Lost on the Beach

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Apr 25, 2000


This is my first real attempt at a story for any website. The characters and events are fictional, though some aspects are based on real people I know and fantasies of mine. The document contained has graphical text of a homosexual, or at least bisexual nature. Although it is not just a softcore porn, You still must be 18 and consenting to read it. This is also not a sexual episode, it is a story about love, and this chapter has no actual sex scenes. Thank you.

"What do you mean you aren't going?" I cried over the phone to my girlfriend Zoe. "We've been planning this trip for the last two years, and now you're backing out?"

"Look Max," she sighed "You and I both know that you only have one thing on your mind for what's gonna happen on this trip, and I'm not ready to give you that yet, I'm sorry"

"Zoe! Come on now! That's not the only reason I want to go! This is my senior year, and I'll be at college next year, and This will be our last high school vacation together. It won't be the same after I graduate."

"Max! I know you're upset, and I don't blame you, But I already told my parents I would go with them and my brother to Disney World and that's where I'm going. Go on the trip Max, and have a good time, and I'll be here when you get back. I gotta go, my dad needs the phone. see you in two weeks."

I hung up the phone, as a tear ran down my face. Here it was, my last hurrah before high school. I had won a contest at Happy Burger a couple of years ago, I could take me and one friend to some resort island in the pacific, One of those hardly developed places where people go to get away from it all. It had a polynesian name, which I couldn't even pronounce, but it had been re-named Atlantis by most of the people who visited there, because it just seemed like a place you went to get lost. Zoe was right about one thing. I had wanted to have sex on the trip, but I wouldn't have forced her if she wasn't ready. I really cared about her, we'd known each other since we were little, and we'd made plans for a trip before we'd started dating, and then I won then contest.

A sunbeam came through my window and hit a picture of my best friend Lucas. He and his girlfriend, Emily, were gonna go to Daytona beach on their spring break, but they broke up two nights before and now their plans were ruined. Now he had nothing to do for his spring break. He couldn't even get hours at work because they were all filled. The sun caught his face and an idea popped in my head. I hit the auto-dial on my phone and in a few seconds heard his slightly high pitched voice mutter a "Hello?"

"Hey luke"


"Zoe just called.. and she's not coming to Atlantis with me..."

"Oh man.. that sucks dude.."

"Yeah. But the thing is... I know Em dropped you with nothing to do.. so I was wondering..."

"Let me ask my parents." That was the cool thing about Lucas. I didn't have to finish my sentence because he knew already. Now I'm not going to bore you with details. His parents said yes and two days later we were skipping across the waves on a ferry boat from one of the bigger more commercialized islands, to Atlantis.

"Gotta be careful on that island" The ferry boat captain said as we unloaded our bags, "Lots of people lose their hearts there."

We both laughed at his comment, and headed up a small path to a decent hotel for an island like this. It had 3 floors, a large dining area, complete with a dance floor, a bar, and a jukebox and even a karaoke machine. The pool was huge, it had an island in the middle, with a hot tub, and there was a giant waterslide leading into the west side of the pool. around the east side was a gate, and on the other side was the whitest sand I had ever seen on a beach. The water in the ocean was remarkably clean. One of the hotel pamplets said it was because all the water went through a coral reef that acted as a natural filter. That also meant there were no sharks in the swimming area. just the pool area and beach alone made this island seem like paradise. Then we decided to head up to the room.

We both had to wait for the other one to stop laughing when we got into the room. Since the contest had been designed for an older person, They had given us the honeymoon suite. Complete with heart-shaped bed, and matching jacuzzi. there was a small couch, technically a loveseat, and Lucas and I decided that we would alternate bed and couch.

We dropped our stuff off and headed down to the giftshop to buy some stuff for the beach. I saw a sarong wrap that I really liked and so I bought it, Lucas bought one too. We headed back to the room to change, Lucas went into the bathroom and came back out wearing an unbuttoned hawaiian shirt without an undershirt, and the sarong. I had also put on swimming trunks and my sarong while he was changing. I took my sketch-pad and a pencil and we headed down to the beach. I couldn't wait to draw some of the beautiful scenery I would see around the water.

I found two empty beach chairs.. well really the whole beach was empty, it was suprisingly their off season. Anyway, I lay down on the chair and began to draw. I am very odd about my sketches. I typically faze out when I'm drawing, and don't realize what I'm drawing or even what catches my attention untill I'm done. It's like my eyes and my hand don't tell my brain what is going on. I was looking around for a subject when Lucas unwrapped his sarong and took off his shirt. I blinked and then realized he was wearing a tight little speedo. I couldn't beleive it, I mean.. I had never seen him in something so revealing.. and I don't know what it was, but the setting sun made this outline around him.. and there was just this odd feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on. He lay down on a beach towel and read from a book. and I began to faze out as my hand started to draw. About twenty minutes later he got up from the towel and headed into the water. I looked down at my pad to see what I had drawn and was shocked. Rather than draw a picture of the beach, or the hotel, or the pool, I had drawn a picture of Lucas, lying on the towel with his speedo. I had drawn it in such detail too, his tight ass, his slightly tanned but firm skin, even his wavy hair. It looked like I had drawn a greek god or something.

