Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Jan 17, 2001


Hi everyone...

Boy-Band awards are taking nominations. It would be great if someone nominated me (don't want to nominate myself, that'd be tacky *smile) *** Also, in order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an Egroup to do so:

This is the page of the group, If you would like to be notified when a new chapter gets posted please go join my group. {smile} I'll try and make sure there's fun stuff along with this. *** I'm not hearing from anyone anymore. I don't know if this means that you guys are too busy to write or no one's reading anymore. I'll go another couple of chapters, and if the feedback doesn't increase I'll wind the story down with a finale.

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals,



About five minutes after Chris went upstairs, he came down with Lance in tow. They were both grinning like fools.

"Guys, we're going to his place for a bit. See you later?"

Joey laughed and walked them out to their car. They stopped at the door. "Dale, you're not coming with?"

"Um, no. I'm not feeling very well so I think I'm going to go lay down. I'll, um...see you guys later." I turned and practically ran upstairs. I was lying in bed petting Loki about ten minutes later when Joey came softly into the room.

"Dale what was that about?"

"Nothing Joey."

He smiled and curled up next to me. "Bullshit. I can read you like a book.

What is it?"

"If I tell you you'll probably get mad."

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "No I won't. Now come on sugar, give."

"Okay Joey, but I guarantee you'll be mad."

Five minutes later he got up without saying a single word to me. He walked very calmly to the door, then turned to look at me.

"Come on hon, we're going for a drive."

I didn't say anything, just grabbed my wallet, keys and cellphone. As we were pulling out of the driveway I broached the subject of where to.

"We're going to Lance's...I'm gonna kill him."

--//Fuck...this is NOT what I needed.//--

"Joey come on now. Lance has been on emotion overload, he just had a temporary rush of emotions that he dealt with by kissing someone. Yeah it freaked me out but I'm fine now. Goddammit would you PULL OVER AND LOOK AT ME!" My voice rose and practically shrieked the last part.

He looked at me, then pulled off to the side of the road. I grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it.

"Honey, I love you. You know that. Why are you letting this bug you so much?"

He glared out the window for a minute or two, then punched the steering wheel. "Why would he risk fucking up what he's building with Chris?"

"Wait." I grabbed his chin and pulled his eyes back onto me. "You mean you weren't going to kill him because he kissed me, but because of Chris?"

"Well yeah Dale. What? Do you think I should be mad at him for the kiss?"

"God no Joey!" I know we were out in public, but I didn't care. I gave him a passionate kiss and ran my hand up under his shirt.

"Dale that tickles!" He took my hand in his, and just looked at it. "When you told me about the kiss I didn't even think about it like something I should be jealous of. I know that you'd never do that and I know that Lance loves me too much to make a move on someone I'm with." He reached up and brushed my cheek with his thumb. "Now let's go for a drive."

I grinned as he pulled back out on the road. "Where to Joe?"

He smiled at me then faced the road again. "How about this way?"

Three hours later, we were sitting against some rocks on a deserted beach.

"Dale, what would you say if I asked you to leave with me tonight?"

I grinned at him as I sat up a little straight. "You're joking right? Where would we go?"

He shrugged. "Wherever we want to go. I just want to spend time with you."

"Joey, that's sweet and all but you have to be realistic. This mini-leg of the tour is like six weeks, and then there's the charity concert. You have responsibilities that you can't walk away from...and if you try to I'll hold you down so Scoop can kick your butt."

I ducked the handful of sand that he threw at me. "You're a spoilsport Dale."

My cell phone started ringing softly. He glared at it then reached for it before I could grab it.

"This better be good for disturbing us."

His grin fell off of his face when someone on the other end said something. "Dale, it's the DA's office."

"Hello? Yes, this is he. Oh hello." I got up and walked away from Joey. "Today? You can't just tell me now? I know, I'm just in the middle of something." I looked at my watch. "Okay, I can be there in two hours. Your office? Yeah I have the card with the address. I'll be there." I hung up from the call, and just stood there looking out onto the water. I felt myself crying, but didn't feel like wiping my eyes. After a few minutes, I felt Joey's presence behind me.


I wiped my eyes and walked away from him, towards the car. "Can you take me back to the city? I need to go to the DA's office."

He ran to catch up. "What? Did he tell you what they're gonna do?"

"All he told me was that he didn't want to talk about it on the phone with me and I should come in to his office to `talk about the case'. I want you with me hon."

Joey gave me a hug, then we pulled out to head back towards Orlando. We didn't say a lot for the first part of the drive, his cell phone started ringing about fifteen minutes into the drive. He didn't say anything, just answered.

