Love Brought Us Together

By Mystify

Published on Jun 9, 2001


Disclaimer: Hello!!!!!! This story, "Love Brought Us Together" is a work of fiction. It is NOT meant to imply Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson or any other celebrities sexual preference. If sexual relationships or slash fiction troubles you...then you are obviously in the WRONG place.

Comments,suggestions,emails are welcome. If you want to see certain characters together then mail me and tell me. I'll try to work something out.

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Hi, there were quite a few grammatical mistakes in the previous two chapters. I am so sorry, I read them over a few times but I guess I wasn't paying attention. I'll try not to let it happen again, but if it does...please excuse me :) I'm not too well right now so the words are just swimming in front of me.

Have a nice day :)


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By 11am everyone had finished with breakfast and we were ready to go to the venue for rehearsals. Basically we just had to go through our songs to be sure we knew what we were doing.

And all of us needed to be confident. We had been too busy with our Millennium tour, to be able to concentrate much on the songs we would perform for this tour. And NSYNC had been busy in the studio.

I looked around to the room to see who was actually paying attention to what this guy from JIVE was saying. He was new so neither NSYNC nor we had worked with him before. I still can't believe they would send someone new with us on tour. They should have at least sent one of the other guys from JIVE whom we were all familiar with, out here with him. This guy was going over security measures and telling us what we could and could not do. He was treating us as if we were going on tour for the first time. Then he started the whole rivalry thing between NSYNC and us. Man, what an idiot. Everyone knew there was no major rivalry between us. Contrary to popular belief we didn't hate each other.

I caught Justin's eye, who rolled his eyes at me and motioned towards the guy from Jive, Mark Jennings. I could see that he like the rest of us was clearly bored. We all wanted to practice so that we could be done quickly for the day. But, ya know something? I don't see that happening anymore anytime soon unless this guy doesn't stop talking.

JC, Lance, Chris, Howie and AJ were busy trying to stay awake. Joey and Nick were passing a paper ball back and forth between them, sometimes saying something to each other. Kevin, well Kevin was trying his best not to tell the guy to let them get out of here. Lance had been looking the same way sometime back, but had decided it was better to let him talk and he himself was trying not to fall asleep.


I was bored. Not just a little bored, I mean really b-o-r-e-d. And I was sure all the rest of the guys felt the same way. Hell, even our bodyguards were bored.

I was passing a paper ball back and forth with Nick. I smiled, Nick had been sitting next to Kevin and trying his best, like JC to look interested. But finally both had given up trying. JC was busy playing some game on his cell phone. Nick had started rubbing the side of his head lightly and had closed his eyes as if he was in pain. Kevin had gently put his arm around Nick's shoulders and had urged him to lean his body against him. After some time we had started tossing the paper ball back and forth.

Nick turned to Kevin, "Kevy?"

Kevin immediately turned his attention to his husband and smiled tenderly at him. I was actually surprised because Nick hadn't fidgeted much during the meeting. He had sat quietly playing with the bracelet he wore.

"Yes Nicky," Kevin said softly

Nick smiled back, his blue eyes shining, "AJ and Chris are trying to tell you something, I think."

Kevin kissed Nick's forehead and turned to look at AJ and Chris who sat a few tables away from us. Nick and I turned towards them too.

AJ and Chris were making gagging faces, and then when they saw they had mostly the rest of NSYNC and the Backstreet Boy's attention they moved their hand across their throat in a slicing motion. Then proceeded to show that they were sleepy and bored.

Kevin smiled and sighed. He looked towards JC and Lance and shrugged.

"Excuse me?" Kevin said when Mr. Mark Jennings stopped talking to consult some papers he was holding.

Mr. Mark Jennings as he had introduced himself to us looked at Kevin, "Yes, Mr. Richardson."

"He sounds like a school teacher or something," Nick quietly said to me.

I suppressed a laugh and nodded slightly to let Nick know I knew what he meant. I had been thinking the same thing.

"We are supposed to leave for the venue in 10 minutes. So if you don't mind we need to go," Kevin said politely.

Jennings sighed, and consulted his papers, "Only the Backstreet Boys are supposed to practice right now, since only one group is practicing at a time."

I quietly groaned, "No please no."

Nick heard me and laughed softly.

Kevin looked at Lance, who looked back at him.

"Actually," Lance spoke up, "NSYNC has vocal practice while the BSB has dance practice."

