Love at First Bite

By Me

Published on Jul 15, 2014


Love At First Bite Chapter 1

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"Brody! Your enemy won't be so reluctant to attack. Don't betray your own trust, attack my young prince!"

"Maybe he will be dumb enough to fall for my good looks and get distracted." I said stepping aside and avoiding an attack from my father.

"If only it were that easy. I believe you deserve a good rest. Go, clean up, I'll see you in a few for supper." He said walking away after I bowed.

The walk from the training room to my room takes about three minutes. I live on an Island between Greece and Egypt called Ammit(recently named Vanja), after the Egyptian goddess of death and punishment of souls. It was said that she was born on this island. My family rules and are said to be a descendent of her. It was rumoured that she got her immortality and harshness because she a werewolf. That was thousands of years ago and no vampires have been discovered yet so I see it as myth. Although, my grandmother believes it to be true more than anyone else I know. We are werewolves, but I don't think we were descended from gods, although it's not impossible.

"Excuse me young prince can I bother you for a second? I was wondering if you wanted a cup of tea?" Mia my closest friend since I was five says walking into my room with a cup..

"Mia come in, I was just about to change!" I said taking off my shirt.

"It wouldn't be something that I haven't seen before." She winked flipping her long her long hair.

Mia has long dirty blond hair and jade green eyes. She is 5'8 and has the perfect body. Her strong cheekbones and perfect body would have any guy drooling over her. She has the presence of a princess, but the status of a commoner. Her mother is a servant of the castle and her father died in battle when we were five.

"True, I think I'm going to hop in the shower really quick."

After I slipped out of my clothes I turned to look in the mirror. I have very unique eyes, one is grey and the other is cobalt blue. My black hair that is long enough to be slick back but short enough to be combed over and messy. I have am olive colour completion and the built of an athlete. I am 6'1, 150 pounds of muscle and a ripped body.

"Are you going to stare at yourself or are you going to go shower so we can talk about your big day tomorrow?" Mia said walking into the bathroom.

"I don't know why we have to do this stupid spar anyway. I mean we have kept peace to a minimal with Heka. There hasn't been wars between us in centuries." I complained finally stepping into the shower.

"Well that's because you and prince Gage were born the same day and your eighteenth birthdays are tomorrow. There haven't been any royals born the same year since, well like over a thousand years!" She exclaimed now looking at herself in the mirror.

"Gage is a dick and he tried to kiss you when we were ten! Do you remember that? Then he tried again during his father's coronation when we were fifteen. Didin't even ask me for permission. But anyway, first off that's probably a myth and can't be proven: Second, how the hell do you know this? Have you been talking to my grandmother again?!" I yelled looking out of the shower.

"Well he he's hot and blond! Oh, and also a prince." She said smiling and looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm a prince..." I said softly.

"Ha! Yeah but I can't marry, you're like a brother to me. You ARE a brother to me. Plus totally not my type and I've seen you naked and not hot once. Except for that one time when I was thirteen, but grams said it was totally natural."

"Ah-Ha! So you have been talking with grandmother!" I yelled.

"Well Mr Werewolf there are some things that can't be solved with claws and growls." Mia said flipping her hair.

"Like what? I feel betrayed!" I said pouting.

"Hey, don't try to act like you don't know what this is! I mean I wanted to tell you differently, when you were ready, but uh...I've been seeing your grandma behind your back. I mean she is the queen and gives great advice you know?" She said tilting her head to look innocent.

"Riiiiiight. Well I just hope she hasn't done too much damage." I said starting to wash my hair.

"She's actually helping..." Mia whispered.

"With what?" I asked peaking my head out again.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it Brody. Look, get all cleaned up I'll be waiting on your king sized bed, which you don't deserve by the way because you're not a king yet!" She laughed walking out of the bathroom. Man, she is one weirdo.


"Gage, wake up! Hey! Wake up GAGE!"

"No." I said turning over and blocking out the evil person who was trying to wake me.

"Come on man, it's your birthday! You're eighteenth birthday!"

"Grrmmmm! Exactly why I should get to sleep in past eight a.m. for once! Why did the guards even let you in here? Huh? I told them not to let anyone in." I said sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"Well they were reluctant to betray you, but when your best friend is your adopted brother they really can't say no." Jacob said smiling and ripping the covers off of me.

