Lose Control

By HomelessCub ...

Published on Feb 17, 2012


The following story contains graphic descriptions of adult male-to-make sex. If this topic offends, upsets you or is illegal for you to read for whatever reason then please leave this page along with the site.

This story does not detail safe sex and while this is perfectly fine for fiction, life is always different. So protect yourself and your partner and be safe!

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I hope you enjoy the following story.

Lose Control


"For once in my life, I think it'd be nice, just to lose control just once." That line summed up the feelings I felt towards the end of my teen years, still a virgin and trapped in a town where I could not be myself because of the circumstances that haunted my mind. Left unable to openly seek out the pleasure, so many write about online to help others get off in their own sexual pleasure, and in which my body screamed out for constantly to try to relax the raging hormones trapped in my body going unused.

It had been the same throughout my childhood and teens years, stuck in a large family and known to be the quite, meek, chubby child that would hide in a corner with his nose stuck in a videogame rather than make contact with another human being. I hated confrontation of any kind and my brothers only helped that notion usually leaving me hiding close to my father as he ordered them to leave me alone. The one thing I longed for more than anything as I wanted nothing more than a room of my own and to be able to masturbate without the fear of being caught and made fun of by my brothers despite the fact they did the same, and we all knew it!

Still nothing can stay the same forever and in the end, I got my wish of peace and solitude, being the youngest finally paid off as I watched them all one-by-one leave the nest and move away to collage and their new lives now only visiting on holidays. Giving me the room I had longed after and the peace to do all the things my body sought after and fueled my mind to give me directions on how to manipulate my body in order to give myself a more lasting orgasm. There was just one problem...I hated the silence! I spent so many years waiting for them all to disappear that when they finally did I longed for someone to be around me to stop me from over thinking the fantasies in my mind and that spilt over to my sex life.

I knew I was gay from my fantasies alone it was not that difficult to figure out; I mean how many dreams can you have of your male teachers fucking you for extra credit before any denial crumbles to reality? Though my family, known to be very religious, my mother, brothers and her side of the family more than my father whom seemed bewilder by the thing most of the time, I knew that they would accept me. I mean they had too many gay friends in their life not to accept me without being complete and total hypocrites not just to me but those they had befriended over the years. Besides, over the years my curiosity and over hyped yet underwhelming sex life led me to see something I had missed so many times before. The looks that my father would exchange with some of their friends, it was obvious by the chemistry at times at our home or out at events my mother dragged him too that there was something going on with many, if not all of them. Though I was never certain, I was sure that my father was having a very large and open affair to quench the sex life that had long since evaporated between him and my mother, and on a level, I think she knew...she would have to be blind not too! I believe in the end she saw it all as an escape for them both, to please him sexually yet leave him coming home to her every night to keep their marriage together out of comfort more than love.

The realization of it all fueled my fantasies like nothing before, as I dreamt about my father waking me early one morning for school by making me suck on his cock in my sleep, thinking it to be an old pacifier. Until he feeds me his morning seed, starting the ritual and changing me from a teen to a man as he would take me with him to meet the others at his worksite, using the large yet empty space to bring me into his secret life. To let the others use my body like I truly desired, like a pervert that would only get worse with age, for me to lose control if just for once in my life to drink their seeds of life! As it all left me soon masturbating on a schedule of three times a day, at least, to drain my balls and stop my body craving for more as it became harder to stop a side to myself I knew nothing about. That soon left me filling my ass with anything thick enough to get up there and rub my prostate as the first load I would eat, never wasting a drop to keep me going as the second would then be used as lube to fuck myself harder and push my own seed back inside my body. Before the third and final load would go over my body in the hopes, it would act as an aid to give me body fur like my father and most from his side of the family.

Sadly, it would never be enough to satisfy myself locked away in my bedroom to stop others from seeing my naked chubby body in the kind of act it begged for and this is where my story really begins. The day that side to me took over, unleashing itself in a small yet satisfy dose to open my eyes and make me lose control.

Chapter One: The Good Ole' Principle

It started like any other Monday morning really, my father off from work and sleeping in and with my mother having already left for his community work at the chapel. Leaving me alone to get myself up and ready for the day as I did the usual routine most men do in their lives as it soon left me standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom and in all my chubby glory. As I looked over my reflection, loving that with the years that were passing I was looking more and more like my old man, with my hair slicked back to match his balding hairline, the blues eyes I would hear him saying I got from him alone. The chubby body, my mother often complained at us both about and my brothers used to make fun off daily. That left me only loving my body more, finding the fat to have shaped my stomach nicely and giving me a cute round face that could woo you and leave others unsuspected that I could defend myself in my later years. And, of course, my fat young bubble ass that begged to be eaten and the rosebud it hide that begged to be fucked many times over in its own hunger quest that proved it belonged to a fat guy!

The thought of my ass in use by the many I desired, brought my cock back to life from its morning slumber letting me watch it grow in my reflection, poking out of its foreskin to stand erect in its four inches. Pointing out at its own reflection as if in a false competition like in a locker room to see which would prove better in a different kind of combat that only a certain type of man would understand and spend years improving ones skills. As my hand wrapped around my bouncing cock, my fingers resting on the base in waiting as my thumb hovered over the exposed head to tease it sensitive nature pleasingly. Before my grip tightened and began to move in slow deliberate strokes, forcing the precum from my slit to smear it around the head with my thumb to send shivers throughout my body. Making the beginnings of sweat cover my body as it heated up and I felt my face turn red to match the state of my own cock head as they both shun bright in my flustered moment of need that came from the dirty pleasure of being able to watch ones self.