Thank you lord, I thought to myself.

Jennings sighed, "Ok. I'll talk to all of you at dinner."

Everyone quickly got up and left the room. Lance, AJ, JC, and Justin already had bags with them, which held the things they wanted to take to the venue with them. Brian and Chris also had their bags, having gotten them after breakfast. Before the great boring meeting. So all of them left to go to the venue while Howie, Kevin, Nick and I were going to our rooms to get our stuff.

We entered the elevator and leaned against the walls. Kevin had his arms around Nick's waist from behind and the blond was leaning against the older man tiredly. The four of us were silent while we waited for the elevator to stop at our floor.

Once we reached, we went to our rooms. We would be leaving in 10 mins. I went to my room and put some things into my backpack and sat down on the bed for a few minutes.


The moment we were inside our room and I had shut the door, Nick pushed me against the door and kissed me. After a few minutes, he finally released me and pulling away from me, smiled. I smiled back, a little dazed.

It's amazing, I thought, what his kisses could still do to me.

Nick smiled at me and I smiled back, "Sorry Kev, but I just had to kiss you. I was so fed up with Mr. Jennings," then he said in a soft intimate tone, "Not that I need a reason to kiss you."

I laughed and pulled him close to me, kissing him lightly, "NO baby, you don't need a reason to kiss me, nor --do--I--need--a--reason--to--kiss--you," I told him in between soft kisses.

Nick just smiled and buried his face in my neck. I sighed and held him, I knew today was going to be tiring. The past one-hour just proved that. I pulled away from Nick and kissed him once more and led him to the bed.

"Sit down. I'll get our bags ready."

He nodded and sat down, crossing his legs and sitting Indian style on the bed. I could feel his eyes on me as I put a change of clothes in our bags for us. I tossed a pair of loose black shorts and a light blue t-shirt at him to change into.

I quickly changed into black shorts and a white t-shirt and looked at him. I smiled when I saw that he had not moved at all and was watching me with a sweet smile on his face. I held out my hand. He took it and stood up.

I cupped his cheek and asked him, "Are you going to get changed or should I help you."

He blushed and smiled, it still amazed me that I could make him blush.

"I would love for you to help me change, but," he sighed and pulled his shirt over his head, "we both know that if you help me, we're not going to be going anywhere anytime soon."

I laughed and sat down on the bed. He quickly pulled off his shoes and jeans then pulled on his shorts. He quickly pulled his t-shirt over his head and sat down next to me and started pulling on his shoes, when there was a knock on the door.

I stood up and opened the door to see Joey standing there. He came inside.

"You guys ready," he asked.

I nodded, "Yeah just a sec."

Nick stood up and rubbed the side of his head lightly and pulled out his cell phone from his jeans pocket and put it into his shorts pocket. He looked towards me and smiled. He came over to us and the three of us left the room. We met Howie in the hallway and went to the lobby.

10 minutes later we were in a van, on the way to the venue. Nick was sitting next to me and again started lightly rubbing the side of his head where he had hurt himself. I pulled his hand away and held it. He looked at me and smiled slightly. I put my arm around his shoulders, and he leaned his head against my shoulder.

About 20 minutes later we reached the venue and went inside. We saw the rest of the guys sitting around waiting for us. We walked up to them and waited to see what had to be done.

An hour later, we were busy going through our dance routines. Fatima was standing in front of us, watching us, and correcting us when necessary. Which was just a few times because we knew these routines very well.

Once the song ended, she said, "Ok guys. Take a break, then we'll go through all the songs again," when we started groaning, she smiled and shook her head.

She watched as each of us got off the stage. She saw Nick moving his hair away from his face and walking towards the edge of the stage.

"Nick," she called out to him, he stopped walking and looked at her, "what are those marks on your hand sweetie?"

Nick smiled at how protective she was, "Don't fret Fatima. They don't really hurt. Some fans at the Orlando airport got a little too excited and pulled my arm, thus leaving the marks."

She shook her head, "Well it's your fault for being so cute. Now go drink some water."

Nick smiled and walked to the edge of the stage, and then stepping on a crate he jumped down and went and sat next to Brian. I passed him a bottle of water and a towel. Brian said something to Nick and the two of them excused themselves and moved away from the rest of them. Howie, AJ and I turned and saw Brian and Nick sitting down in the fifth row seats.

Howie looked at AJ and me, then shrugged. When Fatima called us back, Brian and Nick joined us.

