Lose Control

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Feb 19, 2012


The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story does not detail safe sex and while this is perfectly fine for fiction, life is always different. So protect yourself and your partner and be safe!

Comments about the story are, of course, welcome along with any constructive criticism you may have.

I hope you enjoy the following story.

Lose Control

Chapter Two: The Revealing Tape

It has been over a month since my first experience with Mr. Vargas, my school principle and our extracurricular actives were still going strong. My time after school being spent performing multiple tasks in order to drain his balls and swallow his cum, once tasting bitter but now something sweat to my taste buds. As he had removed me from the extended detention I had received from my teacher leaving many students joking behind my back, making up their theories on what Mr. Vargas had planned for me to break my spirit and leave me void of human emotion to walk the halls like a drone. When really the time spent locked in his office had become a time I looked forward too, the part of the day I waited for restlessly to come about and not only give me my own release but give me a further milking of his juices. Helping quench an unquenchable thirst that rested deep within and one I no longer seemed to be able to control like before, that first taste of another man's cum breaking the dam and leaving me wanting more. By spending each day in his office, in his words, training my mouth to further extend his pleasure and too help the other men he claimed I would one day be meeting in different places like my father. Leaving those words to linger every time I left his office, giving only little cryptic hints about what he knew about my father to leave a thought in my mind to leave me coming back for more. Acting on his fears, so it seemed, that I would stop swallowing his cum on a daily basis once I had received the information I hungered for to learn the truth about my father. Leading down to our latest scenario, him using the promise of a lasting truth about my father to leave me unable to deny the request in a dangerous situation, the excitement heightened because of it all. In which he could end his career if any single person should realize the truth or find me.

The evening had been set, planned to an almost perfect tee and now in full works. The parents of the school sitting in the auditorium and listening to Mr. Vargas go through his speech to them, planned every year with out much ever changing in the prepared speech in what they assumed was just another usual night. All of them unaware of my presence in the auditorium, hidden from site away in the podium he stood before sucking on his cock. Mr. Vargas pressing his body against it at an angle in the corner of the auditorium so no one would be the wiser to get him off on his words, a power trip of sorts to feed an ego long since starved of this type of danger. Prolonging his orgasm whenever I felt his need rise to the breaking point, removing it from my mouth and leaving his cock inches from my face and jolting up and down in an angry manner the cut head glaring at me. As I waited for it to cool before taking it back in my mouth to suck the head, continuing my milking of his precum in a buildup I know would give me a juicy load. Leading us down to the final words of his speech, him using me to try to end on a high note, which many would talk about from there on out, noting the determination in his eyes and the pride his body exuded with those final words that came from his release. His load, spilling in my mouth and leaving his spoken words filled with a pride of rage, for my own cock to burst in my jockstrap and leave a mess that waited for my tongue to clean its contents later that night once back home safely hidden away in my bedroom.

Us both down from the usual high we hurried to fix him back up and close the curtain to cover me until everyone had left. As I managed his zipper up before I heard him coughing out in a panic, giving us both a fright in the form of the local pastor, a chubby little man known to be able to talk the head of anyone stupid enough to listen. Who ran up on the stage, ready to shake Mr. Vargas' hand and talk to him in a lengthy manner, as he pulled the curtain quickly and I fell back on my ass, trying to control my breathing and remain silent. As my mind picked up on something I had missed, a split moment of time were me and the pastor made eye contact, my mind sure of the moment to leave my heart beating heavily and my head spinning. Until the moment, Mr. Vargas returned to collect me, us now alone as he remained silent and with an annoyed and in thought expression on his face as he headed back off to his office.

"That was too close, earlier!" Mr. Vargas grumbled, more to himself than me in an annoyance for nearly destroying his career in one full swoop as he locked his office door to, for once, be protective of our conversation and motioned for me to take my usual seat at his desk. While he lifted, out a hidden bottle of vodka and poured him a nice large drink to join me over at him disk, undoing his tie and the first few buttons on his shirt to tease my gaze with his chest hair that poked through the wife beater he wore underneath his shirt.

"Closer than you may believe," My reply came, sounding cryptic and a little dooming in his sense as our gazes met and his become one that could cut through the weak hearted. "What...did you speak to the pastor about? Once you left the auditorium and, I'm assuming, came back here alone." I continued, curious as to what he would be willing to tell me first before needing to explain the one thing I knew would send chills down his spine.

