Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Apr 28, 2002


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. Mark has also been great. I've even inspired him! Check out his story "Blind Date", it's also here in the Boyband section.

I love email, so feel free to drop me a line with your thoughts on the story.

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



"That sounded okay Dale, but try it this way." The man sitting at the keyboard of the piano played a series of notes and sang along with them. "See how much more clear that sounds? Give it a try."

He played the notes again, and Dale started singing along. Partway through his voice cracked.

"Damn. Sorry about that Ted. Guess I'm tired."

Ted smiled. "Take a break, get some water. We'll start up in ten minutes."

He excused himself to go to the bathroom and get something to drink.

Dale drank out of his water bottle, he was going to wipe his brow with his arm when he felt a towel set on his shoulder.


Dale turned and smiled. "Thanks." He wiped his face and plopped down onto the couch. "Damn, Annie didn't work me this hard."

"It's sounding good though."

"You think?"

Mark sat back in the chair. "Yeah, I do. And I bet the guys would think so too."

Dale looked down as he finished his water. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"Dale, what's going on with you and Joey? I haven't seen you two in the same room since you got back from that cruise you told me about. What gives?"

Before Dale could reply Ted came back. "You ready to get back on it Dale?"

Dale let out a sigh. "Yeah, let's see how it goes."

An hour later they wrapped up for the day. Dale and Mark didn't say anything as they left the studio and got into Dale's car.

"You're sounding pretty damn good Dale."

Dale smiled at Mark without saying anything. The silence wore on Mark, who stared out the window muttering to himself.


Mark sat there breathing heavily from the outburst, glaring at Dale. Suddenly he grinned. "Since I asked so nice?"

That got Dale to smile.

"Wait... was that a smile? Oh my god, the façade has broken."

"Fuck off." But Dale was still smiling as he said it. He was still smiling when the tear slowly fell down his cheek.


"I'm fine." Dale wiped the tear away and kept driving. Nothing more was said until they pulled up in front of the house that Dale had sold Mark. Dale put the car in park, turned off the engine... and burst into tears.

Mark sat there in silence for awhile, finally he smiled at Dale. "Okay, this I did not expect. Do you want to come in and talk about it?"

Dale followed Mark inside. Ten minutes later they had drinks and were sitting in the living room.

"So... spill."

Dale wiped his eyes, then started talking.

"Things were going fine until the third night of the cruise. There were a few people who wouldn't leave Joey alone...but that's to be expected given who he is. After the first night we started eating dinner in the cabin so we could eat in privacy. The room service waiter figured out the real deal pretty quickly. You should have seen this little queen."

" the star's bitch?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. I didn't stutter. I know the score."

Dale stood up and advanced on the waiter.

"Look you bitchy, pissy little fag. I don't know what 'score' you claim to know...but whatever it is, you're mistaken. Now, if you don't do your goddamn job and then get the fuck out of my sight I'm going to have to talk to your boss."

Dale turned away from him and went back out onto the deck. He was trying to watch the ocean but tears made it difficult.

"Don't you think you were a bit rough on him?"

Dale didn't say anything as the arms circled his waist. "He wasn't that bad Dale."

Dale turned and faced Joey. "I know sweetie, I just panicked. That's the first time I've ever dealt with that." He kissed Joey and rested his head on Joey's shoulder. "How do you deal with it?"

Joey nuzzled Dale's cheek, "Usually they're just blowing smoke so it's no biggie. I either ignore them totally or pull the clueless card. Everyone thinks I'm just a womanizing spaz anyway. That comes in handy."

Dale didn't say anything, just kissed Joey. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?" Joey grinned as he kissed Dale back.

"Always like hearing that. Now, let's eat."

They made small talk during dinner, then went and gambled in the casino for a bit. Later on that night they were curled up in a deck chair together...

"Dale, do you realize how good you sound when you sing?"

"What? No I don't. You're the one who sounds good. How come you don't get more solo time on your songs?"

"Lance and I do foundation tracks. Justin and JC have the voices that are commercially viable. I'm probably going to have a solo track on the soundtrack for the movie Lance and I did."

"That's great Joey. You can sing for me anytime you want."

Dale fell asleep with Joey singing a song called "Ready To Fall" into his ear.

