Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Sep 23, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. Mark has also been great. I've even inspired him! Check out his story "Blind Date", it's also here in the Boyband section.

I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



"Dale? What's wrong?"

"Huh? Why would something be wrong Joey?" I pulled myself from his arms and entered the room. Walking to the window, I stood in the sunlight and stared at the pool area. It looks like it's been closed off so the N'Syncers can go swimming. A minute or two later we heard two voices go running down the hall talking loudly. Joey opened the door and saw Lance and Mark standing at the elevator.

"What're you doing Lance?"

Lance looked into Mark's eyes for a second, then pulled Mark back over to Joey's door. Joey noticed a sparkle in Lance's eyes that hadn't been there last night while they were talking.

"We're gonna go for a swim and continue our conversation we started earlier in my room when I was changing. I mean, I was changing in the bathroom while he was sitting on the bed." Lance blushed and looked at Mark again. "Crap that sounded bad didn't it? Oh well you get the idea Joey!" Lance stopped chattering when he saw Dale over by the window. "Do you and Dale want to go swimming too?"

"Dale? You want to go swimming with these two? Dale?"

I broke out of my reverie and looked into Joey's eyes. "I'm tired. Is it okay if I nap here for a bit? I didn't sleep too well last night."

"Sure you can baby. You want some company?"

"No that's okay Joey. You go swim with Lance and Mark. Oh yeah, Mark this is Joey. Joey this is my friend Mark."

Mark wasn't really paying attention, he kept staring at Lance. He kind of half said hi to Joey.

Joey came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He then muttered to Lance and Mark that he was going to change. A few minutes later Joey came out of the bathroom.

A wolf whistle pierced the room. "Damn Dale. He's a hottie. You have good taste." Mark was grinning at me, he stopped grinning when Lance elbowed him. "Don't worry, I prefer blondes myself."

The three of them left at that. Joey promised to be back in an hour or so. The charity show doesn't happen until day after tomorrow, so they get a few days to unwind and relax. I crawled into Joey's bed slowly, not even bothering to strip.

A few minutes later, I started crying. I fell asleep a little bit after that.

"I dunno... he seemed fine when he first got to town. He was okay when we first got to the campsite. Then I woke up a few hours later and he was sitting on the edge of a cliff. It was very freaky."

Mark filled Lance and Joey in on everything that happened since Dale got to town. He'd overcome his shock about Dale being involved with a member of N'Sync with minimal problems. Mark was instantly comfortable with Lance, and he thought Lance was cute as hell to boot. There was something about Lance that he couldn't put his finger on just yet, but he was pretty sure he'd figure it out before the night was out.

Joey...ah, poor Joey. Mark knew from talking to Dale prior to the trip that Dale was devoted to him. It was obvious within minutes of meeting Joey that he was head over heels in love with Dale. Now that there was something going on with Dale, Joey wasn't sure how to deal with it.

The three of them were floating in the shallow end of the pool, no one else was around (thanks to security). Movement by the pool gate caught his attention, "Oh looks like another one of your bandmates is joining us."

Joey and Lance looked around and saw Chris heading into the pool. He gave the trio a small wave and then dove into the deep end. Chris surfaced and began swimming laps.

Mark noticed Lance's eyes as Chris came into the area, and saw the looks that he was giving Chris.

Ah ha... Another piece of the puzzle fit into place for Mark.

"Joey, is Dale the first serious relationship you've had?"

"With a guy it is. I've dated once or twice with girls that have been serious. Why?"

"Are you guys monogamous?"

Joey thought about it before answering. "I want to be. I want to wake up next to Dale and only Dale. And I know he feels the same way about me."


"Why do you ask Mark?"

"Have you two ever talked about the road and the issues that'll come up with it? I mean it's the common conception that rock stars get laid in every city and do all kinds of debaucherous things."

"Dale knows I love him. I won't let anything happen on the road. You don't seem to get it Mark... I've never felt like this about anyone before, and I won't let anything or anyone hurt us."

Mark let out a sigh, and tried not to smile as Lance "accidentally" brushed his hand against Mark's butt.

"Joey we all know how you feel about Dale. Maybe some time out with you will do him some good? Since you guys have some time before the concert do you want to go see a movie or something?"

Mark dunked his head under the water for a few minutes to cool himself off. He smiled as he saw Lance cupping his bulge through the swimsuit. Resurfacing, Mark winked at Lance then looked at Joey again.

"It would be fun if all of us went out and did something. If you don't want to go see a movie at a theater we can do a movie either here or at my place. I don't know how you guys do the whole `going out in public thing'..." Mark broke off and looked inquiringly at Lance.

Lance explained how their security guys work in regards to social situations with the guys, then looked at Joey. "What do you think? I don't know if I want to go deal with a bunch of screaming fans, so a movie at Mark's place sounds fun. We could do takeout and just relax."

Joey pulled himself out of the water. "You just want to flirt with each other some more. Fine, whatever works. Come by my room in a couple of hours and we'll go." Joey walked away and headed back up to his room, leaving Mark and Lance at one end of the pool. Chris called out a goodbye to Joey and went back to sunning himself at the other end of the pool.

"So Mark..."

"Yes Mister Bass?"

"Do you want to come up to my room and flirt?" Lance blushed as soon as he said it. Then flashed a wicked grin at Mark.

