Love, courage, hope

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jan 5, 2012



Hey friends!

You know when you meet or know certain guys and they seemed so 100% straight? Well, what if they get placed into a situation where they would HAVE to think about the having sexual relations with another guy? This story is dedicated for those of you, who had fallen in love with a straight dude, and thought you didn't have a chance!

If u wanna chat to me, talk to me about the story or shit like that, feel free to mail me on I LOVE GETTING MAILS!!! Makes my cock superhard knowing you read my stories.

Or you can follow me on Twitter under my name RyanMpenduloi Luv, Ryan

Love, Courage, Hope

The entire school was buzzing with excitement! What a fucking honour that had come and bestowed on them! They had wanted and prayed, and supported them all this time, and finally there had been some recognition for all of their hard work. Morningston High would never be the same again, because their Rugby team had won the right to present their school at international level at the intercontinental tournament in England, home of the next Rugby World Cup! They would get to meet and train under the experienced eyes and skills of seasoned Rugby players such as Jonny Wilkinson (just typing his name makes my cock hard), Sir Clive Woodward and Martin Johnson. Then they would be devided into eight groups of 4 teams each, and after each team had played eachother once, the top two in each group will then be chosen against eachother in a knock out system until there was only two remaining to contest the Final of this u17 World Highschool Rugby tournament. And for the first time in the history of Morningston High, they had finished top of their local division in South African schools Rugby and therefore had earned the right to participate in the tournament. Never did they think that a Highschool of under a 1000 pupils would ever achieve something like this. It was really a sheer miracle.

Best friends Wayne Foster and Jonathan Mentoor were actually pinching themselves that they had managed to defeat the reigning champions in the final game of the season. It was a tough game aswell, no tries was scored as the defence of both teams were firmly on top, and Morningston narrowly won the championship with a last minute penalty to win the game 12-9. The score didn't matter...they were the new champions and had qualified to travel to England and take part in the tournament. This was their final year they could win it, as there was no such tournament for u18's.

"Dude...what the fuck happened this afternoon?" Jonathan said with a utter shocked look on his face. That was the first words he had managed to speak after their resounding win.

"Wow Jono...were finally going to do this, my friend. I dont care if we fall out in the first round...I may never get to England ever again in my life!" Wayne smiled. They were best friends ever since kindergarten, when Jonathan's peanut butter and jelly sandwich fell in the sand, and Wayne shyly offered him one of his. Ever since then they were inseperable, and although their friendship had been through rocky patches, they had always managed to make up again and continue their friendship, now reaching 11 years. Jonathan was tall and slender, with wavy brown hair, a few freckles on his nose and cheeks, and very handsome. He lacked a proper six pack, instead just having a lean, smooth stomach he loved to look after. Wayne was more hairy, he even fucking had hair growing on his back, which never went unteased by Jonathan, who in turn just wish to have the rock hard eight pack abs that Wayne always bragged about. Wayne's entire family of males had played Rugby in their past so it was naturally expected of Wayne to carry on the family tradition. And holy crap...they were all over the boys as the final whistle blew that afternoon.

"Hey! What sort of attitude is that, Wayne? We cant just go there to make up the fucking numbers? We gotta go there looking and fighting to win it! We made it this far, for the first time, we might as well enjoy it. Were the underdogs, bro, everybody is gonna take us lightly, and then we'll distroy them!" Jonathan dramatically said. He wanted to play for South Africa one day, and become a Springbok, running out for his country in the ever famous green and gold. His competitiveness was one of the things that Wayne appreciated, and made him proud to call Jonathan his best friend. They really had a bit of David and Goliath relationship, and although they would never admit it, being rough, tough, macho seventeen year old Rugby players they were, but deep inside they loved eachother, certainly NOT in a gay/homosexual way, but their friendship was solid, and they were willing to do anything for eachother.

At dinner that night, Jonathan, who was a frequent guest at the Fosters and always treated like family, was helping him to a second round of peppermint crisp desert when he heard the doorbell ring. Since the rest of the Fosters were watching TV, he offered to get it. It was their Coach, Mr Westerfield, with their tickets to London.

"Sorry to trouble you guys while you are having dinner," he apologised as he realised that fact.

"Nah John, you're always welcome! What can we do for you?" Peter Foster, Wayne's dad replied joyfully. He had the hugest respect for his son's coach, as he went to school with him almost 30 years ago. It was then that he knew John would become a great Rugby coach, having talent on and off the field.

