Lost in the Woods Alone With a Hunk

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Feb 27, 2005


All rights reserved by the Author do not post on another site sell or copy without permission. You must be of legal age to read. Contains unprotected male on male sex if this is offensive to You please move on. Under Authors see my list of more then 60 stories. Support Nifty.org with a few bucks if You enjoy the site so We can keep this great site free.

After my time was up in the Army I wanted out. Wanted to have the good life relax not be so up all the time. I was a helicopter pilot WO 2nd class and I knew the civilian Pilot jobs were to be few and far between. I got lucky looked up an old NCO who now worked for one of the leading Movie studios. Seems they had a small fleet of Helicopters and Sarge got me hired. The first few months went pretty well I would be flying some hot movie stars around and found that most of them were pretty good people once alone and away from the entourage.

This day I was called in after a short flight to drop off some big wig to see Sarge in His office.

Sarge seated at his massive desk smiled shook my hands offered me a cold beer which he knew was my drink of choice and said as I sat down with a smile on my face. " Kevin You are doing really well here. The top people are getting nothing but good reports on You. All these spoiled so called movie stars have nothing but good things to say about you."

I thanked Sarge and knew there was a method to all this. He surely wanted something with all this buttering up he was doing then it came.

Sarge "We as in the head of the studio no less and myself. Have a mission for You that I think You are going to like. first the good things with Your taking this mission. You'll be paid a cool $100,000.00 then You'll be promoted to my second in command here with the idea to replace me as flight chief in three years when I retire. Now doesn't that sound good so far Kevin?

I chuckled saying "Oh yea Sarge sounds all too good so what do I have to do kill someone for all this?

Sarge laughed saying as He got Us each another beer "fuck no Kevin better then that You just have to crash Your chopper in the woods of Oregon and stay lost for 30 days with one of these up and coming movie stars."

It dawned on my get lost in the woods while the papers have a field day then pretend to find our way out and the next movie this starlet makes is a hit at the box office. I said "Hell Sarge You know how I am out in the woods, fuck You were my instructor for survival training in the Army"

Sarge "right and the reason I know You are the man for this job. You'll get the money all legal as a bonus for saving this stars life and well I will tell the press I am promoting You because of it The star goes on to be a big shot and the studio makes bundles of cash so everybody wins here."

I stood and extended my hand to Sarge as We shook on the deal I asked "So what is this girls name?

Sarge looked surprised and said "Kevin come on man with Your good looks and that hard body of Yours do you really suppose the studio is going to turn you loose with one of its female stars it a guy who You are going to spend a month lost with. his name is James Deano"

I broke out laughing and slapping my hand to my head said "Oh no not that fucking guy. Shit Yea I've seen him even flew him a few places before a spoiled kid. he is supposed to be the reincarnation of James Dean and all that stuff. Oh fuck sarge a month with that pansy assed kid in toe?

Sarge laughed and said "Yea I know He is a trip that boy he even believes his own press thinks he really is the late James Dean. I have to admit he does look like Him through"

The next day I had James Deano secured in the back of my chopper. I had to admit He was the spiting image of the star just 20 years old and he acted the part all the time. He was dressed in blue jeans and a T-shirt black boots he even had the pack of smokes tucked into the sleeve of his T-shirt a la James Dean. This was our top of the line chopper meant for Stars and top men at the studio. the rear was fitted with a bar small toilet a cabinet with all kinds of food in it a TV all the toys. It was supposed to be a two hour flight over the back woods of Oregon. James Deano I knew was not aware of the plan and never to be told about it the whole 30 days.

I was flying low to avoid any radar sightings that could be used later to trace and find us. I began to pretend I was having a problem with the gas flow. I was getting a kick out of how James Deano was getting all upset at the possibility of a crash. I pulled the wires on the radio and transponder Then down I took the chopper as if we were in a crash. We landed hard real hard and James Deano was yelling for his life while I was laughing my ass off. Once I turned off the chopper I went to the back to see my movie star in a ball in the one corner of the passenger section. I picked him up and said "Looks like we are down for the count buddy. We are in the middle of no man's land here"

James got up wiping the tears from his eyes with the bottom of his white T-shirt. He said "Well et on the radio and let them know where we are so they can send a car or something?

