Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Aug 5, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. Mark has also been great. I've even inspired him! Check out his story "Blind Date", it's also here in the Boyband section.

I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



"Dammit I know that!" I walked down the hallway, my attorney right next to me.

"You can't lose control during questioning again Dale. I know the past two weeks haven't been easy but it's almost done."

I felt tears start to form, but wiped my eyes to keep them from falling. Ever since I've had to answer questions from the lawyers about my relationship with Lonnie I haven't slept very well. The nightmares have been unreal. I had taken Gabriella with me for moral support, but after they showed pictures of Lonnie that had been taken after the cops picked him up, as well as pictures of the hotel room... I couldn't face her. She had been calling me constantly, but I wouldn't return her calls. I hate doing that to people but I just can't look at her now that she knows.

"So Larry, what does it look like is going to be the end result of all this?"

He answered without hesitation. "I don't think we'll have any cause for concern. You've clearly shown a pattern of abuse that lasted for years. The photos and your statement that were taken when you returned to Orlando have already been entered into evidence. The doctor gave sworn testimony that your wounds were clearly defensive in nature. His family can point out nothing positive about him, and they even went so far as to say that he went over the edge when he learned of your lottery winning." He patted my back, then continued. "Don't worry Dale, we're almost done. Then you can put this whole thing behind you and try and move on."



She didn't want to do it, but she had no other way. "Fuck... he's gonna kill me when he finds out." Steeling her resolve she dialed the number.

"Yeah talk."

She couldn't say anything.

"Hello? I hear you there whoever you are."

Finally she found her voice. Nervously biting her fingernail, she spoke. "Josh? It's Gabriella. We have a small problem."


"Do you have anything further to add Mister Wright?"

I took a sip from the glass of water in front of me. "Nothing will ever change what happened in the motel room in Alabama. I have to live with the memory of my actions for the rest of my life. I just couldn't let him hurt me any longer." I started crying, but didn't bother wiping the tears away. "I knew that he would kill me this time, so I did what I needed to get away." I sat down, laid my head onto my arms, and cried. I heard my lawyer say that was all, but I didn't even care.

--//Come on Dale... keep it together.//--

"Counselor you and your client are free to go. We'll let you know when we're ready with a decision."

I felt my lawyer give my shoulder a squeeze. "Let's get out of here Dale, we're done."

I followed him out of the jury room, then we stopped by a drinking fountain so I could get a drink. "Are you planning on leaving the area in the near future Dale? This shouldn't take long for them to decide so I probably just need the next two days."

I let out a sigh while turning on my cell phone. It beeped its happy little sound and told me I had 9 messages. "If possible I'm supposed to go to Phoenix in at the start of next week. Do you think this'll be done by then?"

He was playing with his scheduler on his PalmPilot, so he absentmindedly answered that it should be. Walking away, he told me to call his office in the morning. I let out a sigh of disgust as I dialed my voicemail system and headed to the car. What a way to spend a day!

BEEP "Hi it's Dale... you know what to do, so do it already." BEEP

"Dale... it's Gabriella." I hit the 7 key and deleted the message.

"Dale... it's Gabriella again." Delete.

"Dale... it's mom." Delete.

"Dale... it's Joey." Delete.

"Dale... it's Dan." Delete.

I ran through the remainder of the messages deleting everyone of them. Right now I'm really not in the mood to deal with anyone. I tore out of the parking garage and headed to the house. My phone rang twice, but I didn't answer it. By the time I got to the house I was in a slightly better mood, so when the phone rang I actually answered it.


"Dale, it's Joey."

I threw myself onto the couch. "Yeah hon, what's up?"

He got quiet for a second, and then cleared his throat. "How's things going with the case?"

"Fine. We're waiting for the ruling now. I finished today."

He lapsed into silence again. "I am so ready for this tour to be over. I tried calling you earlier on your cell but you must have had it off."

I didn't say anything, just listened.

"So what do you want to do when I get home Dale? I thought we'd go on a vacation and go somewhere where no one will disturb us and we can spend time curled up together."