"I just brought Jonathan and Wayne's plane tickets. Im sorry, boys. This afternoon I recieved an email that the tournament has been brought forward. It will now take place on Friday to Sunday."

"But that's tomorrow!" Jonathan shouted.

"I know, Champ, but there is nothing I can do. That would also mean that we would be lesser prepaired than all of the teams there, but the whole thing is out of our hands. We fly out to London tomorrow or we dont participate and they choose DF Malan. We didnt fight so hard to just lose it like that, guys!"

"Ofcourse not, Coach. If we have to fly out tomorrow, then we do so. What time?" Wayne asked excitedly, his strong chest heaving up and down.

"Our flight leaves at one from Johannesburg International. We will depart from the school at about 10:30. So...I'll see my best players there tomorrow!" Coach laughed before he and Wayne's dad walked outside to further catch up. Jonathan turned towards Wayne and his eyes widened. This was it, that was what they worked so hard for all season. That night as it got time to Jonathan to go home, Wayne offered to walk with him. They walked in silence until they got reached Jonathan's home.

"You know buddy, we have been friends for a long time..." Wayne started to say before stopping himself.

"Yeah, I know. Its hard to believe that when he started playing Rugby when we were six years old that we would a chance like this?" Jonathan said, slowly smiling to himself.

"There is something I wanna tell you, dude. You're not gonna like it, Jono. Fuck, I dont know how to say this..."

"Jonathan!! That you?" Jonathan's father screamed from the porch. They never saw the door open.

"Yeah dad, Im just coming!"

"Not `just', Jonathan, NOW! You have to get your sleep in, buddy! Or have you forgotten you're flying to England tomorrow!"

"Sorry Wayne, I gotta go. You know how he gets. Whatever u wanna tell me, tell me tomorrow. See ya!"

Jonathan pulled Wayne into a brotherly hug, released him and jogged upwards to his house. Just before he entered, he turned around and waved at Wayne, who gave him a thumbs up. As the door closed behind his best friend, Wayne angrily turned around and ran home. He couldn't take it anymore! He wanted to tell Jonathan so fucking badly but he just didn't have the guts. Guess he would never have. As he reached his house, he looked up towards the night sky. He knew that Jonathan would never feel about him the way he had started to feel about him. Nothing and no one would ever change that. A tear silently rolled down his cheek as the emotions became too much. For him, loving Jonathan and being in his strong arms, would always just be a far off dream...

Big uproar as the u17 Rugby team of Morningston High came out of the school hall and started to board the schoolbus that would take them to the airport. Girls waved banners saying "Go get them!" and "OUR HERO'S!!" in the air as Jonathan looked around him. This was what they hoped, dreamed, and now they were about to live it aswell. As the schoolbus started to drive away from the school, Wayne was in his own world. His family was so incredibely proud of him. And he wasn't about to dissapoint them. All the way to Johannesburg International there was a festive atmosphere in the schoolbus. The boys all sang slogans and historical battle songs that was well known with Morningston High when they played whatever kind of sports. Jonathan and Wayne ofcourse sat next to eachother, enjoying the occasion, while each of them had to pinch themselves that this was actually happening. Jonathan still didn't believe it, he probably even wont as they start to board the plane! The hour and a half's drive to the airport seemed to fly past them, as the next thing they knew, they pulled into the parking area of the massive building. Coach Westerfield stood up and faced his players. He had to swallow the knob in his throat very carefully before he spoke.

"Listen up, guys! I want you to know, that whatever happens to us in the tournament, that you guys have made history. And I telling you this now before we leave, you gave everything you had in that final game yesterday against DF Malan. Jonathan, that back pass towards Chris was one of the best I've ever seen. Speaking of Chris, you scored 4 penalties yesterday that won us the game. Larry, you stood your man against those big boys. Wayne, you will be a fantastic number Springbok center one day. Benny, fastest teenager I have ever seen! And lastly, our captain, James...the way you lead this team is phernominal. This is our reward...and we're gonna fucking enjoy it! Even if we get beat by all the teams in our group, we're gonna enjoy it! No excuses, no blames should anything go wrong, just play your hearts out for Morningston. Are you with me, boys?"

