Losing My Virginity and Then My Heart

By Danny Danny

Published on May 11, 2014


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"Losing My Virginity And Then My Heart." Part Seven.

By Danny D and Jordan R

When I exited the building, I saw Danny pacing. When we made eye contact I knew immediately that something was wrong. He looked like I had never seen him before Ð furious.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He stared and then I saw tears in his eyes.

"Danny. What?"

He took a deep breath and glared at me. My stomach felt sick.

"Did I do something?"

People were exiting the building. He walked away. I followed. He turned around and said through his teeth and in a tone that I never heard from him, "I thought I could trust you."

"You can. What's this about?" I was scared.

"You really fucked this up. God, I thought I could trust you." He walked away and then turned back toward me. "I can't believe this. I fucking can't believe you did this."

"Okay. I don't know what the fuck I am supposed to have done. You tell me now, or I'm walking away."

He glared at me. "You and Bastian," he stopped.

"Me and Bastian what?" My anxiety was turning to anger. "Look, tell me what this is about."

"You two are messing around with each other."

"Ah, messing around? You mean like now?"

He stepped closer to me. "Yes, like now," he growled.

"No we are not."

"Don't fucking lie to me."

I couldn't tell if he was more angry or sad. "We've messed around. But that all stopped."

He stared at me.

I sighed. "It started last year when I was rooming with Hunter." I whispered because people were close by. "We were giving each other head."

"It stopped when?"

I was now more angry than nervous. "It stopped last quarter. It stopped." I could feel myself getting really angry. "Okay, look, when he started dating Vicki the blow jobs stop. That was like in October. But we'd jerk off once in a while. The last time we did that was before the orgy. When we came back from break I told him that after talking to you on the way up here I knew that if he and I messed around, it could fuck up things between you and me and he agreed. Since then he and I haven't done anything."

He looked less angry and then looked away. I was angry. "Do you believe me?"

He looked at me.

"Do you believe me?" I said slowly.

He stared at me. "Yes." He sighed. "You two never fucked?"

"Okay, look. I've not lied to you about anything. Yeah, I didn't tell you that Bastian and I were blowing each other, but I've never lied. What I told you was that he and I messed around and that I never fucked or had been fucked, and that's not a lie."

He nodded his head.

"Where's this coming from?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Yeah, bullshit," I barked. "You accuse me of fucking around on you and you're not going to tell me what this is about. Bullshit," I said, through my teeth.

He stared at me. "This morning. I got a call from Nathan. He said that he and a friend of his were going to San Francisco for a couple of days. A gay friend from L.A. They're fuck buddies. He said he heard we had an open relationship. He wanted us to join him and this guy and have another party.

"I told him that we weren't having an open relationship. He sounded all weird."

"Where did he hear this?"

"I asked him. He started getting vague, but he said he heard it from someone in Bastian's apartment. So I figured it was from Bastian."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure it wasn't. He's not a liar either."

I noticed him glance over my shoulder. I turned and looked. It was Bastian and Jason. "So, now you can check to make sure I'm not a liar," I said.

"I believe you. I swear I do," he said contritely.

I stared at him, still angry. "You accused me. You believed what Nathan heard. Why didn't you just ask me, instead of being all angry and accusing me."

Bastian and Jason walked up to us. "Hey," Bastian said. "How did you do?" he asked me.


He looked at me and then Danny. "What's going on?"

Jason said, "Hey guys."

I said, "Danny was told something that he wants to check out with you."

Danny said, "No, I don't want to check it out with you," he said to Bastian. He said to me, "Do you get how it fucked with my head? If you got the call and it was me he was talking about, would you get weird?"

I stared at him for a moment and then nodded. "Just tell me again that you believe me."

"I absolutely believe you."

Bastian said, "Should we leave you two alone?"

"No," I said. To Danny I said, "Tell him."

Danny told Bastian and Jason about the call from Nathan. Bastian said, "Yeah, we were messing around on and off, but that was before he met you. Well, not before because he met you at the pool, but before the orgy. Then it stopped."

I said, "Nathan said he heard it from someone at your apartment."