Two hours later we were done. Fatima told us we could go back to the hotel. We were exhausted when we stepped off the stage. All five of us changed our t-shirts then went outside and got into the limo that was waiting for us. The NSYNC guys would be using the stage to practice now.

We settled down and tried to relax. I looked at Nick who was sitting next to Brian, who was across from me. He kept blinking. I knew he was fighting to stay awake. A few seconds later he looked at me, as I knew he would, I just smiled and held out my hand. He grasped it and got up, so that he could sit down next to me.

I put me arm around his shoulder and said, "We'll be at the hotel soon. Then you can take a hot shower, eat something and go to sleep."

His head was resting on my shoulder, "Too tired. Sleep and only sleep," he mumbled.

I chuckled and entwined my hand with his. When I looked up, Brian, Howie and AJ were looking at us. I raised my eyebrows in question.

AJ being AJ asked, "Damn, Kevin what have you been doing to the poor boy that he's so tired?"

We started laughing, "We've all been having such busy days, so we're all tired. But Nick didn't sleep day before yesterday. Nor did he sleep yesterday."

Before they could ask me anything, I continued, "He had a really bad headache. But it was already 7am so I couldn't give him any medicine. He took some a little while ago and they're kicking in now," seeing their concerned expressions I said, "Don't worry. Once he sleeps for a few hours he'll be feeling much better."

We reached the hotel and went upstairs to our rooms. I sighed and looked at Nick. My poor baby could barely keep his eyes open. He was leaning with his back against the elevator wall and pouting. He smiled when he saw me looking at him.

Once we were in our room, he started walking over to the bed before I pulled him back.

"Nicky, you have to take a shower first," I told him softly, knowing that if I didn't speak softly, with a headache and being sleepy he would just get upset.

Already he was upset that he couldn't go to sleep, straight away, "Kevy, I'm so tired."

I walked over to him and sat him down on the bed and he immediately laid back, "I know hun, but you'll feel better if you shower and sleep and you know it," while speaking I quickly removed his shoes and socks, then holding his hands made him stand up.

He reluctantly stood while I pulled off his t-shirt and shorts. I took him into the bathroom and told him to get under the shower.

I heard the shower start and called room service, then went into the bathroom. I undressed and stepped into the stepped into the shower area, standing behind Nick who stood with his eyes closed.

I pulled him a little away from the direct spray of the water and massaged some shampoo into his hair. After lathering it up, I rinsed it out, then soaped up his body. He took the soap from my hand and motioned for me to shampoo my own hair. While I was putting shampoo into my hair, he soaped up my body.

Once we were done, I stepped out of the shower area and wrapped a towel around my waist and helped Nick dry off, then quickly dried off myself. After we both put on boxers I made him sit down and brushed out his hair after drying it.

I got up from the bed when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and took the tray from the room service guy. Nick was looking at me with a soft smile on his face. I set the tray in front of him, once he was settled back on the bed. His back was against the headboard.

"Boo, I don't want," he said, indicating the bowl of soup on the tray, by looking at me with a pleading expression on his face.

I smiled. I loved it when he called me Boo. I sat next to him and fed him the soup, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist. Once he had finished eating half of it, I knew he couldn't stay awake any longer. I helped him lie down and saw that he was comfortable. When I started to stand up, he tugged on my arm. He pulled me down and lightly kissed me.

"I love you," he whispered.

I kissed his forehead, "I love you too Bunny."

A minute later he was peacefully sleeping. I drank the rest of the soup and set the tray outside the room. Howie was setting down a tray outside his room too. When he saw me he smiled.

"Where's Nicky?"

I motioned for him to go in and see. I was leaning against the doorway. He came back a few seconds later.

"He looks so peaceful and so exhausted," Howie said.

I nodded, "It was all he could do not to fall asleep in the shower. What're you going to do now?" I changed the subject and asked him.

"Sleep man. Haven't been able to get much rest this past week."

I sighed, nodding, knowing what he meant.

We went into our own rooms. I locked the door and got into bed beside Nick and put my arm around his waist. Immediately he turned and settled his head on my shoulder and put his arm around my waist. I gently kissed his cheek and closed my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

At 7:00pm that evening, the ringing phone on the table pulled me awake. I sighed and tired to move my arm to pick up the phone, but found I couldn't move. I opened my eyes and saw Nick holding onto my hand. I carefully removed my arm from the grip he had on me and picked up the phone.

