Loss of Innocence

By Helen Inn

Published on Sep 29, 2005


I Meet Patricia

We dressed and went down to the refectory for breakfast and there I saw the girl I shared my room with.

"Where were you last night?" she asked.

I couldn't answer but then she saw the senior girl coming towards me and said, "OK, now I know what you were doing. Get away from me. You are a dirty little cow and I don't want to share a room with you any more!"

The senior girl walked over and asked what the matter was.

I told her, "She doesn't want to share a room with me any more," while pointing at my now former roommate.

The senior girl took me to Miss Allen, my House Mistress, and told her that my roommate and I had a fight and didn't want to share a room any more.

Smiling down at me, Miss Allen asked, "What brought this on?"

I didn't want to answer and just said, "I can't get on with her Ma'am. I am sorry but I did try to."

The upshot was I stayed in the room and she moved out back into the 20 girl dormitory and my friend Sheila, the one the senior girl had named, was assigned to share what was now my room. I think the senior girl had a lot to do with this arrangement. We were like giddy schoolgirls (well we were!) chatting away happily together in our new room. At lights out we both got into our own beds and stopped chattering in case a prefect or the House Mistress did rounds and overheard us.

Life settled down into a pleasant routine as the weeks passed. School work became harder but my marks remained good, even if a little below my parents' expectations. As you may have guessed by now, I was not particularly academic or scholastic even though I did my studies diligently.

Weekends were a haven to be treasured and now we were in the fourth form, we were allowed to go out at weekends but only during the daytime and a strict curfew was applied. No girl with any sense overstayed her pass out.

Two girls did and the first one lost all her privileges for the rest of the term and the second girl both lost her privileges and received a caning. The headmistress was a formidable lady and none of us wanted to be summoned to her study and especially we did not want her to use the stick on us. I was frightened of her if truth be told. The girl who was caned had to sleep on her front and eat her breakfast off the mantelpiece in the refectory. I think even worse than the caning was the humiliation that everybody knew she had been caned. My heart went out to her for that but I had no sympathy with her for not obeying school rules.

After breakfast, I heard crying in the corridor outside the refectory. I found her crying piteously because her bottom hurt but mostly because all the girls had been pointing at her and laughing. She was caned on Saturday evening and this was Sunday morning after breakfast.

I asked her what was wrong although I already knew.

"Come to laugh too?" she spat at me.

"Nothing could be further from the truth. I wondered if you wanted to come to my room and have a quiet talk and get away from everyone for a while."

She looked up at me and I saw a brief smile flit across her face.

"My name is Helen, Helen Innes. What is your name?" I asked.

"I am Patricia Hoyle. I hate being called Pat or even worse Patty!" she answered.

Sheila's parents had come down for the day and she spent the day off school grounds with them so I had our room to myself.

"Patricia, would you like to come up to my room for some peace and quiet? You can get away from all your tormentors for a while."

The smile got bigger and she nodded. If a teacher or prefect had seen us I was going to simply say I felt sorry for her and was trying to cheer her up and help her mend her ways.

She couldn't sit down and stood against the wall while we talked. She kept fidgeting and I realized her bottom still hurt. I told her to lie on my bed so she smiled and lay face down. She still wriggled around a bit and then I realised why.

"Patricia, does it hurt to keep your knickers on?" I asked.

She turned red and then nodded to say yes.

So I said, "Well why not take them off, nobody will see in here except me and I am not going to tell anyone."

She smiled and said, "Thank you, it would be such a relief."

I watched as she stood up and somewhat carefully reached under her school skirt and pulled her knickers down and took them off. I took them from her and put them in my top drawer in case someone came in so they wouldn't see her knickers on the floor. We weren't supposed to have any dirty clothing out on view at any time. She laid back down on her front and looked more comfortable but as she laughed she winced. When I realised what her skirt was hurting her, I moved over to her and lifted her skirt up and off her bottom. Oh my God, it had several deep red marks and some bruises on it. She wasn't too embarrassed about having her tortured rear end on display.

I had a tube of salve my aunt had given me and I took it out and squeezed some gently onto her bottom.

"Thank you, that feels so much better," she said as she winced again while I rubbed it in.

We continued to talk as she laid there with her bottom on display to me. I looked at her lying there and had a naughty idea. I told her to move over a bit and then while she watched I took my own knickers off and lay down next to her with my bottom exposed.

"Why did you do that?" she asked.

"So we are equal, I have seen yours now I am showing you mine."

I saw Patricia move slightly and then I felt her hand touch my bare bottom. I wanted to touch hers too but she was much too sore for that. I felt very naughty lying there with nothing on down below and her touching me. Suddenly in my mind I was back in the room with the senior girl and I felt a panic attack coming on as I lay there half naked with another girl also half naked.