"Ah, well, it wasn't from me. I haven't seen Nathan in months and I never talked to him about us. Never. It had to be David. David was asking all kinds of questions about you. I never went into specifics but I did tell him that you and I had messed around. But I also told him that it all stopped when you two started dating."

I looked at Danny. I said, "David."

"I know I said it stopped," Bastian said. He said to Danny, "I told him that it all stopped because I knew why you and David broke up. I guess I was saying that he blew it and Jordan wouldn't. That Jordan got what it meant to you."

Danny said, "Fucking asshole."

Jason said, "I always hated that guy." He looked at me and then at Danny and said to him, "Danny, don't blow this." He looked at Bastian and said, "You want a ride?"

"Yeah," Bastian said. He said to Danny, "You okay with this now."

"Yeah." Danny looked at me and said, "Did I fuck up badly?"

I sighed. "You scared the shit out of me."

Bastian and Jason smiled. Jason said, "It's so good to see that gay guys have the same shit to deal with as straight guys and guys like you Bastian." He smiled and poked Bastian.

"Guys like me."

They smiled at each other. "Okay, we'll catch you guys later," Jason said as they walked away.

We walked back to my dorm without speaking. "You still pissed at me?" Danny asked as we entered my room.

"No." I put my books away. He sat on my bed. I looked at him. "Bastian is my best friend. I love him."

"And he clearly loves you."

"Yeah, but not boyfriend love, friend love. He's like the third or fourth best thing that has happened to me in my life."

"I get it. I'm glad you two are such good friends. Jason and I are like that. I mean without the sex." I stared at him. He said, "Believe me, if Jason had been good with it I would have done what you did with Bastian. I get it. Something like that can cement a friendship of it can destroy it."

I sat down on the bed beside him. He pushed me down onto the bed so I was lying down. "I'm not in the mood for sex," I said.

"Neither am I." He lay beside me and put his arm around me. He said, "It just scared me because I do trust you completely. When I found out that David was fucking around, I didn't feel scared or crazy. Not even all that angry. I was done with him. When I told him I found out he lied and said it never happened. But I knew it had. I just told him to fuck off and I left. I mean I almost felt relieved. But I felt defeated, like it was about me in some way. Like it keeps happening.

"With you I never even thought it would happen and then," he sighed. "I just felt blindsided and scared. I knew if it was true that," he sighed again. "Jordan, I'd be really fucked up."

I moved his face so that we were looking at each other. "I promise you that it won't happen. Let's make a deal. If either one of us wants to fuck around with someone else, we have to tell the other first."


We lay beside each other not speaking. Danny said, "Jordan, I love you."

"I love you too."

"I mean I'm in love with you, like big time in love."

I breathed in. My chest quivered. "I've been scared to say it and I know you love it when I say good things, but," I sighed. "Is it going to sound like I'm saying it now because you said it?"

He shook his head. "I'm in love with you too and have been for a while."

We kissed.

My phone chimed. I said, "That's Bastian."

"Take it."

I answered. "Hey," I said.

"You two okay?"

"Yeah, we're good."

"Okay, so I just had it out with David. It was a good thing for him that Jason was here. Anyway, I called Kevin. He knows someone who is looking for a roommate. You've got to move out of the dorms. You and I can share a room and Kevin and his friend can share a room. But you should ask Danny if it's okay."

"I'm not asking Danny if it's okay. When do we start looking?"

"Great," he said. "When we get back from break. I called Sam and told him Kevin and I were moving out at the end of next quarter."

"I'm in," I said.

"Have a great break. See you when we get back."

"What are you supposed to ask me?" Danny said.

"He asked me to be his roommate. Him, Kevin and a friend of Kevin's. He wanted me to make sure you'd be okay with us being roommates. I told him I didn't have to ask."

"Good," he said. "I don't know how you put up with another year in the dorms."

"Yeah, well, it worked out good for us. We have a place to ourselves."

"Yeah, but we can work around Jason and Bastian."

Bastian had decided not to go to The Netherlands for the summer. I think that was because of Vicki.

Danny said, "So, you said that Bastian was like the third best thing that has happened to you in your life." I looked at him. He smiled. "What's the second best thing?"