After listening to our wake-up call, which I had NOT ordered, I turned back to see Nick sleepily looking at me. I smiled and pulled him close to me again. He got comfortable with his head on my chest, while I stroked his hair. After a few minutes of lying there, together in silence, I spoke.

"You feeling better now Nicky?"

"Yes," he said softly.

I smiled and kissed his hair.

"Kevy?" he said a minute later.


"Thank you for making me drink the soup. I felt much better after I had it."

I smiled, "Baby you don't have to thank me for taking care of you. I promised to take care of you, love you when I put this ring on your finger," I said while holding his left hand and touching the ring I gave him, "but most importantly I promised to love you forever the day you openly gave me your heart. Your precious to me and taking care of you is my job."

Nick lifted his head off my chest and turned his head to look at me. His eyes were shining with tears. I sat up and gently pulled Nick up so that he was sitting in front of me.

I cupped his face and wiped away the tears from his eyes with my thumbs, "Why the tears baby?"

Needless to say I was surprised when he suddenly moved forward and kissed me, and kissed me, and kissed me. When we finally pulled back we were both breathless and it took us a minute to get our breath back. I looked at my love to see him watching me with a mesmerized look on his beautiful face.

"I love you Kevin and just knowing how much you love me, that I'm not dreaming up your love makes me very happy. I can't help it if tears come to my eyes," when he finished speaking his voice had become even softer than normal.

I entwined our left hands together so that we could feel the rings we had placed on each others fingers, pledging our love to one another, "Nick I would love you and take care of you even if you were only my band mate, my friend, my little brother. Because I love you, you as a person. You're like an angel to me and you know that. The first time I saw you I felt this overwhelming urge to take care of you, protect you from the world, to let only the good things near you."

I sighed and lightly brushed my lips against his, "But then I realized that to let the good things in the world near you, you couldn't escape the bad things. Each time I saw you cry or feel sad, I can't tell you how bad I felt. But then the next minute I would see you smile at something stupid Brian said or did to make you laugh I felt this indescribable feeling in my heart. I know that feeling is love, the love I have for you."

I smiled, letting all the emotions I felt, my love for him shine in my eyes and come across in my smile, "And now…now I love you and take care of you. You are my best friend, my lover, and my husband. We have our family and friends blessings for our love. I have the legal right to take care of you and love you. And I do Nick, I do love you with all my heart and soul."

I was startled when I felt Nick's hand gently wiping away my tears; the tears I didn't even know were streaming down my face. I saw that tears were pouring out of his eyes too, so I wiped them away.

Nick hugged me, "Thank you Kev. For looking out for me all these years. For loving me so much. And I'm sorry, for making you feel bad," he said referring to what I had told him, that I felt bad whenever I saw him crying or sad.

I pulled away from him and kissed him deeply before saying, "Don't ever apologize for that baby. It just helped to make me realize how much I love you and that I love you because you are my soul mate."

"Kev, make love to me please," he said softly.

I smiled and started kissing him, lightly at fist, then with growing need and passion, which he matched equally. We gave ourselves up to each other, professing our love for one another in the way people in love have been doing for lifetimes before us.

Our love for one another growing stronger as we came down to earth from our own heaven that we could always create when we were together. We held each other for some time, reluctant to move, to have to face the outside world and let it intrude into our world.

But alas we can't always have what we want. We had each other so I can't complain about having to face the world outside, even if it is just our friends. I can't complain because I have my angel with me.


I frantically looked at my watch as I threw my t-shirt over my head. I brushed my hair so that no one got scared when they saw me and looked around for my wallet. After locating it and putting it in my pants pocket, I grabbed my cell phone and opened my door before running out.

Unfortunately, I wasn't watching where I was going and slipped. Before I could fall though, two strong hands caught my arms. I stood up and looked up into a pair of sparkling green eyes.

"Hi Justin," Kevin said as if he hadn't just stopped me from falling, "you ok?"

A-ha, he did ask if I was ok, I though he wasn't going to, I smiled, "Thanks Kevin, I'm fine."

"You seem to be in a big hurry," he asked.

He was now leaning in the doorway of his room with his arms crossed in front of his chest, looking completely relaxed.

"Uh, yeah," I checked my watch; "It's already 9:15. JC told me to be down in the dining room before 9pm."

