Lounging and Loving

Published on Mar 24, 2007



Mickey and Carl were buds. They hung out after classes for years, did sleepovers and compared puberty revelations..even to the point of laying side by side, their bare thighs pressed against each other as they masturbated, spewing sperm all over themselves and each other.

But it wasn't until they were out of high school that their play escalated. Mickey was in Community College and Carl worked as a mechanic at the family garage.

He arrived at Mickey's still wearing his blue overalls.

"Gotta shower" he said unbuttoning his suit revealing he wore nothing underneath. He saw Mickey's reaction. "It's hot, so I strip down. Guess I don't have anything to put on..." Carl said now standing naked and not concerned his penis was getting hard.

Mickey had seen his erection before as had he seen Mickey's.

"I got stuff you can wear if you want" Carl said as he pulled off his t-shirt "Gotta shower too" he said.

The water was hot and soothed Carl's muscled. Mickey's hands kneeded his shoulder and back as well.

"Hmmm feels great" he said also feeling the tip of Mickey's boner hit his buttocks as he moved about.

They toweled each other and themselves leaving their towels on the floor. There was no need to cover themselves as they walked down the hall to Mickey's room.

His Dad walked by. "Hey Carl" he said. He was used to seeing the two boys together, naked and even hard over the years.

"Shit" Carl said as they moved past the man.

"Don't worry, he's used to it. Besides he keeps asking when you'll turn 18" Mickey said slapping Carl's round butt.

They both laughed.

As they lounged Mickey's bed watching TV Mickey lay on his back his legs spread so one thigh was flat and the other leg bent up.

Carl lay on the thigh and pet it as he had done before.

"You like that?" He'd ask.

"Always have, you have great hands. Maybe you can give me a massage later" Mickey said as he pet the close cropped hair on Carl's head.

"We always seem to do this, then jack off" Carl said "Maybe now we don't have to worry about what the kids in high school say, we can do different stuff" Carl turned over facing Mickey's erection.

"What do you want to do?" Mickey asked flexing his cock on purpose.

Carl licked it. IT was the first time he had done this. There was no reaction. He licked again and then propped himself on his elbow as he licked Mickey's cockhead. He heard his buddy moan and sigh.

He did what he had learned to do with strangers at the garage.

"filler up Sir?." Carl bent over the window when he asked. His overalls were open giving the man a clear view of his bare skin.

"uh yea fill it up. Hot today huh?" the man tried to see if Carl was bare all the way down.

Carl stood up and adjusted himself "yes Sir, can't wear anything when I wear these..too humid" he moved to the pump and began filling the car tank. The man got out of the car and stood nearby.

"So you the only one working today?" he asked.

"Yes SIR, Sunday" Carl said looking up and smiling. The man's eyes were obviously looking at Carl's bare chest. He adjusted the overalls so the man could see more.

"Wow you are naked under there" the man said

"Yes SIR buckass" Carl said as he closed the tank and put the hose back.

"Want to come inside to pay sir?" Carl asked as he wiped his hands. His eyes saw the man's trousers were tenting.


Carl let the overalls drop off his shoulders as he knelt to take the man's cock. He sucked until the man was spraying all over his face and bare chest.

"Shit kid that was hot. I was going to pump that cute butt of yours but you ate all my cum" the man laughed. "So how much do I owe you?"

"Uh $45 for the gas, " Carl said making sure the man knew that wasn't the only charge.

"Damn price of gas" the man cursed as he pulled out a hundred dollar bill. "Why don't you keep the change?" he let the bill drop down into Carl's overalls.

"Shit" the man said putting his hand down to get the bill and grabbed Carl's cock pumping it till Carl was begging for more. He came in his overalls gasping for breath.

"Nice kid, I like a boy that likes to be handled" The man said handing the soggy hundred dollar bill to Carl.

He licked it front and back knowing that would make the man even more pleased.

"I uh get off work at 9 pm SIR" Carl said "If you're staying nearby"

"Hmmm was going to drive through but maybe I should get a room. Is there a motel nearby?"

Carl knew well and told the man handing him a card with his cell phone number on it.

Mickey had waited for years for their relationship to change. He had masturbated laying next to Carl and thinking about Carl's naked body, his butt and his long hard cock.

Now finally with both boys legal age and away from the reputation caring world of teenage classmates, fantasies were turning to reality.

"Fuck" Mickey said shooting his sperm upwards into Carl's enveloping mouth. He saw his friends' adams apple move as he swallowed each stream.

"Nice" Carl smiled at him with cum dripping from his mouth.