"The Coach."

"I'd like to met him. Would that be okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Maybe on the way back up here from the break. We can have lunch with him and Gary." We lay silently for a while. "I'd like it a lot if you met them. They're really important to me."

He looked up at me. "So, who's number one?"

"Shut up," I said.

He laughed.

"You could quickly go to number four," I said.

He laughed. "I guess I have categories."


"Well, Harley is like absolutely number one for non-humans. My brother, Ryan is number one with people I hadn't had sex with. Jason is number two. I don't put my dad in a category because, well, he and my mom are probably the most important adults."

"And the sex category?"

He laughed. "I've been in heavy lust before, but I've never really been in heavy lust and in love with someone before. So, you're number one, two, three and four in that category."

"You're just saying that because you're horny," I said and chuckled.

He looked at me.

"Just kidding," I said. "But you are horny, right?"

"Yeah, but I got a good nights sleep last night. You probably didn't."

I took his hand and put it on my junk. I was hard. He smiled. I said, "I'm in the mood to get fucked, but only if you blow me after."

He smiled at me. "I'm sorry for today. You're right. I know I can trust you. It just,"

"I get it, really. You're right, it would have fucked with my head too. So, are we going to keep talking about this, or are you going to fuck me."

He smiled and started undressing. I didn't move. He said, "You want it with your clothes on?"

"I want it with clothes, without clothes, however you want to give it to me. Just get busy."

He laughed. "I love it when you talk nasty." He put a condom on and lubed it. He undid my pants and pulled them down to my knees and then rolled me onto my side. I smiled at him. He lubed my hole, lay down beside me, held my hip and pressed into me.

I sighed. "My God, it feels bigger."

He laughed. "Nah, you've just gotten tight again because it's been almost four days."

"It hasn't been four days. It was just. Oh wait, that was someone else."

He shoved his dick in deep. We both laughed.

He had me so that he was fucking me from behind, but had my shoulders turned so that we could kiss. He placed one hand onto my junk and began thrusting as we kissed. He thrust and pulled and squeezed my cock and played with my balls. He thrust and bit and licked my neck. He thrust and thrust and thrust.

I could tell he was getting close. I grabbed his hip and stopped him.

He was breathing hard. "I love fucking you," he whispered into my ear.

"I love being fucked by you."

"I was close."

"I know."

We lay still, his cock deep inside of me.

"Roll me onto my stomach," I said, moving. He and I moved. I was face down and he was on top of me.

He started fucking me again. Short, quick, hard thrusts as he bit into the back of my neck. "You like it like this. Don't you?"

"Sometimes. I like it facing you too."

He fucked me.

"Hair," I said. He grabbed my hair and turned my head sideways. We kissed and he fucked me.

He started fucking me fast and hard.

He bit into the nape of my neck and grunted. He was coming. I loved the sound of him breathing hard, the power of his arms, the weight of his body and how it felt when he climaxed. He lay still on top of me without pulling out. By now he knew that I liked being inside of him after I came and having him stay inside of me after he came.

He rolled me over, kissed me and then went down on me. He sucked and licked my cock and brought me close several times. Then he lay beside me, kissed me as he stroked my cock. I came hard. He cleaned me up and then lay beside me. I had not planned on falling asleep, but I did.

I woke when his phone chimed. It was Jason. I had slept for two hours. He lay beside me reading. "Jason called Bastian. They want to know about dinner," he said.

"Whatever is good, I'm fine," I said stretching. "But Thai sounds good."

We had dinner. I went back to my room, packed stuff for the trip home and crashed. We were leaving early the next morning.

I drove to Danny's apartment feeling great. The stress of finals was over. I had a good nights sleep for the first time in a couple of weeks and I was feeling great about telling Danny that I was in love with him.

"Hey," I said, walking into his apartment.

"Let's go to Starbucks, get coffee and then I want to make a stop and then we can go."

"Okay," I said.

He grabbed his stuff and we headed to the car. At Starbucks, I said, "Where do you want to stop?"

"It's a surprise," he said.

"What?" We got in the car. "Well, where do I go?"

He gave me directions. We headed south through Palo Alto. "There," he said pointing. "Park there."

