Love at First Bite

By Me

Published on Jul 30, 2014


Love At First Bite Chapter 2

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I woke up in a place that I didn't recognize my head was pounding so much that I could barely think. I could smell blood in the room and most of it wasn't my own. The smell made me slightly hunger for some reason, but I decided to ignore it. I then decided to focus on the sounds. I could hear two other heartbeats in the room and all of a sudden a door opened so I closed my eyes and pretend to sleep. I could hear heels walk closer to the other side of the room. Then I heard the other heartbeat speed up.

"Wake him." The voice of Beatrice said.

"Grhmmm" I heard the other voice growl.

"Look as you know the full moon is in a couple hours we will move you outside so the hunt can begin. Soon one of you will be dead. I always love a good match up. Plus you've already lost to Gage once, you don't want to lose again, do you?" She said almost purring.

"Grrrrrrrahh!" The roared louder.

"Good. " She said walking away.

Pretty soon I felt men carry my away from where ever we were and to a new location. As soon as we got outside the air changed to a calm breeze and the smell of nature filled my senses. I could tell that Brody was close by because he was making these odd animalistic grunts. The men that dropped us off soon fled far away and I couldn't hear them anymore. What the hell is going on why can I hear them in the first place?

"I know you're awake..." Brody whispered.

I opened my eyes and we were in some forest and the moon was all the light we had. Brody had some blood smeared on him but didn't seem to have any marks on him, weird. His grey/blue eyes seemed to be glowing, or reflecting the moon.

"What's going on?" I said sitting up slightly.

"Don't do that! Layback down, they are watching us with cameras. We were kidnapped for some type of odd hunt between you and me. I don't want to hurt you, so I need you to listen."

"I'm listening." I whispered frightened.

"Okay, well this may be hard to believe but I'm a werewolf. Usually on full moons I can control myself but they gave me some kind of odd drink and now I feel like I'm going to lose control any minute. For some reason your smell attracts me and I feel like I may attack you." He said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Okay, what ever they told you and did to you-" I was cut off be an ear-splitting roar.

I looked over at Brody and his eyes were glowing and he was starting to grow canine like teeth. His body was shaking and he didn't look in pain, just like he was holding back. He was growling and sweating uncontrollably. He then came closer and I his growls dared me to move. He crawled closer to me and seemed to take in huge breaths of my smell. He eventually calmed down and then backed away.

"I' I can kill you just like that! I'm a werewolf. Jacob is a witch, What ever happens I need you to get out of here and find him. This place is like a dome, but has a weak spot at the edge of it to the left of us. I saw it coming in. I WILL chase you so run for your life, then you are going to climb under the fence and escape and don't look back. Tell my father; he'll know what to do. So I...I'm losing control...Run Gage!..Run!"

Taking in everything Brody said as quickly as he said it I ran the direction he told me to, and even though he told me to leave him, I had something else in mind. I was going to save the werewolf that was going to try to kill me.


Soon as Gage took off my wolf wanted to chase him instantly! It didn't want to attack him, it was just curious of him. I don't know why, he's just some jerk prince, I mean so am I, but I earned it! Right? I mean I can transform into a beast, he's just a human.

I looked up at the sky and growled in frustration. I've never been so provoked in my life! Those asshole witches gave me some type of potion so that I would have no choice but to transform, and the more I fight it the harder it gets.

Usually on full moons werewolf don't have to transform. It does take a little practice to get that far, but it's refreshing to run with your pack and howl at the stars. In fact usually there's something wrong if you don't but that's always a choice.

When we transform we are usually not violent, well not in my family. My father spoke of others who are more animalistic and provoke nature and the lives of humans for fun. I've never seen anyone like that before but it doesn't seem pleasant.

"Okay," I sighed. " Just try not to kill him."

I quickly stripped of my clothes and then jumped into the air and transformed. The process is so fast that it's not painful and can can't even be seen besides another werewolf, or a mate. My wolf is another part of my self-conscious and it feels in sync with me most of the time, but when I transform its truly combined.

I took a couple steps sniffed the air and I could smell Gage's sweet cupcake and spicy cinnamon smell and took off towards it. I was unsure how I would react when I got to him.


My heart was pounding so hard that I couldn't hear anything else. All I could see in front of me was trees and a gate far in the distance. I could hear growls and feet pounding behind me so I knew that Brody was catching up quicker than I thought.

"Grrrrrrrhaaah!" He roared speeding up.

I didn't look back because I already knew what was coming. I was about to get killed by the biggest asshole I've ever met, who can apparently turn into a fucking werewolf! One that apparently almost wants to kill me just as bad as I thought he did.