I sat up and began heading towards the kitchen. "Sounds nice Joe, I gotta go because Gabriella's here. See you in Phoenix." I hung up the phone then put it on the table. I debated something for a minute or two, then grabbed my keys and headed out.

Fifteen minutes later I was sitting in a realtor's office talking to a rather handsome man about buying a house in the city. I told him what I wanted and that money was no object. It took me about an hour to find a nice place, it had four bedrooms, two bathrooms on two stories with a deck and pool in the backyard. I called my accountant and had him cut a check for the house and made arrangements for a decorator to go in and fix it up the way I wanted.

I told the decorator that I'd be back in a week to approve the final product, and gave her my accountant's number to get the money she needed. I decided to go home and take a nap, for some reason I was feeling exceptionally tired since it was only about seven at night.

I pulled into the driveway, and Gabriella was sitting there in her car.

--// FUCK. I'm not in the mood for this right now. //--

She was at the door of the BMW before I even had the engine turned off. "Hi Dale, how's it going?" She sounded all sweet and innocent when she asked. Great, she must be pissed.

"Just peachy, what's up?"

"Well Dale it's like this. I got a rather confusing phone call from your man today. Asking if I was at the house seeing you? So I decided to come over and check on you since I haven't really talked to you in awhile. You haven't been returning my calls after all."

I headed into the house. "Look Gab, right now isn't a good time." I tried closing the door but she followed on my heels before I could.

"Dale what in the fuck is going on? You've been pulling away from me for the past week and to be blunt I'm sick of it. You've been turning into a righteous cunt and I want to know why!"

I just stood there staring at her. She'd turned a really hideous shade of red and her volume had gone up a great deal. When she'd stopped talking and was just glaring at me I replied. "Are you done?"

"Um, yeah."

"Good, I'm going inside my house now." I closed the door on her and latched it. She hollered for a minute or two then fell silent. Shortly after my phone started ringing. I didn't answer because I knew it was Gabriella. For some reason I'm just not in the mood. I fed Loki and crawled into bed to take a nap.

--//I was running through an old house. I couldn't hear anything around me. I couldn't even hear my own breathing. I tried saying something, but the stillness was growing deeper. There was a closed door ahead, I ran to it and threw it open.

Carnage. The room looked like a slaughter had taken place. The walls had blood splatters going up them, and there was a busted lamp that was dark red at the base and white at the top. There was a white tape outline on the carpet, with the section underneath the head of the outline brilliant scarlet.

I tried screaming, I know I did. I felt my jaw open but no sound came out. Suddenly the room ripped in two. It was like someone was tearing a photograph in half.

Now I'm sitting on mom's couch. Her and Debbie are sitting there playing a game on their Playstation. I tried saying hi to them but again I couldn't hear myself. They didn't turn around or in any way acknowledge my being there. After sitting there for a minute or two the room split again like it had the first time.

Now I'm standing by the door of my apartment in Baltimore. I heard someone walking around on the third floor, but I couldn't move to see who it was.

Another rip, and I'm standing on the tour bus. Chris is walking towards me and doesn't seem to see me there. I shout as he walks right by me (through me?) and still don't hear myself. I hear what sounds like Joey crying from one of the bunks. Chris stops to say something to him and Joey yells out, "FUCK HIM. I'M OVER IT!"

Another rip. Now everything is in black and white. I'm sitting in front of a mirror. I watch myself pick up a gun and point it at my chin. I see a tear fall from one of my eyes as I pull the trigger.//--

I wake up screaming. I scared the shit out of Loki who was curled up at my feet. I spend a few minutes crying, then slowly get out of bed. I see from the clock that it's only nine o'clock.

I staggered downstairs and threw myself onto the couch. Loki curled up behind my legs and began kneading his paws in contentment. The phone started ringing. I glared at it for a second, then finally decided to answer it.

"Grand Central Station."

"Dale? It's Josh. You got a sec?"

