss was trying to be kind. I didn 't get it. " He paused. "I 'm not sure I could take your cock. It 's big. Would you let me visit you if you don 't let you fuck me? "

"Sure Henry, you are okay, " I said. He asked if there was a good time for me. I told him Friday night was good. When I was younger, I used to go to the bars for a pick-up on Friday nights. I stopped going years earlier when I realized just any old cock wouldn 't do the trick. I had pals who were much better sexual partners. I was also older and at some point, you look desperate. Henry and I made a date for the next Friday.

Henry arrived at 8:00 on the dot. "I guess you know that I want to do more, but I don 't know what more is, " he said. I told him I assumed that. "No one likes every sexual possibility. I have met transvestites and I have no interests in women 's cloths, or leather straps, or whips and chains, " I said.

We took a shower and Henry seems a bit more relaxed. "I didn 't expect to like fucking you, " he said. "I 've never been in anyone before. It was as if my cock had found a home away from home. Did it feel like my cock invaded you? What did you feel? "

"It was friendly and was better as you got more excited, " I said, "It was great when you lost it and flooded me with sperm. A guy can fake some things, but sperm never lies. Your mind lost control and your cock was in charge. "

"You liked that? " Henry asked.

"I could feel you tensing up and then letting go. I could feel each ejaculation. "

"I was embarrassed, " he said.

"Do you think you are the only man to have an orgasm? " I asked. "Do you think you are the first man to feel your balls explode and shoot their contents into another person? "

"It seemed so out of control, " Henry murmured.

"Are you ready to do it again? " I asked.

Henry looked at me and smiled. "I sure as shit am! " he replied. We went to shower, and Henry spent extra time cleaning my cock and ass. When I worked his ass, I realized he was ready. I whispered, "You know that no one can tell a guy has filled your ass with his man seed? I want to fill you to overflowing. " I nudged my cock into his hole.

I had a bottle of poppers and told him to take a snort.

"That smells odd, " he said. When the fumes hit the right spot, I pushed, and he opened. I pushed, slipped by his sphincter, rammed his prostate and went deep. By the time he realized what had happened I was gently caressing his rear end. I have a big cock head and I always remember to massage the prostate a few times before I go deep again. Henry had his first hands free orgasm.

A half hour later, he was back in my ass. He gave up on playing the strong silent type. I was on my back and could grip his cock with my sphincter; he loved that. We showered again and he took my load straight from my cock and he swallowed. More correctly, he gobbled it up, like a starving man. He was a happy man when he left.

Two weeks later I reconnected with Wally. He was the organist for a big city church. I met him when Wally was providing taxi service for one of his elderly parishioners who was recovering from an automobile accident. The man was frightened, and Wally was calming. I later ran into Wally in the men 's room of a concert hall. We exchanged admiring glances at the urinals.

When I met him this time, Wally was still the organist of the church, but he had inherited a bucketful of money from an aunt. He no longer was dependent on his income from the church. He was a free man.

He came to see me. "I 've been thinking about you since I saw you at the concert years ago. You were great with Mr. Smithson when you helped him. He died two years ago but he was still active until the day he died thanks to you, " he said.

"You were helpful with him, " I said.

"When I said I was thinking of you, I should have said I was thinking about your cock, " Wally continued. "I know you are supposed to be interested in the whole man, but I seem to be focused on one part of you. "

I smiled. "It has been an important part of my life, but it 's not that impressive, " I said.

"I think it pretty, big but not grotesque. It looks friendly, accessible, " he continued.

"I 've not led a monk 's life, " I replied.

"That is the root of my problem. I have led a monk-like life. I 'm a lot closer to being a virgin than I want to be. Shit, I 'm 45 and I have sucked no more than nine cocks. That is blow job every five years average, " he complained. "I was hoping you could help me. " He was an organist and choir director and lived in dread of being accused of child molestation or inappropriate behavior. He liked mature men, but that was not the sort of thing you could explain to the trustees of a church. He had also avoided porn. The church checked computers for any trace of suspect pictures.

"What do you know about gay sex? " I asked.

"Not much, but I can promise to be an open-minded student, " he said.

"If I told you an open ass might be good, would you be surprised? " I asked.

"I would be sort of surprised, but I 'm so turned on, I don 't care, " Wally replied. "I heard so much about heavenly ecstasy over the years, I want some earthy ecstasy; preferably cock related. "

I suggested we get naked, shower and then get down to business. Wally was ready. He was semi-hard when we were in the shower. I had thought he was probably well equipped when I saw him in the restroom years earlier. There was more to his cock than I realized. I am not a size queen, but I never said no to one either. He was cut, and my uncut tool excited him.