"Now it's my turn" Carl lifted the legs he had been petting and using as a pillow each time he and Mickey hung out together over the years.

He walked on his knees as he got closer.

"Hey" he said as he went into the motel room.

The man was laying on his bed wearing a t shirt and boxer shorts. "Hey kid, come in and strip down"

Carl entered. He had changed from his overalls to his shorts and shirt at the station. Now he peeled them off and stood naked in front of the man.

"Lay down" the man said and Carl obeyed.

"Strip me" Carl once again did as he was told taking the man's shorts off and then his shirt, kissing and licking the man's body as he did so.

"Let's take our time" the man said.

"I got all night if you want" Carl said.

The man knew what that meant and didn't care.

"Great, lets play, swim, get something to eat, and play all night. We can have breakfast and you can go back to work from here. Did you bring those overalls?" He asked.

"yes SIR right there in the bag" Carl said as he surrounded the man's cock with his lips once again.

"Now go slow, I don't want to cum yet" the man said. Carl obeyed knowing his task was to get the man hard enough to invade his ass.

"You ready?" Carl asked Mickey.

"Shit man I been ready since the first time we jacked off together" Mickey said pulling his legs back so Carl didn't have to hold the entire weight himself.

It would hurt at first he knew. Mickey didn't care. He longed to feel the boys cock inside him, sliding in and out, filling his intestines with sperm.

The man lay on top of Carl as he was face down on the bed. It wasn't the first cock that fucked him. In fact it wsn't the first customer he had had sex with and left with rolled up paper money in his pocket.

Carl liked the attention. He liked the sex. And he liked the money.

"You ok?" The man asked as he was pumping.

"Yes SIR fuck me hard" Carl said "I'm saving up for a car"

The man chuckled as he screwed the young man. He had pulled offf the highway after waiting too long to fill his gas tank. But for some reason each exit he passed jsut didn't seem right. And now he not only found an open gas station but a reason to stay overnight.

"Nice kid. Tight. Let's go for a swim" the man said after he pulled his fat dick out of Carl's ass.

"Uh no suit" Carl said "I don't think they'll let me swim bareass"

"But I bet you'd do it if I told you to" the man said

"yes SIR" Carl replied truthfully. The motel management knew him too so he knew if he had to do this to please the man he wouldn't get into trouble, although he may have to bribe the night manager. He had done that before for other reasons.

"No problem you can wear these. I bought them for my son" he handed Carl a small pair of speedo like swimshorts.

They swam and wrestled in the water. Carl saw the night manager look over but ignore them.

"God you're tight" Carl said "I thought you were a virgin" he added bretahelssly .

"Hardly a virgin" Mickey admitted and Carl knew he'd have to hear Mickey's story of sex and he'd have to tell him his.

"Lay on your back" the man said. The dinner had been filling and Carl was tired. But naked once again he did what the man said.

"And this time beg me to fuck you, call me Daddy" Carl heard the order. It was similar to some he had been given before. He didn't want to think why the man wanted him to be called Daddy or that he had worn his son's speedos earlier. He lifted his legs and began to beg.

Mickey jerked his hafl hard cock with each thrust Carl made into him. He watched his friends face as he grimaced and smiled.

"This if fucking fantastic" Carl said.

"What I want yout to do is to fuck the kid while I jack off" another man had told him. The RV had moved behing the gas station and Carl had closed early. The kid was about his age or maybe younger and kind of reminded him of Mickey.

The two boys stripped naked as did the Man. And Carl told the kid to suck his cock. Then he sucked the boys. And finally the boy got on his hands and knees on the bed. The man greased theboys butthole and Carl's cock. "OK kids go at it, hold off until Itell you" he said.

"Shit man" Mickey said as his cock released it's spearm. His butthole clenched grabbing Carl's thrusting cock hard.

"Can't yet" Carl said and kept pumping to Mickey's amazement.

"Now" the man said as he sprayed the two naked boys. Carl slamed a few more times to let his sperm go into the kids ass. And realized the boy had been jacking his own cock which was now leaking to a puddle on the sheet underneath them.

"Gawd" he said drainign hisbody of every ounce of sperm he had into Mickey's insides. He collapesd on top of his friend pressing his own splattered sperm betwene them.

"Shit man,we're going to fuck from now on" Carl said

"Can I fuck you too?" Mickey asked.

"Count on it" Carl said. There was much to tell Mickey and he hoped Mickey didn't mind. But Mickey had things to tell him and he didn't mind.

"Here" The man said after Carl dressed handing him the money.

"Here' Mickey said bending over "is your payment" He kissed his former friend and new lover.

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