Lost College Love

By David Stories

Published on Oct 8, 2006


Lost College Love part 3 =============================================================== Sorry again about the delay. I have been really busy lately; hopefully I will be able to write more as time goes on. =============================================================== Disclaimer:

This story depicts the sexual acts of two consenting adult men. Do not read this work of fiction if it is illegal where you are. Do not read this if you are underage, which in most states is those who are under 18 years of age, or do not find the subject matter to you liking. This story is mostly fictional any representation to people past present or future is coincidental, the parts that are not completely fictional the names, dates and events have been alter enough to protect the innocent. The characters in this story use safe sex at all times, you should always practice safe sex no exceptions. It is the belief of the writer that if there is no way to have safe sex then you should not have sex, safe sex or no sex. All rights are reserved by the author. All other normal disclaimers apply. Please enjoy. ===============================================================

David - 21 year old guy that is 6'1" blonde hair blue eyes Caleb - 22 year old guy that is 5'7" blonde hair blue eyes Matt - 23 year old guy that is 6'3" brown hair grey eyes

Another day comes and I ponder the reason for being, because right now there is nothing really good going on in my life. I have been loaded with projects for classes and have been spending all nighters in the computer labs; there is nothing sadder than a lonely guy in an empty computer lab at 3 a.m. on a Friday night, but I had project to work on and I was determined to finish it, I had been working on it most of the day and all the night before, I was exhausted and tired. I recently started to come down with a cold and cough which I am attributing to the overwork. At around 5 am, I had finished my task but lacked the energy to drive home, so instead I just laid down under the tables and fell asleep, I awoke at 9 surprised to find a jacked on my body and note on my bag. I looked around and saw no one as it was a Saturday morning, who else would be in the lab but someone most definitely came in. It was a simple note,

"You looked cold and cute so I covered you up with my jacket, next time try a real bed. I will contact you again for my jacket back."

It was sort of cool but creepy at the same time. I wonder who the guy was because his jacket was a nice leather jacket, which seemed out of place why some stranger would leave it with me. It was a nice suede jacket and I could still smell his cologne on it, then it hit me that he said I was cute, which was totally creepy. I haven't been complemented in a long time, which might be related to the fact that I haven't gone out with guys in a long time. Excluding meeting Caleb randomly, I haven't gone out with another guy in many months, not that I didn't have the chance I get lots of emails from online profiles but I don't know about meeting them, when I know it is doomed to failure. It was sort of nice to hear a stranger call me cute, but sort of creepy that some guy was here and I didn't wake up. I got up and checked my stuff, to make sure I wasn't missing anything, not that I assume the worse about everyone but I always thought I was a light sleeper so I just wanted to make sure. I wasn't missing anything, but it was still pretty creepy that someone was poking around while I was asleep.

I gathered my stuff and signed off the computer and went to my jeep and went home. I made something to eat and started to think of the possibilities, maybe the guy with the jacket would want to date me, he thought I was cute it is always a possibility. But then my rational side kicks in and realizes that it is not a possibility and that I am just lonely and trying to find a glimmer of hope in my sad life. But I digress, I took this train a thought as a sign and just decided to go lie down for a while, while it was morning, I was still tired from my all the lack of sleep that I had. Time moves on and I hadn't heard from the mystery humanitarian about the jacket. It was a nice jacket, and I kept it in my jeep every day as I went to class, just in case my mystery man happens to come calling for it. It was Friday two weeks after and I had started to wear the jacket the past few days because it was a nice jacket and maybe the guy doesn't know what I look like; I was sitting in the student center eating some pizza watching a movie that was playing on the television there, when someone starts to talk to me from behind about the movie. I am a rather social guy when I try to be, at first I didn't turn around because he might just be nice as I was mostly the only one sitting here watching the movie, most people were just moving around to their next classes or what not. But I was forced to when he decided to be cordial and say

"By the way, I'm Matt."

I turned around to see a beautiful looking guy that is a little taller than me from what I can tell with an athletic body and the most stunning eyes I had ever seen, they were these grayish blue eyes that were just stunning to see. He caught me by surprised which I soon shown to him as I stumbled over something to say.

