Love Brought Us Together

By Mystify

Published on Mar 26, 2009


Disclaimer : This is a work of fiction. I don't own or know the celebrities in this story. The only characters I own are the ones I create.

Love Brought Us Together by CJ Chapter 19

Lance watched Kevin and Nick dancing together in what seemed like a group of guys and girls. Kevin had one hand on Nick's hip while they moved fluidly to the music. His breath hitched and a spike of loneliness hit him hard when he saw Nick smile and rest his head against Kevin's shoulder for a moment.

He turned to his bodyguard and asked him to bring him another drink.

Wes frowned but did as Lance wanted. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the kid was hurting.

With a sigh he set another glass down by Lance's hand and watched him grab it and swallow half in one go with a wince. He mirrored Lance's expression.

Oh yeah, the kid is gonna feel this tomorrow.' He tried not to feel annoyed that the other guys had forced Lance out of the hotel where he would have moped sober and brought him here to mope instead. Fans had pulled the others away but Lance's attitude was screaming Touch me not' and most had kept away from him.

He smiled slightly when she saw Nick gesturing towards Lance. Kevin's eyes followed Nick's hand before they slowly made their way through the people and came up to the table.

Nick smiled at Wes. When Kevin squeezed his shoulder encouragingly Nick slid into the chair next to Lance while Kevin stood near Wes to have a word with him.

"Hey," Nick said softly while nudging Lance gently with his shoulder.

Lance looked down at his glass before lifting his head and turning to look at Nick.

Nick stifled a gasp at the dazed look in Lance's normally clear eyes. "You're not enjoying this much are you?"

Lance shook his head.

"You wanna get out of here?" Nick asked. When Lance looked doubtful Nick continued speaking, "I'm very tired."

Lance looked carefully at the slightly tense way that Nick was holding himself and then remembered the way Nick had reacted whenever they were in a crowd. He just nodded his head in response.

Lance turned to look at Wes and saw that he was ready and waiting for Lance's decision. He nodded. "Let's go."

He stood and wavered. Wes and Nick shot forward to steady him. Nick reached him first and wrapped an arm around Lance's back.

Kevin noticed how comfortable Nick seemed about touching Lance and smiled. He exchanged a look with Carl and Q before letting Nick assist Lance out of the club.


When they reached the hotel Wes helped Lance while Q kept a firm hold on a skittish Nick and guided him into the hotel past the reporters gathered outside.

When they were safely in the elevator Kevin pressed his lips against Nick's forehead while holding him close.

As soon as they reached their floor and got off the elevator Lance clutched his stomach with one hand and his mouth with the other.

Kevin quickly handed Nick off to Carl and unlocked their room door. Lance rushed into the room and to the bathroom with Wes right behind him.

Carl held Nick against his side and rubbed the back of his head. Nick looked at Carl in confusion.

"Why did Lance run into our room?"

Carl chuckled, "He really needed the bathroom and your room was the closest."

Nick shrugged and slowly walked into his room. He winced at the sounds he heard coming from the bathroom and absently took off his shoes. Kevin grabbed two bottles of water, kept one aside for Lance and handed the other one to Nick.

Q beckoned to Kevin. "We've gotta go back Kev. Steve and Lonnie are alone with the others."

Kevin nodded, "Ok." He looked back at the bathroom before shrugging, "Will you guys be able to manage without Wes?"

Q nodded, "We'll be ok. Night Kev."

"Night, hope you get some rest soon."

Q smiled, "Thanks." He looked at Nick sitting quietly on the bed, "Night Nicky."

Nick smiled tiredly, "Night Q."

Kevin and Q shared a smile at how tired Nick was that he hadn't protested against the name Nicky.


Wes rubbed Lance's back as the blonde stood at the sink and washed his face.

Lance looked at Wes, embarrassed at his behaviour. "I'm sorry Wes," he said softly.

Wes shook his head, "Don't worry about it. You feeling better now?"

Lance nodded and followed Wes out of the bathroom.


Kevin smiled when he entered the room and noticed Nick laying on the bed with his legs off it. He gently stroked his cheek.

"Nick... wake up sweetheart," he said while caressing Nick's cheek.

Nick smiled sleepily when he opened his eyes to see Kevin in front of him.

"You wanna get changed for bed baby?" Kevin asked softly while continuing to stroke Nick's cheek.

Nick nodded, "Wanna have a quick shower first. Smell all cigaretty."

Kevin leaned down to brush his lips against Nicks, "Ok."

Nick held Kevin's hand and allowed himself to be pulled up. He frowned when he saw Lance standing hesitantly in the room.

"All ok Lance?" Nick asked softly.

Lance nodded his head a little. He waited until Nick had gone into the bathroom and shut the door before facing Kevin.

"I'm sorry."

Kevin shook his head at the softly uttered words, "Its fine Lance, don't worry about it. Are you feeling better?"

Lance nodded, "Yes." He gratefully accepted the bottle of water Kevin held out to him and began sipping from it.

Wes opened the room door and looked out before turning to Lance. "Lance?"

Lance looked at Kevin, "Goodnight... and thanks."

Kevin nodded, "Goodnight Lance."

Locking the door once Lance had left Kevin went into the bathroom and began stripping off to take a quick shower too; knowing Nick wouldn't let him hear the end of it otherwise.

Nick smiled when he saw Kevin. "Thank you."