I switched the TV over to watch a little MTV. They were doing some type of countdown of the favorite N'Sync moments on the network. I watched a younger group of guys dancing around the TRL studio. It must have been awhile ago because Chris had his extensions and Lance looked like his hair had been bleached. Joey didn't even have any facial hair! I heard whoever it was on the phone say something else.


"Dale??? It's Josh. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Josh, just watching you guys on MTV. What's up?"

"Gabriella called me..."

"JESUS CHRIST... Fine, did she ask you to call and `check up on me' or something?"

He got real quiet. "As a matter of fact, yeah. She's worried about you Dale. And quite frankly so am I." I heard rustling sounds and muffled sounds of conversation. "Shit. We have to get ready to go onstage. Gabriella's phone call took me out of the meet and greet, so management is pissed but oh well. I'll call you when the show's over."

"If I'm here." I hung up the phone and turned it off. "Gods what the fuck is the matter with everyone. I'm fine! I'm just tired... so tired." I fell asleep on the couch, and woke up around three in the morning when I rolled off of the couch onto the floor. I remember nasty dreams, but they don't stick out like the first one did.

I was in the shower when someone rang the doorbell. "Shit." I wrapped a towel around myself and ran downstairs. I looked out the security view and saw a messenger. I opened the door, and took the packet that he had for me.

I opened the envelope as I headed back up to the shower.


When you get a chance please give me a call. I tried calling but you don't answer the phone.


Johnny Wright"

Oh yeah... phone. I turned the ringer back on and went to check the answering machine. The light was blinking a mile a minute.

"Dale, it's Josh. What do you mean `If I'm here'? Okay, I'll try after the show."

"Dale, it's Gabriella. Don't be mad at me for calling the guys. I'm just worried. I love you dude. You're scaring me. Call me."

"Hey baby it's Joey. Less than a week until I see you in Phoenix. Lance is still moody but he's putting on a happy face for management and the fans. Could you help me try and cheer him up in Phoenix? I don't know that much about the area but I'm sure between the two of us we can find something to make him smile. Shit, gotta jam. Love you!"

"It's Josh. Show's over. Where are you?"

"Hey Dale it's Joey. Is everything okay? Josh just told me that he can't get in touch with you for some reason."

The timestamp on the last call says it came in around midnight Pacific Time last night. Eh, he'll call back I'm sure. I went back up to finish my shower because I wasn't feeling awake yet. After about forty-five minutes under the cascading water I finally felt like I could face the world again. I got dressed and headed out, grabbing my cell phone as I left. I gave Loki's head a scratch and went off to run errands.

An hour later I was sitting at a park eating a light breakfast. I dialed Johnny Wright's number, and after waiting on hold for a minute or two I was connected.

"Hi Johnny, what's up?"

"Dale, I just wanted to make sure that things were all set for the concert in Phoenix."

I took a sip of orange juice before I replied. "Far as I know it is. I'm not going to have to like go on stage or anything am I?"

"Well it would be nice if we could introduce the man who made the whole thing possible. Do you not want to go up?"

I thought about it for a minute. "Doesn't really matter to me Johnny. I'll be leaving next Wednesday to head out to Phoenix. I'm going to spend a few days with friends in the area before meeting up with the guys."

"Great Dale! I'll probably have a couple of things I can send out with you. I have to get back to work, but I'll messenger over the stuff before you go. Oh before I forget, how is the trial going?"

"Um, fine. Look I gotta scoot." I hung up on Johnny and tried finishing my breakfast, but it tasted like sawdust now. I threw the food away and headed back to the car. I didn't feel like sitting at home so I just drove around the city for awhile. I stopped and filled the tank up with gas around two, and my phone rang almost as soon as I started pumping.


"Dale, it's Larry. Where are you right now?"

I looked around. "Mobil station on Trinity Drive. What's up?"

"Verdict is in."

I felt a lead balloon drop in my stomach. I swallowed, and could hear a tremor in my voice as I replied. "Already? This isn't good is it..."

"Honestly Dale I don't know. How soon can you meet me at the courthouse?"

