Loss of Innocence

By Helen Inn

Published on Oct 3, 2005


Life With Sheila

After what happened to that poor girl, Sheila and I talked about caning that night. I did not tell her what I had been doing with Patricia that day and especially not that I had seen her bottom. As we talked about being bent over in front of someone, I had a very naughty thought. I stood up and bent over in front of Sheila with my skirt pulled up showing her my legs and my knickers covering my bottom. She gasped at me and then she did the same.

I wanted to take my knickers off and show her my bare bottom but it would not have been a good idea in case a prefect or teacher came in. I stood up and put the moment behind us and started getting ready for bed. Sunday night was bath night and I was due to have a bath before bed. Although the hand basins were communal, the actual bathrooms had doors but no locks so there was some privacy. I enjoyed a hot bath and pretended as I got undressed that Sheila was there with me as I showed her my bare bottom. I put my nightie on after my bath and returned to our room.

Once I was in bed I pulled my nightie up to my waist under the covers as I turned away from Sheila. When we turned the lights out I pulled the covers off and in the dark showed her my bare bottom.

Suddenly a hand touched it and Sheila whispered in my ear, "My bottom is bare too."

This was madness, a prefect or teacher could open the door and look in at any moment but I turned over and reached out. I realised Sheila had nothing on when I touched her breast.

"Sheila, I want to do this more than anything, but we would be stupid to in case either Miss Allen or a prefect comes in."

Sheila said, "You are right as always, so sensible and practical. Goodnight Helen, sleep tight."

"And don't let the bed bugs bite!" I finished.

With that the covers on my bed were replaced and I heard her rustling as she put her nightie back on and got into her own bed. From that day onward, we showed each other parts of our bodies, or our nakedness, when we could. But for some time we could not do anything sexual together. Much as I wanted to tell her about the shed, I had promised Patricia I would not tell anyone, and besides only she had the key!

I went for more walks in the woods with Patricia and one afternoon we performed oral sex on each other in the hut. As winter started, it got too cold to go out to the hut and Patricia and I saw less of each other. Neither were Sheila and I able to become lovers.

One night, I was summoned to the senior girl's room again. I decided to refuse her advances that night and so I did. I told her if she touched me like that again I would go to the House Mistress, Miss Allen, and tell her that she, the senior girl, had tried to get me to have sex with her. As Miss Allen was one of my teachers now and I think she trusted me, I felt more confident in refusing. The senior girl was furious but there was nothing she could do. I told her I wasn't a Lesbian (liar!) and that what we did together was both wrong and revolting. Obviously I struck a chord in threatening to go to Miss Allen because she did not press things this time and I walked away back to my own room.

Perhaps she was frightened of Miss Allen, who treated everyone fairly and with respect, but was also known to be very firm with girls who did wrong, and especially so with girls who did not tell the truth.

In the middle of November, Sheila's parents came to visit again and I met them for the first time. Sheila and I had become very close friends by now and we were seldom seen apart. Her mother asked me if I would like to spend a few days at their house after Christmas. My heart leaped at the chance of spending more time with Sheila and especially time away from school.

I asked Mrs. Worthington, Sheila's mother, to write a quick note to my mother. Then I wrote a letter to my parents and enclosed Mrs. Worthington's letter. Just over a week later, I received a reply saying yes, I could go and spend a few days with Sheila after Christmas. Sheila and I hugged each other when I showed her the letter and she wrote to her mother. I wrote to her too accepting her invitation and thanking her.

Time seemed to slow down as Christmas approached and then suddenly the end of term and the start of school holidays was upon us. All the girls were taken by bus early one morning a few days before Christmas to the railway station where the special school train was waiting for us. We didn't care that the train was old and the seats worn out, we were all going home. That night, I slept in my own bed again at home and enjoyed being with my parents.

Christmas was wonderful, my aunt and uncle and cousins visited us for Christmas Day and then we went to their house on Boxing Day. The following day, my parents drove me the 50 miles to Sheila's house. We arrived just before lunch and Sheila and her parents welcomed us all so warmly. Lunch was wonderful but I am afraid we two girls just giggled our way through the meal. Our parents smiled and let us just be friends together. Sheila and I volunteered to clear the table after lunch and do the washing and drying up.

Our two sets of parents went through to the drawing room and sat in front of the fire talking.

Sheila and I hugged each other and we kissed very briefly. Then she told me to wait, I was sleeping in her room with her and we could be naked in there together once her parents had gone to bed if we wanted. I had such a wonderful quivery feeling in my tummy when she said that.

Somehow we got through the afternoon and had tea. My parents left after that but not before my mother told me to be a good girl and mind my manners.

It was all meant as a gentle reminder not to get too excited. I did plan on getting excited but for a different reason that I could never tell my mother!

Sheila and I played games until bed time. After we had both washed our faces and hands and cleaned our teeth, we both went to her room. Sheila and I hugged each other.