Kevin sighed and kissed Nick's shoulder, "It's the least I can do for you love."


Kevin took a quick shower before sliding into bed next to Nick.

Nick turned his head towards Kevin, "Love you."

Kevin smiled and brushed his lips against Nick's, "Love you too."


Kevin looked around the dark room and wondered what had caused him to wake up. He turned his attention to the warm body in his arms. Brushing Nick's hair off his forehead Kevin was about to close his eyes when he felt a slight shudder run through Nick's body.

Kevin was immediately alert and quickly turned the bedside light on before cupping Nick's cheek. Taking a deep breath Kevin began to hum softly, hoping it would help soothe Nick.

He thought it had worked when suddenly Nick began shifting and whimpering. Kevin quickly began trying to wake Nick up.

"Nick... Nicky wake up."

Nick woke up with a gasp and looked around, fear making him shiver as he felt the darkness closing in on him. When soft light replaced the darkness he breathed a sign of relief and turned to seek out his angel.

"Kev?" he said softly.

"I'm right here baby," Kevin said.

Nick slid his hands up Kevin's chest before linking them around his neck and resting his head against Kevin's chest. Kevin lovingly stroked Nick's back while wrapping his right arm around his back.

"You won't ever leave me right?"

The soft question brought a smile to Kevin's face.

"I'll always be in your heart. No one can get me out of there."

Nick smiled at the answer he'd heard for years and raised his head to look at the man he loved.

Kevin pressed their lips together in the softest of kisses.


The next morning...

AJ whimpered and slammed the phone back down when he heard his wake up call. He tugged the covers over his head and fell back asleep.


Kevin groaned when the phone ringing in his room woke him up. He opened his eyes and picked up the phone before setting it back down when he heard the wakeup call start. Sighing he tightened his arms around Nick and nuzzled the back of his neck.

"Baby? Nicky wake up love," Kevin said softly while caressing Nick's chest.

"Hmm... few more sleeps," Nick muttered thickly while turning and nuzzling his face against Kevin's chest.

Kevin began running his hand up and down Nick's back with an indulgent smile on his face. He mentally went over their schedule for the day happy that they were free for lunch after an interview. `I'll grab Nick for lunch,' he thought.

"You ready to get outta bed now baby?" Kevin asked gently.

Nick made an unhappy sound and shook his head, "Tired Kev."

Kevin kissed Nick's hair, "I'm going to go get ready. I'll wake you once I'm out of the shower ok?"

"Cool cool," Nick said and tugged the blanket tight around himself as Kevin got out of bed.

A little while later Kevin stepped out of the bathroom and got dressed before sitting down next to Nick to wake him up.


Lance sipped at a bottle of water and groaned when he heard Justin talking loudly. Opening his eyes he glared pointedly at his friend who smiled apologetically before standing up and moving away from him.

Lance sighed and looked over at the stage where the Backstreet Boys were going through a quick sound check. He shut his eyes when he saw Nick smiling adoringly up at Kevin. Was he the only one feeling the after effects of their late night last night?

He shook his head as the events of the previous night came rushing back to him no matter how hard he tried to block them out. He was still embarrassed at his loss of control in front of Kevin and Nick.


Nick ran his hand through his hair while lazily making his way towards the green room. He desperately needed something to eat and a few moments to sit down and recharge. "I'm getting old," he muttered to himself, not please with the fact that he seemed to be the only one tired after their late night. Especially since he, Kevin and Lance had been the first to get back. He frowned as he thought about the state Lance had been in last night and hoped he was feeling better.

Seeing Jennings standing near the door to the room he wanted to go to Nick sighed and looked around for somewhere else he could go. Backing away Nick turned and smacked right into a muscled chest. He hurriedly moved back and would've lost his balance if two hands hadn't caught his arms and held him steady.

"Nick? It's me, Wes," Wes said quickly to the panicking young man, "Lance's bodyguard remember?"

Nick blinked and nodded slowly as he recognized the man. He smiled slightly, "I'm sorry."

Wes smiled and released Nick's arms, "It's alright. You seemed to be in a hurry, is everything alright?"

Nick turned to check if Jennings was still standing in the hallway before he looked at Wes and shook his head. "Everything's fine."

"Have you seen Lance anywhere?"

Nick frowned, "I think he was sitting out front while we were doing soundcheck awhile ago."

Wes nodded, "Thanks. I'll see you later."

Nick smiled, "Bye."

Nick quickly turned and jogged down the hall and into his dressing room.


Kevin came up behind Nick and wrapped his arms around him.

Nick smiled and leaned back against him. "Hey, where've you been?"

Kevin kissed Nick's neck and began swaying slowly, "Had to check some stuff. Feeling better?"

Nick entwined his fingers with Kevin's, "Yup. I told you I just needed some quiet time for awhile. Have you eaten?"

Kevin nuzzled Nick's neck, "No. Have you?"

"Yup, grabbed a sandwich. Why don't you go get something while I go to wardrobe?" Nick said.

"An excellent idea my love," Kevin said while turning Nick around and capturing his lips in a kiss.

Nick immediately responded to Kevin's touch and kissed him back. It was awhile before Carl managed to find and separate them. Time that they put to excellent use.

-x- TBC -x-

This chapter is dedicated to Pammy who is one of my inspirations to write. Happy Birthday hun.

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