Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Sep 14, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 8--

"Lance! We're just chilling for a bit. Have a seat." I swung my legs up so he could sit on the other end of the couch. He hesitated for a second, then sat down. I put my legs over his...and smiled at him. He didn't say a word, just rested his arms on my legs. I giggled as he started tickling me. He wouldn't stop, and my body gave an involuntary twitch.

Oops...hope Joey didn't need his dick.

Joey's hissed intake of breath was not what I wanted to hear. He jumped up and stumbled over onto the bed. "Jesus Dale! What'd you do that for?" He did a dramatic fall onto the bed.

I sat up and looked at my poor man on the bed. "I'm sorry honey, Scoop here decided to tickle me. I'll get him for you!" I then began tickling Lance. He tried squirming out of my grasp, but I can be pretty tenacious when I want to be. Next thing I knew I was wrestling around on the floor with Lance, trying to pin him. I finally got him pinned, with my knees on his arms. "Say Uncle or so help me I'll tickle you until you pee your pants!" He was howling underneath me, and squirming frantically.

"Um, Dale. I thought Joey was your man??? You moving on to Lance now or something?" I looked up and standing in the doorway was JC, who had a big grin on his face.

I got up, and dusted my pants off. "No way JC...I wouldn't give up my pookie for all the money in the world. I went and curled up with Joey on the bed. He took my arms and pulled them tighter around him...and snuggled in. Turning his head, he gave me a sweet kiss. JC came into the room, and helped Lance up. The two of them sat on the couch and just stared at me. Finally, I couldn't take the stares any longer.


"Um, are you feeling okay? Not light headed or anything?" JC's eyes wouldn't meet mine when he asked the question. I looked at Lance, and he had the look like he wanted to ask the same thing, but didn't want to be the first to broach the subject. I looked at the man in my arms, and he didn't say a word. He just arched an eyebrow at me. This was my response...not his.

"Guys, I love the fact that you're concerned...but I feel fine now! If I wasn't feeling good I wouldn't have had sex just now for pete's sake! Sorry sweetie." Joey turned a great shade of red as soon as the words were out of my mouth. I smiled at him, and then looked at JC and Lance. JC was blushing, but Lance just looked at me with a wistful look on his face. Suddenly, I didn't want this conversation to continue. I took Joey's hand and stood up, pulling him up with me. He stood behind me, and his arms felt wonderful surrounding me. "Okay now...where are we going tonight? Y'all are the Orlando experts here, so I defer to you. If possible could we maybe do something lowkey? I think it'd be great to do something that's just us."

Lance chimed in, "Hey, let's do a cheesy movie night! We haven't done one of those in awhile." JC and Joey both began nodding their heads, so I had to pipe in with a suggestion.

"How do you guys feel about John Waters films?" All three of the guys began talking about their favorite flicks by the Baltimore director. "Let's have a Waters night! Maybe we can get Joey drunk enough and make him up like Divine." I began giggling, and Lance joined in.

"Oh yeah can you picture Joey with that makeup! WHOO HOO, baby!!!" He ducked the pillow that Joey tossed at him. Joey bit my earlobe. I turned and arched an eyebrow. "Don't start something that you won't feel like finishing honey." He laughed at that.

"God Dale, that's kinky. Knew I liked you for a reason!" He put his hands on my face and passionately kissed me...I got into it for a second, then I remembered the other people in the room.

"Oops...sorry guys."

"Eh, don't worry about it Dale. We're just glad that Joey is finally happy."

We went in search of the other guys, and found Chris and Justin just coming out of Chris's room. We discussed our idea for the evening. They were both pretty happy with it. So we headed downstairs to go get some dinner. As we piled into the limo, I heard Chris and Justin bicker with the driver on the best way to head to a Mexican restaurant down by the water. As the limo pulled away from the hotel, Chris and Justin were so full of questions about how I was feeling. Then Chris piped in with something unexpected.

"Dale, why did you insist on the limo the whole time you were here? Doesn't that seem a little silly?"

I noticed that all of the guys looked at me, waiting for my answer. I just smiled and replied. "Chris, it's not like I can't afford it! I've always wanted to have a car and driver...guess a part of me hopes someday to be swept off my feet by a prince charming." I turned and smiled at Joey as I felt his hand take mine and squeeze it. I leaned against my man, and we all engaged in small banter. I teased Justin about the media's obsession with him and Britney. He blushed and looked out the window.

