Lost a Bet to Dave

By J Smithesson

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Lost a bet to Dave chapter II

Many thanks for all your feedback and ideas. Do keep me posted with your thoughts to smithesson88@gmail.com. Since many have asked me where I gathered inspiration for the story then let me share with you that basically I saw a dream which I found really hot and felt that I would loose it unless I write down what I remember.

For Clive, it felt like he had been standing there for at least an hour, maybe more. His legs got really tired of standing in one position and his head continued to spin with ideas about what will actually happen to him and what is Dave really up to. After a while he started to do some noises to express his discomfort with the situation. For some reason he was afraid to speak. What would have said in any case – something in the style of `hey, do you not see I am uncomfortable?' That would made him feel even more stupid in the situation where his closest university mates were enjoying themselves with drinks and cards whereas he was told to stand in a humiliating position whilst wearing only his boxers.

After a while Dave said Boy.' Then there was silence. Clive felt how all his three friends must have been looking at him, although he could not see as he was facing the wall. Then Clive said yes.' There was another few seconds of silence which felt like ages for Clive, then Dave added with a demanding voice yes, what?' Yes, Sir' Clive said. Look he is learning fast,' Rick smirked. Of course he is,' Dave added with a much softer voice now Clivy is a very smart boy. That is why I have waited for quite some time to make him my own.' Really, you had this planned?,' Tom asked with a surprised facial expression. `Of course I had this planned, silly. Somehow I knew he would never come easily. I had to trick him. Make it feel like it is not his choice. But I always knew what he really wants and needs,' Dave said.

Come here, boy,' Dave told Clive. Clive finally got out of the uncomfortable position though he was a little confused about whether he is supposed to keep his hands on the back of his head. When he turned around he saw Dave looking at him with a smile which was a combination of a smirk and admiration at the same time. Tom had a bit of a worried look still whilst Rick seemed to be enchanted with the situation. Dave quickly said, you can put your hands down, boy. Come and sit on my lap.' Dave felt really awkward just wearing his boxers and going back to the table where he had been an equal to his friends just a little more than an hour ago and sit on Dave's lap whilst wearing only his boxers.

Nonetheless, he did as Dave had asked and after sitting on his lap, Dave quickly moved him so that his ass was clearly feeling a strong wood that was gathering strength in Dave's trousers which was basically pointed at his asshole. Dave started to kiss him on his neck and continued to pull his tongue into Clive's ear. Dave's cock literally jumped up in his pants and everyone could clearly see the outline of his cock and some precum on his boxers. Clive could not help it, but started to moan a little as Dave continued to French kiss him and pressing his cock into Clive's hole through his trousers and Clive's boxers. John and Rick literally looked by with their jaws dropping. Both of them had thought that Clive might be bi, but had never thought that Dave would be into guys as he was the most masculine one out of all four. But then again, although many girls were into him, nor John or Rick could remind themselves that Dave had brought a girl home with him during their first year.

After a little while, Dave stopped and moved Clive's ass away from his cock. For a moment, Clive opened his mouth almost wanting to protest, but caught himself during the last moment whilst catching the face of amazement on Tom's face who was sitting across the table. Dave then turned Clive's face with both hands and looked deep into his eyes Did you enjoy this.' Clive looked into Dave's eyes which looked so determined and full of energy at this moment. Clive felt that whatever may come, he just could not resist Dave at this moment. Then Clive's eyes changed and you could see that he was about to give up as he admitted yes, I did.' Dave's serious look turned a little more into a smirk, but his eyes continued to be serious. So I am giving you one chance Clive to get out of this. If you do not want it, I will let you go. But if you say that you want to serve me then I will follow through every promise I made tonight. I will make every inch of your body mine. I will train you sexually and psychologically and you will be my personal servant at least until the end of this year. The choice is yours,' he paused, you either take it or leave it.'

There was a moment of silence. The eye contact between the two seemed so strong that you felt like their eyes could burst out of their faces. Rick was taking a sip of a drink and suddenly chocked a whole sip and started to cough it out. But for Dave and Clive, at that moment there was nobody else on the planet apart from themselves. Dave continued `And if you choose to say no, you will never have sex with me. You will never get a chance to feel my magnificent tool in your mouth stretching the bottom of your throat or to hear the pops as it is sliding in and out of your asshole.' Dave licked his lips at that moment.

Clive felt that he really really wanted it. He knew he could not resist Dave. Maybe some more minutes. He was bi and had never been with a guy before although he had fancied Dave for quite some time. But after Dave told him that it is now and all in or never, then he finally melted, and said I am yours, Dave. Make me yours. Please.' He suddenly looked at him with what were now big puppy eyes. What had then again been a serious face on Dave's face turned into a smile which was a mixture of victory, pride and pure happiness. He pulled Clive's face into his and kissed him on the mouth, pulling his tongue deep into Clive's mouth. He wanted to show that it was his territory now. He then pulled away and looked towards the other two guys. You have to promise me... us that you help us to bring this through,' Dave said, I know there will be moments when he will want to run away from it and berry his head in sand or even when I will be thinking that whatever the hell I am doing. Will you promise to help me put confidence and sanity back into his head and tell him that his place is to be serving me?' Dave asked whilst looking dead serious again. Rick said Well, I don't think I have ever in my life seen so much electricity between two people.' I would be sad if that would be lost,' he added. I am not into guys really, but it looks like you two have some rocking hardons right now,' Tom laughed. He added, `I will help make sure that whatever the hell it is that is between you will not be lost.'

Dave smiled and shook both Rick's and Tom's hands. He said thank you' felt so proud suddenly. Clive also almost muttered thank you,' but still stopped himself as he was thinking that it was somewhat awkward to thank somebody for helping someone else make you their slave. As Tom and Rick continued to look at the two, Dave suddenly said, Now get the fuck out of here, both of you. Clivy and I are going to have our first night of fun right on your kitchen table.' Can't we at least watch,' Rick asked. No. Not on our first night. Get out,' Dave added annoyingly, But loan me some condoms and lube if you have some.' `All right,' Rick said as he got up to walk out of the door along with Tom.

Next: Chapter 3

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