"YEAHHHH!!!" it emphatically echoed through the bus. They got off and entered the building where they picked up their visa's and their emergancy passports that was arranged for them, especially for this trip. When it was time to board the plane, Jonathan and Wayne looked at eachother and smiled. None of their teammates knew just how they felt to be doing this together. They quickly embraced and them boarded the plane with the rest of their teammates and Coach Westerfield. They found their seats, but it was like a swarm of bees just flooded the plane, as all the nervous talking and stammerings of the seventeen year old boys became known. None of them had ever been overseas before, so Coach Westerfield didn't even try and stop them. He knew that it was gonna be impossible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We're about to depart from Johannesburg International airport, to our destination which is Heathrow International airport in London, England. We trust that your flight will be a enjoyable one. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to consult our airhostesses. Thank you."

Jonathan looked over to the nearest hostess that was standing just two rows from them.

"Jeez dude! I swear if that girl was in my bed right now, I'd pump her so full of sperm she would leak for a week!" he whispered to his best buddy. He wasn't to know that those words hurt Wayne more than he could ever imagine.

"Uhmm....yeah me too, dude," Wayne managed to get out. He looked out of the window, and sighing deeply. With all the commotion going on, he doubt whether Jonathan could hear him. He took a look at the latter, so excited and nervous at the same time. There could never be anything between them...never in a million years. There was a random selection of movies which they could watch on the monitor and Wayne decided that was just what he needed, to possibly try and forget about Jonathan for a little while. He picked Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2, simply as it was the longest movie of those avalible.

"Hey Jono, im gonna watch a movie or something. Wanna try and sleep a little. This fucking flight is still 12 hours long. You gonna be okay, buddy?"

"Yeah dude, I couldn't sleep either, but I don't think I could now. I'll wake you in a little while. Thanks for always thinking about me," Jonathan said, turning his back on Wayne while chatting with their teammates. Wayne casted one last look back at Jonathan, talking with James and Benny. He started the movie, placing the earphones over his head, covering his ears. Im not fucking gay...he was his last thought before darkness seemed to overwhelm him.

He knew that he was just had to be...because he was making love to Jonathan. The latter's hands were all over his hairy body while the two best friends kissed, while Wayne kept on thrusting his hard cock into his best buddy over and over. Wayne held Jonathan in his arms, starting to fuck him harder, his balls literally slapping against his friend's asscheeks. He was even more turned on as Jonathan pulled away from their kiss and started to moan...

"Wayne...Wayne!!! Fuck Wayne!! WAYNE!!!"

Wayne frantically opened his eyes to utter chaos. All around him people were screaming and crying and running around like mad men. He looked up into the eyes of Jonathan screaming his name.

"Wayne, fuck dude wake up! We're falling down! We're gonna fucking die!"

Wayne jumped up and grabbed Jonathan, trying to make sence of what his friend said. Then he realised why everything was so chaotic...their plane was plummeting to the ground and FAST!!

"Fuck...Jono just keep calm. Here, sit down! I once read that that's what you should do if this happens! FUCK JONO JUST TRUST ME!!! I love you, im not gonna let anything happen to you!!" he screamed, not even realising that he had just given away his deep secret. They both got into their seats and leaned forward, with their arms around eachother. Wayne gently kissed Jonathan on his cheek and looked deep into his eyes.

"Im not going anywhere without you, dude. We survive together, or we die together...YOU GOT THAT?" he screamed with all his might.

"My little sister..." Jonathan started to cry and Wayne held him tighter. There wasn't a lot that either Jonathan or Wayne could remember from there on. All around them they saw their teenage friends screaming and holding onto eachother for their lives. They saw James, their captain, crying and praying to God, they saw Benny cling to Coach Westerfield, who was vomiting all over the place, they saw Chris running into the plane's toilet and finally, they saw Larry trying to break a window, why they didn't know, before a shattering crash and utter darkness surrounded them.

Wayne opened his eyes slowly. He immediately closed them again, as it hurt looking into the light. For a moment he didn't know where he was...then it suddenly hit him like a bunch of bricks...the plane falling to the ground...blood curdling screams...Jonathan...JONATHAN!! He rose to his feet as fast as he could, surveying the area around him. He looked towards the ground, and there was his best buddy, the boy that he was in love with, looking up at him, obviously in pain.

"Jono, fuck dude, are you okay, are you hurt somewhere?" he demanded.