"We're just friends. Too bad everyone thinks it's more. It's so hard to find a real relationship when you do what we do. It's impossible to have any time for you, let alone time for a couple. And gods if you're not careful your management company will suddenly decide to step in and play cupid. It feels like Hollywood in the 1950s and how the bigwigs were always putting their stars together, whether they wanted to be or not." We then talked about Chris' business venture, FuMan Skeeto was doing very well...and he was obviously proud of it. The guys seemed impressed that I knew so much about their outside interests. Chris laughed about how I wasn't their typical fan.

"Well I for one am glad of that Christopher!" Joey pulled me to him and planted a kiss on my cheek. They all giggled at that and began razzing us. To get back at them Joey pulled me close to him and passionately began kissing me. I moaned softly as his tongue entered my mouth. The guys kept up the razzing, and suddenly Joey's hand was heading down towards my zipper!

"Whoa there buddy. I'm not into voyeurism. If you wanna little bump-bump then we should be in the privacy of our own home or hotel room." Joey stopped his hand and just stared at me for a second. Finally he spoke...

"Dale, you said our home."

I smiled at him. "Yeah, I did. And your point?" I arched an eyebrow and stuck my tongue out at him. He pulled me into a hug. It felt good to be in his arms. No matter what happens, I always feel peaceful when he's next to me holding me...guess I'm a sappy romantic..

We pulled up in front of the restaurant, and were ushered over to a private dining area. The dinner was nice. I was no longer sitting with the five members of Nsync, I was sitting with Chris, Josh, Justin, James, and my sweetie, Joey. I don't think I'll ever forget tonight. It was so nice! The conversation flew rapidly, barbs zinged back and forth. We were being adventurous that night and were having strawberry margaritas with dinner, so all of us were buzzed by the end of the meal. After leaving the restaurant, we headed to the video store and picked up Hairspray, Serial Mom, and Pecker. As we got into the car for the ride back to the hotel, Joey decided to there was no room. I just sat on his lap, and took his hand in mine.

On the way back up to the room, we decided to meet in my room to watch the movies in 10 minutes. I headed down to change into comfortable clothes, and Lance headed off to order some drinks and munchies from room service. Almost as soon as my door closed I felt someone in the room! I whirled around, and Joey was standing there!!

"Damn move fast."

Our lips met, and I melted into his arms as I always do. The rest of the world could fall away, and I wouldn't care. As our kiss broke, he looked at me with hunger and took my hand, leading me towards the bed. We curled up with each other, and I began running my fingers through his chest hair. We were enjoying our closeness, and starting to get more in to it when the door swung open and Justin and JC walked in.

"Whoa!!! Guys, do you want us to come back later?"

I giggled at the saucy way that Justin asked that. I leaned up, and smacked Joey's tummy. "Come on gorgeous, the boys are arriving."

The other guys piled into the room, Lance wheeling in a collection of beers and munchies on a small cart. We popped the first movie in and for the next few hours we had a blast. We were laughing, carrying on, enjoying the movies and the company of each other. The guys were all piled on the couch with Joey leaning against the couch, and I was between his legs using him as a backrest. His arms were around me, and it felt wonderful as always. I noticed Lance periodically glancing at us, but he would get diverted by the movie or by someone's comment. By the time the end credits were rolling on Serial Mom it was around 3am. The guys all started getting up when I stopped them all with a question.

"So, what time are we heading out tomorrow???"

Lance yawned, and was I was just able to comprehend his answer: the flight was leaving at 3pm.

"Great! Could someone come down around noon and make sure that I'm vertical? I have some big plans now, and I want to make sure that I'm up." Lance just smiled and said he'd be happy to come down. They all filed out and went to their respective rooms. I felt Joey's lips on my neck, but I pushed him away for a second.

I turned around, and he had a frown on his face (this was the first time I'd pushed him away.) "Hang on a minute Joe, I gotta make a call." I went over to the cell phone charger, and hit a speed-dial number.