"Hi David, I'm Matt. Strike that, reverse it. Hi Matt, I'm David"

After my little stumble I became a little embarrassed and turned back to the screen, I hate when I make a mistake even the simple ones, they stick with me forever and forever they bother me but that is a different tangent. I continued to talk to him and he had a great voice to listen to and it was rather enjoyable to actually be social for a change, I usually just feel lonely and out of place most of the time but I felt good. All good things must come to and end, and had to go to class. I said "later" to him and walked off, his brief conversation cheered up the rest of my day which moved by slowly. At the end of which I walked back to my jeep. I saw from a distance a piece of paper on my windshield, which sort of freaked me out. The last time there was a note on my window, it was accompanied by a break-in of my first jeep and some stealing my radio, the nice note writer told me they informed the police but a note was never a good sign in my book, but this note was different.

"David, You seem like a good guy, I like to know more about you. Later, Matt

P.S. You should keep the jacket, it looks good on you. P.P.S. I am not stalking you, I just saw you get out of your jeep this morning."

I was sort of taken back by this guy, he was very nice, very hot guy, but it was sort of creepy that he keeps finding me like this, but I dismiss it as he seemed very nice. I also liked the concept of someone that wanted to get to know me, I could always use a good friend or maybe find someone to date but I won't get my hopes up. I just drove home because I was tired it was another hard week for me, it just seems like I am always busy with class, but that's life I guess. I went to straight to sleep because I had to get up early tomorrow as I had group project meetings tomorrow and more work to worry about.

It was just after 6pm on a Saturday, I had spent most of the day with one of my groups discussing the project we were working on, and I was tired and just wanted to get out of there, I was walking to my jeep when someone came up from behind and surprised me, it was Matt.

"Hey David, what up"

"Sup, Matt, I just got done with a group meeting and just going to my car to get out of here, I just want to enjoy some of this weekend before I have to go back to work on more projects tomorrow."

"So what are you doing tonight as your release?"

"I was just going to call up some friends and see what's up?" --Okay so I was sort of lying, okay no sort of, I had no plans and no real friends to go hang out with but whatever.

"If you have nothing better, do you want to go out and see a movie and what not?"

"Sure, do you want to just ride with me"

"That works, lets go"

We walked to my jeep, I put my stuff in the back and climbed in. The drive reminded me of the last time I went to see a movie; it was with a former friend Steven. It was about this time a year ago when we meet, and I wish our meeting would have ended differently but you can't change history. Our first meeting was cut short when I got sidetracked from the road and ran into a concrete barrier on non lit road. Apparently from the neighbor who came out it was not the first time someone came down this road but usually they hit the breaks and stop in time, just not me. It was bound to be interesting time with him, we were just friends even though he tried to be more, I didn't really feel the same for him so it never happened that way. We were close friends for six months till he started to lie to me, and I don't need fake friends, I had that before. But I shouldn't be thinking about this, it's the past and unimportant to the new guy and a new chance.

We saw the movie, it was an okay movie, but I mostly stared at him secretly throughout the movie, it reminded me of the time me and Caleb last went to a movie, in a good way and bad. Like Caleb, there was something about Matt that attracted me to him but I was not sure what, but I also was afraid like Caleb, Matt would reject me too. After the movie, not wanting to end the night early we went to a bar to have a drink. I, myself, am not really into drinking, a twofold reason. First I think you enjoy life without being drunk, and second I don't appreciate the taste of a lot of alcohol therefore I don't drink much and don't hang out in bars that much. But at any rate there we were, and after a few drinks, he didn't look so good. He had been drinking harder drinks than I so I suggested that we get going and I will drive him home. He gave me directions to his place, and I helped him in. He went straight to the bathroom. I looked around, his place was nice, especially for a college student.

He came out again, but this time he was only in his boxers, which took me back. His walk and his voice seemed different, more sober than he was earlier. I was a little taken back by his forwardness, not that I really minded staring at him. He was very well toned, with a well sculpted chest and a flat stomach, not a defined six pack but his abs have definitely seem their share of work, he had a light dusting of brown hair covering his abs and a nice light trail down to his camo boxers. About this time I recovered from my temporarily lost of intelligence to say.

"Woah, Matt, it's not right you have had a little to much to drink, lets wait till you are a little more sober."

--As I was finishing this up, he seem to have a smirk on his face and a spark in his eye

"Nice, and you're a nice guy to the very end. But everything is fine, trust me."

