Lost a Bet to Dave

By J Smithesson

Published on Apr 20, 2023


Lost a bet to Dave chapter I

Dear all, here is the start of my story involving domination by a university course mate. Your feedback and ideas are welcome to smithesson88@gmail.com.

Here is a brief introduction from me. My name is Clive. I am 21 years old, currently at second year at uni. Been studying business administration which was not my first choice, but my father had explained to me that this would be a smarter choice for me than geography as you would make the right contacts here which will prove useful later in life. My father has turned out to be mostly right on this, as the majority of my coursemates are quite bright people and many of them already have excellent connections through their families. So, let the story begin.

One evening I was sitting and having a drink with three of my coursemates: Tom, David and Rick after we had completed a presentation in finance which had been the last piece of assessment we had to do before the spring break. It had been quite a relief as the lecturer had seemed quite pleased with us. We were all quite good friends and had lived together in halls since the first year. During the second year, we had rented a house together, but David had got a flat of his own on the same street as us. David was the one from us who certainly came from money as his parents owned a few factories in South America.

I am 6'1 with an average toned body and I find myself fairly goodlooking. Especially my face has sold to girls quite well. Tom is 6'3, but fairly skinny and a little nerdy, but at the same time a really cool guy and a good laugh. Dave is also 6'3, but quite well built with really wide shoulders and a strong chest. So is Rick who is a Mexican-American 6 ft tall, but with an iron-strong body. Both Dave and Rick are also part of the uni's rowing team. Though, us all four also work out in the gym together. Dave and Rick go there every day whereas I try to go at least twice a week and Tom goes there once a week maybe. Although Dave lives separately from us this year, we all continue to hang out quite a lot and Dave also seems to be the guy who glues us all together. He has really a charming personality and knows how to make people to like him.

After we had all the coursework done, most f our friends still had to sit an exam or two. Thus we decided just to have a quiet night, order some take-away and had quite a bit of drinks too. After a while, Rick started to talk about his new girlfriend and all the sex they had had at the time. Everyone seemed to be quite enchanted about the story of how they had seen each other in the golf links as well as a few other places. After a while everyone started to ask a few questions and then Dave suddenly said, so 'is she happy with the size of your mantool?' Everyone was a bit silent for a moment, but a bit confused too. Rick stammered, 'yeah, I guess she is pretty happy.' Dave then said with is unbelievable confidence and a little smirk on his face 'Well, I don't believe any of you can match me in that department'. Dave's level of confidence is sometimes incredible. He really does not give a fuck about what other people think. But I with my 7'2 cock was pretty confident after all these drinks too. So I said, 'hold on, how do you know, I cannot match you?'

Dave turned his face towards me and looked into my eyes with his handsome eyes. I am mostly into girls, but the charm in his eyes at this moment could have made me do almost anything. His face expressed great interest as he took a pause to say: 'Fancy a bet.' Before, I could think, I had said 'Yes.' So Dave said, 'why don't we bet on my little BMW?' Dave had a really nice two-door coupe BMW for which he could remove the roof in the summers. I thought this was crazy, what would I possibly bet in return. Before I could react, Dave said 'Well, why don't we do it so that if you win, I'll give you my car as a gift and if you loose, you will be my personal assistant for the rest of the year. You'll help me out with anything I need. But you'll have to do as I tell you.' I just looked at him in disbelief. Why would he possibly bet with his car. I mean, he did have plenty of money, but a car was still a bit too much. I felt that he is totally bluffing. This was just typical Dave with his ridiculous level of self-confidence. And helping him out with some random stuff till the end of the year, well that sounded like I'll be getting him drinks and help him out with coursework. Does not exactly sound like a bad deal. So I said 'yes,' something I regretted not so long afterwards.

Dave smiled his most handsome smile you could imagine. Tom and Rick just looked by in disbelief. Tom muttered: 'well that sounds interesting.' Then Dave said: 'all right boys, let's put the terms down.' He drew an A4 paper from a file and just wrote there. Mr Clive Thrornton and Mr David Bellingham agree to bet according to the following terms. The bet is won by the participant who proves that his cock is longer than that of his competitor. In case Clive Thornton wins the bet, David Bellingham agrees to hand over his 1-year old BMW to Clive Thornton. If David Bellingham wins the bet, Clive Thornton agrees to become a personal assistant to David Bellingham until the end of the incumbent year. As a personal assistant, Clive Thrornton is obliged to follow through every task and rule, he is assigned to by David Bellingham. Mr Tom Yates and Mr Rick Cellini agree to be the guardians of this agreement. They will evaluate who is the winner of the bet and will do everything in their capacity to help follow through that the terms of this agreement are to be followed through.