Mark laughed, noticing that Chris was staring at the two of them. "Lead the way."

Lance grinned, then got out of the pool. He handed a towel to Mark, and headed back up to his room. He glanced over his shoulder at Chris, and noticed that he wasn't looking happy.

Oh well... maybe it's time that Chris sees someone else paying attention to him.

Lance and Mark went up to his room. They sat on the bed talking to each other about random stuff. About twenty minutes into the conversation Lance finally broke down and asked a question.

"Mark, can I kiss you?"

Mark lay back on the bed and grinned at him. "If you want."

Lance launched himself at Mark, and passionately kissed him. Mark returned the kisses, and suddenly they were heavy petting.

After a couple of minutes, Lance began nuzzling on Mark's ear. "Baby, would you suck my dick?"

Mark started laughing.

Lance sat bolt upright. "Okay, not the reaction I was hoping for. Why are you laughing at me?"

Mark pulled himself off the bed and went to stand by the window. "Lance, do I look like a groupie or something? Willing to drop to my knees and orally please the big star? If you think that all guys are that easy then you're going to spend the rest of your time on this planet being lonely and perpetually horny."

Lance stood up and readjusted his clothes. "I get propositioned by guys and girls all the time."

Mark rolled his eyes. "Don't you get it? They don't want to make love to you? They want to fuck a star. I thought you were fascinating and I wanted to get to know you better. I don't fuck on the first date. If that's all you wanted out of me then you might as well walk on now."

Mark grabbed Lance's hand and looked into his eyes. "If you want a potential friend who will be there for you, and maybe have it turn into something more... then we can talk."

"So you don't want to sleep with me?"

Mark grinned. "I didn't say that. I just have a lot of self-control. So tell me about yourself." Lance looked at Mark for a minute or two, then started talking.

Joey quietly let himself into the room. Dale was lying on his side in the bed, facing the wall. Joey stripped his swimsuit off and curled up behind Dale, gently putting his arms over him. Dale muttered softly and pushed himself back into Joey's arms. Joey smiled softly as he kissed the nape of Dale's neck.

He was just starting to nod off when he heard Dale say something.

"I love Joey... no matter what."

Dale shifted positions and moved onto the other side. He wrapped his arms around Joey and pulled him into his arms. Joey shivered as Dale's lips found his shoulder and neck.

"Dale? You awake?"

But Dale slept on. Shortly, so did Joey.

I was having weird dreams. I kept seeing images of people that I went to school with and used to work with. Someone asked me a question about love... I think it was mom.

I'm not alone. I know I'm not alone.

I felt myself turn over, and suddenly someone is in my arms. It's Joey, I can tell from the scent of his cologne. It feels right that he's here.


"Dale? Come on Dale, open your eyes."

I felt someone touch my chest, then my cheek. I opened my eyes, and Joey was sitting right there, wearing boxers. He grinned, and I could swear he looked like he was going to cry.

"Hey baby." He leaned in and kissed me gently as he said it. As our kiss broke, he took my hand and gave the back of it a kiss.

"We've been invited to a quiet evening hanging out at Mark's apartment watching movies and getting takeout. If you don't want to go then we can find something else to do. Lance and Mark are going to be here shortly to get us."

I smiled, and thought about it. It could be fun. "Sure, why not."

Joey lay down behind me and pulled me into his arms. "How're you feeling baby?"

"I still have a bit of a headache, but okay." He didn't say anything, just nuzzled my neck. We lay there for awhile and heard a knock at the door. Joey called out for whoever it was to come in. The door swung open and Mark walked in with Lance right behind him.

"Aw... aren't they just the cutest thing Lance?"

Lance began giggling and for some reason launched himself onto the bed. Suddenly Mark joined in and I was at the bottom of a dogpile.

Joey bellowed to let me up, and then pulled me into his arms. "You guys, Dale still has a bit of a headache. I don't want to make it worse."

I caught my breath. "Thanks Joey."

Suddenly he pulled me from the bed and began steering me towards the bathroom. "Go shower, I'll be right behind you." He smacked my ass, and I meekly went to get ready.

As soon as the door shut Mark and Lance began peppering Joey with questions.

"Is Dale okay?"

Joey shrugged. "Something's wrong. I'm going to ask him if we can take him to the doctor tomorrow." Joey got up and headed towards the bathroom. "In the meantime, tonight is just friends hanging out and relaxing. We'll be ready in about ten minutes."

He closed the bathroom door behind him, and stripped off his boxers. Climbing in to the shower, he offered to wash Dale's back.

Taking the washcloth, he began washing his lover's body. Stopping to drop a kiss here and there. Joey was pleasantly surprised when Dale wrapped himself around him, gently kissing his lips. They were there for a few minutes, just enjoying the cascading water on their skin.

Joey turned the water off, and they got dried off. As they came back into the front room they noticed that Mark and Lance had their heads right next to each other like they were talking about something. As those two snapped apart, Joey herded them out the door.

Taking Dale's hand as they left the room, the group headed to the elevator. Joey saw Chris walk off the elevator, and noticed that Chris didn't look happy. He didn't want to deal with that right now. Dale was here, and he wanted to make sure that everything was okay.

Next: Chapter 44

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