Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Aug 17, 2000


Hi everyone...

After reading some awesome stuff on Nifty, and after some cheerleading from Gabriella (check out her 'My Surprise Romance' story!), I decided to write a story of my own. I hope everyone likes it -- I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

Now the sex will be coming in further chapters, remember, all good things come to those who wait! GRIN

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 3--

I stiffened my body when I felt Joey's arm come over me. "Please...No!"

I felt Joey pull away like he'd been shocked, and I noticed that Lance had stopped rubbing my legs. I could feel both of them looking at me.

"Guys, please...I just need a minute. What just happened was a little too familiar, and it kind of threw me off."

I turned around to lay on my back, and I noticed that Lance and Joey were both looking at me with concern all over their faces. I sat up abruptly, making them jump back slightly. "Well, that was certainly not fun."

Lance blushed slightly, and let out a sarcastic "gee, thanks." I reached over and squeezed his hand.

"Oh God Lance, not the kiss. That was wonderful! Joey catching us just hit a little too close to home." I scooted down to the edge of the bed and stood up. I moved over to the couch, and they followed. "My last relationship wasn't exactly a nice one. My ex sent someone who he knew I was attracted to try and kiss me. I resisted and the guy finally forced himself on me for the kiss. I was just pulling away when my ex walked in and caught me. He then proceeded to beat the shit out of me." I fell silent as I felt tears streaming down my face again. I felt Joey's arms wrap around me and hold me tightly.

"Oh Lord Dale. You went through that? I'm so sorry!" He pulled me into the hug. He finally let me go, and Lance pulled me into a hug! Letting out a small laugh, I waved my hands in front of me.

"Guys!!! Not that I don't enjoy having two gorgeous men hugging me, but come on." I turned to Joey, "So you're not mad or upset about catching Lance kissing me? " I then turned to Lance and asked him a question. "Lance, why did you kiss me? Are you gay?"

"Well Dale, I don't really know...I think so. When my relationship ended, I was in no hurry to jump back into the dating scene given the fact that I have almost no time to invest in it. For the past few years I've noticed a growing attraction to guys. Joey and I had a heart-to-heart a few months ago and discussed things. Since he's noticed himself attracted to guys we're exploring this together. We haven't done anything too serious yet though...just kissing. Maybe we're afraid it'll change our friendship."

Joey then jumped in. "Dale, when we first met you we didn't know what to make of you. Once we got to know you though, I mean REALLY know you. You became so nice. You truly care about people. Do you know how refreshing that is? Of course it probably helps that you're just so cute!" He then leaned over and gave me a raspberry! (you know...where someone puts their lips on your skin and blows out.) I laughed and batted him upside the head.

"OW! Okay Dale. Just for that I'm going to kiss you." Then Joey shocked me by pulling me into a hug and kissing me on the lips. I will say this. The boy can kiss!!!

I broke the kiss, and looked at the two of them. "Wait guys. Do the others know about you two? And is this why JC and Justin have been such shits to me?"

The smiles fell off their faces as they got ready to answer. "Yeah, Dale...they know about the two of us. Chris was a little put out at first, but his love for us overcame it. JC is another matter." Suddenly Lance let out a yawn. "OOPS. Okay guys, I'm crashing. See you for breakfast!"

As Lance and I said our good nights, he smiled at me. "Can I kiss you good night Dale?" I nodded my head, and felt him gently taking my face in his hands. As his lips met mine, passion flared and the kiss locked onto my lips...his tongue entering my mouth. Breaking the kiss, I noticed that I was panting.

"Good night Lance. Sleep well and I'll see you in a few hours for breakfast."

As the door closed, I latched it and turned around. Joey was lying on my bed!!! Walking over to the bed, I sat next to him. "And just what do you think YOU're doing Mister Fatone?"

He leaned back onto one of the pillows and wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Well, thought I'd get ready for bed. Would it be okay if I slept here with you?" He stood up and pulled his shirt off, revealing a nice upper body!

"Well um...why don't you want to sleep in your bed?"

"Dale it's like this. We're constantly on the road sleeping in hotel rooms.

Hell, the only reason we didn't go to our separate homes this time is because we fly out day after tomorrow to finish this leg of the tour. We talked about it before coming in to meet with Johnny and decided we didn't want to go home since it'd just depress us because we'd have to turn around and split in 3 days. And besides, I get tired of sleeping alone all the time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get some stuff from my room."

He went through the connecting door to his room. I stripped to my boxerbriefs and got into bed. I turned the lamp down and closed my eyes. I felt a body get into bed with me moments later, and an arm came over my chest. I snuggled up against him, and noticed a hardon pocking into my backside! His hand began running circles on my stomach.

I turned onto my other side, so I was facing him. Getting up on my elbow, I sat there for a second just looking at him. He had a half-smile on his face. "What?"

Leaning down, I gently kissed those lips. As the kiss became more insistent, and my tongue teased it's way into his mouth I felt myself falling back. He rolled up on to me, and we began making out. After about twenty minutes I broke away. "Joey, we have to sleep! And if we don't stop, I'll end up doing something I'll regret."

" I like the sound of that Dale." He winked at me as he reached down to run his hand down my body. Fighting off the urge to howl, I leaned over to him.