"What's wrong?" Patricia asked as she saw my face.

"Can I trust you?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

Taking a big breath, I told her, "One of the senior girls forced me to sleep with her, and I think I am a Lesbian. Being here with you like this reminded me of what happened. I didn't want her to do things to me but she did and I enjoyed it."

By now I was crying as I remembered that night. Patricia took her hankie and wiped my tears away and then she kissed my cheek.

She said, "Don't be afraid, I like touching your bottom like this. I wish you could touch mine but it is too painful."

"Have you slept with another girl too?" I asked.

Patricia nodded. I had a strange feeling in my tummy and I felt all quivery down there between my legs.

"Patricia, I want to kiss you," I said looking into her eyes.

Patricia looked at me and then she moved her face to mine. With both of us lying on our fronts, we turned our heads towards each other and kissed. Then as it became more frantic we rolled onto our sides and kissed passionately.

Breathlessly we broke apart and I said, "It is probably not a good idea to do this here at this moment."

Patricia looked at me and said, "You are right, we had better stop. But before we do, if I show you my vagina will you show me yours?"

There was only one answer. I rolled onto my back and let my legs spread apart showing myself to her. She looked at me with obvious longing in her eyes.

"Your turn," I reminded her.

She couldn't lie on her back but she did put my pillow under her tummy and moved her legs apart showing me every little detail. Unlike the senior girl's, Patricia's vagina was not ugly, nor did it smell of anything except a clean smell. I looked for a couple of minutes and then got off the bed. I gave her knickers to her and she reluctantly put them back on while I pulled my own on again. She still couldn't sit down so we decided that after lunch we would go out for a walk. The school grounds had some woods and girls in the fourth form and over were allowed to go into the woods. Patricia and I walked into the woods together and because nobody else was around we walked holding hands. We occasionally bumped into each other and then she appeared to stumble so I reached out for her.

"Promise not to tell anyone else about this," she said quietly in my ear as she put her arms around me.

"I promise, " I said.

She took my hand and led me off the path deeper into the woods. I saw a hut come into view and Patricia walked up to it. I wondered what she was doing because I could see the big padlock on it. She reached into the pocket of her school skirt and produced a key. It fitted the lock! She opened the door and beckoning me went inside.

"But how did you get the key?" I asked.

"Secret, I'll tell you one day," she replied. She locked the door from the inside with a bolt I hadn't seen and took me in her arms. For the second time that day we kissed and then she broke off. I watched in amazement as she undressed in front of me and then asked me if I was shy. I didn't need a second bidding and quickly took all my own clothes off. I didn't feel any revulsion about what we were going to do but instead I had a keen desire. Our bodies flew together and our lips met as we kissed again. I felt her naked body next to mine as we caressed each other's back. She moved her hands down to my bottom but before I could do the same to her she broke the kiss and looked at me sadly shaking her head. Then she moved a little bit and I realised she was standing with her legs apart.

She said to me, "Stand the same way as me."

I copied her and then I felt her hand move between my legs and cup m me between my legs. Gasping at the pleasure of her touch, I reached out and touched her in the same way. Her fingers ran along my vaginal lips and touched every part of me. With my other hand I grasped her and held on as the overwhelming feelings washed through me. I tried to keep touching her in the same way and her arm went round me too as we both did what I later learned was mutually masturbate each other. We were both panting and moaning loudly and then I started to get that wonderful feeling again, the feeling that I was going to wet myself. Patricia was gasping hard, her hips were gyrating and I understood she was having the same feelings I was. I started rubbing her harder and faster and then she put her head back and almost screamed. Moments later my own feelings reached a peak and I think I screamed too. Our mouths found each other and furiously we kissed as sexual floods poured out of us.

Slowly as our bodies calmed down we moved apart and held hands as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"We had better get dressed and go back to school," she said.

Gathering up our clothes, we put them back on and enjoyed a last lingering look at each other as we hid our nakedness from each other. She looked out of the window and opened the door a crack before walking out of the shed. I followed quickly and she put the padlock back on. We quickly walked back to the path and returned the way we had come. Before we left the woods, we looked at each other and made sure we were correctly dressed. After a brief kiss we walked out into the open and back to school.

My friend Sheila had returned so I said my goodbyes to Patricia and promised we would be friends and see a lot more of each other. Sheila and I went down to the refectory for tea and she told me all about her day. I didn't see Patricia any more that day, nor for the next few days.

Almost forgot about the padlock. She was walking in the woods one day and found the lock undone with the key still in it. She locked the shed again and put the key in her pocket but forgot about it. Simple really.

Next: Chapter 3

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