With that he got close to me and as I stared up into his eyes, he took his right hand and ran it through my hair with that he leaned in close and I just did what anyone would do just went with the flow as the our lips pressed together. Subtly, I felt his mouth open, I followed suit as he left his tongue slowly explore mine. We continued this kiss for what seemed like forever but in reality was only a few minutes, this was the first time in a long time that I forgot all the thoughts that go through my mind, the self doubt, the loneliness, for a brief moment was gone and I felt happy, really happy, not the show that I put on for other people. Reluctantly my mind and consciousness soon woke back up from their temporarily slumber as I broke the kiss and backed away.

"Woah, that was nice but we have to stop, it's not right, Matt"

"David its cool, I am not drunk, its just I knew you wouldn't come up if I asked you to because you are too hard on yourself. I knew you were interested, I kept seeing you look at me in the theater but you refuse to act, and from our conversations it seems that you just afraid to try anything with anyone but didn't seem you wouldn't mind if something fell into your lap, which I hope will be me"

With that he winked at me and pushed me down onto the couch and sat on my lap and leaned down to kiss me again, but this time they were short little kisses that started on my lips and moved down to my neck. He stopped for a moment to ask

"That is if it is okay with you?"

He looked at me with those sexy eyes in a pleading manor. Although I would love to do stuff with him, he was right.

"Ohh how on some level I would love to, but you are right about me I am a little afraid, so I rather not do that right now, sorry. But I would like to stay the night if you don't mind; I rather enjoy talking to and spending time with you."

"I would enjoy that too, we can share the bed and I promise I will mind my hands or I can take the couch."

"It's fine. It's your bed and I trust you"

He got off of me and moved next to me, we talked for a while, after which we decided to call it a night. He moved off and I followed him to his bedroom, where he jumped into bed and stared at me.

"I guess you want a show" I said, winking at him.

"Yeah I guess I was staring, sorry. But what do you expect, you have been staring at me all night, and for the past hour you have been looking at my nearly naked ass."

"It's cool I was just messing with you, and you are the one who got nearly naked on your own, but I can try and give you a show, but I am no Chippendale"

I guess I am a flirt when it comes down to it because the idea of stripping was very compelling to me. I tried my best but I definitely had no future in stripping, so I should definitely stick to computers. I took off my shirt slowly and pulled my belt out of pants and it sort of was stuck, and attempting to take off my pants in a sexy manor only landed me to trip and fall down. Matt at all this was laughing, which I guess it was a rather funny situation.

"I am glad you are enjoying this"

"Oh you have to admit, if the positions were reversed you would be laughing your ass off too. I mean a cute guy like you doing such a bad job at stripping, good thing you are in college."

With that, I took a pillow of the bed and hit him with it. He called me cute which was very cool coming from him and sort of made me blush a little. But as I lied down in bed the exhaustion of the day finally caught up with me, and I just yawned and turned to one side. Matt slid behind me and put one arm around my chest and pulled me into his chest, I don't know what about the situation made me feel at total ease but I felt as right as rain. Maybe it's the fact that I always enjoyed cuddling or it could be the guy I was with was just a great guy but none the less, in his strong arms my back against his strong chest I soon feel asleep.

The next morning I awoke to one of the more comfortable places, I was still in Matt's arms and he was still asleep. There was small problem, okay it wasn't small, but Matt was poking me from behind. It was a weird feeling, rather new to me, it didn't feel bad just odd, since I am still rather inexperienced at things. But I didn't really have to worry about it very long since I guess I was moving about a little bit, because Matt started to stir behind me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I said

"Hey, how was your night, sleep better here than the computer lab"

"Yeah, it was a lot better it was rather cozy and comfortable except someone is trying to stab me from behind. It appears you also slept rather well, have a good dream."

With that hint he pulled back, and got out of bed.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean anything by that"

"It's cool, it's cool, I didn't say it was bad and if we slept differently the conversation would be reversed"

He gave a slight chuckle.

"I will go make some breakfast' you can go take a shower if you want."

I did as he suggested. While in the shower, I thought about how I was behaving somewhat out of character. While I had always been a little flirtatious, but that only really comes out with people I know but since I have been alone for a while it hasn't really come out so it was different for me. And usually when it happens I get in some sort of situation which I regret, but so far I haven't regretted anything, Matt was a great guy and I really enjoyed the short time we spent together. When I got out since I didn't have any other clothes, I just took the towel I had and wrapped it around my waist and walked out to see him. He was in front of the stove, making pancakes. Upon seeing me he did that cartoon fox whistle.