"What? Oh hey. What? You're joking. Yeah fine whatever. Bye" He hit `END' on the phone and tossed it into the divider tray between the seats. "That was Josh, he's not feeling good so he won't be going out with us tonight."

A few minutes later the phone started ringing again. "You get it Dale, I don't feel like talking to him again."

"Hello, Joey's phone. Oh hey. What? Really?" I looked at Joey, who was throwing glances at me trying to figure out who I was talking to. "Wow really? That sucks. Okay, I'll talk to you soon. Bye"

I hung up the phone and put it back in the divider. "Guess what sweetness, Justin's not feeling good either. Isn't that interesting?" I grabbed my phone and dialed a number from the directory.

"Hey, it's Dale. How's it going Gabriella? Great, hey what're you and Josh up to tonight?" Joey started to say something but I held my finger over my mouth. "Really, wow that sounds like a nice date. I'm sure you two will have a great time. I gotta go for now sweetness, but I'll talk to you soon. Luv ya poodle." I hit end, and put my phone next to Joey's.

"Gabriella and Josh are going out for dinner at an Indian restaurant, then going for a moonlit walk before heading to an art gallery where a friend of hers has a showcase."

The look on Joey's face was so sad. "So this is what it's come down to."

I took his hand, gave the back of it a kiss, then just held it. "Joey, think about it. He was a little stressed with the whole Lance and Chris thing...maybe this is his way of dealing for the moment. I'm sure it's fine and there's no subplots or anything going on." I gave a smile as I leaned over to give his cheek a caress with my finger. "What do you think this is, some kind of movie or something? Sometimes people just need space."

He gave my hand a squeeze, and we didn't talk any more about it. If the guys were going to pull crap then they could do it on their own time. The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful. Inside of two hours we were walking into the office of the Orlando District Attorney.

"Um, my name is Dale Wright and I have an appointment to see Carl Williamson. Right over there? Okay great."

Joey followed me silently into the office that I was directed to. A man in his late 30s was sitting behind the desk on the phone. He saw us and waved me in. He told whoever was on the phone that he needed to go and hung up without waiting to hear what was said.

"Mister Wright I presume?" He stood up and shook my hand. "Pleasure to meet you." His face changed as he realized what he said. "I mean it's nice to meet you under these circumstances. Yeah, that'll work." I gave a non-committal smile and nod. He noticed Joey and he did a double take as he realized who Joey was.

"Oh wow. You're friends with a member of one of our local groups? That probably explains why we put a rush on this and kept it hush-hush." He pulled a folder out of his filing cabinet and pulled it open. Some photos slid across the desk towards me. I picked them up, and immediately wished I hadn't.

They were photos of the motel room. The floor had large red splotches on it, and the one wall had a splash pattern on it next to a hole in the wall. Underneath those were pictures of Lonnie, before and after he was bandaged up. Finally I saw pictures of myself that were taken at the hospital.

Fuck...did I really look that bad that day?

Joey was at my side as soon as he saw the look on my face. "Dale?"

I didn't say anything, just gave him the pictures. The color drained from his face, and he muttered under his breath as he looked through them. I heard his intake of breath as he saw Lonnie's pictures. I couldn't look at him after that. Joey handed the pictures back to Mister Williamson, and gave my shoulder a soft squeeze before going and sitting back down.

"Now Dale, the office has looked into the situation involving you and the individual that has been identified as Lonnie Wilson. Given your sworn testimony and the medical records that we've obtained from the hospital in Montana we have reached a conclusion. Our office has decided to not press charges against you for what has been determined to be self-defense. "

He was saying other stuff, but I couldn't pay attention. I put my face in my hands and just cried. I felt Joey's presence by my side again, he was saying something to the Attorney. They shook hands and Joey led me from the room. We didn't say anything on the way back down to the car, Joey did let out a whoop when we were finally standing next to the car. He gave me a quick hug and pushed me into the car. He squealed tires as we headed home.


Three hours later Joey collapsed against me in the shower. We'd been having non-stop sex from almost as soon as we walked in the door. He had apparently made the decision that I needed lots of sex to get me into a better mood...and god help me it was working!

We kissed softly, and got out of the shower. Heading into the bedroom to throw on some clothes I noticed that Joey's ass swung very seductively when he walked. Don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing that body of his. We tried getting dressed, but kept stopping to molest each other again. Joey was down between my legs sucking noisily on my dick when the phone rang. He didn't even break his beat as he looked up at me, then at the phone. I reached for the phone with one hand, while lightly stroking Joey's hair with the other one.


"Dale! It's James...just wanted to call and see what the two of you are up to tonight?"