"Joey...I'm not that kind of boy. If you want to go further than this you'll have to woo me."

He started giggling like a hyena. "WOO? You think you're worth woo'ing there baby?"

Well, those were fighting words. We spent the next couple of minutes tickling each other and wrestling. By then it was nearly 4am, so eventually our tiredness won out. As I faded to sleep, I snuggled up in his arms, and he was stroking my hair with his hand. My hand was twirling his stomach hair.



"Good morning Mister Wright, this is the hotel operator with your 8am wakeup call. Do you wish to reset for a later time?"

"No sir. Thank you." I hung up the phone and laid back down on the bed. I laid there and stared at Joey for a few minutes. He was laying on his back, and his face looked so peaceful! I couldn't help myself, I wrapped my legs around his and leaned in to kiss him. Spent a few minutes kissing and nuzzling the side of his neck, and then began kissing those lips. After a minute or two, I felt his lips tighten as he started returning the kiss. Breaking away from him, I looked into those gorgeous eyes of his. "Good morning sunshine. You awake?"

"No. God what time is it?"

"A little after 8am. Apparently breakfast is 10am, so we have two hours until we meet the others for breakfast."

Joey got up and headed in to use my bathroom. I watched him go, and thought about what happened last night. Did I regret making out with Joey? Hell no! The boy was definitely a great kisser, and wasn't afraid of sex like some guys are. I was jolted out of my reverie when my cell phone started ringing. I fumbled to get it out of my khaki pants.


"Dale! Hey it's Dan. Just wanted to check and see how long I need to cat-sit? You know I love your cat and all, but he's just too demented for words!"

Joey was walking back into the room just then, and saw I was on the phone. He sat on the end of the bed, and started tickling me. I tried flailing my legs, but it did no good.

"Hey Dan, I'll probably be down in Florida for the next three days, then...stop it... head home. Can you...GAWD...keep an eye on Loki until then? Great! I gotta go. It's time to, JOEY QUIT IT bitch slap someone!" I hit the "END" button on the phone and launched myself at Joey.

We wrestled on the bed for a few minutes then fell off onto the floor.

"OOF! Dale, get off me!"

I had him pinned underneath me, my knees on his arms. He glared up at me, then began giggling as his eyes dropped to my boxerbriefs. "Dale...looks like you're getting a little excited." I looked down and noticed that I had sprang a full-on woodie. I felt his hitting me in the backside. Gotta get out of this situation!!! Jumping up, I grabbed a towel and headed to the shower.

"I'll be back Joey, gotta shower and wake up." His face lit up and I had to shatter his illusion. "Alone!" Sticking my tongue out at him, I went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I spent the next twenty minutes letting the warm water wash over me. God it felt good! I reluctantly got out of the shower, and headed back out to my room with the towel around my waist. Joey was sitting on my couch watching cartoons.

"Hey Dale, feel all clean and awake now?" He turned around and saw me. "Wow. You are just so adorable!" I began getting dressed, when I noticed that he was still staring at me.

"Hey hon, this isn't a peep show. Go shower now. I'm going to give you 20 minutes then head downstairs find a soda. I need caffeine!"

He reluctantly got up, then toddled over to me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, and began nuzzling my neck. "MMMM....Joey. Stop it." I turned around and put my arms around his neck. "Now listen here. Shower! Now!!!" I swatted his ass and sent him off to his room to shower and change. Hopefully no one was looking for him last night.

Joey came back into my room about 30 minutes later, and we went downstairs for sodas. On our way back up, we almost collided with Chris when leaving the elevator.

"Joey, Dale! Hey guys, how's your heads from last night?" Then he turned to me. "So Dale, ready for the meeting with Johnny?" He fell in step with us as we headed down to my room.

We all piled into my room, those two sat on the couch while I sat on the bed. We were sitting and talking for about 15 minutes, when Chris noticed I was just looking at him. "What???"

"So Chris, does this mean I'm no longer on your shit list?" I grinned at him to take the sting out of my words. He had the good graces to blush.

"Yeah, about yesterday. Sorry about that. You were pretty cool last night when we went out to the club."

The three of us were just talking about random stuff, when there was a knock on my door. I yelled out for whoever it was to come in. The door opened and Lance peeked in. He seemed surprised when he saw Chris, but recovered quickly.

"Hey guys! We gonna wait for JC and Justin or are we going to get food?"

Just then, Joey's stomach grumbled. The three of us just rolled our eyes and laughed at him. With that, we left my room and headed down the hall. Joey stopped and pounded on a door. "Justin!!!"

I lost it...I was laughing so hard that I had tears streaming down my cheeks. Chris and Lance were just looking at me like I lost it. I was able to stammer out, "Rocky...ADRIAN!!!!!". They got the reference and both started laughing.

Joey just glared at us then said, in a pretty good Cartman voice, "Screw you guys! I'm going home." And knocked on the door again. "Justin? We're hungry!!! We don't want to give our guest a bad impression of us do we?" He turned and winked at me. I saw Lance looking at me out of the corner of my eye, but said nothing.

The door swung slowly open...

Next: Chapter 4

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