"Im fucking stuck..." Jonathan managed to croak out.

"Okay, hold on, im gonna try and find the others!" Wayne said and took a few steps. It was sand underneath his feet, and when he looked to his right hand side, he saw a mass of water. We must be on some kind of island, he thought. He almost tripped over the remains of their plane as he finally saw the extend of the damage. The plane was completely fucked up. The top had been ripped off, and all over here and there you could see pieces of the perrished aircraft scattered on the beach type surface. I saw someone whom looked like James lying a little further away from him. Wayne stormed over to where their captain layed...and what he saw made him wanna throw up. He managed to stare into James's eyes. Even in death, Wayne had respect for his captain, as he kneeled and down and looked into his eyes again. There was just..nothing...a cold hard stare, with a huge piece of glass that had pierced his athletic body, pouring blood over the sand which he layed on. Wayne placed his shaking hand onto James's shoulder and squeezed it, before getting up and running back over to Jonathan.

"Okay buddy, im gonna try and get you out of there. Your leg seems to be stuck."

"Just hurry okay? Please hurry!" Jonathan pleaded, with big tears running over his cheeks. Wayne's heart was breaking seeing the boy he loved more than life itself in such pain and immediately started to work on the leg. Inch by inch, albeit utter slowly, Wayne managed to free Jonathan's leg from the wreckage until he was free at last. By then Jonathan had screamed bloody murder of the pain he was going through but at least he was now free. Wayne desperately threw himself at Jonathan and embraced the hurting boy. Jonathan clung to him, crying his heart out at the utter disbelief at what happened, while Wayne just kept on rubbing his back trying to calm him down. When they finally released eachother, Jonathan wiped his tears and managed to stand up, looked around.

"Is that James over there..?" he asked, blinking his eyes.

"Jono, dont...please im begging you buddy, dont..."

"Why, we need to help him, he could be hurt!" Jonathan said. When Wayne remained quiet, he's eyes grew wild as he realised the truth. Wayne took both Jonathan's hands in his.

"Buddy, there is nothing more we can do for James. Please just dont go over there. I dont want you to see him. We have to look for the others, if they survived. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah Wayne. Im just...yeah Im okay. Lets just go."

The more they explored on the island, the more amazed they were. There was no chance that they would run out of options to eat very soon, as there was loads of coconut trees and bananas and oranges hanging from the tropical branches. Jonathan kept wondering where they were, while Wayne tried his best to force the image of James's dead and mangled body out of his mind. As they walked they came across a fresh stream of water, and they immediately dove down to have a sip.

"You sure its not poisonous or something?" Jonathan asked.

"I dont think so, its too clear to be," Wayne said before they got going again, remembering the suroundings and location of the stream for later. Suddenly Jonathan stumbled over something, which looked like a tree trunk, and took a closer look, before starting to scream hysterically. Wayne rushed over to Jonathan and that's when he saw it too. The utterly mutilated body of their beloved Coach John Westerfield. His legs looked like it had literally been chopped off, blood flowing everywhere. His chest was grated into a bloody mess, but there was nothing wrong with his youthfull face that always managed to uplift them even when things looked bleaked during the season over the years. Wayne thought that Jonathan might pass out or something and quickly led him away. It must have been over an hour that they just sat on the sand, looking at the ocean in front of them when Wayne could have sworn he heard a voice other and his or Jonathan's. The latter looked immediately at him before they heard it clear this time.

"Is anyone out there!! Hello, please anybody, can you hear me? Fuck!!!" Both boys sprinted to where the voice came from until Jonathan literally ran into Chris, their number 10.

"Jono, Wayne! Fuck, you're alive!" he screamed as he fiercely hugged the both of them.

"Have you seen some of the others?" he asked, his face flushed with excitement and hope. Wayne and Jonathan looked at eachother, and knew that it didn't help keeping the truth from him.

"Chris, we have found James and Coach...they're both dead..." Jonathan said quietly. What was a look of hope just a few seconds ago, turned into horror, as Chris started to walk along the sand towards the water, where he gently sat down. Wayne sat next to him, and placed an arm around him, while Jonathan decided to do the same. It was a matter of seconds before they felt Chris's body starting to shudder as the reality of what happened dawned on him. Together the three of them sat on the warm sand, each with his own thoughts.