As he was drying his eyes I couldn't help but look at his exposed stomach His ABS were so good looking perfect in fact the kid sure worked out and his waist was no more then 28 inches. Even through I was only 24 then to his 20 I felt somehow much older then him felt the need to protect him. I said "Ah Mr. Deano the radio and even the transponder are both out we are on our won to find a way out of this hole"

Deano looked at me and more tears came to his eyes he said 'how far can it be to a road?

I said "Well in this part of the world it could be 100 200 miles to the nearest road?

At hearing this the tough movie star fell to his knees head in hands and crying like a baby. I felt so bad for him I was almost ready to let him in on the plan. I decided not to instead I pulled him up and he fell into my arms like a small boy and was sobbing on my shoulder. I was patting His back and tell Him all would be all right that I was trained to live in the woods and all that. this seemed to calm him down. It was just 1 PM when we did step out of the chopper and we stood there with a cold beer in hand looking over the area. I was telling Deano that we had maybe three days of food on the chopper and would need to move on walk towards the North and find some kind of trail or campers with radios. We would pack up what we could carry from the chopper.

Deano seemed to bow to me on all this and look to me to be the leader. I was all the while laughing to myself. I knew that in my pocket was a small transponder that I only needed to turn on and help would be to us in a flash. Deano was in no shape that afternoon for any long walks so I suggested We spend the night in the chopper have a good dinner drink up what beers and booze was there sort of a send off party and head out in the morning. Deano was saying how he hoped that they would find us before the morning came? He was feeling stronger now. we stepped back in the chopper and I saw that I had forgotten to pull the power plug on the TV the news was blaring. Deano herd the report that He was missing and a search was under way for the two of Us. he danced around in the chopper like a school boy saying "They are coming for Us Kevin they know already and they'll find us soon"

I took him in my arms to stop the dancing and held him tight saying " Deano, they can't see the chopper from the air and these woods are too dense to send a walking party. we have to plan on a long walk and a long stay alone in these woods"

He just kind of collapsed onto my chest. Funny I was impressed with the hard pec's of his pressing against my own the kid was really in great shape. I continued to pat his back but now I was getting some kind of pleasure out of it like I was getting turned on Like I was some kind of queer or something? This bothered me but I just shrugged it off and enjoyed the moment. Deano pulled from me and said "Thanks for that Kevin I needed to be held like that and reassured and You sure did that buddy. If I have to be stuck in these God dammed woods i am glad it is with a man like You with your Army training and all"

He was now looking up and down at my whole body as if I were some item he was going to buy? I put a hand on each of his arms and said looking into his eyes. " Look Deano. We have to prepare ourselves for a long time of being in these woods. finding things to eat finding shelter water all that and I just want You to know we are going to make it out of here and You will go on with Your career and one day soon be a big Hollywood star."

the news of Deano's being lost was blaring on the TV all afternoon while we just sat on two chairs in the passenger cabin drinking our beers I felt that tomorrow morning would be fine to begin our walk. I had in my pocket a map showing all the hidden way stations stocked by the studio with food and for me beers I was supposed to pretend to find. I decided at one point to take off my shirt and T-shirt as it was pretty hot inside the cabin. I peeled them off and let them fall to the floor. I was aware of Deano's eyes on me as I did. He then said looking at my bare chest "Wow Kevin You are really build man, Nice pec's and ABS you must work out a lot?

I said "Thanks Habit I picked up in the Army keeping in shape and I have to say you are pretty built up Your own self"

He stood up and with a James dean kind of handsome knowing smile was pulling off his own T-shirt. As His arms were still over his head taking off the shirt I was impressed first with his strong big arm muscles then his muscular and hairy arm pits. His Pec's big and round and creating a nice clef between then his ABS perfect in every detail well developed and strong. a trail of brown hair lead to that supper thin waste of his. I blew out some air and said without thinking 'Wow Deano if I was gay I'd be all over that body of Yours'

I had crossed the line and I at once regretted it I was ready to say I was sorry when Deano said. "Thanks Kevin I take that as a compliment. did You ever know that James Dean who the studio is billing me as a reincarnation of was a bisexual?