I looked at my watch. "Give me twenty minutes." I topped off the gas tank and tore out of the parking lot. There was traffic so it took me an extra couple of minutes. Larry was waiting just inside the front door for me.

"Come on Dale, we're over this way."

I felt like I was going to vomit, but I kept myself from losing it. Larry led me through a set of double doors and told me to sit while he found out how long until we found out what was going on. He came back a few minutes later with another guy following him.

"Dale, this is Tom Landry from the District Attorney's office. Tom this is Dale Wright." I absently shook his hand as he sat next to me.

"Okay Dale. The jury came back with a decision that I'm sure is going to be appealed. But I wanted to tell you in person so there is no confusion."

Oh god... I felt the lead balloon in my stomach sink a bit deeper. I'm not going to let this man see me cry. I swear I'm not!

"The grand jury has returned a verdict that you did not violate the civil rights of..." he looked at the paperwork in his hand, "Lonnie. You have been found innocent of those charges as well as having affirmed that any actions you took were in self defense because of his dealings with you led you to assume correctly that your life was in danger."

I felt tears start falling on my cheeks...but I didn't brush them away or anything.

"The family has not reacted well to the news. Their lawyer is talking about an appeal but I think you can trust that it would be an uphill battle for them to prove. Your testimony as well as the pictures you had taken at the hospital have been entered into evidence and will be attached to the transcripts of the case. You won't have to go through this again." He looked like he appreciated how hard the whole thing had been.

Larry's cell phone started ringing unexpectedly. He excused himself and went off to talk to whoever was on the other end.

"Dale?" I turned back and looked into Tom's eyes. "I know this has been rough on you, but I hope that you know if you need anything you're more than welcome to give me a call." Suddenly I felt something squeezing my thigh! I looked down and his hand was on my thigh lightly sitting there. He gave me a quick smile as he took his thumb and gently wiped a tear off of my cheek. He stood at that, pulling out a business card. He wrote something on the back of it and handed it to me. "I have to get back to work Mister Wright but feel free to let me know if you ever need anything else from me." I absently took the card as he walked away. I looked down at what he had written.

"407-555-4241. I get home around 8. Hope you call."

Jesus! I stuck the card in my wallet and went over to where Larry was talking to someone on the phone. He held up his finger for patience briefly, then said goodbye to the person on the other end. "Okay Dale. This looks like we're all set. I'll keep your file open for the next few months just in case there's an appeal... if there isn't then I'll close it out and send the bill to your accountant. I would say it was a pleasure but under the circumstances that would be tacky." I went to shake his hand but he pulled me into a hug.


I headed home. I decided to stave off the phone calls that I knew were going to come. Thankfully Gabriella wasn't in the driveway when I got home. I fixed myself a drink (jack daniels and coke) and dialed Joey's cell.

"Yo talk to me."


"DALE!" I heard him put something over the phone then say something to someone. "I'll be right back I said! This is an important call. Yes it's him. Okay fine I'll ask. Now go away! Shit, sorry baby I'm back. We're on the bus to Denver. Only four more stops! I miss you like you can't even know and I just want to hold you in my arms and never let you go."

For some reason him saying that made me uncomfortable. I fidgeted and took a drink. "I just wanted to let you know that they returned a verdict."

"WHAT? Hey you guys they came back already!" I heard a brief scuffle and then Lance came on the phone.

"What'd they say? Are you okay? OUCH JOEY! Dammit that hurt!"

I could hear JC and Justin giggling as Joey got back on the phone. "Don't get in the way of me and my man blondie. I love you to death but it's my man! Now Dale, where were we?" I took another drink and felt something on my cheek. I brushed my finger against where I felt it and my finger came away wet. Was that a tear?

"The grand jury came back in my favor. No charges are going to be filed. My lawyer doubts that an appeal would get anywhere. So it's over."

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh baby that's so great! Got any plans tonight to celebrate?"

"Well I'm sitting here relaxing with a jack and coke now. After that I don't know."

Joey stopped laughing.

"You're drinking already? It's only like three in the afternoon there and you're by yourself. What's wrong?"