He enjoyed cleaning my genitals and ass. "Is there anything else I could go for you? " he asked.

I suggested that he do a final inspection of my cock with his tongue. "You know when a guy is excited, you turn off the urine function and turn on the precum and sperm supply. Why don 't you check that out? ".

"How do I do that? " he asked. I said I would show him how to do it. I had him stand as I dropped to my knees and did a detailed investigation of his cock head with my tongue. I eventually focused on his slit. I kissed it and the worked my tongue into it. He had a wide slit, but you can only get so deep, but he loved it. I suddenly deep throated him and then pulled off suctioning some precum. I had my tongue on the underside of his cockhead so he could see the bead of precum dripping on my tongue. I kissed the bead as it dripped.

His cock twitched and a blob of sperm emerged. "Relax and take control. I want the orgasm later, " I said as I licked it up. I didn 't think he could do it, but he held it back. His balls were short a single blob of sperm. The main attraction was still safe in his balls. Wally was a classical musician, so he was used to obeying the conductor 's directions. I was the conductor.

I was experienced and he followed my lead. I could have told him to pretend his was a chicken or quack like a duck and he would obey. I like sex with men. It is fun, but not funny. The idea of dominating or humiliating my sexual partners does not excite me or turn me on.

Henry was a good man and pleasant, but I thought he would find happiness with someone else. I thought Wally was different. I am not looking for true love, but if it happened, Wally was a possibility.

We went to my bedroom and Wally 's fascination with my cock continued. His earlier sexual experiences were in the dark with men he didn 't know. My cock fascinated him. He was like a three-year-old with his first lollypop. I switched to the 69 position. Apparently, that position had not occurred to him. I was a wonder. He soon matched my technique. When I tried to deep throat him, he did the same to me, with considerable success noted.

His cock was leaking precum and I took the tip of his head into my mouth and licked the sweet drool as it dribbled. I made sure I was taking his sex fluids. I am easily excited and prone to drool precum, he did the same to my cock.

"Wally, your taking my sex juice like a trooper. You 'll be sampling my cock caviar soon, " I told him. I didn 't want to shock him. When I deep throated him again, I massaged the underside of his cock with my tongue. Wally moaned, twitched and shivered a second before he fed me what seemed to be a month 's supply of sperm. It was a rich brew. He almost passed out. He made no movements other than continuing to ejaculate.

I took it all and enjoyed toying with his underused tool. I caressed his cock head with my tongue and coaxed additional ejaculations. I sucked the entire softening tool into my mouth and milked the post orgasmic drool. Wally twitched once and a while and small bursts of sperm emerged.

"You don 't need to do that, " he whispered.

"You may not had guessed, but I like you cock, and I love your sperm. " I said. Wally 's body shivered and fed me more fresh sperm. He was drained and exhausted and went home to calm down. I told him this had been lesson one in my training session. I expected him to come back. "Thank you, " he said. "This has been, " He paused. "I don 't have the words. "

Wally called me on Monday. Since he worked on Sunday, Monday was his day off. He asked if he could come by that evening. Of course, I agreed.

When he arrived, he asked me if it had all been a dream. "Was it real? "

"Everything was real, and you are a natural playmate. It was good for me too, " I said.

"It was all new to me. I had sucked guys before, but it was nothing like what we did, " he said.

"It may be new, but you are a natural. I had a feeling it was all locked up inside you. I suspect I was just the guy who had the key, " I said.

"My cock was the lock, your tongue was the key, " he mused. "I was almost frightened when I got home. I was afraid it was too good to be true. "

"It was real alright. I also suspect there may be other locks concealed in your body, waiting to be unlocked, " I said. We showered and talked on my bed. He wanted to do more but was uneasy. He was an only child and his parents were clearly thought sex is dirty and sinful. They told Wally their relationship was pure. I think that meant sexless. He had spent his life in a cocoon of purity. Music was his salvation. It was church music of course, but it was music.

As we talked, Wally became erect. After the shower I lubricated my ass. Wally 's cock might have not been in my weight class, but I wanted to try it out. I straddled him and sat on his tool. There was a little hesitation at my sphincter, but the rest was easy.

It was bigger than I thought, but it fit. My ass isn 't as virgin as it might be. I am not into big cocks. At least I wasn 't until eight inches of Wally were in me. He was dazzled. We had a joint visit to the moon and back.