"Draw anything good?" Lucas said to me as he stepped out of the ocean.

"Kinda. I guess" I lied. This was one of the best sketches I had ever done. Better than anything I had even done of Zoe. I quickly closed the book and looked up. The sunlight caught the drops of water on Lucas's chest and legs.. and I got caught staring.

"Something wrong?" My friend asked me.

"No. Just wondering why you stopped swimming so soon."

"Kinda cold, since the sun is going down. Wanna head to the pool?"

"Sure." I was kind of happy just sitting their looking at Luke and his wet body but he was already putting on his shirt and wrap. So I packed up my notebook and we headed to the pool. As I sat my stuff down, I felt Lucas wrap his arms around me, I was quite surpised, I thought i might be imagining it.. I had already drawn a picture of him in a speedo, and checked out his wet body. Suddenly I felt my shirt ripped over my head, my wrap-skirt being pulled off, and my body falling into the pool.

"Gotcha!" Lucas yelled. This had been a game we played as children. I was a little disapointed that this was all he was doing. I was then shocked at myself for having these feelings. I had never in my life felt romantic towards Lucas at all. Or had i? Maybe I had always felt something special towards him? and I had just repressed it.. I mean.. Lucas and I had done a lot of self discovery together, but that was just growing up, We discovered our first playboy together and, watched each other jack off to it, and now I wonder.. Was i turned on only by the magazine.. or by lucas too. I knew I liked girls, because I was in love with Zoe.. but.. could I be bisexual? Did I have a crush on my best friend Lucas? was this what the ship-captain had warned us about? How could he have known?

"Yeah you got me" I shouted, and I grabbed his legs and pulled his beautiful body in the pool, right on top of me. It was then that I realized his speedo-covered crotch was right in my face. I quickly flipped him off of me. I realized my own crotch was feeling kind of tight. I hoped he didn't realize I had just rubbed my face in his privates. I swam away from him, not wanting him to see i was excited.

"Oh no you don't!" he said as he swam after me. He thought we were playing the dunk and splash game. He chased me around the pool, and i would have gotten away but I got stopped by the island in the middle with the hot-tub. He grabbed me an tried to dunk me but I used my wait to flip him and dunk him. I then tried to swim away but I realized he still had a hold of my wrist. I turned to get away but he pulled be back and pressed me against the island wall. I thought he was gonna dunk me again but he didn't. I felt his hand move behind me, and his other hand grasp my side. Suddenly.. I felt him press his lips against mine. He then pulled away, and a look of total fear came across his eyes, realizing what he had just done in a moment of impulse. I smiled though, and kissed him back. Opening my mouth and letting him massage my tounge with his.

Two days earlier, I had been sitting in my room crying because my girlfriend didn't want to go away with me. Now here I was, on an island in the middle of the south pacific, in a swimming pool, with my back pressed against a wall and I was making out with another guy. And I knew in my mind and my heart that I didn't love Lucas the way I loved Zoe, I knew Zoe was my soulmate. And yet, I could not make myself push Lucas away. I couldn't stop myself from pulling him closer, and I couldn't stop my hands from grasping his speedo-covered ass, and I couldn't make him stop putting his hands down my pants. And despite this, I began to wonder, What Zoe was doing right now.


In a small hotel room in Daytona Beach, Florida, Zoe lifted her head from her pillow and sat up in bed, covering her naked chest with her sheets. She felt something, something inside of her. Something about Max. Her thoughts about Max melted when she felt a hand creep up her shoulder and pull her back down to the pillow. She turned her head and looked into Emily's eyes.

"So.. how disapointed was Max when you told him you weren't going to the islands with him?" Emily asked

"Pretty upset" Zoe replied

"I imagine. Poor Lucas cried when I broke up with him."

"Well he did love you"

"No way, He didn't love me. He's in love with Max, Zoe. He talks about him all the time, he even called out his name once when we were screwing. People think I was being a bitch when I dumped him, but I was just doing him a favor. Besides.. I think I found a much more suitable lover." She grinned as she wrapped her arms around Zoe, and kissed her. Zoe rolled over, keeping Emily's arms wrapped around her, and the two girls pressed their naked bodies together. After a while, Zoe could feel Emily's sleeping breaths against her neck, and again her thoughts drifted to max. Like her boyfriend, she knew they were soulmates, and she knew she didn't love Emily, But no matter how much she knew she was meant for Max, she couldn't make herself get out of bed with this girl.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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