I did. "Where are we going?" I said, looking around. He pointed. I looked. "Planned parenthood?" I looked at him. "Why there?"

"Ah, if we're going to eat each other's cum and fuck without condoms, I want to be able to tell my father that we both got tested. I know I'm fine and I know you are too, but I know how he'll feel."

"I'm fine with it," I said opening my door.

He had made an appointment for us the day before after we had sex and I fell asleep. First he went in and then I did. They pricked my finger and sent me to a waiting room. We sat beside each other and waited the fifteen minutes. He was called in. He came back with a smile. Next I was called in. "Negative," the woman said.

We sat in the car. I said, "So this makes it official. We're boyfriends and we are exclusive and we are in love and we are boyfriends."

"All that," he said.

I smiled at him. "We get to have a first together," I said.

"Yeah, but first you get to have a first."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's find a place we can park. I'm going to blow you."

I felt my face tingle. "Then I get to blow you, right?"

He nodded and smiled.

"But where?"

"We can try to find a place here in town, or we can get on the freeway and look for a rest area. Those places are always empty in the morning."

We drove around a bit. Every place looked busy. "Let's head to the freeway. We won't find a place until we get on Hwy 5, but I think I can wait, maybe," I said.

We got on 101 and headed south to catch the crossover to 5. He put his hand on my leg and then pressed his fingers into my junk. I laughed. "Okay, so I'm like so horny, right now. And you're going to play with my junk."

He smiled. "I want you to have a huge load for me."

I laughed. As we made our way over toward highway 5, he undid his shorts and pulled out his cock. I had seen it a hundred times or more but each time I saw it, I want to take it deep into my mouth and suck him off. He took my hand and put it on his cock as we drove. I stroked.

"No, don't, or you'll make me come. Just play with it."

We drove, our hands on each other's junk. As we passed the San Luis Reservoir, he pointed. Turn off over there and head up there. I did. We found one of those scenic places that you can pull over and park. We did.

"We should make this quick," he said.

"Don't worry. I'm ready to bust a nut already."

"Just keep an eye on the road leading up here," he said as he leaned into my lap.

He took me into his mouth and stroked and sucked. I sat back, put my hand on his head as he bobbed up and down. I was quick to get close. I glanced around quickly. No cars in sight. "I'm going to come," I moaned.

He moaned, sucking me hard and ran his teeth over the head of my cock. My body started climaxing. I squirmed in the tight space of the drivers seat. I felt my cum exploding into his mouth. "Fuck, Danny," I called out. He was sucking me hard and swallowing. Then he squeezed the last drop of cum out of my cock and licked.

I was still squirming.

He sat up and wiped his lips. He smiled. "Fuck, that was a huge load. You taste good."

I laughed. "I know how I taste and I wouldn't say good."

"You taste good to me."

"That's because you love me," I said.

He smiled.

It was impossible for me to lean over and get comfortable with the steering wheel in my way, so we traded places. I took his cock in hand, and said, "You don't know how many times I've wanted to do this."

I leaned down and took him deep into my throat. He moaned loudly. It didn't take long before his cock head was rock hard. I did what he did. I ran my teeth gently over his cock head. I had done it before, but then always pulled back and jerked him off. This time I sucked hard. He moaned and shot his load. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed, hoping for more. But I left the last couple of shots, sitting on my tongue.

He squirmed as I had. When I sat up, he was still breathing hard. He looked at me. "Fuck, you're incredible at that."

I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, showing him what remained in my mouth. He smiled and pulled me to him to kiss him. "No," I said. "It's all mine," as I swallowed.

He laughed. "You're going to be getting plenty of that."

I nodded and smiled.

I got back in the driver's seat and we headed to L.A. Again he had his hand pressed into my junk. "I want you to fill my ass with cum," he said and then laughed. "Then I'm going to shoot up your ass so hard, you're going to taste it."

We both laughed and laughed.

We headed south to my house. I was nervous about us having dinner with my parents. I told them we couldn't stay long. We were heading to San Diego that night. Danny suggested that we spend the night at my parent's house, but I hadn't asked if they were okay with us sleeping there Ð sleeping in my room. Danny said that he'd be fine staying in a guest room, but I wasn't ready to deal with this yet. "Next trip," I said. "How about we stop and get something to eat."