My ears perked up at this. I remembered the feelings I was having earlier while I was holding him and even now while looking at his bare smooth well built chest just inches from me. I at last said "Well just how close do You think the studio wants you to be to the real James dean?

Deano smiled and said "Kevin they want to have me eat sleep and be James Dean. Hell they have me always dressed like He would be in these dam T-shirts and blue jeans and these dam uncomfortable black boots. I wouldn't put anything past them at this point. But fuck Kev. I want to be a movie star and I've been working my butt off to get this break and I am willing to go the whole 9 yards what ever the cost. I know that I have talent and when all this James Dean bullshit dies down it will have to be my talent as and actor that keeps my name in the lime light."

I was impressed he was showing me He indeed had true grit and being an Army man I liked that. he knew what he wanted and he was willing to go for it no matter the price. Good and I knew I would help him all I could. I said. " Deano what you just said really gave me a lot more respect for you and I think You have the right attitude to make it big in Hollywood. You just keep thinking like You are and you'll be that big star one day soon."

His powerful arms came up as if He were going to step into my arms and my own arms came half up to take his hug. He did make the step then stopped he smiled that handsome knowing James Dean smile I was getting to like so much and said. " Hell Kev. I was just ready to give you a big hug for saying that. You'd knock my block off if I did right?

I just smiled and shook my head no and was extending my arms to him as He came into my arms like a wounded hurt little Brother I held my head against his as We hugged. I said patting his bare strong back "We are both in need of a hug here Deano. we are not in the best position here. Lost in the woods miles from anywhere alone. We need to bond together buddy."

He was rubbing his hands real sexy up and down my bare back and then he whispered low in my ear. " Thanks for all You are doing good buddy and thanks for being so kind to me. I know I have You and all Your skills to get Us out of this and I will put all my trust in you Kevin"

I was nearly at tears with these words and so tempted to let him in on the secret. I was also loving the feel of his hard bare chest against mine and getting really turned on by it all. I took a chance here and I stepped forward so that my semi hard dick made contact with his cock through our jeans. His hands stopped moving on my bare back as he felt the contact of our two dicks. His hands now dug into the flesh of my back and I felt him pushing his groin back into mine he was semi hard too and the electric feeling was so wonderful between us. The feel of his strong bare back his cock pressing on mine. I lost it now I let my hand slide down His back slowly as we ever so easy were humping each other down my hand went down until I was holding his thin waist then pulling his thin bare waist into me feeling more of his hard dick now fully hard like mine against me.

We were now just holding and rubbing each other no words said none needed. once my dick would be rubbing on the left of his meat then on the right then right on top of his dick. he would pull apart and reposition his cock against mine and we would resume again the so sexy rubbing. this was not me not what i was about. the years in the Army sleeping in the barracks I saw plenty of naked men. Sure I had to admit I admired many of them. They were guys in tip top perfect shape Gay or not you had to admire a good hard body when You saw it. I would wonder what it must feel like to a women getting fucked by these hard men? But this, what I was doing now with another man. No not me yet I couldn't get enough of this man. Pressing our hard cock against each other and feeling each others bare muscular backs had me all kinds of turned on as it die Denao. Then Deano had one hand on each of my ass cheeks and was pulling me more into his hard firm cock as He did he now was licking my neck his wet tongue going up and down my neck then my ear as he was pumping his dick into mine. I strangely found this so hot and was leaning my neck back to allow him to have more of it. His round hard pec's pushing against mine. We were both moaning as we continued this. Then I knew I had to put an end to it had to stop him from going beyond this point Had to get my bearings I was a hard tough Man not a gay man. I did nothing but moan more as I felt his hands leave my ass cheeks and they were now between us and pulling open my belt. Deano was going for it and I was not going to Down came the zipper of my fly I didn't want to stop him. Now only the thin cotton of my white briefs hid my ragging hard cock from him. Deano put his hand on my hard briefs covered cock. the first man ever to touch my dick like this. the first man I would ever allow to do this and I was loving the feel of Him touching my hard cock proud that he was feeling my long 8 and a half inch cock. His other hand was now cupping my big balls in my briefs while He worked my long cock at the same time. I was amazed that a man could be so hot touching me like this. he whispered. " Oh Kevin Wow what a hot dick you have man can I feel it bare?

