Lost Scream

By Cris Ray

Published on Mar 8, 2004


DISCLAIMER: The following story is fictional. It may contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it and may get something out of it!

A Lost Scream: Part 2

As Brian was walking away, it struck Kyle. Brian was right, he really didn't understand. He wasn't about to give up on understanding though. The gym coach called the academy kids to go change before lunch, Brian included. When Brian got out of the lockerroom, Kyle was standing outside waiting for him. Brian just ignored him and walked off as the bell rang for academy lunch to start. As Brian was walking up some stairs and made a right to go to his locker and drop off his books to his next class, he heard Kyle call his name. Content with ignoring him, he kept walking on. Kyle had to run to catch up with him. "Brian, can you hold up a sec?", yelled Kyle. Brian stopped at his locker to drop off his books for the first half of the day and get his others out. "Brian can you at least try to help me understand what you're going through?", said Kyle, having finally caught up to Brian. "No, not really", said Brian in words that he was supprised he had the courage to say to Kyle. Kyle started walking with Brian as he went to drop off his his book bag in his algebra class. "Hey Brian, whose your friend?", asked the student teacher. "He's no one Miss. T", said Brian. As Brian and Kyle continued to the caffeteria, Brian asked Kyle,"Aren't you supposed to be in gym right now instead of stalking me?" "I told the coach I wasn't feeling well and he gave me a blank hall pass, and I'm not stalking you, I'm just concerned about you", said Kyle. "Well I don't need your help", yelled Brian and for a moment the caffeteria went silent, but then picked back up. "Fine, then let me see your arm", snapped Kyle. "Let me see it and if it's cut free I'll fuck off. If I even see one cut though, I'm not leaving you alone now or ever until you explain all of this to me", said Kyle. "Fine, but not here or now", mumbled Brian. "Alright, meet me out in the parking lot behing the gym, we'll head over to my house. Both my parents are out of town on business", said Kyle. "Fine, I'll call my parents on the way", said Brian. With a look of relief and a quick smile, Kyle headed back to the gym. "Hey, what took you so long to get here", one of Brian's friends asked. "Nothing, just don't worry about it", said Brian. During the rest of his classes, Brian was a nervous reck. English, which he normally was a whiz at, was more hard than usual. As the final bell rang, Brian gathered his things, made a quick trip to his locker, and walked outside the gym to the parking lot behind the building. He took out his cell phone, called his mom, and said he was going to a friends house, wasn't sure when he was be home, but he was call. With an ok, he started looking for Kyle. Brian jumped when Kyle tapped him on the shoulder. "Ready Brian?", Kyle said as he snickered from Brian's reaction. "Yeah", mumbled Brian as he turned pink. It was bad enough Kyle was about to find out his 1 maybe 2 deepest darkest secrets, but then he was embaressing him. What else could go wrong. "Don't even think it, because something else really might just go wrong", thought Brian. As they got into Kyle's 2003 silver mustant, Brian sat there starting to sweat. As Kyle looked over at Brian, he noticed how nervous he was and said,"Man, just chill, I want to help you, it's not like I'm going to beat you up or anything". "After you find out what I've been hidding for a while, you will", thought Brian. They drove for about 10 minutes then pulled up to a huge 2 story stone house. They pulled into the garage, grabbed their books, and threw them on the floor of a huge kitchen. "Want something to eat or drink?", asked Kyle, trying to get Brain comfortable. "No thanks", managed Brian. By now, Brian was so nervous, he seriously thought he might black out or something. Kyle showed Brian around, then they settled down in Kyle's huge room. It had a huge king sized bed. a flat screen computer, plasma tv, some workout machines, and some dresser draws with a pretty big mirror. Kyle sat on his bed and motioned for Brian to sit down beside him. To get him relaxed, Kyle started some small talk. After about 10 minutes or so, Kyle decided to hit the bigger point. "Alright dude, what are you doing to yourself?", asked Kyle. "Come on man, can't you just forget about it, it's really not that big of a deal", said Brian, trying to convince Kyle. "Brian, if what I think I saw you doing is true, cutting yourself like that is a big deal. You could seriously hurt yourself later on, and if something did happend and I just sit back and let it happen, I just couldn't live with myself", said Kyle. "I fuckin get it now, I'm some mother fuckin charity case!!", screamed Brian. "Man calm down, I didn't mean it like that", said Kyle. "What you're doing to yourself is just wrong and it doesn't help anything, it just makes it worse", said Kyle. "How would you know what I go through?", said Brian, his voice shaking. "It's nothing for you to worry about, so just ignore me like you always do", said Brian. Kyle just sat there for a moment, a realization occuring to him. He really had ignored Brian for a while. Then he thought to himself, how could he trust him. Kyle stood up, his voice shaking equally from the realization he just put together. "Show me your arm then", snapped Kyle. Brian just stood there for a second. "Show me your arm Brian", Kyle said a little more louder and more emotional than he meant to. "Fine", whispered Brian. Brian stood up and rolled up his right sleeve. Kyle just sat there starring at Brian's arm. It had 7 huge cuts on it. Each looked like it caused a lot of pain when Brian first made it. "Are you happy now?", said Brian as he started to cry. "Brian", said Kyle as he stood up. He started to walk towards Brian, but Brian backed away. "It's ok man", said Kyle as he got close to Brian. He reached out to touch his arm, and as he did, Brian flinched. It must have really hurt him. Brian turned so he had his back towards Kyle as he started to cry. He didn't want Kyle to see him like this. After about 10 minutes or so, Kyle finally spoke up. "Have you been to a counsler or anyone about this?", asked Kyle. "No", sobbed Brian. "Brian, you need to talk to someone, anyone about this. Does anyone else know?", asked Kyle. "No, and I don't need to talk to anyone, I'm fine", said Brian. "Brian, no you're not. Look at you man. If you were fine you wouldn't be crying", said Kyle. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY LIFE OR WHAT I GO THROUGH? YOU FUCKIN BITCH. YOU THINK BECAUSE YOU'VE SEEN MY ARM YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE? YOU FUCKIN DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE!", xcreamed Brian so loud his voice started going hoarse. "Brian, talk to me then. Help me understand it", said Kyle. "I can't, you're part of it", sobbed Brian. Brian knew he could no longer avoid it, he knew he had to tell Kyle about his crush. "I love you and I have since I first saw you. I did this partly because of you. I also did it because I'm loosing all my friends and I'm doing horrible in school", said Brian. "Are you happy now that you've finally brokmen me?", sobbed Brian and he continued to sob. Kyle was standing there letting everything flow through him that he had just been told. Brian thought Kyle was thinking of the perfect way to beat him up. He imagined blood spilling everywhere, Kyle standing over him screaming about him being a faggot. As Kyle was standing there, Brian started yelling again. "I'm so sorry, I'll leave and just get it over with. It's not like anyone would care anways. I'm just so sorry", said Brian. As Brian turned to walk away, Kyle had just realized what Brian meant and tackled Brian on the ground. "Brian, no, that's not a way out. That won't solve anything.", said Kyle. "Just let me go, please, let me go", said Brian, desperatley trying to get away. "No Brian, turn around and look me in the face", said Kyle. brian, still trying to get away, figured he had no other choice. As he did so Kyle just starred at him, desperatley trying to think of how to do something to Brian he needed and for that matter wanted to do. As Kyle looked Brian in the eyes, he saw fear and tears. He saw a face that he was sure hadn't laughed in a while, that hadn't known happiness. As the first tear began to fall from Brian's eyes, Kyle leaned in and pushed his lips against Brian's..............

If you like what you read, e-mail me so I'll know to write another part

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