Dale woke up as the breeze changed directions. Joey snuffled and squeezed Dale from behind. They had been spooning in the chair, so Dale had to be careful as he got out of the chair. Dale smiled as he saw the look of contentment on Joey's face. He reached down and gently stroked Joey's chin with a finger. Joey slowly opened one eye, and smiled as he saw Dale.

"Hey you."

"What time is it Dale?"

Dale looked at his watch. "It's about five in the morning." Joey stretched and got up from the chair. He went inside to use the bathroom, and as he came back out onto the deck he saw Dale leaning on the railing. Joey went and stood next to Dale.

"Hey handsome."

"Let's go for a walk Joey."

The two men got dressed in casual clothes and went for a walk around the ship. It was early enough that not a lot of people were about. They found their way back to the suite about seven and decided to shower and go get breakfast.

"You coming with Dale?"

"In a second." Dale meandered out onto the deck to watch the water go by. He lost track of the time, but closed his eyes when he felt arms wrap around him and gently pull him back. He groaned as he felt lips on his ear and neck. "MMM, yeah baby. That feels good." Dale turned around to wrap his arms around Joey...

and nearly fell overboard.

"What're you doing in here?"

Standing in front of Dale was the waiter from the day before. "Don't be like that, you were so cute out here I just had to do it."

Dale backed around the waiter, and ran into the room. "Get out. NOW!"

The man began advancing on Dale, then stiffened slightly. "Good morning sir. Room service."

"Oh, you ordered room service Dale?" Dale stiffened as he heard Joey behind him. "I thought you wanted to eat in the dining room?"

Dale felt his face flush. "Joey, I..."

"If you'll just sign the ticket sir, I'll get back to work." Joey signed the ticket and stood there in his robe until the waiter left.

"Aw baby. You want to do breakfast in bed?" Joey tried taking Dale into his arms, but Dale pulled away.

"I didn't order it."

Joey pulled away with a perplexed look on his face. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't order it!" Dale's face had drained of all color and he began walking around the room. "I was out on the deck, and felt arms wrap around me. I leaned into it, and felt lips nuzzling me. I THOUGHT IT WAS YOU! It was him though!"

"WHAT? Dale, are you sure?"

Dale began stripping his clothes off. "I have to go shower." He went and turned the shower on very hot and began scrubbing. He was crying but didn't give a damn. After a few minutes, he sank to his knees, letting the water run over him.


He wiped his eyes. Joey had gotten in the shower with him. Dale sniffed and stood up. Joey didn't say anything, just took Dale in his arms. They stood there for a few minutes holding each other. Finally, Dale let out a shaky laugh.

"Sorry. Guess the whole Lonnie thing is still pretty close to the surface."

"Don't do that baby. You don't have to apologize for anything." Joey softly kissed Dale and lightly rubbed his back. "What do you want me to do about the waiter? We can go talk to the captain and get him fired."

"NO!" Dale pulled away from Joey as he said it, then made himself relax. "I don't want to cause any problems."

"Okay Dale." Nothing more was said as they showered. Joey tried finding ways to get Dale to smile, but he noticed Dale not meeting his looks. Finally in the early evening Joey wanted to go to the casino, and tried his best to get Dale to go.

"It'll be fun. We'll go gamble away obscene amounts of money, and if we win we'll donate it to something worthwhile. Maybe Challenge For The Children." Joey winked at Dale, but he didn't respond.

"I got a bit of a headache so I'm just gonna head back to the room."

"I'll come with you." Joey hitched up his pants dramatically, which got Dale to sort of smile. "Was that a grin?" Joey grinned maniacally at him.

"Oh hush Joseph. Walk me to the room then you go gamble." As soon as the door closed Dale pulled Joey into a tight hug, kissing him passionately.

"Um, Dale. Don't know if I can go out there like this." Dale noticed the bulge in Joey's pants, but did nothing about it. He grinned as he turned Joey around and smacked his ass.

"Go gamble." Dale took his shirt off and mixed himself a drink from the room's bar. He grabbed a book and headed out onto the deck to lounge in a deck chair. Joey smiled to himself as he put on a floppy hat and left to go gamble.

Three hours later Joey was on a roll. He was a couple of hundred bucks up, and people didn't seem to really care he was a celebrity. One of the waitresses had been keeping an eye on him to get him fresh drinks... so he was pretty buzzed. As he won another hand of poker, he felt someone at his side.

"You're doing pretty good I see."