"What makes you think we came back here?" He snapped, demanding a reply quickly and with the few moments of silence, that paused causing a growl from his lips.

"That bottle of opened Russian vodka over their on the cabinet, I remember you stocking it today when I came in for my detention and the think was unopened. So I am assuming that you both came back here, spoke about something privately and then, and only once he had left, poured yourself out a drink to calm your nerves." My explanation, sounding a little like detective work and ending with the hint of a smug look creeping on my face to make him laugh out and make with the midst of a curse word being thrown in, more because of how I explained it rather than being an attack on my name.

"...He said surprisingly little to me! Instead all he did was come to my office and hand me a sheet of paper with random students name on the thing." He began, showing me the list for me to read down the names until I found my own. "Apparently he has spoken to the parents about setting up a meeting with their children, mainly of those that go to his church. It's funny though I never pictured your father much of a church goer!" Mr. Vargas continued, once more chuckling at his own words but now with a hidden meaning lost in his words that would fall deaf upon my ears without further explanations needed.

"He isn't, not anymore at least, the truth is. My family goes to the place more out of sake for my mother...it was always that way and my brothers and I had to tag along until something changed everything up. Father seemed to lose interest in the place because of certain people who regularly attended and it left only my mother going along with some of my brothers, I stopped going also because I was exhausted every morning and didn't want to get up, an excuse my mother would claim my father used too often as well. Nevertheless, this could be dangerous for us, if I have to meet the man. He saw me earlier, I am sure of it. We made eye contact with one another and for that spilt-second I'm not sure what I saw in his eyes, it didn't seem like judgment but this meeting idea could be a trap for me to go and confess my sins to him." My final words made his scoff, seeming ready to tell me something about the pastor before falling silent, instead coughing out to a reddened face to cover any words that may have slipped out of his mouth in a brazened moment.

"You're not a stupid boy, I could call you many things because of what we have done in this office, but you are stupid! You will not willingly tell that man anything and I, unbelievably, trust you. When your appointment comes you may have to lie your way out of the room, but remember this, the truth will have much more consequences and in this case must stay between us." Mr. Vargas warned, sending both a tingle and a chill down my spin. One forewarning me of the dangers ahead and the other warming me to the man, a rare moment shared were he was showing emotion other than anger or hatred. Proving our time together, no matter how spent was warming me to his thoughts in my bid to help release his pent up rage at the end of a long school day having to listen to others bitch at him for something or other.

"Now you can leave to head home. Try and get their before your parents begin to wonder where you are and head back here to find us talking." He finished, giving me my marching orders and expecting me to take them like a solider, the brief moment of emotion from before now leaving him a little bitter for having shared them.

"Not without what you have promised me. I kept my part of the deal, knowing the dangers we both could have gotten ourselves into and I deserve what was promised to me." I snapped, having come this far to refuse anything less that what I hungered for. As he stared me down, trying to see if I would break under his pressure before grumbling to himself and rummaging around the drawers of his desk, in the hint of a drunken manner. Before producing a clear disc, no writing on the thing to stay hidden with its contents as he went to hand me the disc, my hand reaching out greedily before he snapped it back from me.

"Before I give you this disc remember! You cannot come crying to me if the content of this disc gives you a truth you cannot handle. And if you should be stupid enough to watch this thing then you must film yourself for me and send it immediately, that is part of the deal and you will be punished if neglecting to keep our deal." He finished, giving me the disc and turning to stare out of his window for me to leave, expecting nothing else to be said between us as I got up to leave, unlocking the door before halting at it.

"Mr. Vargas, promise me not to drive home tonight. You've had one to many already and it would safer for you to get a taxi home." I said, this time baring myself a little to him as his head turn to look at me, his eyes looking sweet once more as he waved me off and I left, heading home to sneak back up to my room. Climbing over the garage to climb through my window and turn off the music I used as a diversion for my parents. Leaving the disc with my CDs as I headed into the bathroom to clean myself up and enjoy a moment alone with my jockstrap before heading down to eat the dinner left for me and spent a little time with them to last into the night.