"We've only got another 90 minutes before we get there," he said.

"Aren't you hungry?"

And then he started singing. "Yummy, yummy, yummy, I have cum in my tummy." He smiled at me. "Your cum in my tummy."

"You are so weird."

"I'm happy," he said. "I'm doing great at school. I think I pulled all As. I have a great living situation. I'm heading home for a week off from school."

I looked at him and smiled. "And?"

"And I have a rocking hot boyfriend who is ripped, smart, hot, fun, hot, has a big cock, likes to get fucked, who loves me, who I trust," he said and looked at me and smiled, "and who gives great head. What more could a guy ask for? Oh wait, did I say he's hot."

"Damn," I said. "You are lucky. I wish I had all that."

We both laughed. "That was good," he said. "I think I set myself up." I nodded.

When we arrived at my house it was mid afternoon on a Saturday. "My sister Sarah is here," I said pointing to her car.

"Is that the good sister or the evil twin?"

"The good one. I didn't know she'd be here."

"I guess they're wanting to make sure you're not dating a serial killer."

"It's more like they want to see who'd be fool enough to date her weird brother."

As I got out of my car, I noticed my mother and sister looking out of the window. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. As we walked up the pathway, the front door opened. My mother stepped out. "Hi, Jordan."

"Hi Mom."

Danny walked up beside me. "Mom this is Danny Deluca. Danny this is my mother."

They shook hands. "Hi, Mrs. Rizzo." He gave her a bouquet of flowers that he made me stop for. "These are for you."

"Thank you, Danny. They're beautiful. Please come in."

We stepped in. My sister and Ben were standing waiting. I introduced them. My sister said to me, "Dad will be home soon."

My mother said, "Go outside to the patio. We have drinks and food out there. Your dad is going to barbeque."

My sister grabbed Danny and headed to the backyard. My mother headed to the kitchen. Ben said to me, "They're very excited to meet him."


"I'm straight, but I have to say, he's very good looking."

"You can be straight and say stuff like that."

We sat outside by the pool. My sister was all over Danny. She too had to take a lot of science classes and was doing well in them. So they had that to talk about. Then it was about Stanford football with Ben and my mother asking about living in San Diego. Ben wanted to know about surfing. And on and on. Every once in a while, Danny would look at me and smile.

We ate chips and freshly made guacamole dip and salsa and drank beer or wine coolers. I noticed my mom smiling when she talked to Danny.

My sister went inside for more chips. I followed. She looked at me. "Jordan, he's wonderful."

"Yeah, I like him."

She was looking out the kitchen window, and said, "Look at Mom." I glanced outside. She was talking to Danny. "She's never that comfortable with new people. She's actually smiling."

I'm not sure why, but it really touched me. I expected that she'd be stiff and cold, but instead she was warm and engaging. I asked Sarah, "Is Amy and doofus coming."

"You mean dumb and dumber."

I chuckled. How odd that after all these years, Sarah and I are growing closer and it's after she learns that I'm gay.

"No. Mom invited them, but Amy said that Dylan couldn't make it and she wasn't coming without him. No loss," she said looking at me. "It would have just been awkward. Now we can enjoy ourselves."

I heard the garage door opening. I walked to the door, opened it and watched my Dad pull in. He gave me a big smile. I walked around the car to greet him. He opened his arms and pulled me tight against him. "How did you do this quarter?"

"Good. Maybe all As, maybe one B, but not in my major."

He mused my hair. "He's here?" he said as we walked in.

"Yeah, Mom and Ben are holding him captive on the patio."

We walked outside. Immediately, Danny stood and walked toward my dad with his hand outstretched. And before I could say anything, he said, "Sir, I'm Danny Deluca."

"Hi, Danny, I've been looking forward to meeting you. My son has told us so much about you. Welcome."

Of course my sister again sat beside Danny. Then the Jordan stories started. My dad has a list he runs through, most of them I'd heard and I do have to agree, when he tells them, they are funny. My dad said, "When he was about five or six, we were out here by the pool."

