Lost Scream

By Cris Ray

Published on Mar 7, 2004


DISCLAIMER: The following story is fictional. It may contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it and may get something out of it!

A Lost Scream

It was a cloudy, winter day in Anderson, South Carolina. It was the annual T.L. Hanna Talent show around 7pm. Most of the talents were ordinary enough, a song being sung by a half decent singer every once and a while, someone playing the piano, poetry being read. One act in particular however caught the audiences eye. Brian Thompson sang like there was no tommarrow. He literally did. He had written one of the most emotional songs this side of the mississippi had ever heard. While a true Charles Dickens at writting, it had some of the most depressing lyrics anyone had ever heard. Such a pitty to be heard from such a wonderful person. He, however, thought otherwise.

Kyle Miles, the hotest guy in school was just leaning in to kiss Brian Thompson. Then as their lips almost met, the alram clock buzzed in Brian's ears and he was awoken to reality. Praying that time would just stop and he could go back to his dream, Brian got out of bed and got ready for school. It didn't take Brian long to brush his short, straight brown hair. After which, he stood in the mirror looking at himself. He looked at himself in the eyes. "What I wouldn't give to be anyone else right now", Brian thought misserably to himself. Brian couldn't see it, but he was a really cute guy. Not cute like hot, cute like adorable. He had the most astounding blue eyes. He stood at 5'6. He had the fullest lips. His lips embaressed him though. They were so big and so shiny, sometimes it looked like he wore lip gloss. He never worked out but had a developing 6 pack none the less. He was one of those annoying people who could eat anything they wanted and not gain a bit of weight. At 15, while most kids thought their lives were hell, he handled it diffrent. His crush, Kyle, was hot. He had jet black hair, and the cuttest and whitest smile you'd ever seen. He was built from playing tennis, soccer, and baseball. He was as hot as they came. Maybe even hotter.

As Brian walked through T.L. Hanna, he walked past Kyle Miles. "Just stop thinking about him, he'll never notice you and if he does it'll be for some dumb reason.", thought Brian. Brian had no confidence what so ever. As Brian breezed trhough the first half of his day, he just couldn't concentrate on anything. He kept on reliving that dream over and over again. His favorite class was gym. Not just because of the cute guys, which I think it would be fair to say that Brian was bi. Brian only wished they showered, but life was life. Brian loved to play basketball, he was never any good, but it was fun none the less. Kyle Miles was also in that class. "Coach, may I use the restroom?", asked Brian a sudden urge coming over him. "Yeah, by the way, you did great last night." "Thanks", said Brian turning pink. Brian got embaressed really easily. As Brian went up to the sink and took out a metal compass, he rolled up his sleeve. As Brian looked down at his arm, he saw 7 cuts he made. As Brian was staring at his arm, he started crying as he started to make another slit with the compus point on the tender flesh. He wasn't crying because of the pain, Brian could handle that, he was crying because of sheer depression. As he was finishing his cut, Kyle Miles walked in the bathroom. Brian dropped the compus in the sink, scared of what Kyle would say or think. Blood starting dripping before he managed to role up his sleeve. "Hey Brian, you did really great last night, but that song was really sad, like you wanted to die," Kyle said as he started to come to the next sink to wash basketball dust off his hands. As he did so, what he saw in the mirror scared him so much he had to look twice. Then he looked over to check what he saw was real. "Brian, your arm it's cut", Kyle stuttered as Brian still tried to pull his sleeve down desperately. "I have to go", said Brian as quick as he could. He ran off without the compus. Kyle picked up the blood covered compus and stuck it in his pocket. When he got back to the gym, he saw Brian playing a game of knockout with a few people and doing pretty well. He kept holding his arm though. Kyle walked up to their goal. He walked up to Brian as he was about to shoot. "Kyle, come on man, we're playing here", complained someone. Well I gotta talk to Brian. "So go do it somewhere else", another guy said. "Alright, come on Brian, we seriously need to talk kyle whispered. "I'm kind of on the middle of a game", Brian mumbled, not for being nervous, but just becuase Kyle was even talking to him. Any other time, Brian would have moved the world to have Kyle talking to him, but under the reasons, Brian was contempt to play basketball. "I never asked you, I told you. I dont want to do this Brian, but if I have to I'll pick you up and drag you to the bleechers", Kyle whispered. "Fine", mumbled Braion turning as red as his lips. Kyle and Brian walked around the gym for a few minutes without saying anything. Kyle noticed Brian's sleeve kept getting darker and wider with blood, or at least, that what he thought it was. "Look Brian, we both know what happend back there in the bathroom", said Kyle, finally breaking the silence. "What are you talking about?", said Brian trying to sound clueless. "Dude, look, I saw the blood from the compus you used", said Kyle as he pulled out the still blood drenched compus. "How, no why would you do that to yourself?", said Kyle. "LIke you would care if I told you anways",stuttered Brian. "I'm here asking aren't I?", said Kyle. "Man, it's not a big deal, so stop making it out to be", said Brian. "Dude, I don't even know what's going on, but I know that's not a big deal", said Kyle. Brian turned to walk away, but Kyle grabbed his blood drenched and some of the blood got on him. "So Brian, this isn't a big deal?", said kyle pushing his bloody hand in Brian's face. "You don't understand and you never will understand so just fuck off,"said Brian as he started to cry and turned to walk away....

Hey readers, if you like this story, then e-mail me @ YaRnWaHsSiRc@yahoo.com and I'll publish more. As long as you write me, I'll publish!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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