Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Aug 17, 2000


Hi everyone...

After reading some awesome stuff on Nifty, and after some cheerleading from Gabriella (check out her 'My Surprise Romance' story!), I decided to write a story of my own. I hope everyone likes it -- I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

Now the sex will be coming in further chapters, remember, all good things come to those who wait! GRIN

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

*********The Lottery Winner -- Chapter 2

"Dinner's on you? Are you nuts!!! You don't know how Joey can eat!" Lance started laughing as Joey made a lunge to grab him.

As the three of us were walking down to the elevator, other doors started opening and the other members of Nsync started to join us. As JC, Justin and Chris joined the group both Lance and Joey got real quiet. We were all standing in a group in front of the elevator, when I felt a hand brush my ass! Turning around, I saw Lance and Joey behind me both wearing that `I didn't do it' look. They looked at me and just smiled.

Getting in to the elevator car, I finally broke the silence. "Guys, I just want to say thanks for letting me take you out to dinner."

JC turned around and glared at me. Turning back he muttered something under his breath. Okay, that did it. I was pissed! Reaching over, I slammed my hand on the "Elevator Stop" button. As the car smacked to a halt, the guys automatically reached out to steady themselves. I turned and looked at JC, Justin and Chris.

"Look. I really don't appreciate the fucking attitude you guys are throwing at me. If you're pissed at me for thinking that this group would be willing to give up a few days of their vacation and actually give something back to the fans...fine. Just say the word and I'll go talk to the Backstreet Boys!" I heard a snicker from Lance at that remark, but I didn't lose my steam. "I'll go out to tonight, and walk into Mister Wright's office tomorrow and tell him the deal is off because his group is a bunch of self-centered boys. Now. If you're done being total pricks to me...I'm hungry, and for the record...I'm paying." Reaching over, I pulled the stop button back out. As the elevator resumed it's descent, I looked around at the 5 faces around me. Joey was looking at me wide-eyed, Lance had a thoughtful expression on his face, Chris looked like he was trying to figure out something in his head. JC and Justin however were both still glaring at me. Well, can't please everyone.

As we exited the elevator, I felt Lance at my shoulder. Turning to look at him, I noticed he was staring at me. "Dale, just wanted to apologize for being short with you at Johnny's office earlier. I thought you were just wasting what little time we have on our break. Can we start fresh?" He extended his hand. "Hi, I'm James...nice to meet you."

Grinning I took his hand. "Nice to meet you James. I feel honored. From what I've read you only are called James by your friends."

He flashed that million-dollar smile at me. "Let's just say your display in the elevator won me over." He then held open the van door for me. "After you..." I was touched by this until he giggled, "Age before beauty!" He closed the door behind him as I glared at him.

As the van pulled away, I felt I had to say something. "Look, guys, I want to apologize for blowing up in the elevator." I was going to say more when I felt someone smack the back of my head. I turned around and it was Joey glaring at me now.

"Dale, you have nothing to apologize for. We pre-judged you and your intentions without taking the time to talk to you and get to know the real you. SOME of us have started to, and are happily changing our opinions." He grinned ear-to-ear at that comment, then continued. "Look at tonight as a chance to do what most people don't get to do. Get to know Joey, James, Chris, Justin AND JC.

Tonight should be fun. Fair warning though...we'll be asking you lots of questions and probably staying out late since we don't have to be at Johnny's office until noon."

The van ride over to the restaurant was fairly quiet after that. The guys were talking amongst themselves. The only person who really spoke to me was Lance, who was sitting next to me. He asked me what it was like to win the largest lotto award in history, I countered by asking what it was like being adored by billions of people. He laughed at that and slapped my kneecap. I have to admit it felt good having a gorgeous man touch me (hey, it's been awhile). Lance began asking me questions about my personal life when Joey told him to hold off, so everyone can hear my answers at dinner.

We pulled up in front of the restaurant and all piled out of the van. We were ushered upstairs to a Private dining area, which I thought was cool. "Wow guys, must be nice to not have to worry about fans interrupting your meals like this."

"Yeah, it's kind of a pain when people keep us from eating our tostadas. You should see it when Joey's interrupted though!" Chris ducked as a tostito came whizzing by his head. "Hey Joey! It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye..."