I suddenly realized that Kevin was grinning, he didn't seem to be at all bothered that we were more than 15 minutes late. He was always supposed to be the one on time and now he didn't care if he was late? Man, being with Nick all the time must be really helping relax him. I smiled at my last thought.

"Don't worry Justin we aren't late," he said.

"And even if we are, its not like we are missing anything interesting anyway," Nick's voice was heard from inside the room.

Kevin started laughing and turned and looked inside the room, "Nick that's not a nice thing to say."

"Yeah well, Mr. Jennings is not a nice person," Nick said.

I looked at Kevin confused and he just smiled, "You go on down. I'll get Nick and we'll be down in a few minutes," he said.

"Kevin if you don't mind can I please come with you two? I don't want to have to go face Jennings on my own and well if your there he won't say anything."

He started laughing, "Sure, come on in for a minute. Nick doesn't want to have to be around Jennings anymore than you do, so he doesn't want to go down yet."

I followed him into the room to see Nick sitting on the bed. Kevin took Nick's hands and pulled him up.

"Nicky come on, lets go down," he said softly.

Nick shook his head, "Please Kev. It's going to be so boring, having Jennings there."

"Hey, Justin'll be there and he doesn't wanna listen to Jennings either so you two can do whatever ya'll want ok?" He looked at both of us.

Nick looked at me and thought for a few seconds, then turned back to Kevin and smiled, "Ok lets go. But once that guy starts lecturing, don't blame me for what happens."

Kevin just shook his head and pushed us out of the room.

We entered the private dinning room and saw all the others all ready there, along with members of our crews. There were many tables placed close together so that if you were sitting at one table you could also talk to the person at the next table without having to shout. Lance, Howie, AJ, Chris and Joey were already sitting at one table. Brian and JC were sitting at the table next to them. All of them were talking about something when we walked up to them. I sat next to JC, Nick sat next to Brian and Kevin sat next to Nick.

A waiter came up to us almost as soon as we sat down. JC ordered a chicken sandwich and a salad, with an ice tea. Brian ordered a cheeseburger with a coke. Nick and Kevin ordered the same and Kevin ordered a Coke too. I thought and quickly ordered a club sandwich and a coke.

Our food came about 10 minutes later and we started eating. I took a bite of my sandwich and looked up. Nick and Kevin had not started eating yet. Nick had been listening to something Brian said, when Brian motioned for Nick to start eating. Nick forked up some salad that was in the plate with his burger and passed the fork to Kevin who ate the salad, and then Kevin forked up some of his salad and passed it to Nick, who smiled and ate it.

Nick looked up and saw me looking at them with a smile on my face, even though I didn't know what was going on. He blushed and looked down at his plate.


Half an hour later we had all almost finished eating. Everyone was eating and talking. Nick had reluctantly finished his food. Once the two of us had finished our food, I held his left hand with my right one, under the table. He looked at me and smiled, then entwined our fingers together.

We heard Justin groan and turned our heads to look at him. Apparently JC and Brian had heard him too.

"What's wrong Just?" JC asked Justin.

Justin looked at all of us, "Jennings is coming over here."

JC looked towards where Justin had indicated and nodded is head, confirming what Justin had said. Brian sighed and Nick looked at me.

"Nick and Brian please behave," I tried my best to say sternly, but I knew Nick could see that I wasn't completely serious.

My love could read me like a book. He smiled innocently but I could see the thorns on his head.

15 minutes later we were listening to Mark Jennings give us a review of what we did today.

"We know what we did today. He wasn't even around the venue when we were there," Nick leaned towards me and whispered.

I smiled and whispered back, "Relax babe. I think he is just starting."

"Sorry Kevy, but after that headache this afternoon, I'm not ready for another one yet," he whispered.

I looked at him and shrugged, "If you can come up with a good excuse to leave and go up, go ahead."

He smiled and started listening to Jennings again. A minute later his phone rang and he excused himself to answer it. He came back and spoke to Jennings.

"Mr. Jennings I just got a call from our manager," he indicated Brian, Howie, AJ and me, "he wants to discuss something with me, so if everyone will excuse me, I'm going upstairs to call him back."

When Jennings nodded he walked away. I smiled and shook my head.


As I walked out of the room, I couldn't stop the smirk that spread across my face. Q, Carl and Mike, Justin's bodyguard I think, were sitting on the couch in the lobby. Q waved when he saw me and I went over to them and sat down.