"Well right now I'm about to shoot into Joey's mouth so can you hang on a second?" I heard a gasp followed by a laugh from the phone. I put the phone down on the bed and grabbed Joey's ears.


After my cum shot into Joey's sucking mouth and throat, I picked up the phone again. "Okay, that's better. Hi James, what's up?"

Joey had scooted up next to me, smacking my leg as he glared fondly at me. "Dale, I can't believe you said that to him!"

I gave him a kiss on the lips, and got back on the phone to listen to James.

"Chris and I were getting ready to go out in search of some dinner, do you guys want to come along?"

"Hang on a second, I'll check." Joey and I talked about it for a second, then he began sucking on my neck while I tried talking on the phone.

"James, you swing by and pick us up...see you in twenty. Now I have to pry a horny Italian off of my neck. Bye!" I hung up the phone and pulled Joey into my arms. "Hey handsome, new in town?"

He grinned and wiggled an eyebrow at me. "Oh you know, there's this one really hot guy that I love hanging around with...maybe you know him? He's about your height, he's got your eye and hair color, he's got a sexy smile...and my god can he kiss!" He gave me a tender kiss, which became deeper when I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into me.

I don't know what was going on, but it seemed like the two of us had gone into sexual overdrive. We were necking on the bed when we heard voices downstairs. Joey called out where we were, and went back to nuzzling on my ear and massaging my chest with his hand.

"Hey Joey, hey Dale. Ready to go?" I looked over, and Chris was standing behind James holding him close. Joey and I exchanged glances, and he let out an `aw' sound. I giggled and gave him a raspberry on his neck. He laughed and pushed me softly away.

We reluctantly got off of the bed after shooing them out so we could get dressed. When we got downstairs they were kissing over by the door. I cleared my throat, and grinned at the two of them. We piled into Chris' PT Cruiser and headed off to find a place for food.

"Hey Dale, have you heard from Josh and Justin? We haven't been able to get in touch with them all day today."

Joey and I exchanged looks, and I leaned forward to look at James and Chris.

"Well, they both called us and said they weren't feeling good. I called Gabriella after Josh's call and she told me that they were going out. I think they're avoiding us."


"Please tell me you're joking..."

We were just getting ready to pull up to a stoplight...Chris turned around and was going to say something when a group of girls was suddenly by his door. They were screaming and taking pictures. Thank god Joey and I hadn't been kissing or something at the time. We sat there not acknowledging them...and once the light turned green Chris stomped on the gas.

James looked back at me with a sour look on his face. "Welcome to our world Dale, isn't it fun?" I started giggling, and in seconds all three of them were staring at me. Finally they asked what I was laughing about.

"Can you guys imagine the look on their faces if I'd been doing something with Joey?"

They didn't say anything for a few, then all of them were laughing. It was nice.

"Hey Chris, do you guys trust me?"

"Well duh Dale. Why?"

"Head to the airport, I wanna do something."

About forty-five minutes later the plane was taxiing down the runway. The guys still had no idea where we were going. I'd talked to the charter company guy privately, and had paid way more than I probably had to have a pilot and plane with attendant available for the next twelve hours, along with non-disclosure agreements with stiff penalties.

I sat back in the chair and held my glass out for the attendant to refill with wine.

"Gentlemen, I would like to propose a toast if I may?"

They all held up their glasses as I cleared my throat.

"One chapter in my life has been closed. It's ending wasn't pretty, but by God I survived it. I have a man who I'm closer to now than ever before, and I have a group of friends who apparently are willing to put up with me in my moments of bitchiness mixed with bitterness, and still support me with all their hearts and souls. Now two of those friends have found the possibility of love with each other, and that makes me so happy. No matter what happens from here on out, you two have special places in my heart."

"To friendships and love. May their lights keep our hearts warm for years to come." The three of them clinked glasses with me and we all drank our wine.

I snuggled into Joey's arms. "James, got a question for you."

"What's up Dale?"

"Would you be my best man when Joey and I get married?"

He smiled at me, then grinned at Chris before giving him a kiss. "I'm honored Dale, and I'd love to. Have you guys given any thought to when you want to do it?"

"Not yet. We have to get you guys through the final leg of the tour, then probably take some time to unwind. When are you going back into the studio?"

"Probably February."

I smiled at my man and gave his lips a quiet kiss. "Baby, let's get married on Valentine's Day."

"Sounds good to me hon, but who's going to plan it? I don't have time, do you?"

James smiled and leaned forward slightly. "Guys, this is probably the best time to tell you something."

Uh oh...

Next: Chapter 32

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