"Not long and we can get into bed together!" she whispered in my ear.

I squeezed her and kissed her cheek which started her giggling again. Sheila's parents had put another bed in her room for me. Both of us changed into our nighties and got into bed. We were reading when her mother knocked on the door and looked in at us. She reminded us not to read for too long and to get some sleep.

"Yes Mum! We will put the light out as soon as you and Dad go to bed. Goodnight." said Sheila.

"Goodnight darling," said Mrs. Worthington and she walked over and kissed Sheila's forehead.

She smiled down at me and said, "Goodnight Helen. Sweet dreams to both of you."

"Goodnight Mrs. Worthington and thank you for inviting me," I replied.

Sheila's parents were up for a little while longer and then we heard them both go into and leave the bathroom. Sheila turned the light out but we didn't go to sleep. We lay there talking very quietly.

Then Sheila said, "You can come over here now."

My heart leapt into my mouth as I threw the covers back. As quietly as I could I walked across the room to Sheila's bed.

She whispered, "Don't you dare get into my bed wearing anything!"

I put my hand out and touched her naked side. Suddenly I was very nervous and also filled with desire for Sheila. I lifted my own nightie over my head and got into bed beside her. I had never felt so alive and so sexual before. I moved my hand to where I thought her face was and touched her hair. Running my hand through her hair I moved it down and found her face.

She kissed my hand and said, "Come closer, I want to kiss you."

Our bodies moved closer and touched and our mouths found each other. As we started to kiss, I felt my passions grow and put my arms around her. Both of us started to fondle each other as our kiss got deeper and more intense. We pressed ourselves against each other and then broke the kiss and nuzzled each other's neck. I moved down her body and started kissing her breasts. Sheila held my head close to her as I kissed and suckled her breasts. She gasped as I gently bit her nipples in turn.

Then she pulled me up and kissed me again before she descended down my body and she loved my little breasts. Both of us were moving our hands inexorably downwards. My fingers found her soft curly hair and I ran my fingers through it. She moaned in the dark next to me as my fingers dipped lower between her legs and for the first time I ran my fingers over Sheila's womanhood. Her fingers made the same journey down my body and when her hand touched my special place, I gasped.

As she caressed me, I whispered in her ear, "Put your fingers in my vagina, it's all right, I am not a virgin."

"How did that happen?" she asked.

I told her about the senior girl.

Sheila said, "Another senior girl did a similar thing to me. I want you to touch me down there, NOW!"

How could I refuse. My fingers ran over her sex fingering the wet warmth. She was doing the same to me and we gasped in unison as we masturbated each other gently.

"I want to taste you," I said in her ear.

I felt her quiver as I said that to her and she said, "I want to taste you too. I think we can taste each other at the same time. Turn round and put your head between my legs."

We didn't know then it was called 69 but we found out how to lick each other at the same time. I licked all of Sheila's love honey from her vaginal area while she did the same to me. Then I felt her finger press a different part of me and an enormous blast of pure pleasure shot through me. She did it again and I tried to find the same part on her. Suddenly my fingers found a little bump at the top of her womanhood and as I pressed on it she leapt and gasped. She pressed my little bump while I pressed hers and we both licked each other with our tongues. It wasn't long before I felt the same feeling that I was going to wet myself only it was much stronger this time. I didn't know anything else except the tremendous feeling I was experiencing between my legs. I lost all track of time and everything else was blotted out.

When I came back to my senses I realised what had happened and I concentrated on Sheila's little bump and her vagina and all around it with my fingers and tongue. She started thrashing herself around and then she went rigid and was definitely having the same feeling that she wanted to wet herself too. Afterwards I turned round again and we held each other tightly and kissed gently.

We didn't mean to do it but we fell asleep after making love. Sheila's mother came in while we were still naked in each other's arms as we gradually woke up.

Expecting the worst, I was so relieved when she said, "I knew this would happen. Girls, you had better get up before anyone else sees you."

"Mum, how did you know?" asked Sheila.

Mrs. Worthington smiled at us and replied, "Because I saw the way you looked at each other and I recognised the look from my own school days. Just between us girls, I had a special friend too at school and we slept together while we were young. Both of us got married and had children of our own and while we don't do what you two were doing any more, we are still close friends."

Mrs. Worthington bent down and picked up my nightie. She passed it to me and despite her presence, I got out of bed naked and put it on.

"Thank you." I said before I walked over to Mrs. Worthington and hugged her.

She looked a little embarrassed and replied, "Just enjoy each other but be careful that nobody sees you. Promise me one thing though, I know it is hard to resist but please, please don't do what you were doing last night in your room at school. I went to the same school you two go to now and one night two girls were caught naked in bed together doing what you two were doing last night and both were caned and expelled. I know because I have still got the cane marks on my bottom!"

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