Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Sep 6, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 7--

I was lying there, in Joey's arms...and I heard one of the guys clear their throat. Ignoring them all, I leaned into Joey and kissed him on the lips. A chorus of groans greeted that. I turned to look at the door with one eyebrow raised. Justin was suppressing a giggle, I could tell. He just had one of `those' looks. JC elbowed him in the ribs, and he snickered. I could tell that all four of them were concerned. I nudged Joey and told him to get up for a second. Once he did I looked at the guys.

"Okay guys, get it out of your system."

My words were like a starting gun. The four of them ran to the bed and I was pulled into four separate hugs. I heard more than one person crying, but I couldn't really tell who it was. Next thing I knew I was at the bottom of a boy-band pile. I was getting crushed, but I found it entertaining. How many women and men would give their right arm to be in this position?

"Okay...You guys are heavy. Get off. I SAID MOVE!!! So help me Justin if you pinch me there you'll get tickled!" Slowly they began extricating themselves from the pile. Finally they all were standing around the bed, Joey was by my head...holding my hand in his. No one said a word for a minute or two. Finally they all started talking.

"Dale, are you okay?"

"What happened to you Dale?"

"Get away from that Chris!"

Suddenly the bed started rising! Chris dropped a remote and said "whoops", then tried looking innocent.

All six of us started talking simultaneously. Suddenly a voice rang out over us, "Excuse me??? Who authorized this many visitors?" We all stopped talking and looked at the door. A sour looking older man stood there, the doctor I presume. "I really must protest. My patient needs rest!" The guys started apologizing and filing for the exit, but Joey sat there just holding my hand. Finally, Joey spoke.

"Doctor, can I speak to you outside for a minute?" I turned to look at him, but he just smiled and squeezed my hand gently. Those two left the room, closing the door behind them. I looked at the other four, who were still in the room.

"Guys what was that all about?"

JC just shook his head, "I don't know Dale. He fell apart when he got the call on the phone about you being brought in." He came over and sat by the bed. He sat there, just staring into space for a second. "Have they told you what happened to you yet?"

"No. All I know is I'm going home today. There is no way in hell I'm staying in this hospital." I noticed Chris frowning at me, " something on your mind?"

"Hell yes I do." Chris came and sat on the edge of the bed. "Dale, maybe you should stay here so the doctors can figure out just what happened. Did you think about that?"

I thought for a minute before answering. "I think I have Chris. The main thing I know is I hate hospitals...have ever since I worked in one out in California. I passed out. These things happen to people. I just want to go home and recover on my own. The doctor can try all he wants. But I know enough that all they can do here is `observe' me. I can get the same thing accomplished by being home." The conversation came to an abrupt end as the door opened and Joey walked in, with the doctor behind him. Joey was smiling, the doctor wasn't.

"Mister Wright. If you're feeling up to it, you can go home in a few hours.

I was going to suggest you stay for observation but your friend here had other ideas." I looked at Joey, but he wouldn't say anything.

"So, what made me pass out? Any ideas?"

"Well...we don't really know. Your bloodwork all came back normal. Right now your diagnosis is `syncopal episode of unknown etiology'". I looked at the guys and saw their confused looks so I clarified with a smile on my face.

"I passed out and they don't know why." Turning back to the doctor, I asked if he had any suggestions for how I should handle things.

"Well Mister Wright, for the next few days try to not put yourself in any situation too stressful, and... did I say something funny?" I was giggling as soon as he got the word stressful out of his mouth. I couldn't help it...just the thought of how my life is and how it's nothing but stress it seems like.

"Not at all doctor, just thinking of everything I have to do."

"Well, you will need someone around you for the next few days to make sure that you don't hurt yourself again. Your friend here already volunteered."

My face fell. "Um, okay doc. Thanks. Am I going to have any scarring or anything from hitting my head in the fall?"

"No, you were very lucky. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish my rounds. I'll be back in two hours to discharge you." He left the room, and I looked at Joey. Joey was in the process of snuggling up to me when he saw my glare.

"You `volunteered'? For what???"

"Baby don't be mad. I told him that I'd be there to keep an eye on you for the next few days."

I sighed and looked at the others, "Could you guys please excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to Joey." They got up to leave the room and Joey told them that they were fine.

"These guys are my friends Dale. I have no secrets from them."

Great...this is NOT how I pictured this. "Okay, Joey." I sat up in the bed and turned to look at him. "What happens tomorrow? You're leaving to go back on the road and I'm going to be returning home."

He didn't even bat an eye at that...the loveable romantic. "Well, I figured you'd go with us for the rest of the tour." Before I could even open my mouth to say anything about it, Lance jumped in.

"Joey, you know that management will never go for that. Your heart is in the right place, but you need to use your head on this one."

