Lost in the Woods Alone With a Hunk

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Mar 2, 2005


Same restrictions as with first chapter. Support Nifty.org with a few bucks to keep it up and running. My other stories under Author's see kevinmjo. or write kevinmjo@aol.com. Kevin Kelly

My mind was a real jumble riding in the back seat of that open jeep. Billy had given Us each a cold beer and he was drinking one while driving. His blonde curls were flying in the wind as We drove. Deano's knee was firmly planted against mine. This was really something out of a movie script I kept thinking a Bad "B" Movie script at that. here I was a decorated Army Vet, Pilot hot shot hard tough body popular with the ladies and about to experience what ever gay male on male sex held for me during the next 30 days with two Hollywood star look a-likes. Most guys my age wouldn't have known who the hell Troy Donhue was but i was a real Movie buff and now in the back seat of that jeep looking at that thick blonde hair I was excited to be going to see this look a-likes body. from what I had seen so far i was so turned on, Me the lean mean killing machine of the Army was actually turned on by another guy two other guys in fact. I looked at Deano We exchanged smile and swigs of our beers. I pressed my leg hard against his and nodded to his cousin. Deano smiled back mouth that He was a hung dude.

We were on a narrow dirt road that just cleared the thick woods on each side and going way too fast. Then suddenly there was a sharp turn and then the brakes came on hard making Deano and I fall forward. Stopped now I looked up and there was this log cabin kind of more a resort then a log cabin. A good 200 foot wide with a covered porch in front big bay windows on each side of the extra wide door. the insides were pure luxury on a grand scale. Thick wall to wall carpeting. Brass and wood bar that would seat 10 with ease. A floor to ceiling fire place. Then a large breakfast bar behind that a commercial kind of kitchen. A large bath with no less then five stalls and five urinals was place next to the bar. In all truth I've never seen a place even near this one.

At once we all three were at the bar with more cold beers in front of us. Billy was explaining how things would go for the next 30 days. each week a bus load of workers came to the Cabin as they called it and cut back the woods cleaned the pool did the wash cleaned the house and bought the supplies of food and drinks for the next week. While this crew was there Deano and I would hide in a tent deep in the woods so as not to be seen. We would of course have to make sure all our things were with us no cloths or what ever to be seen by the cleaning crew. Billy's Dad was Deano's Uncle was a Hollywood producer who while He would pamper Billy in many ways vowed not to use his name to make Billy a movie star.

Billy was smiling so handsomely as He said " If You don't mind Kevin I think it might be a good idea if the three of us spent most of our time around here buck ass naked. This way there is less of a chance to leave some tell tale items around?

Deano patted my back and was saying to Billy "Just seeing this hunk walking around naked all week will be worth it all Billy"

Billy was looking me up and down from my feet up my legs to my stomach and then my chest and face much like I had done so many times to a women. He gave me a handsome sexy smile and said "yea I tend to agree with You there Deano. Can I ask You something Kevin" Without waiting for my answer he said "Can You get into getting it on with two pretty boys like my cousin and I here?

Deano answered for me "hell this man gave me a killer load of his cream in the chopper Billy, wait until He gives You a taste"

Billy smiled and looking in my eyes He said. " Then You are in for a real treat my Cousin and I here know how to work together on a stud like You. You want to see?

I looked from one to the other and laughed saying as I shrugged my shoulders "Fuck why not we have a full four weeks to mess around"

Billy then started to pull off one of his sneakers. His off white dirty socks kind of smelled much like an Army Troops who has been out in the field a few days not for me at this point an unpleasant smell. In fact strangely I found the smell kind of sexy somehow. I sat while the other sneaker hit the floor and my smell pleasure was doubled. Behind me I was aware of Deano removing his as well but had my eyes on the curly haired blonde's feet. I have to admit the man had a pair of sexy feet on him he somehow really filled out those white dirty socks. he was kind of modeling his socked foot for me and looking at me to see my reaction. I was letting him know I liked what I saw and what I was smelling. he unbuttoned the last two buttons on his blue shirt and I got a full view of His powerful ABS so rippled and his strong well built chest smooth like a baby. His brown nipples tits hard now and nice looking. Billy held up His two arms exposing his Arm pits and my eye brows went up as I saw the blonde hairs long and thick on his muscular arm pits and got a smell of his man scent from his sweaty arm pits.

I don't think I have ever been so turned on in my whole life as i was at thhis moment? These two hot looking men and the thick smell of Men in the room the beers all of it the looking forward to letting them please my own hard body. My cock was at its full 8 and a half straining against my jeans. Billy came up to me and had put a hand on each side of my waist. Looking in my eyes he said "Kick off the shoes dude and Let me and Deano help You get in the uniform of the day"

Deano from the rear said with his hands now pulling up my shirt to take it off said "uniform of the day is nothing but the smell of a man on you dude."