Three days passed and each day was getting more and more depressing for Chris. The day before, Jonathan had to use all his strength to pull Chris from the ocean, as the latter was trying to drown himself. They had managed to build some kind of shelter, with the numerous amount of leaves and shit they had found. Neither of them spoke much, and if they did, it was to ask something or say thank you when offered a fruit or coconut juice. It was late that afternoon that Chris stood up and faced Jonathan and Wayne.

"Guys...I dont wanna sound down or anything, but no one is gonna find us here. We have nothing that we can make a fire with that will even attract a plane or a helicopter or shit like that. I dont know what to say..." Chris was getting real emotional. They had tried to make a fire, they had even carved out a giant "HELP" onto the sand, hoping that it could be seen from has been three long days. Each boy sat with his own thoughts, which was very much the same, ironically. Will they ever see their families again...what must be going through their minds now? It was something awful to even comprehend. Jonathan stood up and announced that he was thirsty and he was going to the stream.

"I think I'll go with you, dude. This heat is killing me," Chris said.

"Are you gonna be okay here, Wayne?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

As Jonathan and Chris left, Wayne was suddenly left with alone with his thoughts. The past two nights, he had decided to keep awake, too scared that Chris may try something again, but he had also heard the sniffs and shakes of his best friend. Wayne so badly wanted to reach out and take his friend into his arms, kiss his forehead and telling him everything wil be okay. But he didn't have the guts to do it. He just thanked God every single minute of the day that Jonathan didn't die. He didn't mean to be unsympathetic to Chris, but he wasn't in love with him. As Wayne stared out across the ocean, something floating in the water got his attention. He slowly stood up, his tried legs carrying him forth until he out of sheer determination and fear dashed towards the water, diving into the cold ocean, swimming with all his might to the thing that was gently being tossed around by the current. Before he even reached him, Wayne knew that it was Larry. His chest heaving, he reached him and turned his face around from where he limply hung down in the water. Larry, who had defended the scoring posts to the last man just yesterday, Larry who was certain to become a brilliant sports coach, Larry who could always make them laugh after a long training session. A fire appeared in Wayne's eyes...he wasn't just gonna leave his teammate here. His exhausted limbs just did not give up, all the way until he reached the shore, where he fell down due to utter tiredness. Jonathan and Chris stormed towards him, having seen him from afar, and dragged Larry's body onto the sand. Chris kneeled down and tried desperately to revive their teammate, but even though it was clear that he was gone, Chris just refused to give up, until he slammed his fist onto Larry's chest, hanging his head down, crying viciously over the body of their friend, as they lost yet another teammate.

Later that night they had dug up a big gaping hole in the sand, and all three of them placed Larry's body inside, before Wayne and Chris ordered Jonathan away from them, as they both picked up James's by now decomposing body, laying him down next to Larry, covering it up with sand once more. Getting Coach Westerfield's mutilated body from the woods, they didnt have energy or the guts for. As they days went on, they managed to locate more of their teammates, none of which was alive, cruelly scattered all over the island. What was strange, was that they had confiscated what felt like the entire island, yet Benny was no where to be found. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, until the day came that they had been on the island for nearly three months. Luckily the sheer amount of banana's oranges and coconuts kept them alive, because if it wasn't for that...That night, Wayne was sitting outside, with his arms around his thin body, so much so that he could actually feel his ribcage. It was getting colder by the minute these days. He thought about how, only three months ago, they were all so excited to represent South Africa at that tournament. Funny, that had not been mentioned once since the crash. Wayne felt a tear escape his eye... he wondered what his parents were doing now, if someone out there was still searching for them if there was any hope of making off this island alive. He felt a presence behind him and saw Jonathan sitting down beside him. The water started to wet their toes, but neither seemed to mind.

"I don't know what I would have done without you these past three months..." Jonathan whispered, not looking at Wayne.

"You remembered...three months..."

"Yeah, you have always been there for me, Wayne. And I don't know what the future holds for us here, but im glad Im with you."

