Lost College Love

By David Stories

Published on Aug 16, 2006


=============================================================== Disclaimer:

This story depicts the sexual acts of two consenting adult men. Do not read this work of fiction if it is illegal where you are. Do not read this if you are underage, which in most states is those who are under 18 years of age, or do not find the subject matter to you liking. This story is mostly fictional any representation to people past present or future is coincidental, the parts that are not completely fictional the names, dates and events have been alter enough to protect the innocent. The characters in this story use safe sex at all times, you should always practice safe sex no exceptions. It is the belief of the writer that if there is no way to have safe sex then you should not have sex, safe sex or no sex. All rights are reserved by the author. All other normal disclaimers apply. Please enjoy.


David - 21 year old guy that is 6'1" blonde hair blue eyes Caleb - 22 year old guy that is 5'7" blonde hair blue eyes

I woke up and brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out. I put on some blue jeans, t-shirt and hat. I went through the normal motions of the day but this wasn't any normal day. It was special and as I went about I was deep in thought. I had an appointment with a dentist today. While this was a normal thing for most people, it was bringing up a lot of memories. I had moved away from my home town for college and now am in my senior year but never switched my dentist. The drive wasn't long, an hour, but it brought up memories that I would prefer not to remember. My family no longer lives in my home town so I have no reason to go there other than my dentists, so I am able to forget about that place except when seeing the dentist. But it is my home town; I lived there for seventeen years before college thus it will always be home. It has been three years since I last talked to him but every time I return to the area, I think of him. As I climbed into my Jeep and prepared for the trip home, my thoughts were of him. I wonder where he was, what he was up to, if he still is down there, if he ever thought of me. But deep down inside I knew the answers but refused to listen to them. He probably wasn't there anymore and probably never thought of me anymore.

As I started out on the highway, it reminded me of the many trips home that I made my freshman year of college. I did an early enrollment in college, 70 miles from my hometown to just get away, during my senior year in high school. It was spring semester and Caleb first instant messaged me. The first thing he said was "do you have any ketchup" which was very odd but it was unique enough that I will always remember. It was a running joke between us for a long while. I would chat with him nearly daily, and people were commenting on how I looked happier and heckling me on maybe I had a girlfriend which I easily denied. As most online relationship go, we were bound to meet. I was instantly attracted to him; he was shorter than me but because he was a cross country runner and worked out looked so much better than me. But moreover, I feel in love with his personality from our conversations. I drove back to my home town because he went to a college close to home. We went to see a play at his college and I checked him out during the play, afterwards we went back to his apartment where nothing happened, we were in his room on his bed chatting and his best friend came in and we all went out and enjoyed conversation with his friends. I felt hurt because I felt he didn't like me. When we chatted later I found out that he was also checking me out but alas for me he didn't want to be anything more with me than just friends. His reasoning was that he was hurt by his last relationship and was not yet ready for a new one. I took this hard but I would try because I really liked to be around him and thought we could be friends but this was going to be hard I would soon find out.

Still now thinking about it, I don't know what about him that was different than other people. We didn't know each other as long as I knew other people, we didn't do anything that I did with other people, but I felt a desire to be with him that I have not felt with anyone else. I don't know if there is such a thing as love at first sight, but I know I had a longing to be with him, and still think of him fondly but have long lost the communication channel with him that was so active at first. We would meet of and on and they would mean a lot to me but nothing ever happened long as I desired. The time he was Rocky in a local Rocky Horror Picture Show took the cake. There he was walking around stage in only a gold bikini like thing, but while it would look feminine on some not him because he is has a tone body and does strength training he looked so hot and sexy in it. I had a desire to be with him, and the fact that I knew he didn't want anything more hurt me more than anything. It showed back on campus when I started to mope around and people were concerned because I was a relatively social person. We kept chatting and I expressed my emotion and found out that it was mostly because we were looking for different things. I have been mostly a romantic kind of guy, and would like a real long term relationship. He was also looking for a relationship but didn't want to put any boundaries on it, it was what it was. I was inexperienced and by inexperienced I mean I haven't had a real relationship at the time and never did anything than some basic fooling around; he on the other hand has had real relationships. He told me that he couldn't be my first and not me but anyone's first it had to do with the principle of it, but kept telling me that he was attracted to me, which was odd because I didn't feel like he did but he kept wanting to meet me.

As I neared my destination, I passed by places where we meet and did stuff but I still felt rejected. The movies where we saw a movie, and I mostly saw him and just watched him. Nothing happened but how I longed for was the chance. I was running early for my dentist appointment, so I purposely missed my exit and went down a few more where I pulled off to a store. There was nothing special about the store other the fact that one time I meet him there, he was on register looking sexy as usual. I waited while he finished up the last few customers and we went out for pizza. We chatted but as usual, the attraction was only one way. It was about this time that I started to decide to move on, I had no chance. Our conversations dwindled and by the start of my sophomore year he was a pleasant but lost memory. I had moved on to a bigger better school now in the center of the major city of the region instead of the small college I was at before, which I went to because of the early entrance program.