Jacob is my best friend and now my brother. His father was my father's best friend and trained us together until we were five. His mother died giving birth and his father died in battle thirteen years ago. My mother and father queen and king of Heka adopted him. They kingdom and royal family respect and love him as if he were my blood brother, and if something were to happen to my parents and I, he would be expected to take the throne.

"Stop using that word." I mumbled I said walking into the bathroom.

"Which word? Word?" He said smirking.

"Adopted! We've been brothers since we were born, we just didn't know it then." I said smiling.

We walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Jake was going on about some girl who wanted to get into his pants and I was just struggling to keep up. He kept complaining that he wasn't attractive, when in fact he was quite the opposite.

He has dirty blond hair jade eyes and strong cheekbones. He is about 5'10 and a nice body. He is buff and ripped and could get any girl that he wanted. He is pretty confident, well uh cocky; but he's earned it. If he weren't so young he would be the head of our military and royal protection.

"Yeah I mean we are both hot blonds and have nice bodies, royal, sexy, smoking, f-"

"Okay I get the point!" I yelled punching his arm.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I was surprised to see what Jake said was true. I know I'm not ugly but no one can truly be confident in how attractive they are. I am 5'11, and I have blond hair and some freckles. My skin is pretty tan and my eyes are aqua blue with green and yellow closer to my pupil. I am pretty ripped from training before I could walk, and I am told to be the most handsome prince Heka has even had!

"Are you going to just going to stare at yourself in the mirror all day or are you going to get dressed? We have a big day planned Gage. Put your war face on the spar is in like eight hours."

"Why don't you spar big brother?" I complained taking my clothes off.

"Because I wasn't born on the same day as our rival countries prince. Now, my prince, please get changed." He said shutting the large bathroom door.


So far my birthday has been more boring than a funeral. Everyone else seems excited but I don't. My wolf begged to be alone away from people who it didn't recognize. To make it worse I haven't had a single thing to drink and I have been meeting people from different countries all day and my clothes make me feel extremely uncomfortable. My wolf begged to be alone away from people who it didn't recognize.

I'm wearing a white silk dress shirt with gold cufflinks and thick black cotton slacks. I have on a typical royal jacket that you see in movies. It's hot as fuck and bluer than the damn ocean, with blue suede shoes to match. And, no that's not a joke. That's my life.

For hours we have been feasting and I have been talking to random people whom I couldn't careless about. Most of their stories were boring and I would rather have been getting drunk and doing normal stuff that one does when they are finally legal. The only interesting thing that is happening today is getting to kick Gage's ass in front of our families, and being in Athens.

"Sir you have one guess that wants to meet you. Then you must prepare for the spar with prince Gage."

"Oscar, why do I have to do this stupid spar? Why embarrass the man? Its obvious that I will win. Gage is a human, and weak. I'm a soon to be alpha. It's almost embarrassing that father would agree to this." I said walking to the hooded guest.

"It shows the peace between the countries with a little friendly spar that will take place here, in Athens Greece. As for you winning I wouldn't be so sure. Gage is a human, but he isn't weak at all." Oscar, my servant said leading me to this mysterious person.

When I walked up to the figure, it turned out to be a man. He was of African descent and had lots of facial hair, and small hairs coming up from his chest. His shoulders were broad and he was short and muscular. He kind of reminded me of a dog, he kind of smelt like one too. Even his voice was husky when he spoke.

"Greeting my prince, Happy birthday..." He said bowing. " So, have you had blood yet?" He said meeting me with his almost black eyes.

"I'm sorry?" I said extremely confused.

"I'm guessing your parents haven't talked to you yet huh? Here drink this." He said handing me a clear drink that smelt like vodka. "Blood is uh, code name for alcohol." He said winking.

I being eighteen and nothing more than a glass of wine my whole life took the drink from the man eagerly. It wasn't much but I took eagerly. The drink was sweet at first and then extremely sour. The sour slowly started to turn bitter and burn. I felt my mouth burn and I turned to look at the hooded man who smiled and walked away.

I ran to the nearest bathroom, completely ditching my guards and looked at my mouth. I was bloody and my tongue was gone! It was still hissing and the smell of burning flesh filled the bathroom. I heard a sound and I turned around it was Gage's right hand man, Jacob.