Wayne looked over at this best friend, his once slender, healthy body starting to look quite anorexic. His face and complexion had narrowed conciderbly. Wayne knew that in another three months time, Jonathan might be dead. He and Chris had a few fat calories on them from their daily indose of protein, but Jonathan was skinny. Wayne leaned over and pulled his best friend to him. Jonathan leaned his head onto Wayne's shoulder as they both stared into the black night sky. It was then that Wayne decided to come clean with Jonathan. He didn't wanna die without at least telling his best friend how he felt about him. Gently he lifted Jonathan's pale face upwards to his own, as the two friends stared into the eyes of the other. Wayne took a deep breath and softly kissed Jonathan, so tenderly and lovingly as he possibly could. Jonathan, althought stunned, took his friend's face into his hands and gently stroked his cheek. Wayne pulled back, totally out of breath. He saw something that he had not seen in Jonathan's eyes for a long time...hope!

"I love you, much that I had to tell you, because if anything happens to me...

"Ssshhh...don't speak dude, just kiss me!" Jonathan pleaded as the two locked lips yet again. The sheer passion that drove these two fragile teens was incredible. Jonathan, still kissing Wayne with all the emotion he could muster in his tired body, reached down to take off what was left of Wayne's shirt, throwing it further upwards to the sand. He then pulled at Wayne's battered pants, which they had to stop the kiss for to remove. Jonathan's eyes sparkled as he took hold of Wayne's thick teenage cock. Now not having cum in three months...there was no way this was gonna take long. JONathan winked at Wayne before slowyl stroking his dick up and down, elicting a huge low moan from Wayne. Jonathan leaned down and kissed the tip of Wayne's cock and licked the piss slit as if it was a lollypop. He could feel the hard cock pulse and jerk underneath his touch. He then took the entire cock down his throat, gagging as he did so, but refusing to give up, taking all the red hot warm juices from the cock. Wayne had to steady himself as his long time lover gently sucked on his pole, wanting that white reward inside his balls. Wayne reached down and hacked his fingers through Jonathan's hair. Jonathan started to increase his suction on poor Wayne's cock until he felt the latter heave his chest upwards and filled Jonathan's mouth with his thick, hot sperm. Three months worth of white protein filled his mouth until he could not swallow anymore. Jonathan wiped his mouth off, caressing his hand over Wayne's stomach, which was once such a beautiful eight pack, now just flesh and bones. This time it was Jonathan to instigated the kiss, while an exhausted Wayne embraced Jonathan while their tongues danced the tango of love. It was Jonathan who pulled away first, laying his head on Wayne's shoulder.

"I love you, buddy" he whispered, his breathing heavily.

"I have loved you for so long, Jono. I never thought I'd get the chance to tell you..." Wayne whispered back, finally having Jonathan in his arms. They sat like that for a while before Wayne pushed Jonathan down onto his back, wanting to repay the favour, but Jonathan gently pushed him away.

"Not now, not here...I want us making love anywhere but here. Please!"

Wayne nodded, but pulled Jonathan into his arms again. A cold wind started to blow over them, but that didn't bother them in the least. They were together.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Jonathan asked, his voice sounding sleepy.

"I didn't know how to, Jono. I assumed you were straight! We both had loads of girls over the years...It was breaking my heart that I could never tell you."

Again it was quiet between them, each with his own thoughts, while Wayne stroked Jonathan's hair.

"Why do you think we could never find Benny? We searched the entire island! I wondered what happened to him," Wayne then mentioned.

"I didn't wanna say it infront of Chris, but I think he died the same way as Larry...maybe his body is still somewhere out at sea, maybe that's why we never found him. You saved my life, Wayne. If you hadn't told me to cover myself before we crashed, I might have ended up like James, Coach, Benny or Larry. I dated girls to forget you, buddy. And now I guess you did too. It didn' t mean shit. I've always loved you."

The two of them sat quietly and listened to the ocean's waves breaking in the distance. It was romantic, to say the least, until Wayne noticed that Jonathan had fallen asleep. He gently picked the teenager up and carried him to their shelter, placing him down gently and laying down beside him. He could hear Chris's snoring close to them, until he too closed his eyes and sank into a exhausted sleep. Another week passed, in which Chris seemed to get more quiet by the minute. Jonathan and Wayne tried to engage him into conversation, but nothing seemed to work. Later on, he stopped eating fruit or drinking some of the water from the stream. It was like he had just given up on life. The next morning, Jonathan was getting coconuts from the trees for them, when he saw something floating in the water of the ocean...NO!!! He ran as quick as he could to the water, jumped in, while screaming frantically for Wayne to help him. They had lost all of their teammates, they COULD NOT lose Chris aswell! He swam over to where Chris was floating and pulled him out of the water, when he noticed that Wayne was beside him. Together they dragged Chris out of the water, before Wayne immediately began mouth to mouth resitation on him. Jonathan grabbed Chris's hand, feeling his pulse...he was still alive! Wayne kept on doing everything he could to save Chris, until the latter gave one almighty cough and brought up the water that was stuck in his lungs. He kept on coughing and spitting out snot before he felt two pairs of arms embrace him. Both Wayne and Jonathan held him close as he calmed down and regained his breath.