Joey turned to look at the guys for a second, then sighed and started talking again. "Guys, I think that it'll work. Johnny knows part of our connection to Dale, so he won't be upset if Dale asks to come with us. Dale could say that he wants to see the inner workings of the show or something." He took me in his arms, and gazed into my eyes. "You don't have to do the whole itinerary with us Dale, just the first couple of dates. Please say yes!!!"

I looked into those gorgeous eyes...and couldn't say no. God I hate being predictable! I squeezed him, and kissed him lightly. "We'll talk more about it in a few hours. But before WE talk about it Joseph you have to talk it over with these guys. I don't want to be considered a `tagalong'. If the guys don't really want me there then I don't want to go. It may sound childish, but it's how I feel right now." I smiled at him, and blushed when I saw the wicked gleam in his eyes. The guys were looking anywhere but at us. I started felt good.

"Okay guys...go away now. You have some talking to do. I'll be done here in a few hours." Glancing at my watch, I was surprised when I saw that it was only one in the afternoon. "Come back at three so I can get back to the hotel. Now scoot before I start throwing stuff at you. Oh, could you bring me some clothes? Don't want to try and go back into the hotel naked." They all began filing out, Joey stopped to look back at me. He lightly kissed his fingertips and blew the kiss to me. Then he touched his heart. I sat back and closed my eyes. Without even realizing, I fell asleep almost instantly. I was shaken awake a few hours later by a nurse who looked an awful lot like that lady from "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".

After she checked my vitals, and grabbed my nuts and made me cough (don't think she was checking for a hernia, the old bat probably just wanted to get her jollies or something), she went out of the room and the doctor came in to give me my discharge orders. He told me I could wait in my room until my ride got there with clothes. A few minutes later Justin came running in with a duffel bag thrown over his shoulder.

"Shit! Am I late?" I took the bag from him and told him to sit and relax while I go change. I went into the bathroom to get a little privacy. I came out and Justin was sitting there waiting patiently for me. "Ready D?" He stood up and pulled on his floppy hat and sunglasses. He flashed that smile at me.

D? Where in the world did THAT come from? I followed him out, and we left.

Nurse Ratchet tried telling me I needed a wheelchair, but I told her to cram it up her ass. (Sorry, but if the old bat had been playing with your nuts you'd probably be a little bitter too. Smile). We made it out to the car and I was embarrassed when Justin insisted on opening the door for me. I settled in, and we drove back to the hotel. I was just watching the scenery go by, when Justin broke the silence. "You want to know something funny Dale?"

I turned to look at him driving. "Sure Just, what's is it?"

"I think Joey's in love with you." He turned and smiled at me.

"Gee Justin, why is Joey loving me funny?" I arched an eyebrow at him, and felt guilty as soon as I said it because his smile fell and he started stammering an apology. "Justin, calm down! I'm just teasing you. I think I'm in love with him too. But what about the tour? How's this going to affect the group? The needs of the group must come before this, no matter how hard it can be."

He didn't say anything for a second, then chuckled. "Damn Dale. That was good. Did you channel Lance or something?" He winked at me, and the rest of the ride back to the hotel was pretty uneventful. We got parked and made it up to the floor. On the elevator ride, Justin told me that the hotel had already cleaned the room from earlier, and there was no permanent damage. I was glad Just had remembered to grab my wallet, that way I had the key to the room. The elevator door opened, and the rest of the guys were standing there...but no Joey.

I looked at Lance, and he just shrugged. "I don't know where he is Dale. He said he had something that he `had to get done' and split." He could tell that I was a little hurt that Joey wasn't here. The guys pulled me into a four-way hug, then split off to give me individual hugs. When I got to Lance, he hugged me tight and whispered in my ear. "Management approved the first couple of dates on the tour. I'll let Joey tell you the rest later." Breaking the hug, he said so everyone could hear. "Go lay down for a bit. We're going to dinner at eight. No excuses mister!" The guys began laughing, and headed off to their rooms. I was kind of bewildered as to why Joey wasn't there. I unlocked my door and opened it. The room lights were low, and there was romantic music playing.

I walked in and closed the door. There were roses everywhere! On the nightstand there was a bottle of wine chilling on the nightstand by the bed. Next to the wine container, was a container of strawberries. Lying on the bed, with a ribbon wrapped around his shirtless chest, was Joey. I dropped my duffel bag to the floor, and took my shirt off. I sat on the bed next to him, and began lightly running my hands on his chest. He moaned softly when I lightly tweaked his right nipple. He sat up and pulled me into his embrace. Our lips met, and I felt like my body was on fire. The next few minutes were a blur, I remember Joey's mouth kissing my face and neck. I remember kissing those sweet lips, and nuzzling his ear. We came up for air, and Joey reached over and poured two glasses of wine. He took a strawberry and held it to my lips. I bit part of it and then fed him the rest. We sat there for a few minutes, lightly touching each other while drinking the wine. Then I jumped slightly when he poured some wine on my chest!