The gate was ten feet away, and Brody was about thirty. The hole wasn't big enough for this big wolf to fit through so I decided to go for it and convince Brody to change back to his human self. I took about three steps and I fell and tripped on a root.

I looked and I seen a big wolf, about 5'7 in height with one eye grey and the other blue. It's hairs were standing up and it was stalking slowly towards me. He was now about ten feet away and he was looking bigger with every step. He started to get low and I feared my life would end.

"Brody, come on. I know you never liked me but...but please change back. Please don't kill me." I pleaded and tried to crawl a few steps back.

Brody tilted his head to the side like he was considering it and then leaped so that he was directly on top of me. He was making odd grunting sounds and was staring at me. I decided to be brave and look into his eyes.

They were truly spectacular. His cobalt one seemed to be the colour the sky wanted to be, while the grey seemed to be the colour as the moon. His coat was darker than night and flawless. He was truly a beautiful creature, in different circumstances that is. He seemed to notice that I was looking at him because he flexed I think.

He then put his snout on my face and started to sniff me all over. Sort of like a puppy. He then started to open and close his mouth on my stomach, which made me laugh and he did it harder. I tried to push him off but he just flexed even more. Impressive he even has muscles as a wolf.

"Well, well, isn't this adorable." Rachel said tapping her foot. "I thought that you guys were enemies I never would have thought that you to would fancy each other. " she said laughing and crossing her arms.

Brody was so interested in sniffing me that he couldn't careless who was standing behind me, or that our lives were in danger. I tried to get up but Brody kept pushing me back down and would lick my face with his massive tongue.

"We...don't `fancy' each other, he actually hates me!...he's just smelling me." I said realizing how ridiculous I looked with a giant werewolf on me.

"Looks a lot like he's marking you too." She said peering over him a bit more.

"Still better than trying to kill me." I said finally pushing Brody off, who whined and looked hurt.

Brody seemed to join reality again because when Rachel tried to take a step forward his started to growl. He pushed me back with his hinge leg and started to crouch; protecting me and getting ready to attack. Rachel looked even more amused and her smile broadened.

"Wow, marking and protective. I think you need to talk to your werewolf about where you stand." She said taking a step back and Brody went back to smelling me.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to get around Brody.

"Well actually uh I wanted to say congratulations. You passed." She said walking away and urging me to follow. I did, with `my' werewolf close behind.


After I followed back with Gage and transformed back our families were waiting inside. They explained that it was a test and that this happens when our family turns eighteen. Also that we aren't just royals of our country we are royals of our species. I of werewolf and Gage's great grandfather who is thousands of years old.

"So you're telling me this whole thing was a test?!" I yelled standing up.

"Yes. And I'm sorry to tell you that you failed horribly." Rachel said adjusting herself.

"Grrrrr" I growled taking a step towards her.

Gage put his hand on me and I instantly calmed down. I took in a deep breath and looked to him. He had a small smile on his face and his heartbeat was extremely calm. Behind him stood our parents who didn't seem that amused by our deliberation.

"Shall I continue?" Rachel asked looking at me with a steady face.

"Yeah sure." I said sitting down next to Mia.

"Okay so prince Brody whom is a werewolf and has known his whole life, couldn't really protect himself and prince Gage, he was even distracted by him even when I was a clearly a threat...Prince Gage however who didn't even know about the supernatural threw two of our most powerful werewolves off the roof like the were nothing. He even tried to stand up to me willing to protect Brody and himself. He did not escape when he had the chance to and acted bravely, also he followed me with out asking questions potentially leading himself and young prince Brody, whom was following blindly into danger. Both prince Gage and Prince Brody have failed to show logical thinking, teamwork, and an overall victory. You both will have to deal with the consequences of failing. " She said sitting down.

"How is the remotely fair? We had no warning!" Gage yelled standing up next to Jacob, a little too close.

"Everyone in our family went through this. It's a part of being a vampire." King Mark, Gage's father said.

"Vampire? I'm a vampire?" Gage asked making the whole room quiet.

"Yes, well you will be. We uh...were going to tell you sooner..." His mother tried to explain.

"How about before I get thrown into danger? When were you going to tell me that Jacob was a witch? And that Mia and Jacob were twins?" He yelled, his heart race almost doubling.

"Maybe you should have told him. That way he could have felt better about failing." My father said rolling his eyes.

From that point on there was a lot of yelling and screaming. Everyone was in each other face and it was complete chaos, especially for being royals. It last for about three minutes until a girl whom I've never seen before came into the room and raised her hands. She looked to be our age and had scarlet hair and pale blue eyes.

"Stop. Mother you are forgetting that I too have failed my test and should be punished." She said walking besides Rachel, who apparently was queen of the witches.