I didn't want to or more couldn't bring myself to tell a man it was OK to touch my bare cock but I sure wanted that so I just pulled my jeans over my hips and let them fall down around my ankles. now I stood there feeling so defenseless yet wanting to happen what I hoped Deano wanted? He stepped back looked down at my tented white briefs let out a breath and reached in the side of my briefs near my balls and had his hand around my balls. Goose bumps shot through my feeling this man touching my bare balls. Then he was pulling my hard long dick out of my briefs and holding the head of my dick in his other hand. I was proud of my cock head most. I knew it was bigger then most guys I had seen a real bell cock head the women always loved it in them fucking them and sucking it. I was strangely proud now to have this man admiring my cock head and holding it.

"Oh God Kevin what a nice cock You have man Wow its so big and look at this cock head" Deano said and his hands were all over my hard bare dick. I was now undoing his belt then his fly and I pulled down both his briefs and his jeans at the same time. his bare big ass dick popped out. His was a nice hunk of male meat too. 8 inches long I later learned and semi cut. I touched it held it in my hand. This was the first cock I had ever allowed myself to touch other then my own and While I had thought about what it would feel like I never dreamed it could feel this good to hold another man's meat in my hand. the mushroom cock head was rubbing against the palm of my hand as i was feeling up and down the long thick cock. i reached and actually was cupping his bare hairy balls in my other hand. We stood there two men pants down around their boots puling on each others balls and pulling on each others hard cocks. Suddenly from a combination of shock and nerves I laughed and said "Fuck Deano Your cock is so thick and long man I wonder if yours is anything like Your idol's James Dean?

Deano laughed too and never missing a stroke of my cock said "I did my research and was able to find out from a former male lover of his that Dean had a good 8 inches too and was semi cut just like mine."

I now looked up from his meat but kept feeling both his meat and his big hairy balls not wanting to ever let go I looked in those eyes and said 'i don't know about this Deano. I've never done anything like this with a man. I never thought I would I just don't know? It feels so good but I don't know deano maybe we should stop now?

Deano had this hurt look on his face and I regretted my words as soon as I saw that look. I knew I had let it go too far. I would be a cock teaser if I stopped him now. Thankfully Deano ignored my words and slowly was getting down on his knees in front of me. His head came forward and he took my cock head into his mouth. The warmth and wetness of his mouth on my cock head was the most wonderful feeling I think my cock had ever felt this was going to be good real good I was now pushing my fat dick into this handsome James Dean look alike hot wet mouth. His tongue was expert and all over the rim of my bid dick head up down the shaft of my hard dick then onto my balls licking and sucking them one by one into that hot mouth. His hands were pulling my ass to him to feed more of my hard cock into his mouth. The suction His mouth formed on my cock was like nothing I had ever felt in my life. The way his tongue was all over my cock under it over it doing both sides of my fat dick opening my cum hole with his tongue and all around the rim of my cock head it was incredible and like nothing I ever felt. I wanted it wanted more needed this. I was pushing into his wet mouth fucking his handsome face pulling his head into my cock. I was close real close I was going to blow my load into a man's mouth for the first time. I leaned my head back and yelled out "Oh fuck Deano man I am ready dude ready to blow a load pull off or take it?

No sooner said then done. My whole body jerked forward pushing my cock deep into his mouth all 8 and a half inches and then flooding my male cream into his mouth once then again then again my hips moving without my doing a thing as load after load of my cum shot out and into his hot mouth. Deano took it all every drop of my cum flew down his throat not letting any fall free. He was moaning all the while I was creaming my load into him and I was holding my dick as it shot like it had a life of its own. I was so happy to be cuming like this. Knowing this man deserved this big load from me for what he had done for me. For how good he had made my cock feel.

Deano then came up and looked into my face and smiled the James Dean boyish imp smile of his and said. " Now Kevin I don't want to be reading about this in the Hollywood rag papers someday?