"What were you thinking, Chris? How could you just wanna leave us here?" Wayne asked, sobbing at the thought.

Chris didn't answer, so Wayne and Jonathan picked him up and carried him towards the shelter.

"I don't wanna live anymore!!" Chris suddenly shouted.

"Dude, we survived a plane crash where all the others died. Be fucking greatful you're still alive!" Jonathan screamed at him.

"We're gonna die anyway! Its been almost four months! Do you see anyone looking for us? NO!! Face it, we're gonna die!" Chris screamed. Jonathan and Wayne looked at eachother and reached out their hands to eachother behind Chris's back. That thought had crossed their minds more than once aswell. Things looked bleak indeed. Another week passed, but by now Jonathan and Wayne couldn't get alone time since they could not trust Chris to be by himself. There was another problem...Jonathan had developed a nasty skin infection on his arm and it was burning like hell. Add that to the fact that all of them were severly sunburned, their skin literally dropping off their bodies, they knew that they could not hold on much longer. The water from the stream had began to get a strange after taste, and although they didn't know why, they knew that they could not drink it anymore. Their water supply was suddenly gone. Wayne started to shake uncontrollably, but Jonathan was right there with him, with Chris also joining in, keeping him calm, embracing him, telling him over and over that things would be okay. That night, Jonathan had suddenly developed a fever, and whatever Wayne and Chris tried, it wasn't going down. Wayne screamed into the night at the frustration of seeing the boy he loved in so much pain. There was nothing that they could do, except using leaves to wet Jonathan's head. Wayne and Chris felt so useless, for the first time in their lives. The three of them had stuck together for almost four months...were they about to say goodbye to another teammate?

The early morning sun had broken through the misty clouds. Wayne opened his sore eyes...what the fuck...? He could swear he saw something in the distance...FUCK!!! He jumped up as fast as his tired body allowed him to and ran over to the water. Fuckin hell!! It was a boat, a cruise ship or some shit like that!

"HEY!!!! HEY!!!! HELP US!!!"

Chris heard the commotion that Wayne was making and ran over to him, his eyes also widening when he saw the ship.

"Wayne, let me get onto your back. That way they might see us better."

With his last gasp of strength and energy, Wayne lifted Chris up onto his shoulders and started once again.

"HELP!!! HELP US!!!" waving their hands desperately.

Incredibely the ship seemed to be steering directly towards them! When they were certain that they were spotted, Wayne allowed Chris off his back and chased back to the shelder for Jonathan. They were going home!!

"Jono! Jono, there's a boat for us, dude! There is a boat here, we've made it, we're going home!" he cried, only for Jonathan to show no emotion.

"Jono...Jono!" Wayne screamed pathetically and started to push him around, but Jonathan didn't move.

"Oh fuck no! You're not gonna fucking leave me here! You hear me? Remember what we promised on the place? We live together or die together! You can lay there all you want, Im not letting you go, not now! I love you!!"

Wayne was pulled back by strong hands who picked Jonathan up and immediately went about placing him on a stretcher, and placing an oxygen mask on his face, carrying him as fast as they could towards the ship. Wayne turned around, the tears still streaking down his face until he saw a man...was couldn't be...

Wayne started to run towards the shore as fast as he could, falling over his tired feet and plummeting to the ground but he wasn't gonna stop. He fell into his father's arms, crying and holding onto him for dear life.

"Don't worry, Wayne. You're safe now, my son." His dad cried into his ear, he himself not able to keep the tears inside. Incredibely, it was Chris, who took to the island life the worst, who managed to stay calm and inform the ship's paramedics that they were the only three survivors. They suddenly heard a helicopter depart from the ship's massive deck, and they knew it was taking Jonathan to the nearest hospital. Wayne's dad picked him up as the latter's body finally seem to give in and carried him onto the ship, while the paramedics were helping Chris. As soon as Wayne saw the inside of the ship, the last four months seemed to catch up to him all at once, as darkness overcame him.