The waiter came and took our orders. I ordered a chicken chimichanga with a lime margarita. As the waiter left, I noticed that the guys were staring at me again. "What??? Do I have something stuck in my teeth or something?"

"So, Dale. Tell us about yourself." Lance leaned forward slightly as he said it, resting his elbows on the table.

I noticed that Joey and Chris were both looking at me, Justin was out of the corner of his eye. JC was looking at everyone else BUT me.

"Um, okay. What do you want to know?"

For the next two hours I was questioned about virtually every aspect of my life by 4 of the men of Nsync. Justin started coming around partway through the conversation. I held nothing back and told them about the good things, as well as the bad. They seemed particularly shocked when they found about that I was in an abusive relationship and the fact that I was now openly gay with no apologies.

"Come on guys. You're musicians. You can't tell me that you've not come across openly gay men in your business." I sat back in amusement and finished off my second margarita.

"It's not that Dale. It's just that we're used to seeing guys who are gay, but can never let anyone know. They lead a double-life...and it's very hard on them." Lance got a thoughtful look on his face when he said that. And I noticed that all of the guys (even JC) nodded to themselves.

I stood up and stretched. "I don't know about you guys, but I feel like going dancin'. Where to now???" I grabbed the check from the end of the table and put my credit card on top of it. I gave the whole thing to the waiter and he promptly disappeared. Ignoring the protests that were raised at this, I turned and looked at everyone. "Well boys? Where do we go now? Someone mentioned clubbing earlier. Were you serious or are you tired?"

Well that did it. I began dodging flying tostito chips! Letting out a whoop, I took off for the stairs. "See you guys downstairs!"

As soon as I disappeared down the stairs, Lance turned to look at the others, "Look guys, I don't know about you but I feel shitty about how we've been acting towards Dale, SOME of us in particular." He turned and glared at JC at that. "He seems like a really nice guy. I for one am going to have fun with him tonight, and I really hope that you guys give him a chance. We may finally have someone to compete with Joey in the attitude department."

Joey had to protest at that. "Hey, I do NOT have attitude. I'm just fun-loving. Yeah, that's it. Fun- loving! Now if I'm not mistaken, we're going out tonight. So where to boys?"

They began discussing where to go when I came partway up the stairs. "HELLO!!!!! Are we ever going to go out?" Lance and Joey both came over to the stairs and gave me the bird.

The group came crashing down the stairs and met me at the cash register. We piled in the van and headed to a dance club that the guys apparently went to quite regularly. We walked in past the security guards and headed to the dance floor. I turned to see Lance standing next to me. "Well Mister Bass, the dance floor beckons. Don't forget about me and leave now!" I walked up to a rather attractive girl and put my arm around her suggestively. Within seconds we were dancing on the floor.

The guys all came up behind Lance to watch me dance for a second. "Wait a second...he IS gay right?"

Joey was laughing. "It's called having a good time. Damn, the boy has some moves! Come on kids, it's time to work off our dinner."

The group dispersed onto the dance floor. I was having a great time dancing with Gabriella (that was the girl's name), so I rapidly lost track of time. Next thing I knew I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning slightly, I saw a rather flushed Lance standing there. "Dale, time to go. We have to take care of someone." Looking in the direction he pointed, I noticed a rather drunk JC being supported by Justin and Chris. JC had this dippy smile on his face. It actually was kind of endearing.

"Lance, this is Gabriella. Gabriella, please don't make a scene...this is my friend Lance." She began shaking slightly as she realized who my friend was. Lance, being the southern gentleman that he is, just grabbed her hand and kissed the back softly.

"Always a pleasure, ma'am." She giggled nervously, then slipped a piece of paper to me. It was her name and number. I asked if I could give her a goodbye kiss. With a blush and giggle, she nodded. I gave her a pretty good kiss, and once it broke told her it was a pleasure to meet her. With that, Lance and I turned and walked over to the others.

We made it out to the van with relatively few problems. A group of girls tried following us out, but the driver of the van (a rather large mountain of a man) got out and put himself between the band and the girls. Piling into the van, Lance fell over onto me and didn't seem to be making too much of an effort to get up. I just looked at him and slowly cleared my throat. He just smiled and sat up, but put his head on my shoulder. "Dale, did you mean what you said in the club?"