I laughed and while pulling up my jeans and briefs said "Hell no. don't worry about that ever happening Deano. I want this to be our secret as much as you do."

Deano was also pulling up his own jeans and I saw then the load of cum he had shot on the floor his cock was now only semi hard but still hot looking.

I said nodding at his dick as it went into his briefs. " I don't know if I can return the favor Deano? I never did anything like this before"

He smiled again that smile I was getting to love so much and said. "Hey we have 30 days together buddy I hope you can? But if not I just hope You'll let me have at that hot meat of Yours again?

He was turned now to get us another beer from the box and my eyes were on that hot round butt of his and I was thinking if he was going to let me fuck it? He handed me the beer and then it hit me. I said "Whoa wait a minute did You just say We have 30 day together?

He had that James Dean smile again and said "Yea sure did Kevin. You know You are quick buddy. Yep I know all about the plan man. See the studio thought it all up and they didn't want me to know or I guess didn't trust me to know about it. Guess they thought I was not a good enough Actor to pull it off? Anyway they let my agent in on the deal and we are shall I say asshole buddies besides our working arrangements. he told me the whole plan and We made some pans of our own"

I sat, No fell into one of the seats laughing my ass off at the whole thing. " An d here I was getting ready to confess the whole thing to you after what just happened between us two and you knew before I knew"

Deano sat down on the same seat as me as I scooted over to make room he put his bare arm around me. Beer still in one hand and said. ' Kevin what just happened between us was sincere. Don't get me wrong I fully wanted it to happen and the plan at first was to have a pilot named Hank take me but I insisted on You cause your so handsome and strong and able. Even so I never thought I would be doing what we did. I was and I am really into you Kevin. My man was able to talk the studio into you being the man. now for our plan. My uncle's Bill's place is not a half mile from here. We'll spend the next 30 days at His place while he goes and takes the supplies from the stations the studio set up for You so it looks like we have been there. in case they actually check up. But I have to ask you one thing Kevin and Your free to say yes or no but I hope not maybe?

I was shaking my head and laughing under my breath and just looked at him and said as I pulled him closer to me and gave him a kiss on his cheek "Go ahead buddy fire away"

He gave me that handsome smile and kissed me back then said. " My uncle is only two years older then myself My grandparents had a big family. He is cool about my being into guys and all. I would like to share a room with you while we stay there? You don't have to promise anything more then what we just did"

I looked at this handsome man and feeling his strong bare arm around mine and his face waiting for my answer. I smiled and said " Deano, I always felt life is to live and learn and what just happened between us was from the heart and I liked it. I know I said a while ago I wasn't sure if I could ever return the favor but hell now I know I can and want to return the favor and I want to experience all You have to teach me about male on male. I want now to not only have and open mind on it but to experience more of it all with you. look Deano I don't know if anyone has ever told You but You have one hot butt on you. A butt I pray you'll let me in?

Deano reached over to the next seat and opened a back pack there pulled out a cell phone and called. in 20 minutes a jeep pulled up with this drop dead hot blonde man at the wheel His blonde hair was thick and so curly. he had on a blue shirt open down to his belly button showing a hairless smooth hard chest with pec's as big as Mine and Deano's. he called to Us saying " Come on guys I've got a bunch of thick steaks waiting on the grill for Us."

As we walked to the jeep some gear in hand I said to Deano "Fuck if You are a James Dean look alike Your uncle here is a Troy Donahue look alike"

Deano put his arm around my shoulder we were still shirtless and he said " Yea He gets that all the time. After I get my first hit picture We are going to promote Billy's career."

I was about to say "Is he gay too when Deano said reading my mind " Yes he is gay too Kevin and he loves a three some"

We were getting into the back of the jeep as the front had a beer cooler in it and I shook hands with Billy. He winked at me and I had a hard on.

more to cum. If you liked the story let me know take the time if you send me your age for legal reasons I will gladly send you a picture of myself the Author. Your picture would be welcome too. pen pals in Philadelphia, New jersey and Montreal great. write kevinmjo@aol.com Kevin Kelly

Next: Chapter 2

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