"Dude, are you okay? He said walking up to me.

"Gaaah!" I yelled spraying blood everywhere.

"Here, drink this." He said cutting his arm and shoving his arm to my mouth.

I tried to push it away but he was surprisingly strong for someone from Heka It was traumatizing to drink blood right after drinking some clear drink that made my flesh melt. Realizing how much blood that I was being forced to drink I tried to push him off...I mean my flesh was being eaten so I that's the only reason he even got close to me.

"Stop struggling and drink!" He commanded.

All of a sudden he stopped and then my mouth started to tingle and get numb. I looked into the mirror and it was regenerating. I turned to Jacob whose face hasn't change at all.

"I think someone gave me a hallucinogenic." I said looking at my mouth that had a tongue and wasn't completely fucked up.

"No, that just happened." He said walking closer.

`What are you? What do you want?" I am Prince Jacob of Heka and it's not what I am, it's what you are. You were given wolfs bane. It's a plant that can injure a werewolf. Someone attacked you tonight, but they didn't try to kill. Probably just try to see if you are a werewolf."

"Wait, you're joking right? Werewolves aren't real. I don't know what they teach you Heka but-"

"We don't have time for this! I know what you are Brody! Look this is what's going to happen. You are going to go back and act normal. I will alert that we need you and prince Gage to be on the highest security tonight. Now GO! What are you still doing standing here?" He yelled pushing me out the bathroom.

"Wait, why did I drink you blood?" I said stopping.

"Witch blood heals now, go!" He said walking out the door. " And remember, act normal." He called disappearing into a group of people walking by.


So far today has been interesting, especially to be in Greece with people from Vanja and Heka. Today I have been showered with gifts of my country and our allies as well, probably some of our enemies too, to be honest.

"Excuse me young prince, can I speak to you for a moment? A man with a hood asked me.

"Yes, what is it that you would like to ask? " I asked

"Well I brought you a gift." He said handing me clear liquid. "Drink up my prince. It will help with the boring party." He explained smiling.

"I don't take drinks from strangers, sorry. You enjoy the party." I said walking away.

The hooded man stood for a while and then walked back into the crowd. I couldn't see his face completely but I seen a frown. He turned around and disappeared into the crowd, and I went to go prepare for the spar. My parents came to talk to me before the spar and seemed nervous.

"He son someone dropped off a gift for you to open before your spar." My father said handing me a small box. Inside was the clear drink the hooded man tried to give me.

"Gage, what's wrong with you?" My mother said looking me in the eyes.

"Some man in a hood tried to give me this exact drink. I told him that I didn't take drink from strangers and he left..." I explained handing the liquid to my father.

"Hmm" My father said smelling the liquid. " Its verbena...or recently called vervain." My father said throwing the liquid away.

"What's that? Is it poisoning?" I asked fixing my gloves.

"To us, its lethal. Even touching it burns our skin like acid. After the spar we will explain everything." My father said holding my face.

"Now, Gage you are the prince of Heka, and son of the Hales. Now, I want you to go out there and kick Brody's ass! Make me proud." He said patting on the back and walking out.

I walked outside and I saw lots of people and my parent's front row next to Brody's. Jacob was sitting next to Mia and I never noticed how much they looked alike until now. They actually look like different versions of each other...hmmm.

"Prince Gage, are you ready for the spar?" A guard asked me leading the way to the pad in the middle of the room.

I ran to the pad and took position to fight Brody. He was already at the mat and his Grey/blue eyes were piecing with anger. Good, that means I already have the advantage. He his black hair was so dark that it made his eyes look like a wolf in the night. His strong features made him very attractive for a prince, too bad that I'm going to have to mess his pretty face up.

"Okay boys, first off I want to say happy birthday, and I'm so glad to be celebrating the peace of Heka and Vanja. This is a clean spar boys, nothing below the waist and keep your arms close to your body, now go!" He said backing away.

Brody ran up to my and punched me with lots of power and I flew about fifteen feet. Before I could stand he was already tower over me, but I rolled away and stood up before he could even move.

"Whoa, your fast, but that's not going to save you." He said his eyes glowing for a second, but maybe I imagined that.