He could feel that someone was humming a tune next to him, and he tried to open his eyes. He saw Chris sitting in a wheelchair next to him, and he stopped humming the moment he saw Wayne was awake.

"Hey're you feeling, my friend?" he asked, smiling.

"My head fucking hurts...where the hell are we?" Wayne asked.

At that moment, the door opened and Wayne thought he saw a ghost when he looked into the boy's eyes.

"BENNY!! How...where have you fucking been, dude? We thought you fucking died!!"

"Relax dude, you must be tired. You just rest and I'll explain everything."

Wayne layed back down onto the soft cushion while Benny sat next to him and started to speak.

"I don't quite know where to start, guys...but I'll start at the crash. I was holding on to Coach, as we went down, but some time or other I had to have been thrown towards Larry, who for some reason was trying to break one of the windows. The roof suddenly flew off the plane and I was blown out along with Larry. We both ended up falling in the ocean, and I kept on hearing Larry calling out to me. We managed to make our way to a piece of land somewhere in the ocean. No, it was not the same island which you were on. The last thing I can remember was exploring the island with Larry until I slipped on something. The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. The doctors later told me that I had amnesia for about two months, in which I couldn't even remember my name, as I was flown back to South Africa, luckily I had my passport in my trousers! Then, last week, it suddenly appeared infront of me, I started to remember! I immediately called the police and told them of the crash and whereabouts we had fallen. God must have been on my side or something, because they could not find the plane wreckage of the flight carrying the South African highschool Rugby team that mysteriously vanished. With my help, they managed to track down where the island was to which me and Larry escaped to, and from there they sent out boats and helicopters to all the nearby islands. You guys crashed near Morocco, just as we were leaving the continent. I remembered that because that was the last thing I heard the pilot of the plane say, minutes before we started to fall. That is all that I know. I dont know how I was found, I was just told I was brought into hospital. And now I hear that Larry has died..." Even thought Benny did not suffer quite like we did, he would forever remember Larry, and their own little path they had walked together that day...

What an incredible journey! And the fact that all of then were safe. Benny still had a few minor injuries, Chris had more pcychological injuries than pcysical, whilst Jonathan was recovering from a collapsed lung. That's what made him so sick, and Wayne nearly hugged the doctor when he told them, in very bad English, that Jonathan was out of danger. Wayne himself had a badly scarred and burned face, he was dehydrated and had developed a bowel infection. All this taking into concideration, everything had turned out remarkabely well.

Wayne was next to Jonathan when he woke up from his ordeal for the first time. He blinked his eyes, as if not believing what he saw and then he heard Wayne's voice.

"Hey, beautiful, you're safe now..."

"Are we dead, Wayne?" Jonathan whispered tiredly, before Wayne took his hand, placing a kiss inside his palm.

"No buddy, we made it out...we survived!"

That was all Jonathan had needed to know. Back home in South Africa they were practically hero's now. Every television station wanted to hear their incredible story of how they managed to survive on a deserted island for almost four months. There was even talk of a movie that was gonna be made about what they had gone through. A week after they had returned, Morningston High held a remembrance service for those whom had died in the crash. Wayne, Jonathan and Benny (Chris declined) each gave a heartfelt speech on their time together in the team, and paid tribute to their fallen teammates, including James, the captain, Larry both having their whole lives infront of them, and to a great man in Coach John Westerfield who tragically left for Heaven way too soon. It was better than everyone didn't know the details on how they died. Their memory would live on forever.

It was a year later, and Wayne and Jonathan parked their car on the beach, before getting out and walking towards the shore. There they sat down, before embracing eachother tightly. Wayne then got onto one knee and took hold of Jonathan's hands, the latter smiled cheekily at his boyfriend.

"Jonathan Mentoor, would you pretty please, with sugar on top, marry me?

"I thought you'd never fucking ask..." Jonathan said while they embraced once more. The two of them, along with Chris, the young man now sadly in a reabiliation center for yet again attempting suicide, had honestly proven that there was real meaning to the words... LOVE...COURAGE...and HOPE.

Thanks for reading! If you liked it, please send me a email at

Ryan White xxx

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