I kicked off my foot wear leaving on my own smelly socks and stood up. Billy real sexy was pulling down the fly of my pants and then pulling my jeans over my hips. They fell to the floor and Deano was down there helping me step out of them. My cock was tenting out my white briefs which were stained with cum. His eyes to my delight got real wide and then a smile came to his face at seeing the condition of my hard cock. he now pulled down my briefs and he got them below my ass as Deano from the rear pulled them down the rest and I stepped out of them. The handsome Blonde in front of me slowly got on his knees took hold of my hard dick and put it in his cute mouth. wow the rush I got as his tongue was running all over my hard bare dick again a man was expertly sucking my meat and holding my bare balls as I held now those thick Blonde curls on His head feeding my dick into him. Naked now but for my socks. Deano was spreading my legs. I knew he was naked behind me. I spread them and with his hands Deano spread my ass cheeks. He kind of pushed my back to signal He wanted me to lean forward. I did as he wanted and Billy sucking my hard cock came closer to adjust to my new position and then I felt the most incredible feeling ever. Deano was now licking my ass hole wetting it up and moving so fast with his wet hot tongue all over my ass hole. Even felt his tongue enter my hole a few times and then all over my ass cheeks while Billy was giving me head at the same time. I could only moan in pure pleasure. Fuck this male on male shit was so great. I would pull back and feel Deano's tongue go into my hole then forward to push more of my hard bare dick into Billy's warm hot mouth. We must have been at this for a good 20 minutes when Billy came off me looking up at me he said. " Mind if I pull out mine and jack off while I suck your meat Kevin? I smiled and shook my head no. he was back on his feet as he undid his jeans then pulled in one motion his jeans and briefs down out popped his hard thick cock. The man was blessed with a large flared headed cock. So thick and so dam long he must have a good inch on my 8 and a half I thought? I saw by his Blonde pubic hairs that he was indeed a natural Blonde. I had the urge to touch his hard thick cock and was going to but Billy had other plans and he was back now again sucking in my cock while beating his meat. deano was moaning all the while he was eating my ass. Saying a few times how much he loved my hot bubble ass.

I didn't want this to ever end. The eating of my ass the hot blow job from Billy seeing Billy beating that hard thick meat of his and the smell of manhood filling the room. I was doing all in my power to hold of shooting my wad. I knew once I did they would too and it would end. But my load was too close too ready to control any more. I pulled Billy head down onto my dick now and then I was releasing my first volley of cum deep into his hot mouth. I yelled out "Oh Fuck Billy Yea buddy take my cum yea Billy eat my cream" My ass shot back into deano's tongue and then let fly with yet another thick load of cum. Now deano shot up onto his feet and was pressing his hard cock against my bare wet ass as I fired more of my load into His cousins mouth. Deano's thick hard cock lined the crack of my ass back I pushed into it then forward with still another load of cum for Billy and deano was fucking against my bare ass his strong powerful arms around my waist. As I pumped in my last load of cum into Billy's cum soaked mouth I felt Deano tighten up and then felt his own cream shooting onto my bare ass and shooting up on my bare back. He was shooting like I had load after load onto me. I looked down and Billy's face was all contorted as he was shooting his own thick cream load much of it hitting my legs. and falling on my socks.

Billy came up and the three of us were now in a hug. Billy's wet cum soaked cock pressing into mine. Then Deano's pressing along the crack of my cum soaked ass. We were all out of breath and kind of trying to catch our breaths and kind of laugh at how hot it all was. In short order We were on the pool side having the steaks grilling with beers in our hands. I noticed that We all still had on our dirty white socks. Billy saw me looking at his feet and said "Kevin I think You are going to be like Deano and I into Men's feet by the way You are looking at our feet?

I smiled and said. " Maybe cause I sure do think You have nice sexy feet Billy real high arched and looking hot in those dirty white sock and I think I even like the smell of them?

Deano was up putting the steaks on the plates for us and looked over saying with a broad smile "Billy after dinner We'll have show Kevin what we do with Men's feet?

Billy looked at me and said "Oh Yea We sure do. Keep those socks on for now Kevin"

I winked as i was given my steak and said "Hey we have 29 more days to go and i am on the studio clock and open to it all guys"

More to cum soon. write kevinmjo@aol.com Pen pals always welcome. If You live in Philadelphia Pa. or Montreal Canada area drop me a line. Kevin Kelly

Next: Chapter 3

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