He went for a punch and I easily dodged it. He then tried to kick me but I dodged that too and he lost his footing so I punched his rip and he flew just as far as I did. What the hell is happening to me? I looked at my hands and they were bruised and bleeding threw the boxing gloves. The smell of my own blood filled my nose and I felt the world slow down. All of a sudden I could hear every heartbeat in the room, some calm and relaxing and others more frantic. Actually one was really loud and frantic and was behind me.

I turned around and Brody appeared to be running at me in slow motion with his eyes glowing and looking anger than before. I turned to look at my family who was standing hands in the air, while Brody's seemed to be as mad as he was. I decided to end it and ran to him bracing myself to punch him. His face was slowly changing to anger to fear as I ran up to him. I swipe kicked him and punched him in the side and he flew into the ref and all of a sudden time was back to normal. It must be the adrenaline...

"Congrats...uh to prince Gage Hale of Heka, the winner!" He said raising my arm.

I looked over to Brody and his eyes were narrowed so much they might have well been closed. His family looked him disappointed and me with respect. I kind of felt bad for him. His face was kind of bloody from where I hit him, and I know I had some bruises of my own. I didn't even notice my arm popped out of place until the stinging in my arm made my eyes water with pain. My arm was popped back into place and then wrapped.

"Congrats, you fought well Gage." Brody said reaching out his arm.

"You did too. You're really strong man. It was a pleasure to spar with you, prince Brody of Vanja." I said smiling and bowing, and the crowd went wild with cheers and applause.

I then stood to shake his hand with my good hand and smiled until we made contact then he froze. He then tightened his grip on my hand and stared at it like he never seen a hand before. His hand was warm and soft and suddenly I started to feel like my hand was tingling and Brody seemed to feel it too because we made eye contract for a second before pulling away.

"Uh your hand feels odd." He muttered stepping away, and for a second it was only him in the room.

"Yeah, yours does too..." I whispered hypnotized by eyes unique eyes.

I don't know how long it lasted by everything was focused on him. It was like zoning out except just on him. Eventually he broke eye contact and then walked away shaking his hand like he was just as confused as I was. Jacob soon ran up to me and patted me on the shoulder.

"Come on boys lets go party!" He yelled pulling me away and giving Brody a knowing nod.

"So how did I do?" I asked walking with him to my parents.

"Excellent you were a natural out there! You moved with so much speed and confidence that it was...inhuman." He said smiling at me oddly.

"Good job my son! You have done us proud. You have made me proud as your Queen and Mother." My mother said bowing me to, which she has never done.

"Good son, I couldn't have been more proud." My father said bowing as well. Pretty soon everyone was bowing in the whole ballroom, everyone except Brody and his father, who had a look of pure jealousy.

"All hail prince Hale!" Everyone chanted and Brody looked like he was about to growl.


"You disappointed me Brody! Years of training and you couldn't even defeat a human! You're a werewolf Brody!" My father said turning red.

"I know I have failed you father, and I take full responsibility. He was moving so fast it was...inhuman. I should have been prepared." I said with my head down.

My father is the alpha to my family and I can't help but to submit to him. He also will be the King to Vanja. My wolf wanted to howl in frustration, and for revenge. I looked to my mother who entered the room and she gave me a soft look before turning to my father with an angry one.

"Frank, you are not yelling at Brody on his birthday are you?" She said with authority. My mother is also an alpha.

My mother and father both have black hair except my moms his long and curly and my fathers is shorter and straight. My mother has cobalt eyes and my father has grey, so I got one each from them. My father and mother are both in shape and young to have an eighteen-year-old son. Being thirty-six and a king and queen could be quite tough.

"No dear, I'm just giving him a view of what it means to be a king." He said flashing his now red eyes at me.

"Well that sounds grand but I think it's time to show him what it means to be eighteen. Go have fun we will see you later sweetheart." My mother said kissing me on the forehead.

I walked back to the ballroom and the party was in full blast. Mia quickly grabbed me and pulled me in for a dance. It felt good to be lost in the music. I looked over to my parents were talking with my grandmother and Gage's parents. They seemed to be enjoying each others company...Eventually we got tired and decided to go outside for some fresh air; apparently Gage and Jacob had the same idea because they were sitting staring at the stars.

"Come on lets go." I said to Mia about to pull her away.

"No stay!" Jacob called from where he and Gage were sitting.

"Uh are you sure they want to?" Gage asked Jacob adjusting his crown.