A month later, one of Wally 's former choirboys, Ben, called me. Wally told him I had been helpful, and Ben asked if I would talk with him. I was busy at the time, but I had the evening free. I told him I was free after 7:30. He said that was good for him. I called Wally who was busy, but he called me back that afternoon.

"Ben is gay, but I guess you would call him a non-practicing gay. He has all of the guilt of being gay, but none of the rewards, " Wally said. "He 's messed up. Ben is a computer programmer, shy and socially inept. I 'm not sure he pays enough attention to the real world to see it has advantages over the cyber world. "

Ben was a little late. He was attractive, but not outstanding. He just stared at me. "You must be Ben? " I said. He mumbled, "yeah. " I asked him in. I said I had known Wally for a while, but we had recently become better acquainted. "You were in his choir? "

"Wally is a great choir director. It was a pleasure to work under him, " Ben said. "Wally said you helped him with some personal problems? "

I nodded. "Did Wally tell you they were very personal? " Ben nodded. "Did he tell you he greatly enjoyed his time with me? "

"I 've seen porn online. I can 't see me doing that stuff, " Ben said. "I can 't see anyone doing that with me. "

"I sort of gave Wally some lessons. Did he tell you about them? " I asked.

"He said they were good, really good. He said I would like them. "

"Do you want lessons too? " I asked.

He nodded. Ben was not a witty raconteur.

"I 've been working hard all day. I need a shower. Would you like to join me? " I asked.

Ben nodded again. "I 've never been naked with a guy before, " he said in a whisper.

"All guys have the same basic equipment, there a no surprises. The equipment mostly works the same way, " I said. "I 'm not new to man sex, and I 'm good at it. If you don 't like something, just tell me. I won 't be offended or mad. "

"Let 's go to the shower, " I said, assuming silence was a yes.

Ben must have worked out at a gym. He was slightly built, but muscular. His cock was thick, and he was cut. He saw he was hard and looked embarrassed.

"Did Wally mention that getting hard is why you are here? " I asked.

He looked at me oddly and then smiled. All was well. He relaxed some when I got hard. I was afraid that he would leave when we moved on to cock sucking. He had seen gay porn videos, so that wasn 't a problem.

He had not been sucked before. He had seen it but not done it. I could feel him discover the cock 's potential for pleasure as my lips and tongue explored his man tool. It was as if he had been reading comic books and suddenly discovered War & Peace. His pleasure was a greatly expanded. He shot off quickly. I took his load and asked him how many times he could shoot off in a night.

"I did it six times one night, " he said.

"Lucky you, I can take six loads! " I said. We talked for a while and I switched to the 69 position. I began sucking him again and eventually he began to suck me. A little later Ben became more enthusiastic and eventually he discovered a new hobby. Cocks don 't obey, or shoot off when you want them too, but I shot off seconds after Ben released his second load. A lot of men are uneasy about cum. It you shoot at the same time your own orgasm converts your playmates cum into cock caviar.

"Is it always that good? " Ben asked.

"It 's always good, very good, but I 'd place this in the top 90%, " I said.

"How can you make it better? " he asked.

"Sometimes if you dump your load into the right ass, it can be spectacular, " I said. "That 's not surefire, but it can be good. "

"You can shoot off in the ass? " he asked. I nodded. Ben was silent for a while. Then he asked, "Is your ass the right ass? "

"So far no one has ever complained, " I said. Ben was already half hard. I had a bottle of lubricant in the bedside table, so I lubricated his cock as it got harder.

I sat back on his cock after straddling him. As soon as his knob passed through mu sphincter, I tightened it and grabbed his tool. I bounced on it, massaging his shaft. Since he had already shot of twice, it took some work for him to have a third orgasm. Ben was in heaven. The previous orgasms had been sprints, quick and fast. Once he was in my ass, it was a marathon.

Ben shot off; we broke apart. He slipped his cock in my ass from the rear and them promptly fell asleep. We both rested for an hour or so. That was when I realized he was getting hard again. He began to gently pump his cock and then had a slow-motion orgasm. His ejaculations were widely space, but forceful. They tickled my ass lining. Ben went home at about 11:00. He was a different man.

I told Wally about out adventure the next day. He was relieved it had tun out well. He had been worried about Ben.

Henry, Wally and Ben apparently promoted me as the cure for the sexually timid and unadventurous. There were no adds in the paper or online, but the word got around. My career as the Love Doctor was launched.

Next: Chapter 2

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