"Hey Nicky. Why are you so happy?" Q asked me.

I just smiled and shrugged. Suddenly I slapped my palm against my forehead. Damn, I had forgotten about Justin. He wanted to get out of there too.

"Hey Mike?"

"Yes Nick?"

"Um. Can you tell me what Justin's cell phone number is?" I tried to make my voice as innocent as possible.

Once I had the number I grinned. Mike raised his eyebrows and looked at Q and Carl.

"Why do I feel like I shouldn't have given him the number?" he asked.

Q laughed, "Nicky boy here for me is how Justin is for you. Mischief is what they love doing."

Mike groaned while Carl smiled, "He's a perfect angel around me," Carl said.

Q made a face, "That's only because Kevin is around too. So he's happy." I smiled, "Thanks Q. Love ya too. Now I'll see you guys later."

"Hold it right there kiddo. Where are you going? Last I heard you were supposed to be in there in a meeting."

I nodded, "Yeah but now I'm out here."

"Does Kevin know you're out here," Q asked semi- sternly.

"Yup. I'm going up now. You guys coming or hanging around here?" I asked.

They decided to come with me 'cause as Q so sweetly put it, 'he wanted to see what sort of mischief I was getting up to'. I leaned against my room door and dialed Justin's number.

"Guys be quiet for a minute," I told him.


"Man you sound totally bored," I said.

"Nick! Man where are you?"

"Well I'm standing outside my room door. Come on up, we can watch TV or something," I said.

"Um are you forgetting that I'm stuck in this meeting?"

"Duh! I came up with an excuse. Now it's your turn and from the looks Mike is giving me I don't think you should have any trouble coming up with something. Just try and hurry up cause I don't have my room key with me."

"Ok, I'll um…I'll tell him I gotta go do something."

I clicked off the phone and waited.

10 minutes later we were comfortably sitting in Justin's room watching a movie.


20 minutes later all of us were in the elevator, on the way to our rooms except Justin and Nick who had escaped from the meeting. I rolled my eyes and rubbed the back of my neck. I couldn't wait until our managers were with us and saw what an idiot Jennings was being.

"Where did Justin and Nick disappear to?" Chris asked me.

JC and Brian started laughing and I smiled, "They're probably watching TV or something in Justin's room," I said.

"Why Justin's room?" AJ asked.

"Cause I have the keycard for Nick and my room and he never took it from me."

I knocked on Justin's room door. A few minutes later, Justin opened the door with a toothbrush in his mouth. He waved me in. He pointed to the floor where Nick was sitting and watching TV.

"Nicky," I said softly.

Nick immediately turned around and smiled when he saw me. He clicked off the TV and walked over to me.

"Goodnight Justin, thanks for letting me hang out here," Nick said.

Justin just smiled and nodded while brushing his teeth.

"Goodnight Justin," I said.

Nick shut Justin's room door while I unlocked our room door. I went inside our room and kept my wallet and cell phone on the table, keeping the keycard there too. I heard the door shut and sighed happily when I felt Nick wrap his arms around my waist from behind.

"How was the meeting?" he asked while lightly kissing the back of my neck.

I placed my hands on top of his, "Boring and pointless. Did you have fun?"

He placed soft kissed along my neck and stood in front of me, "Yes I did, cause I didn't have to listen to Jennings, but I'm sorry all of you guys had to listen to him," he said and pulled me in for a kiss.

I sighed and pulled him closer. We broke the kiss and just held each other. After a minute we pulled apart and undressed. We had finished brushing our teeth and were ready for bed 10 minutes later.

Nick made me lie down on the bed on my stomach and got something from one of our bags.

He sat next to me and poured something cool on my back. I shivered when I felt the cool liquid on my skin. Nick started massaging my back and neck and I sighed in contentment and pleasure and part pain.

"Baby relax, your too tense," he whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek then continued to massage my back.

~~Nick~~ I massaged Kevin's back and neck for half an hour before I felt his breathing become steady and knew he was asleep. I bent down and kissed his cheek, before lying down next to him. I watched him sleep for a while before I started feeling tired.

I put my arm on his back and said, "I love you Kevin," before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey everyone thanks for reading :) Comments whether negative or positive are welcome. I hope you enjoyed reading chapter 3 of "Love Brought Us Together". I would have had it out sooner but my internet connection wasn't working, hence the delay. Hope you enjoy your day or night :)

Next: Chapter 4

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