"Dad, not this one," I groaned.

My sister laughed. My dad said, "Jordan was on the patio by the pool playing with his toys. He knew how to swim. We had given him lessons when he was six months old."

"Really," Danny said.

"But we never left him out here alone because we never trusted him near the pool. So, I was sitting out here and the girls were in the pool and Jordan was playing with some toy by the side of the pool. I guess it was Amy,"

Sarah said, "Yes, it was Amy."

"Amy would swim to where Jordan was very quietly and then splash him. Jordan would get angry and yell and move. Then Amy again would very quietly swim under the water make her way to where Jordan was and slash him again.

"I just sat back and figured that sooner or later, Jordan would figure out that if he moved far enough away from the pool, she wouldn't be able to splash him. But he moved again, further down the side of the pool. But then he stood and watched as Amy swam under the water to where he was. He just stood there and then I saw him pull his penis out and as Amy stealthily rose to the surface, Jordan started to pee. Amy glanced up and for about two or three seconds didn't realize what was happening. Then she screamed. Jordan said, you splashed me so I splashed you and put his penis back in his pants."

Sarah and Ben laughed. Danny laughed. My mother smiled and shook her head. I just groaned. "She still hasn't forgiven me."

We had a great dinner. Everyone else had beer to drink, but I wasn't allowed because I was driving. My dad barbequed steaks and Italian sausages. We had baked potatoes, corn on the cob and my mom made fried peppers and onions. I had a steak. My dad and Danny had peppers and sausages.

As we left and said our goodbyes, my mom said, "You know you can stay here in Jordan's room tonight if you want."

He glanced at me. "Ah, his dad is expecting us tonight."

"Okay, well, another time," she said.

Everyone said goodbye. Sarah grabbed me and whispered. "Oh my God, he's wonderful and he really likes you a lot. He kept looking at you and smiling. Ben likes him a lot. You two can come and stay at our place anytime. Please, think about it."

"Thank you," I said.

I saw my mother hug Danny. He got into the car. I said goodbye to my dad with a hug and then my mother said to me, "I like him a lot. He's polite and very respectful." She hugged me.

We took off. "I like your parents," Danny said.

"I don't know what's with my mother, but I'm not going to complain."

"Your sister is cool and your dad is great. I loved his stories. No wonder Amy hates you," he said and laughed. As he talked, all I could think about was getting him in bed and fucking. "Ben likes you a lot. I guess your sister told him about how your mom treated you. I guess therapy works." He looked at me. "Why are you being so quiet? Are you upset?"

"Horny," I said and smiled.

He laughed, reached over and put his hand on my junk. I was hard. "You want to fuck me don't you?"

I nodded.

"You want me to fuck you too?"

I nodded.

He laughed. "How do you want to do it?"

"Five or six times and different ways each time."

He laughed again. "Five or six times. Okay, I get to call the first time."

"Oh yeah, and what's that?"


His hand was still on my junk and my cock was rock hard. I thought for a moment. "Romantic." He chuckled. I said, "You on top of me, my legs wrapped around you, you kissing me and thrusting."

"You know me too well."

"Then I'm going to fuck you like that."

"Okay, that's good. Then?"

"I want it nasty, doggie style,"

"Like Jimmy," he said smiling.

"Yes, a Jimmy fuck, but no pulling out. Then I'm going to fuck you like that."

It was a long drive to San Diego. When we got there, his father had already left for work. He left a note for Danny, asking him to call him and let him know we were there. He did. Then it was to the shower and then to his bed.

I lay on his bed. He lay on top of me. We kissed. "I love you, Danny D," I whispered.

"I'm crazy in love. That's what scared me so much the other day."

"No more about that."

We kissed and held each other. He sat up and pushed my knee to my chest and then licked and kissed my butt. I moaned. He lubed his cock and then he pressed into me. "Oh my God, you feel so good," he moaned.

"Fuck me," I moaned.

Slowly he pressed himself further into me. He watched his cock sliding into my ass. He looked at me. "Damn, I'm not going to last long. I can't believe how good you feel." He lay down on top of me. "You feel incredible."