"Wait you didn't tell us that you had a daughter. Rachel?" My mother said. Everyone stopped and stared at the newest person to enter the room.

"My name is Scarlet and I am princess of the witches. I too failed my test, I was supposed to find the vampire and werewolf and help them escape. I couldn't even find them. So, I must receive the same fate as them." She said standing next to Gage and me.

"This is out of control, we need the council decide. " Rachel said looking at Scarlet with a frown.

"Good thing we are already here." A woman said walking in the door with another woman and a man.

Our parents didn't look anywhere as shocked and scared as Mia, Jacob did who bowed to the council. I didn't even know there was a council...or witches...or vampires. The council had a man who had a moon on his cloak with grey eyes and blond hair, obviously the werewolf representative in the group. Then there was a woman with pale skin and dark eyes who had a sun on her cloak and a faint smell of blood. I'm guessing she's the vampire. The first lady to walk in had dark skin and brown eyes with a moon and a sun on it. She was most definitely the witch.

"Didn't expect you to bless with your presence what a surprise." Rachel explained, sounding quite bored.

"We bet you are surprised. Since we were never informed that there was a witch, vampire, and a werewolf whom all share the same birthdate. This has never happened before since only one werewolf, witch, or vampire can be born per day." The witch explained walking closer and examining us.

"In all respect we didn't think it was necessary for us to tell you. Since it's never happened before we didn't know what to expect. Our witches have made sure that they have lived healthy lives." My father said looking to Mia and Jacob.

"It's true, they appear to be normal of their species." Mia said smiling at me.

"Hmmm, yet they all failed their test. We have been watching for a while and all three supernatural possesses unique gifts. " The witch said looking to Scarlet. "She has the ability to empathize not with nature like regular witches, but with people humans, and Mother Nature herself. He power grows to fit what Mother Nature wills." She said looking to Rachel.

"Gage has the ability to control and manipulate adrenaline, which makes time seem to slow down, faster reflexes, five times more strength of that of a normal vampire, and he hasn't even turned yet. That is equal to my power. Although I'm proud of my great grandson it may harm him or others." The vampire explained cautiously.

"And Brody! Who has the power of regeneration and sight. He can regenerate faster than other werewolf and can see just as well in the day as the night and can call on the power of the full moon at anytime for almost as long as he wants." The werewolf said looking proud yet scared.

"So they have gifts that no other supernatural have so what? Do they pose as a treat to you?" My father yelled stepping in to the council's personal space.

"Of course they do. They posses power that can become unstable if anyone ever found and many will try to manipulate it. They are simply too dangerous and they fact the all failed the test even you all have passed shows just how unprepared they are." The vampire said looking to our parents.

"So have no other choice but to step in. The council unanimously agrees that the best way to deal with this situation is to remove them from their titles, swipe any memory of a past life and send them to America where they will be tested when we deem ready. Mia too will be swiped from their memories except for knowing Gage, and Brody knowing Jacob. To protect the privacy of the supernatural they will all have knowledge of what they are nut nothing more. Once this test is completed and passed, then and only then will they be able to return to their titles as heir to their species and their families." The witch explained, ignoring all pleads and comments.

"As for the family, they will be given human families to live with whom have no children, but will be charmed to remember them as their own" The werewolf said walking out.

"There's no point of arguing it. It is done. You have about five minutes with each other." The witch said following the werewolf creating more uproar.

"This is a second chance. Don't mess it up...oh and if there is any interference in anyway that leads back to your families, we will have no choice but to terminate the your children. Good luck." The vampire said flipping her cloak and exiting.

I turned to my father who just turned and walked away. My mother hugged me and followed my father. Gage instantly grabbed me and pulled me into a hug with his family. Rachel and Scarlet joined in on the hug. Jacob and Mia both hugged me tightly, taking the place of my parents.

"It's a sad thing that your parents turned their backs on you Brody. We just want you to know that you will be provided for and they we will be waiting for you on the other side." Gage's mother said grabbing my hand.

"Thank you. I can't wait until I don't remember anything." I mumbled. Walking away. "See you guys on the other side."

I started to follow the way the council came but someone stopped me. I turned around and it was Gage. He had an encouraging smile on his face. He once again pulled me back and I followed. Instead this time instead of going to his parents we went to Jacob, Mia, and Scarlet; Gage holding my hand the whole way.

"Look guys I know that we don't all know each other that well, but I have a good feeling about this. We will pretty much be completely different people and have different relationships. All I know is that I trust each and every one of you. We can do this guys! What ever happens I just want you guys to know that-" Gage was cut off by the spell. Time for our new lives to begin...

Thank you all for reading please tell me what you think at my email

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