"You might not be a good stripper but if someone just mists you down with water before the show you might still have a chance."

"Thanks. Do you mind if I borrow some of your clothes, I rather not wear the same clothes again?"

"Yeah sure, just grab something out of dresser. You look better in my clothes anyways; I mean you look totally hot in the jacket, which I hope you like."

"Yeah, I forgot to say thank you. You can really have the jacket back; it's too much of a gift."

"No you keep it, its fine; you really look good in it."

I walked back into the bedroom, and took off the towel and was finishing drying off when Matt yelled something of surprise to me.

"Ohh, before I forget someone named Caleb called on your phone while you were in the shower."

He caught me off guard with that, the last person I thought to hear from was Caleb. This intrigued me greatly and I ran out to question him.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing much, he said he would call you back later, he seemed like a nice guy. Who is he?"

Matt didn't turn around when I first came in the room but when he did he brought attention to a fact that I remained oblivious to that point.

"Woah. A better question is, am I overdressed or are you underdressed, if you changed your mind all you had to do is say so" giving me a wink.

At this I quickly realized that I was standing before him naked, and the thought of Caleb was starting to arouse me, with this new perspective, I attempted to cover up with my hands was poor at best.

"Sorry about that, Caleb was an ex of sorts, and you caught me off guard."

"It's cool, I enjoyed the view."

"Since I still have to go back and put clothes and I am not going stumble back like an idiot, you might as well pay close attention for the show."

With that I raised my arms above my head and placed them behind my head, walked close to him and gave a little spin before walking back into the bedroom. I guess I caught him off guard with my sudden courage and forwardness. He dropped his jaw when I dropped my hands and stayed like that until I left, only then did he start a short banter of clapping and cat calls. Once I was clothed, and slightly recovered from the embarrassment of the situation I returned to talk to Matt.

"Sorry about that, it's just there is a complicated situation with Caleb and didn't expect to hear from him."

"It's cool; you caught me off guard yourself with your little show at the end, what was that about."

"Ehh I had already made a fool of myself, so I thought I might as well go the full way, hope you enjoyed."

"Yeah, too bad I didn't have my camera, but anyways I have breakfast ready and then I need to go take a cold shower."

We had breakfast and chatted about things mostly my history with Caleb, before I had to leave to get ready for another group meeting. Now things are on my mind, I am starting too really like Matt; there was something about him like Caleb that attracted me to him. But to further complicate the matter, Caleb himself also contacted me; two guys who I both could imagine falling for are now in my thoughts. The recent events and the guys made me realize that things are going quickly become something different than the normal boring life for me. At the end of the day I went home to my bed and laid down and thought, I acted completely out of character the past day, not that I regret the stuff that happen, I enjoy Matt's company and look forward to seeing him again. Mind you that I rather not have stripped for him, but the cuddling in bed was rather enjoyable, especially for a lonely guy like me who has gone whole days at classes without talking to people before and I never really have physical contact with anyone, no hugs, handshakes just maybe a hi. Matt came here and brought out something I didn't think I had, was that a different personality or my real personality and I have been hiding in loneliness. Moreover what do I do about Caleb, he called I know I still like Caleb, I think about him often but now there is Matt. But worst of all was that I thought of both of them as possibly something more than friends, and if they just wanted friends that would hurt somewhat. With these thoughts and many more I drifted off to sleep where dreams are pure and simple and I am content and worry free.

To be continued...

=============================================================== --Writers Note

Thanks to those who have written me, I appreciate all comments. Sorry if I haven't responded I never really was good at writing back people, but I read everything that is sent so thank you all and please keep sending feedback I will try to write back. Some people have questioned about the fictional nature of the story, with respect to my disclaimer that some parts might not be fiction, so I decided on a general response to everyone. David is an exaggerated version of me, hence why I write in first person. Most of the events that he references in the past were real events that have been slightly altered and enhanced for effect and animosity. The present day stuff is mostly fictional, the characters are mostly fictionally with some having strong representation to real people but changed to protect their identities. This story is an abstraction of my dreams of how I wish my life could go at any given time; for example this one is on the concept of a stranger love, which I think about when I am on campus admiring other guys from afar, wondering if there is someone out there thinking about me. Hope you are enjoying the story so far, this episode doesn't have much to do with Caleb directly but he will definitely work his way back in, also sorry for the delay, I am still working on how to find time to write.


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