Joey finished his drink, then slammed it down on the table as he noticed it was the waiter from the room that morning.

"I thought the workers weren't allowed to socialize with the guests." He didn't say anything as the waitress brought him a new drink.

"Oh they're not. But there's ways around that."

Joey sipped his drink as the dealer dealt the next hand. "Not that I care, but how is that?"

"I have my ways. It's easy to get guys to do what you want if you're just willing to put out a little." He sat in the chair next to Joey. "My name's Ed by the way."

Joey glared at him. "Don't care. Do we have to drag this out or are you going to tell me what the fuck you want?"

Ed signaled the waitress. She ignored him until he waved a ten-dollar bill.

Finally she flounced over. "Get me a water Donna. Thanks so much." He didn't say anything until she returned, then drained the glass. "More please Donna. Thanks peaches." He finally turned to face Joey, who had returned to the cards. "What I want? That's easy."


Joey finished his drink then turned to face him. "Do tell. So is that why you had your hands all over my friend this morning?"

Ed snorted. "Friend. Wow, how original. So, how about it?"

Joey stood and began walking away. He stopped and looked back. "You coming?"

Joey didn't say anything as Ed led him through a maze of corridors and down several decks. Finally he stood in a smallish room with a twin bed and a desk in it. Ed turned around to say something and Joey backhanded him.


Joey pushed him down onto the bed. "Strip." Ed sat there, then started taking his clothes off. He noticed Joey wasn't.

"Aren't you taking your clothes off?"

"No. Lube?" Ed pointed at the desk drawer and Joey went and got it. He found something else in the drawer and grabbed them as well. As he looked back at the bed, Ed was naked. Joey pulled his zipper down and walked over to Ed. Grabbing Ed's head, he shoved it down on his cock. "If you bite me you're gonna regret it." After a few seconds of getting his dick sucked by Ed, Joey broke away and leaned down. He took Ed's right hand and put a handcuff on it that he'd found in the desk.

"What the hell?" Joey fastened the other end of the handcuffs to the metal bed frame. Without saying anything he took the other hand and repeated the procedure.

"You ready for me now?" The way he said it shocked even Joey. "Close your eyes. You open them and I won't do a thing." Ed closed his eyes, and waited. Joey looked around the room and his eyes fell on something. He uncapped the lube and slathered it on, then pulled Ed's legs apart. Without any warning of it coming, he shoved the handle of the tennis racquet up Ed's ass.


"What's the matter you son of a bitch? Doesn't it feel good?" He began shoving the racquet in and out. He noticed Ed's dick was rock hard, but didn't move to touch it. A few more times in and out and Ed started shooting cum all over himself.

Joey stood back and glared at Ed. "Okay you little fucker, here's how it's gonna work. If you EVER come near me or my friend again... I'll kill you."

"Untie me."

Joey just stared at him.

"Until me."

Joey smiled. "No habla ingles." Joey began looking around the room as Ed began grunting and groaning as he moved around on the bed. "Oh yeah shit for brains. You may not want to move too much. That piece of wood in your ass can splinter. Wouldn't want to explain that to the doctor would ya?" Joey found a polaroid camera and a set of pics of the asshole on the bed sucking dick and getting fucked.

"Wow. You are a perverted little shit aren't you? Smile pretty for the camera!" He took a picture of Ed on the bed and grinned as he began wiggling around some more. Joey put the picture in his back pocket and began putting the camera back down. He took it into the bathroom, and came back out carrying it and a wet washcloth. He wiped down the camera, then went and wiped down the racket. He put the camera back on the desk and saw something else that interested him.

He walked back over to where Ed was handcuffed on the bed with the racquet still in his ass. "So. Was I everything you thought I'd be?"

"You bastard when I get out of here!"

Joey smacked him. "You'll do nothing." Joey grabbed Ed's nipples and put screw nippleclamps on each of them. He whistled to himself as he tightened them down, and Eddie began whimpering.

Joey double-checked himself in the mirror, then went to the bathroom. He left a few minutes later, after making sure no one was in the hallway outside. Ed smelled something funny. It took him a minute or two to realize it was smoke.


Ed heard people running in the hallway outside, and groaned. "fuck. Fire alarm." He stiffened as the voices died down and he heard pounding on his door.