He looked into my eyes for a second, then leaned down to suck the sweet liquid off my skin. I ran my hands through his hair, and applied gentle pressure to get his head to go lower. He kissed his way down my body, I fell back onto the bed as his lips slowly took the head of my meat into his mouth.

"Oh God...that feels so good Joey." My hands fell to the back of his head, and I applied light pressure. Within seconds, I felt his nose in my pubes. "Oh yeah baby". Joey was sucking hard on me, and then he came up for air, and pulled himself up to kiss me. Wrapping his arms around me, he held me tight and kissed me ardently. He looked deep into my eyes, with love and lust in his.

"Dale, can I make love to you?"

I ran my fingers down his chest and ran them over his left nipple. Pinching it gently, I kissed him, sucking on his tongue. "Oh yeah."

He reached over for the drawer of the nightstand, and pulled out some lube and a rubber. I took the rubber from him and told him to sit back. I unwrapped it and rolled it onto his hard meat. I then lay back on the bed. He put lube on his fingers and gently inserted the first one. As it sank in to the first knuckle I moaned. He spent a few minutes fingering me, getting me turned on by sucking on my cock while doing it. Without my realizing it, he'd inserted a second finger. I only had eyes for the gorgeous Italian man in my bed, and my brain was on fire. After getting three fingers in, and seeing that I was having no problems. He pulled his fingers out and wiped them with a damp cloth. Coming up to kiss me, he lined up his cock and slowly pushed until the head popped through.

Pressure. Pain. Pleasure.

My back arched, and my arms went around his body to pull him to me. The rest of his meat sank into me, and I didn't feel any pain. Just total pleasure. As his pubic hair hit my skin, he kissed my lips hard. I felt his teeth bite my lower lip. Running my fingers up and down his back, my nails felt like they were digging claw marks into him. We broke our kiss, and looked into each other's eyes.

"You okay honey?"

"Oh god yes Joey...fuck me."

When he pulled back slightly, it felt unbelievable. He went slowly at first, retreating then pushing his hips forward again and shoving back in to me. But within minutes, the bed was really rocking. Words cannot describe what I was feeling. It was like our spirits merged along with our bodies. I knew I never wanted to be apart from this man, wanted to spend the rest of my life with him near. All of my doubts and my fears faded away. All I knew and cared about was that we were together.

I felt myself getting ready to come. I clawed my fingers down his back and screamed out his name. My cum shot out of me onto our mingled flesh. Our stomachs and chests were covered. He pushed into me a final time, and stopped for a second. I felt his dick jumping as he came into the rubber. He collapsed onto me, and we lay there for a moment. Finally he fell onto the bed next to me, and his cock slid out of my ass.

He scooted up so he could kiss me. Then shocked me by leaning down to suck at my nipples and stomach, running his tongue through my cum. He kissed me again, and I tasted myself on his tongue. We snuggled up and lay there for awhile. It felt so good in his arms, that I began nodding off. Then, I remembered something that Lance had said.

"Sugar, what's the rest of it?"

He wrapped his left leg over mine, and pulled over onto his side so he could look at me. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Lance said something about Johnny okaying me coming along for a few of the dates, but that you would tell me the rest. What'd he mean?" His hand felt so good running along my body I shuddered.

He smiled and kissed me deeply. "Well, I told Johnny that your friendship with the group was growing stronger with being around us. And that we wanted to really get to know you so we could introduce you as the benefactor at the charity concert. He agreed that it'd be good PR for not only the group but for you." He kissed me again, more intense. As his tongue entered my mouth, I played with it with my tongue. Sucking on it until he moaned. Releasing the kiss, we snuggled up tighter.

"The guys want to meet for dinner tonight you want to go? If not, we could always stay in and find something to do. He wiggled his eyebrow and licked the end of my nose!

"Ew! Honey, do I look like someone who's into nose licking?" He giggled at that, then we just lay there for awhile. We must have nodded off because next thing I knew the sun was lower in the sky and someone was knocking at the door. Joey had his arm over me, and his chin resting on my shoulder. He was snoring softly into my ear, the darling. I couldn't easily disengage from him, so I called out that the door was open (hoping like hell that it was)

The door opened and JC walked in. "Oops, I'm not disturbing you guys am I?"

Joey mumbled something, and squeezed me if making sure that I was still there. He didn't quite wake up though. JC came and sat on the edge of the bed.

"So, did Joey tell you?"

"About the tour? Yeah. I'm looking forward to it. But I'll be glad when I get to go home and take a break. Shit, almost forgot!" Reaching over for my cell phone which was on the nightstand, I opened it and hit a speed dial number. "Excuse me for a second JC." I hit the button and waited.