"What's that Scoop?"

"That I'm your friend?"

"Of course I did. I'd like to think that we're both old enough to put earlier impressions behind us. No matter what happens, I'm glad that I've met you. And I hope that you're glad you met me."

He closed his eyes and snuggled a little closer, then opened one eye, "wait a sec...did you call me Scoop?"

I started stuttering an apology when he sat up slightly and smiled at me. "It's fine Dale. Most of my friends call me that." Then he laid his head back on my shoulder and promptly fell asleep (at least he acted like it.)

We pulled up in back of the hotel, and the 6 of us got out of the van and headed to the elevators. It was still fairly early, probably about 1am. Once we got to our floor, Justin and Chris led JC off to put him to bed. Partway down the hall though, they stopped and turned around. JC started talking..."Dale. Man, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. It's's...complicated." His head began bobbing forward, but he caught himself before he fell over. "Okay, I'm going now. G'night all. See everyone at 10."

As those three disappeared, Lance looked at Joey and I with a look on his face that almost screamed, "so what now?" I invited them to come to my room and watch a movie. Joey smiled and began going a mile a minute.

"Great! Hang on, I'm going to run and get some sodas. Anyone else want popcorn?" As he took off down the hall Lance bellowed out that he wanted a diet coke. He looked over at me and saw my nod.

"Joey! Make that two!!!"

Lance and I entered my room and began surfing the pay-movie list. We had just selected "Rush Hour" when Joey came in.

"Jackie Chan?? Rock on!"

I sat down on the couch and Lance sat next to me. Joey sat on the floor and put his back between the two of us. As the movie started, Lance put a pillow on my leg and laid down. As his head came to rest on my leg, I caught myself from running my fingers through his hair. "So how come you guys aren't out touring right now?"

The three of us sat that way for about an hour, when Lance broke my concentration on the movie by asking me a question.

"Dale. Would it shock you if you found out that one of us is gay?"

I sat there for a second. On screen, Chris Tucker was getting mouthy with someone (big shock!). I sat back and took a swallow of my soda. Looking down at Lance (who's head was still in my lap), I saw what could only be described as fear. Joey had turned around to look at us with a look of concern on his face.

"Well...No. Not really." Then I smiled down at Lance. "You guys are all cute, a couple of you incredibly so, obviously talented, and you can dance. Obviously at least one of you HAS to be gay." So saying, I stuck my tongue out at Lance. He and Joey both laughed at that.

"So any guesses how many and who?"

I laughed at the question. "Sorry honey, I never guess about people's sexual orientation. If I have suspicions I usually keep them to myself. I will say this though. My gaydar is pretty good, so I'm usually right. Now if you'll both excuse me for a minute, nature calls." I got up, extricating my leg from under Lance's head and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I washed my hands and opened the bathroom door. Joey brushed past me with a hurried "excuse me" and closed the door. Looking at the door, I headed back to the couch. Lance was standing up looking at himself in the mirror. As I sat back down on the couch I told him "Oh stop it Scoop, you're adorable enough." He turned and flashed his killer smile at me. He came back over to the couch, and straddled my legs. I looked up at him, "And what can I do for you Mister Bass?"

"Dale. Would it be too forward of me if I asked if I can kiss you?"

"Well Lance, that depends on your reason for wanting to." He didn't respond to that, just leaned over and gently kissed my lips. As he felt me responding to him, the pressure got more insistent and I felt his tongue enter my mouth.

We were lost in the moment, savoring the kiss...when I heard someone clearing their throat! Breaking away from Lance, I looked over and saw Joey looking at us with huge grin on his face. I stood abruptly, knocking Lance sideways onto the couch. "Um, er...well. Joey, Oh damn." I went and sat on the bed, tears started streaming down my cheeks. I laid down and put my arm over my eyes. I curled onto my side, facing away from them.

The room was quiet except for the noise from the movie, I felt someone sit down at the foot of the bed. I didn't say anything as I felt whoever it was lean across my legs and absently start rubbing them. I looked down and saw Lance. I felt Joey lie down behind me and put his arms around me. "Joey??? What're you doing?"

Next: Chapter 3

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