We kissed. He licked my face. I bit into his shoulder. He thrust. I grabbed a handful of his hair. "Oh fuck, yeah," he moaned and thrust. "Jordan," he moaned. "I'm going to come." He thrust hard once, twice and then grunted and shook in my arms. "Oh fuck," he moaned, pressing hard into me.

We held each other. I held him tight against me with my legs.

"I came to fast, but I couldn't stop, it felt so good."

"You came hard," I said. He kissed me and nodded. I said, "You're right, I can taste it."

He laughed. I kissed him. He stayed inside of me. I said, "You want to go again?" He nodded. "Go ahead."

He looked at me. "No No. After you fuck me. Then I'll Jimmy you."

We switched places. Just entering him brought me close. I laughed. "What?" he asked.

"Fuck, I'm close already."

"I know. But don't come yet. Just lay on top of me." We held each other and kissed. "I love being inside of you," I said. I made short thrusts and then stopped. I was close again.

"Fuck me," he said kissing me. "Hard."

I fucked him and I also didn't last long. I can't really explain how incredible it felt to be skin on skin with him. Warm, wet, tight and incredible. Just knowing that I was the first to fuck him raw and leave my cum inside of him got me over the edge.

We held each other. I laughed and blushed as he talked about my incredible body, my beautiful ass, my big cock, that I love sex and that I gave great head. "But you know what I love the most about you?" I looked at him and shook my head. "You're just you. You don't bullshit. You're sincere, kind and a good friend. I feel like we can be really good friends."

"We are good friends. I spent more time with you this quarter than anyone else and I loved it. I feel safe with you and I've always got a hard on," I said and smiled. "I love your body, your cock, the way you fuck me and suck me, too. But, and this is weird, but I feel even more safe with you now that you've been angry at me."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I think I've wondered how scary it would be when you got angry. I mean I love that you say stuff and you express your feelings, but I've been worried that your anger would scare me too much. But you got angry and you still listened to me and it was over."

"Yeah, well, you were angry too."

I smiled. "Yeah. That was cool wasn't it?"

"Get on your knees," He ordered. "You're getting Jimmy fucked."

I smiled and moved off of him and got on my knees. "You're still hard from fucking me?"

"Still hard," he said, getting behind me. He grabbed my hips and I braced myself. "How do you want it bad boy."

I chuckled. "Do your best."

He smacked my ass and the slid his cock deep into me. "Oh fuck, you feel great," he said. "You're all wet and warm."

"That's your cum."

He grabbed my shoulders and held me as he pounded my ass.

"Fuck me," I moaned. I was on my knees on his bed. He was standing behind me fucking me. He pulled me toward him and then onto my feet. He kept fucking me and then he turned my head so he could kiss me. Danny told me that he loves to kiss the first time we had sex. Not only does he love to kiss but he's fantastic at it. My cock always goes rock hard when he presses his mouth against mine. And he loves to fuck and kiss and bit and fuck, and lick and fuck. No matter what position we are in and how nasty we decide to be fucking, he always wants to kiss and I love it.

I felt his cock deep inside of me. He pressed me down on the bed face down, which is my second favorite position. I love feeling pinned beneath him. He lay on me and thrust hard. "Fuck me," I pleaded. He grabbed my hair and pulled, bit the nape of my neck and pressed hard and deep into me. He was coming.

I loved to lay under him after he's come. His body and arms were so powerful. We lay in his bed not moving, not speaking. The room was filled with the sound on him breathing. He moved off of me. "That wasn't really a Jimmy fuck," he said.

"It was good for me."

He kissed me.

I hadn't ever had cum up my ass and now I was holding two loads and realized it wouldn't just stay there. I got up and walked to the bathroom pinching my ass cheeks together. I came back and said, "It all squirted out. There was a lot."

He laughed and then went to the bathroom. When he returned he said, "Jimmy me."

I fucked him with him on his knees.

We showered and then went to the kitchen and put a frozen pizza in the oven. We sat outside, talked and waited for the pizza. I said, "Finally, I got to give you a first."

"I knew I liked fucking you, but without a condom is really hot."

Next: Chapter 8

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