"MOM! Hey it's me. Sorry to wake you up this time of night. What are you and Debbie doing tomorrow? Nothing? Great! You're coming to Denver. Oh don't sound so shocked. I haven't seen you in awhile. I'll call the airline and reserve two first class tickets for you and Deb. Hang on a second mom... Joey, what hotel are you staying at? The Regency? Okay. Mom. I'm going to reserve a room at the Regency for you. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow night." I clicked END on the phone then hit 411. Within minutes I was talking to the reservations clerk at the hotel. I reserved one of their better rooms for mom and Deb, then hung up the phone and put it back in the charger. Joey was just getting into bed and he saw the look on my face.

"What? You okay sweetie?"

I stripped naked and got in bed next to him. Snuggling up to him, I gently kissed his shoulder and asked him if he wanted to meet someone tomorrow night.

He smiled at me as he leaned over and kissed my lips. "So, I get to meet your parents? That's serious. You sure you want to introduce me to mom?" I pulled away from the kiss and sat up. Looking into his eyes, I didn't say anything for a minute or two. His smile fell, and he ran his hand up my side. "Dale? Are you okay?"

"Joey, shut up." He stopped talking and just looked at me. "Am I sure whether or not I want to introduce you to mom and Debbie?" Leaning in, I gently kissed him, and rested my right hand on his cheek. "Baby, I've never been more sure of anything. I think that I am in love with you Mister Fatone. What do you think of that? I also can picture spending a long time with you, curling up with you at night and seeing your shining face every morning. I know that I can't imagine being away from you, and I know that when I head back to Baltimore and you finish up the tour it's going to tear my heart out." Joey's eyes were getting bigger as I spoke, but I couldn't stop. I knew somehow that if I did I'd lose my nerve. "I think, no scratch that, I know that I fell for you the instant I saw you in person. Getting to know you the past few days has only reinforced what I already felt. Would you please say something Joe, I feel like I'm drowning." I felt tears running down my face, but fought to keep my voice even.

He didn't say anything as he turned away from me so he could get out of bed.

He padded over to the stereo, and leaned down to turn it on. I have to admit he's got a great body...really incredible. He fiddled with the radio tuner for a few minutes, and stopped on a pop station. The soft sounds of Savage Garden singing "I Knew I Loved You" came out of the system. He walked over to where I was sitting on the bed. He held his hand out and I took it. Pulling me up, we started dancing slowly. Our naked flesh touching each other, he cupped my chin with one hand, and gently kissed my lips as we danced together.

"Dale, I love you. And I for one am looking forward to meeting the woman who raised you. If she's half the person you are she must be an incredible woman." He kissed me again, more passionately. I moaned as my arms encircled his waist. As the kiss broke, he looked at me and used his thumbs to wipe the tears off my cheeks. I rested my head on his shoulder for a moment, there still were tears streaming down my face. He took my hand in his, and led me to the bed. As I lay down on the bed, he lay down and rested his upper body on mine. He kissed my tears of happiness away, and our lips finally met. We kissed passionately for a few minutes, then curled up sleep.

That night the most amazing thing happened. We slept together. No sex, just slept. (Oh come on didn't we were THAT animalistic did you??? I thought not!) It felt nice just curling up next to him, feeling his body entwined in mine. I woke up with a start in the middle of the night, panicked for a second. I had been having a nightmare. I felt Joey stir behind me. His arm, which was over me, squeezed me gently back into him. I felt his lips on my neck as he whispered softly.

"It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you."

Relaxing into him, I went back to sleep.

We woke up around 10am the following morning. Our lovemaking was sweet and unhurried. After we'd exchanged loads and he'd taken me, we retired to the shower for a leisurely wash. By the time we were dressed it was a little after 11:30. We left the room holding hands, and headed down to see where the guys were. Suddenly the door on the elevator dinged. Lance and JC got off, and shocked me when they both said that we really shouldn't hold hands. Joey must have looked pissed, because Lance quickly clarified.

"Joe, you know that we're heading back out into the `real world' today. You got to be careful now. If anyone found out that a member of the group definitely is gay, we'd be finished."

"Lance, don't you think I know that! This is going to be hard enough without you remind me."

I looked around, and I noticed that there was no one around except us. I pulled Joey to me abruptly. I put my hands on his face, and noticed the look of anger on his face. I kissed him, and rested my head on his briefly.

"Never doubt how much I love you baby."

We clung to each other for a moment, then Joey broke the hug. "Come on Dale, let's go get some breakfast."

We got into the elevator, and didn't say anything as the doors closed. I noticed Lance looking at us sadly.

Next: Chapter 9

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