During that time my heart was already bumping a lot faster than usual. I could not believe that this guy could just hand me over his car like this. Anyway, although my hand was trembling a little, I signed the agreement as did all the others. After this Dave smiled at me. He licked his lips for a second whilst looking at me and his face looked like I was a piece of chocolate that he would eat up over the next five minutes. He then said, `All right Clive, show us what you've got'. I was totally turned on by then. So I dropped my trousers and then pants to show them my nice 7'1 inch tool. It looked really long as it is not very thick. Dave then stood up and opened his fly to show his thick long cock which looked the length of mine, but then he stroked it a bit and it grew further. 'Mine is 8 inches, boy,' he said in a proud voice and smirked at me. Rick said 'yes, I think Dave's is bigger.' John added 'Sorry Clive, I have to agree.' I said 'shit, mine is 7'1.' Dave continued to smile at me and said 'Don't worry Clivyboy, you are going to have a great time with me.' My face was red like a beet. I could not believe I had been so stupid. Dave smiled victoriously. He then said: 'But I was serious earlier, from now on, you will have to follow every task I give you and every rule I will set you.' So 'what does that mean in reality?' I asked as I pulled my trousers back on. Dave said 'Well that means many things. For example, I am telling you now that whilst at home or at a private place, you are at best allowed to wear some underwear. And right now I am telling you to remove all your clothes and go stand in the corner and wait for further instructions until I keep drinking here with my buddies.' My jaw dropped as I looked in disbelief. Rick just looked at me and laughed. Then Dave added 'and from now on you will call me Sir, as well as you call all of my friends and most people in general. So now you will have to do as I order and say 'Yes, Sir.' Otherwise I will have to punish you later. I do not care if you like it or not, you signed the agreement in front of everyone, so you will need to follow through.'

I could not say anything, I simply lost the ability to talk. I then stammered, 'yes, but..' Dave took hold of my shoulders and looked into my eyes with his big green eyes. I was scared to shit at that moment. He just looked quietly and said convincingly 'Say 'Yes, Sir' and do as you are told. I know that it will be best for you.' I then said slowly, 'Yes, Sir' dropped my clothes till my boxers and went to stand in the corner of the room. Dave then came behind me and forced my legs apart from each other and made my palms touch the back of my head. He then said: `I know you will be a good boy. This is the normal waiting position that you will take when you are not needed by me.' As he spoke confidently, I felt his hands go all over my body. He touched my cock and pressed on my boxers where my ass hole was, he then kissed my neck and whispered 'I've always known you've wanted me, boy. And now you are my possession. You better do as you are told and enjoy it.' I whispered 'Yes, Sir' as my head was simply boiling. I had been a cool bisexual guy and had been with many girls, I could not get accustomed to the idea that I was now someone's boy essentially and had to do everything they want – especially as the person happened to be Dave.

Dave then went back to the table and the guys started to play cards again and ignore me most of the time, although I could feel that most of them would have been watching me not so seldomly. My head simply continued to boil with thoughts of what mess I had got myself into, but at the same time I continued to be quite excited too. Fuck! Having sex with Dave, that would be sooo hot. I'd never thought it would happen, but in a way I had always thought that if I went for a guy, he would be one hot of a choice. I heard the guys chatting as normal and continue to drink. At some point John said, 'Dave, are you sure about this thing with Clive? I mean, this bet is great as a joke, but seriously, you cannot just enslave him like this. He did not think it through clearly. Am not sure he is enjoying this situation.' Dave thought a little and then said, 'You are a good friend John. But Clive was rock hard all the time. I think that he is not only okay, but he secretly wanted this.' 'I guess you are right,' Rick said, 'I wonder what kind of tasks you are planning to give him mostly,' he added. 'Well, his biggest and perhaps his hardest task is inside my trousers.' Dave and Rick laughed and John even laughed a bit. 'If he is so excited now then surely he will learn to handle it very well,' Rick added. 'Of course he will, and if you two want to be depositing some of your cum into his beautiful mouth then I will make him available to you as well,' Dave said, 'but firstly I'll have to train him properly.'

Next: Chapter 2

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