Joey didn't say anything as he let himself into the room. Dale was curled up on his side in the bed, and he looked so beautiful that Joey felt a pang in his heart. He softly stroked Dale's cheek, then went to clean up for bed. He softly slid into bed behind his lover, and kissed Dale neck. Dale didn't wake up, but he did scoot back into Joey's arms.

"Love you Dale."

Momentarily, Joey was asleep.

The final days of the cruise were what Joey had wanted the entire trip to be. He and Dale were having fun all the time, and Dale seemed to be recovered from the encounter with Ed. They'd seen Ed once or twice, but only brief glimpses. Joey smothered a laugh as he saw Ed go trudging by, with what looked like a security guard in tow.

The last night of the cruise they had decided to go ahead and do dinner in the main dining area. Joey was showering, and Dale had already gotten out of the water and was getting dressed. Joey whistled a tune as he turned the shower off and padded naked out into the main room of the suite.


He turned, and saw Dale standing in the door to the bedroom. "Could you come here a second?"

Joey walked naked, drying his hair as he went, up to Dale. He tried kissing Dale but Dale pulled back.

"What's this?"

Dale was holding the picture that Joey'd taken of Ed.

"That? Um. Well..."

Dale looked at it again then sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm waiting."

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence Dale stood. "You should get dressed if we're going to have dinner in the dining room." Dale walked out of the bedroom, leaving Joey to slowly get dressed.

His dinner tasted like sawdust. Joey tried enjoying the food, but he couldn't. Every time he tried engaging Dale in conversation he was shut out. After dinner they went back to the suite.

"So. You ready to tell me what's going on?"

Joey told Dale. He didn't hold anything back. He assumed that Dale would be okay with the fact he took care of the situation.

Well, this time... Joey was wrong.

"Are you insane? This man has enough on you to blow your career out of the water. What were you thinking?" Dale practically shouted the last question.

That pissed Joey off.

"I was making sure no one hurt the man I love!"

Dale rolled his eyes. "Dammit you stubborn Italian how many times do I have to tell you I don't need to be constantly protected!"

Joey smacked Dale. Looking back after the fact, he's not sure why he did. As soon as his hand was in motion he knew it was a mistake and tried stopping it.

But he couldn't.

Dale's face drained of all color, except for the red handprint.

"Oh my god... Dale I'm so sorry."

"Accepted. I'm going to bed Lonnie. Oh wait, I mean Joey."

Dale went into the bedroom and closed the door.

Joey stared at the door without saying a word. Tears streaming down his cheeks. He didn't move for a couple of hours, just sat in the darkness. Finally he got up the nerve to walk into the bedroom.

Dale was lying in the bed, breathing softly. Joey stripped and crawled in bed. He tried curling up behind Dale, but Dale didn't acknowledge him.

The alarm woke Joey up at nine in the morning. Dale wasn't in the bedroom. Joey remembered everything that had happened the night before, and groaned. He got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. He decided to peak into the main room and see if Dale was around.

Dale was sitting in a deckchair, reading a book.

"Hi Dale."

Nothing. Joey noticed Dale's suitcase sitting by the front door.


"The ship's docking in two hours. You should probably go shower." Dale got up and went to the room's bar, opening a bottle of water. "I've already eaten, so you can go ahead and go once you get showered."

Joey looked at his feet. "You want to keep me company?"

Dale sat back down. "Not particularly." He picked up his book and began reading again. Joey sighed and went to shower.

Three hours later they were walking down the gangplank. Dale and Joey didn't talk as they walked down it.

"Airport please."

As the cab pulled out Dale turned to glare at Joey.

"Dale, I."

"Not now Joey."

"But I"



"We didn't say anything much after that." Dale finished his drink and sat back in the chair. "There Mark. Now you know."

Mark sat back, staring at Dale.

"Wow. So, now what?"

Dale was going to say something when his cell phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and then answered.

"Hi Lance. What's up?"

"Where are you?"

"Mark's new house."

"Don't go anywhere. I'm on my way there now. Be there in five minutes." click

Dale put his cell phone down and smiled weakly at Mark. "Well, the fun just keeps on coming. Lance is stopping by."

"What? Really?" Mark got up and started straightening the house up.

"What the fuck are you doing Mark?"

"Nothing. Just cleaning up for company." A few minutes later the doorbell rang. Mark let Lance in, and he stormed into the living room without even saying hi to Mark.

Lance went and stood in front of Dale, his arms folded in front of him.


Next: Chapter 53

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