"We don't want to burden you." I said walking away until Mia pulled me back.

"Nonsense, we can never burden them right?" Mia said grabbing Jacob and walking away to talk, leaving me to sit next to Gage.

He has a unique scent that I never noticed before. He smells of light cologne and a natural smell of sweet caramel and spicy cinnamon. My wolf was instantly interested in the smell and wanted more of it so I decided to give it what it wants.

"Are you sniffing me?" He asked slightly annoyed but very amused.

"Uh, no. I'm just taking a breath of the night air." I lied looking away.

"Uh, okay. Well, I just wanted to say sorry about earlier. I mean you fought well but didn't get enough respect for it, as you should have. I'm also sorry for how upset your family was too...especially your dad." He said patting my back.

"I don't need your apologies. It was a fair fight (not really I totally should have one), and my family will be fine. All hail prince hell, sorry I mean Hale." I said looking at the almost full moon.

He narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything, but his sweet spicy smell turned extremely spicy which meant he was angry, but it quickly changed to sweet. This angered me because I wanted him to be angry. Apparently my wolf and I didn't agree because it was content with the happy prince.

"So do you want some Jack? Jacob gave it to for a birthday gift." Gage said taking a big swig.

I looked at the bottle narrowing my eyes at it. I just had a bad experience with "alcohol" not a couple hours ago, but this was from Jacob who saved me. I decided that it was safe and took a couple swigs as well. Nothing happened so I drank more and more until we were both obviously drunk and laughing about stupid things about what it means to be a prince.

"You know something? Your...your parents talk with such authority!..that...HA!.. I sometimes think that they are both... I don't know... Uh...fighting for dominance. It's like your father is this huge alpha male...HA! HA... and you mom is this shorter alpha woman, ha! How does that work?" Gage said laughing so hard he could barley talk.

"You have no idea. I mean your family seems perfect." I whispered looking away.

"Yeah they are, but I feel like they are keeping something from me. Like something BIG like this BIG!" He said stretching his arms as wide as they would go.

"They probably are, I know my family is..." I said trailing off.

"Hey, where are Mia and Jacob?" Gage said looking around frantically.

His aqua eyes yellow eyes then locked on to mine and he tilted his head like a puppy. He then closed his eyes and then grabbed my arm. I felt electric shocks through out my body and my wolf was going crazy. His smell seemed to get strong and his blond hair was flowing lightly in the wind. He then got closer and opened his eyes and I could see that they matched the jewels on his gold grown like mine matched mine.

"Do you hear that? Its like a four heartbeats or something." He said looking around.

I thought he was going insane until I heard the same thing. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. I don't know how Gage a human could hear them but that's a question asked better at a later time. The heartbeats were getting closer at a pretty fast pace, and I could tell we were going to get attacked. Even though I was drunk I could defend myself and Gage if I had to.

"Listen Gage I need you to get behind me no matter what happens okay? Stay close." I demanded pulling him towards the door.

"What's going on?" He asked scared and confused.

Before I could answer this 7'2 man dropped out of nowhere in front of the door. I turned around and there was an even taller man right behind us. Fuck, we were trapped. I could tell these men were alpha werewolves too. I started to turn but one of the tall me grabbed me by the neck and picked me up off the ground.

"Aw my prince we don't want to hurt you yet." A beautiful woman said approaching with another just as equally beautiful one.

Gage out of nowhere swiped kicked this 7'2 man and threw him off the roof. He then ran towards the other 7'5 man and kicked him off the roof too. I stood with my mouth gaping, as he seemed to do it so effortlessly. The two women looked as even more impressed than I was. He then walked next to me and gave a slight smirk and fixed his blond hair before turning to the two women.

"We have a feisty one here Rachel." The first women said. "Look we thought you would come with us willingly but that's obviously not going to happen. My name is Beatrice. I am a witch and I want your blood, so I'm sorry for this." She said raising her hand and I instantly started feeling pain through out my body.

"It's easier if you don't fight it." Rachel said raising her hand too.

I fell to the ground paralyzed. I looked over at Gage who was also on the ground. The last thing I remember before slipping into darkness is seeing the witch lower her hand and walk over to Gage. She rubbed his face and my wolf was so angry for not protecting myself...but more for not protecting Gage.

Thank you all for reading please tell me what you think at my email

Next: Chapter 2

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