I contacted him through email once again and we sent a few emails back and forth. He expressed a desire to meet under the pretext of me fixing something with his computer, which is fine considering I am a computer science major. I made the memorial journey back to see him, upon which I felt the pain that I left far behind. I don't really understand the feeling but there was something about him that I always loved, regardless of the fact that the main time we were chatting and friends was only six months before I cut off the primary communication channel. And every time I think of him I feel this longing to be with him but that never happened and never looked like it would happen again. I fixed his computer during which I gauged his interest in me, it was as before, and he didn't want anything more than the somewhat close friendship that we started out on. Upon return to my normal surroundings, I became evidently clear that I could not get past this out of place feelings that I quickly had for the guy, which I really haven't had with anyone else, and he would never feel the same. Thus I broke off contact again, this was about three years ago, and every trip down to this area reminded me of him. I have sent him a few emails this year out of the blue, but haven't heard back.

Here I was walking through the store that he worked at 3 years ago, for no good reason but hoping on the off chance I would see him. I don't know what I would say but I would hope that he is alright and things are going good for him. I wonder if he found a guy for him yet, I would like to have tried to have something with him but since that was never an option I hoped the best for him. He wasn't here at the store, I wasn't expecting he would be but, it was this or waits around in the dentist office till they were ready for me. I gave up on my search and returned to the purpose of this quest, the dentist. My visit only lasted half an hour which was a mixed blessing, there was nothing wrong but I spent an hour getting down here and would have to spend and hour going back. I decided to drive around the old neighborhood, where there were a lot of memories of growing up as a kid, but not many that were fond.

My wording has been careful and positive about myself up to this point. I had found my niche freshman year of college when I first meet him, I knew everyone in the dorm but that wasn't my true self. My true self is what I showed Caleb and he accepted it, which might be why he meant so much to me because I never really had that much acceptance from others through time. As a child I once had many ear infections, had had to have operations, this caused some damage to my speech patterns as I developed a slight speech disorder. I struggled with it through public school, people made fun of me for it and with that and the fact upon puberty I developed one of the more severe cases of acne. I was sad and depressed most of my junior year of high school, and my transfer to college was to get away from the people of high school before I became really depressed. I wanted a new start, new friends, actually how bout real friends. The so called friends of my youth either were friends when we were alone but once in public they would join the others, or they never took an interest in my life. I don't think I have received a birthday gift from anyone other than my family since I was about ten, furthermore most people didn't even remember my birthday. But that's not the point of this. I never have the self esteem I needed to really enjoy my life but just enough to live. Freshman year of college, my acne had cleared up but I had scars from where it was, they weren't bad said others but I always thought I was ugly. Caleb took an interest in all this and comforted me like a true friend but a friend is not what I wanted, he keeps saying he thought I was attractive.

I drove around the neighborhood and saw that some people have never moved one; some of my so called friends but more along the lines of enemies still lived there with the parents. Some have moved on to hopefully better things but with the kinds of people that lived there and how they behaved I don't think they moved on to much better things. My old home was there with a new family, I was home but this wasn't my home there was no attachment to here. I kept driving around and found myself driving to Caleb's campus, the last attachment to this area. I was driving around, hope that I would see Caleb out, running about but alas no. I parked my jeep and walked over to the lake and sat on a park bench. I pulled out my phone and looked at it, before I left I programmed in the last number I had for Caleb on the off chance he would still have his phone. I was here, feeling these emotions; I thought I should make it at least worth while and find the guy who caused them. I had a moment of strength and bravery as I called him, of course only voicemail happened and it was the standard voicemail.

"Caleb, I hope this is Caleb, if it is not Caleb. I am sorry and you can disregard the rest of the message. If it is Caleb, hi runnerboi, hope you are good, it's David with the jeep. I really don't know why I am calling, okay I sort of do, I mean I had to drive down here for the dentist and before I knew it I was at the campus and now I am sitting on a park bench near the lake leaving you a message. I guess I hoped that we could meet, haven't seen you in a while but would like to see you again. Okay I think I am rambling and you probably won't get this message, bye."

I sat there ten minutes hoping he would call back but alas no response. I subconsciously knew it would never happen, but always hoped it would. I didn't feel like going back to my normal life, I was single and don't have anyone whom I felt close to like I did with him. I didn't have anyone who I felt cared for me anymore than the jerks I used to know. Years have passed but I still felt as alone as I have always felt, and with all these emotions all I could think is that I am going to be alone forever. I decided to lie down for a bit, I really didn't feel like going back to my life. It wasn't a sad life but I just want happy, so I was lying down staring at the sky. The sky was blue and clouds were puffy and moving slowly and calmly. I closed my eyes and just resting.


Someone landed on top me and was holding me. I opened my eyes, couldn't see their face as it was side by side with mine. He pulled back and I saw Caleb, I was shocked and surprised. He wasn't wearing running clothes, but he was glistening with sweat and slightly out of breath.

"Hey David, glad you came. I got you message, I was in class, when I got out I listened to the voicemail I ran over here. I wanted to see you again but haven't had a way to contact you again. I'm hungry lets go get something to eat and we will talk"

To be continued....

=============================================================== --Writers Note

Okay this is an odd story, a break from the other one that I am trying to write. I am not much of a writer, still relatively new at this. This story begins based loosely on my life some things have been exaggerated and some details left out for dramatic purposes, names dates and locations have been either changed or left out. The outcome is fictionally for the user's enjoyment and subsequent chapters will be completely fictional, because true life doesn't always have an ending. Please leave your feedback.


Next: Chapter 2

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