That night I couldn't sleep, it wasn't the activity from earlier in the day, believe it or not my body and mind were getting used to such challenges and the change from the person I was to the person I would become had already begun. No, instead that disc was on my mind, turning my stomach and leaving me sick in nervousness and excitement that kept me tossing and turning late into the early hours of the next morning. Because though I hungered for the truth that lay hidden on the disc, its contents also scared me. They would bring on a change in my life from which I could never turn back, forced into the situation by my own hands to learn the truth about my father, including the consequences that may haunt me because of my stupid curiosity. As I finally gave up, the curiosity becoming too much, leaving my heart thumbing inside my chest and my head sweating over the answers to forever change my life as I got out of my bed and moved over to my desk, booting up my computer to wait in an agonizing silence. Waiting for everything to load up before I grabbed my headphones and the disc, not wanting my parents to hear its contents and blow everything up in smoke. As I went to pop in the disc and put an end, my torture before Mr. Vargas' words came echoing back in my mind, his demands for me to record myself while watching. Bringing a sense of confusion to my mind over his request and what it would bring him as I turned the small lamp on and moved it to give myself better lighting for the camera. Taking a deep breath to calm my shaking nerves as, with a shaking hand, I opened the disc drive and popped in the disc, too late now to turn back as I closed it and watched as the thing loaded up to play its contents before my eyes.

The picture slowly came into focus, at first only sound being heard with the mummers of men shooting the shit with one another and laughing over a supposed slut amidst them and letting their body be used for the purpose of others. Until I found the setting to be the backroom of a bar, the voices sounding familiar to my ears as people in my father's lives and mine as the person holding the camera looked around the room. At first revealing Mr. Vargas standing in the middle of the room and grinding his crotch into a face his lower body was covering. Boring the cameramen as he looked around at the others participating to reveal my fathers work buddies all sitting around, almost in a circle, and stroking their cocks, all naked from the waste below and yet still wearing their work clothing to add to the image that woke my cock from its slumber. To make me stumble around until I kicked my sweats off and rested my feet on the desk, revealing my rosebud as I licked my fingers and inserted the middle up to the knuckle with little to no problems, having long since fingered fucked myself to orgasm. As Mr. Vargas growled out, gaining the attention of the camera once more as he pulled the stranger away from his groin to reveal my father, sweaty and breathing heavily as his eyes focused on the cock in front of him, seeming a little desperate to get the thing back in his mouth. Not wanting to miss its beat that matched Mr. Vargas' heartbeat, resting on his tongue as with a final growl and a grip of his cock Mr. Vargas came, spurting his cum over my fathers face. Growling out with his eyes shut as my fathers tongue darted out and tried to claim what it could of his juices before Mr. Vargas shoved the head of his cock back in its warm resting place and let my father drink the last of his juices in content with the other. Relaxing both of them, my father more over a substance that calmed his body since his release had still yet to come, to the cheers of others before the sound of a door opening and then shut broke the moment. Annoying Mr. Vargas as he grumbled to someone in the shadows for a voice to snap back at him before the owner of the bar appeared, shoving Mr. Vargas out of the way for him to join the others. While Roscoe unzipped his cock from his bottoms and shoved his cut eight-inch cock down my father's throat with a sigh escaping his lips.

"You be quick now, Samuel with my cock. I have customers outside waiting for their drinks and can't have them finding you back here in such a state as such." Roscoe said, pent up knowing what was happening in his store room and with his cock, begging for release to claim him through the heavy work load he knew would be coming in his bar within the next hour. Stressing him and forcing his cock thicker than usual, as he made sure to make my father chock on its thickness before he came down his throat, making sure not to let a single drop of his cum spill from my father's mouth. Before he removed his cock and patted my father on the head, a simply and somewhat spiteful jester as he turned to head back out to the bar, wishing them all a pleasant evening that would end happen for all, making them all chuckle out.

The sites that continued t unfold before my eyes had my cock pulsing without the need for my touch, my body burning up and my mind achieving a head that lost focus to all else apart from the video and my own needs. Precum drooling down my cock to soak up my balls, my fingers only leaving my ass to steal the substance and cover themselves in my own made lube up before being shoved back inside me, my mind dreaming that they belonged to my father and the many other men in the video. Until my fingers we no longer enough, a hunger growing inside me that aching for more with one hand tracing over my body, pinching my nipples to keep my body going. As my other hand unlocked the middle drawer on the table and opened it to reveal my hidden dildo, something I had Mr. Vargas buy me as a gift to keep my silence, not that it was needed but I couldn't buy the damn thing myself now could I now? Resting the head of the dildo as my ass in wait to match the video still playing, one of his work buddies fucking his puffy face knowing my father could take it and more. While a man, making sure the camera avoided his face moved around my father, stripping in his steps until he came to his ass, naked and ready. His cock erect with the help of a cockring as he spat in his hand to work it over his cock, his thumb rubbing his exposed head to send shivers through his body. Before he forced the head inside my father, a task seemingly easy, as the head of my dildo entered me forcing a groan from my mouth that matched my fathers. As I kept their pace, trying to match it the best I could to fuck myself like my father was being fucked by the stranger, only without the cock in my mouth shamefully.