"Dan??? Hey it's Dale! Oh don't start you bitch. Hey, something has come up and I need to have you keep an eye on Loki for a few more days. No, I'm not going to tell you what it is! Okay, fine. I'm going to go with the 7th fleet of the Navy and service the entire battalion! Yes, I'm being a smartass! I swear Dan, sometimes you have no sense of humor. Anyway. It's the fifth now, so I should be home around the 20th. Don't worry, I'll be fine. How's things? Loki hasn't driven you totally nuts yet has he? Darn, have to train that cat better! Okay, I gotta trick is waking up" I looked at JC, who blushed. "Yes Dan, that was another tease. Yeesh! Bye hon."

I hit END and put the phone back on the charger. I noticed JC smiling at me. "So Dale, I take it things are going well between you and our man Joe here?"

Before I could answer I felt arms wrap around me. "They're going just wonderfully Josh." Joey pulled me back and started nuzzling my neck. I giggled and turned around so I could kiss him. I felt like a school kid with my first crush. As our lips met, I heard JC clear his throat.

"What's wrong Josh, haven't you ever seen men kiss before?"

I turned to look at him, and noticed that he was turning about 20 shades of red. Finally he stammered out that the guys were curious if I wanted to go out one last time in Orlando or if I just wanted to have a relaxing evening. I started answering, when I felt Joey's hand down on my ass. The sheet covered us, so JC couldn't see anything. I told him that I'd figure it out and be down in about an hour to let him know. I looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was only a little after 6, so we still had around 2 hours before we eat.

JC must have seen the lust in our eyes, because he excused himself and let himself out. "JC, lock the door behind you please!!!" He smiled at that and closed the door after turning the lock latch. As soon as the door closed Joey and I were all over each other. Our kisses were so strong that I could tell that there'd be bruising later. Within seconds I was sucking on Joey's meat. His groans echoed off the room as he fucked in and out of my mouth. After only a few minutes, he came. My mouth was filled with a load of his sweet cream. I didn't swallow it though. I'd read about something, and I'd always wanted to try it. I went down and began tonguing his ass. I pushed his cream into his hole, getting it nice and sloppy. He lay there, thrashing about in ecstasy. When I'd pushed the last of his load into his ass, I stuck a finger in. I looked into his eyes. "How's this feel baby? Want me to stop?"

"No Dale. Do it. Make love to me."

I spent a few minutes fingering him. Finally I got up and put his legs around my waist. I leaned down and began french kissing him. He tightened up as the head of my cock snapped through the ring of muscles. I held myself still for a moment, letting him get used to my being there. I could tell by his face that it was starting to not hurt as bad. Finally he nodded to me, and I slowly pushed further into him. I was shocked when I saw a tear fall from one of his eyes. I leaned down and kissed the tear away. And kissed his sweet lips.

"It's all right sweetie. If you want me to, I'll stop."

"God Dale it's not that. It just feels so right! Now...make love to me." I went extra slow at first, so I wouldn't hurt him. When I saw that he not only liked it, but wanted more I began thrusting faster and harder. Time was immaterial to us. The only thing that mattered in my world was the man underneath me, and the connection we had. All too soon, I was moaning out that I was going to cum. We kissed passionately as our orgasms started (at the same time, first time that's ever happened!). Pulling out of him, I lay on the bed, and pulled him on top of me. The fingers of my left hand pinched his ass playfully, and I wrapped my legs around him. Kissing him tenderly, I held him close.

After a few minutes I broke the silence and slapped his ass again. "Come on sugar, time to clean up and look pretty for the masses." He rolled away from me and shook his head. I got up, and went to straddle his body. I leaned down until my nose was down by his. "If you promise to behave you can keep me company in the shower." I then got off of him and headed into the bathroom. Before I even got in to the shower he was there wrapping his arms around me.

We spent awhile making out in the shower. By the time we got out of the shower we'd each come once more. It felt so good sucking on Joey while the water cascaded off of his body. His hands clenched my hair as he shot. After swallowing most of his load, I stood up and kissed him. When he sank down to his knees, lightly kissing my body, I leaned back against the wall. His lips were unbelievable. They felt so good as they lightly captured the head of my cock. It didn't take me long to shoot my load. I had one leg up over his shoulder, and was lightly fucking his mouth as I shot. Finally, we decided we'd probably better hurry up and get out of the shower. We got out and went to change for dinner. I'd just got done getting ready, when I heard a wolf whistle from the door. I turned to see my boyfriend (whoa, when'd he start getting called that?). I smiled and held my arms out. He came to me and wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tight.

We moved to the couch, and began snuggling. I lay there, with my head in his lap...falling asleep as he played with my hair. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The door swung open, and Lance walked in. "Hey guys, I got bored so I wanted to come down. I didn't interrupt anything did I?"

Next: Chapter 8

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