I heard myself give out a sigh of exasperation. "I'm stressed okay. It's been a totally FUCKED up couple of weeks. I've had to relive aspects of my life that I haven't thought about in years... and it hasn't been easy. I've cried myself to sleep every night. I have nightmares that wake me up screaming. I've had to also relive what is probably now officially the worst thing in my life. The beating I gave him wasn't even me. I close my eyes and I see the fountain of blood. I hear him beg me to stop, and I hear myself laugh when he says it. If I choose to have a drink in the afternoon Joe then it's my fucking business!!!!"

Dead silence on the phone. "Dale, are you okay? Really. No bullshit. Are you okay?"

sigh "I'm fine Joey. Just tired. I'm going to go nap. I love you and I'll talk to you soon."

"Dale, I'm just worried." I could hear a quaver in his voice. "I hate that I can't be there for you right now. I think if I tried leaving before the end of the tour the entire group would bitchslap me or something." He let out a grunt before continuing. "Are you going to be okay when we see each other in Phoenix?"

"Yeah sweetie I should be. I'm going to call my friend Mark and let him know I'm coming to visit. Since this wrapped up like it did I'm going to leave a few days early and go visit him. I need a friend around me right now."

"What about Gabriella? She's concerned."

"It's not the same Joey... it's just not. I'm going to go nap." I hung up the phone, then finished my drink as I headed to the bedroom.

--// God I can't wait for Phoenix.//--

The next few days passed in a blur. I sat around the house drinking and reading. I wasn't in the mood to be social or deal with anyone. I called Mark in Phoenix, and he was all happy to hear I was visiting. He bitched about how I'd forgotten about my friends when I won the lottery, then began bitching about how he was currently single.

I told him I was dating someone, but it wasn't exactly a typical relationship. His reply to that: "Oh, so you're dating a transgender?"

Cocky bastard. That's why I love having Mark as a friend. He can always bring a smile to my face. I gave him my flight info and told him that I wanted him to pick me up at the airport.

"Oh by the way Mark, I'm crashing in your guest room. Hope that's okay."

"Eh, I guess so. Do I get to see you and your boyfriend boink?"

I laughed. "No you pervert. We'll do that in his hotel room. If you play nice though I'll introduce you to someone who is just your type."

"Oh great. You're going to introduce me to a shiftless layabout who doesn't ever want to amount to anything and steals money from me and is a lousy lay who doesn't do anything but lay there like a gutted trout?"

"Damn Mark... you're moving up. Used to be you only went for guys who were lousy lays. Actually this guy is shorter than me, blondish hair, blue eyes, deep voice. He's very driven, knows what he wants out of life, and has a nice smile."

"Really Dale? Why is he single?"

"You can ask him that. He travels a lot so he can't get out like he wants to. He'll be in town at the same time as the guy I'm dating. The four of us can do something I'm sure."

He began snickering.

"NOT THAT!!! Geez Mark, you can be such a pervert sometimes. Okay, I'm going to go for now. I'll see you Friday night when I fly in."

I left Orlando that Friday afternoon. I had a hard time packing for the weekend because I had no clue what was going on. As I finished checking in three bags I muttered under my breath that I felt like Imelda Marcos. The flight was pretty ordinary, I slammed down three drinks (thank god for First Class!). I walked up the gangplank in Phoenix and as soon as I left the crowd I hear this bellow over the crowd.

"WELL IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME YOU GOT HERE!!!" I looked over and Mark was leaning against a column smiling at me. "I was getting bored so was going to go make fun of people's clothes."

I hugged him tight. We haven't seen each other in months. He showed me where the baggage claim is and we headed off to his house.

We pulled up to a red light, and he turned to look at me. "Okay Dale, what gives. Who is this mystery guy you're dating?"

I pulled out my wallet and showed him a picture of Joey that I had. He laughed at seeing that. "Bullshit! That's Joey from N'Sync. No way he's gay!"

I just smiled to myself. "Okay Mark. You say so."

Next: Chapter 42

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