The video somewhat became predictable, the stranger continued to fuck my father in a stronger pace that the others around them. My fathers work buddies all losing their loads down his throat, along with Mr. Vargas getting another go and all before my father or the stranger had spilt their first load of the night, surprising me with their durability. As it all soon left them both alone with the others all sitting around drinking and smoking while simply enjoying the show the both of them put on, now in sync with the other in something that became more than sex...love almost. The feeling that it wasn't just some stranger to my father and someone close to his heart as the mystery person reached around to grip my fathers cock, roughly jerking it to edge him closer, wanting for them both to cum together. Edging my own body and forcing my teeth down on my bottom lip to stop me from screaming out in a animal rage that filled my body and heightened the senses of my body, as with a forced growl and a final rough thrust of the dildo I came. My cock bursting in the overload that my body could no longer withstand to take, my first few spurts hitting the computer screen to drip down over it in a mess my tongue would clean while on film my father came. Crying out like an animal in heat as his own cum shot over the mat in a copious amount that I hungered to taste, curious to see if his cum would taste like my own sweat nectar.

Cumming down from his high the voice of the stranger sounded out in the video, ordering my father to get on his knees as he pulled his cock away from his ass. My father quickly following orders as he turned to stare up at the stranger, whom placed a hand on my fathers head to balance himself while he stroked his cock roughly, seemingly trying to force the cum from it. As the hand holding my father moved to stroke his cheek, for just a moment before the man groaned out loudly, my father opening his mouth now, as he came. The first spurt landing on my fathers tongue for the rest to cover his face, making a mess that only a slut like him could love. Gaining the cheers of the others whom clapped out over the display and made of the cuff remarks about how hot it was too see my father being covered in his families cum.

Their words drew my attention, unable to understand what they could have meant by families cum as I watched with a new interest. Making sure not to miss a moment unfold, as the stranger placed his fingers on my fathers chin to lift him off his knees, essentially helping him to his feet with the cameramen focusing the camera to stay on my father. Slowly revealing the stranger to be Patrick, my uncle and my father's older brother, as he licked my fathers face clean before embracing him and kissing deeply. Breaking a dam inside me, my cock releasing once more for my cum to dribble down my cock and soak my balls as my ass squeezed the dildo still inside me and helped me achieve a high my father was currently in during the video. Leaving me out of my mind for an unknown period before I opened my eyes to find the video ended, a black screen staring back at me and revealing my reflection. A younger image of my father, acting like a slut he would become in his later years seemingly trying to imitate the actions of his father to live out each fantasy that was born in the image of a different mans cock going near his mouth or anus.

Before long I had everything cleaned up and put away, the disc staying hidden and locked away with my dildo to be called upon whenever I wanted to drop another load and further pleasure my body. As that disc would become something for me to keep in my old age, a memento of the slut side of my father I, not only, longed to become but longed to be with in every possible manner many people on the outside could never understand. While the computer came back to my memory, still recording my movement as I smiled over at the think, suddenly understanding why Mr. Vargas had demanded I record myself watching the disc he gave me. He knew deep down what my reactions would be and wanted to see them for him to save me from an explanation and give him something to watch starring me. Adding me to his collection of videos that long since included my father in different actions that could out perform any porn most people would waste good money on just to cum over someone beautiful on screen. As I shut off the camera and cut out the wasted space of time in the end before logging into my email account and sending him the video, promising to see him tomorrow and leaving a letter stating my thanks was in the video I in return sent him. Not expecting a reply at least until I saw him tomorrow after school, as I found the think flashing moments before I went to log out making me open it to see a picture of Mr. Vargas covered in his cum, making me chuckle over the words he wrote below.

"You are nothing more than a slut like your father." It read, a true statement about me I truly understand now in my older age, having become my father in more than one way thanks to the perverted manners we had both lost control over to become the men we desired.

End of Chapter Two To Be Continued.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2012

Please do not reproduce or distribute this story anywhere else without the original author's permission.

Next: Chapter 3

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