My fantasies taking over once more as if a vision came to me through my mirror to leave me standing watching as my father sat in his usual chair, still in his work clothes but naked from the waist below. Showing me his cock, that mine matched almost to a perfect tee while he lit up a cigar and put it in his mouth to take his first puff as he scratched his black beard, which had given way to the gray that covered his body. My mind now using the one time I had seen my father naked to fuel the fantasy as he began to stroke his cock calling out for me to mimic his actions as if teaching me this act for the first time. As my forehead rested on the mirror and my breathing picked up, fogging the mirror and sounding in a raspy tone that tried to mask my moans of pleasure but failed miserably to do so in my growing need to vocalize the feelings that coursed through my body in the forbidden pleasure. Leaving me sure that my father would soon hear me as with a final cry and shake from my body I came, covering my mirror image in my cum until the remaining drop dribbled down my base to cover my plump balls.

The usual wave from the aftermath came over my body as I used the moment to bask in the afterglow of my own pleasure. Before the sound of something coming from outside my bedroom door made me turn in a panic, now frightened of finding my father standing there in anger over my actions and ready to scald me. As I looked over at the door, my mind still reeling before I sighed out, in small relief to find nothing was waiting for me in my moment of weakness at the entrance to my bedroom! Leaving my mind relieved but my body a little sad over what could have been as it give me the change, now thinking clearly once more, to clean up the mess I made to cover up my tracks and throw on the jockstrap I had stolen from my father. To then get changed and finished for the day ahead as I hurried out of my room and grabbed what I needed to leave the house to hurry off in the distance to avoid myself being late to school another morning.

However, in my hurriedness to leave I failed to notice the one thing I would find out about later, the cum that was dripping down the wall beside my bedroom that had just moments before been plastered their. As my father came out from his hiding place in the bathroom, his cock still resting in the fly of his old ripped boxers while he took the warm cloth to clean up the mess he left behind and now seemed thankful I missed. His mind still picturing the image of me standing in front of my mirror and masturbating as it brought life to his cock once more, as he found the whole thing gave him mixed feelings over the situation we had both inadvertently caused. Always having seen himself in me more than my brothers, as that left him trying to protect me that much more from a habit he knew was forming in my mind and understood much better than I could myself at that moment in time.

That day at school was a bust; I came to the place late for my first teacher of the day to chew me out and in her words make an example of me. Much to my annoyance as it left me biting my tongue through her glass, and too top it off I got accused f cheating when someone else in the class had cheated of my work and handed it in moments before me to leave me looking like the guilty party. Much to the other students amusement, watching our teacher chewing me out and claiming that he expected better from me until I snapped back and slipped out a word too many to leave myself in detention at the end of the school day. As when the time came, I sat at the back of the classroom to avoid all the other lowlifes within the place whom all seemed to be in their own little factions, far too used to the setting and seeming to belong in the place, more out of comfort than a rebellion against the school. While I pretended to work, much to their annoyance and chanting out against me, when really I had covered their view to stop anyone from finding me playing on my handheld. Trying to burn, the time that much quicker to get the hell out of the forsaken place with the emulators that let me play the games I should be playing at home that very moment instead of my entrapment in detention.

Eventually the alarm on my wristwatch went off, making them all glance at me as I shut it off quickly and cursed out silently to myself. The time for my second load to be spilt had come, no pun intended and yet I was stuck in school to add to the pressure. As my mind tried to think of a good reason to excuse myself, my cock becoming hard in my baggy bottoms, it too used to the schedule to stop this from happening as it left my body heating up as if I were a dog in heat. Leaving my mind foggy and unclear to my actions as I packed my things up and stormed out of the classroom, shouting at the teacher telling him where to go before I slammed the door and began to run down the corridor with my mind trying to think of a place where I could commit the act. Knowing I could not use the school bathrooms, not in this place and not unless I wanted to catch something from the toilet seat alone! Nor could I reach home in time, feeling the pressure grow to force my erection against my father's jockstrap, the foreskin trying to push back and rub my sensitive head against the fabric. Making each step took within the place send a shiver from my cock through my body and leaving only one option left... the teachers lounge. I knew the risks and dangers but my body was unwilling to listen as I hurried to the doors and spied through the glass window to find the place empty, my body almost shaking from the excitement as I hurried into the place and shut the door to run through the lounge and burst into their bathrooms. Noting how cleaned the place looked compared to the others bathrooms within the place as I entered the last stall furthest away from the door to lock myself in and drop my belongings to free my arms and hurriedly shed my bottoms. Almost ripping the jockstrap in my bid to free my cock from its confinement to watch it spring out and bounce against my fat stomach, leaving a small trail of precum as I sat down on the closed toilet seat to sigh out in an overwhelming relief. The time at an end and now leaving me able to relax and simply bask in the moment, as I gripped my cock and forced the foreskin back to find my head already red, gleaming at me in anger over my lateness as my actions would be my form of apology.

Midway through my stroking, with my cock feeling harder than usual over my scenery that adds a sense of danger to my actions, I heard a noise. Freezing my body in a panicked silence and stalling my breath to stop myself from being detected. As my hand took a life of its own and continued to stroke me in slow motions, quivering my bottom lip and leaving me fighting to stop from giving myself away to whom ever was on the outside. Listening to their movement as their footsteps stopped outside the stalls and the sound of their zipper, unzipping sounded out to be followed by the sound of his stream hitting the urinal as he coughed out to echo throughout the restroom. The cough fitting the description of Mr. Vargas, my school principle more formally known to the school as the fat bastard of a ghost whom haunted the school halls to steal the souls of whatever poor student that got caught in his path. All because of the choices he made to keep the school not only afloat but also top in our state, leaving him, in my mind, misunderstood and giving me mixed feelings for him. I knew he was mean to be nice about it, but still in my mind, it was something of a front for the man to hide a more loving and possibly dominating personality that only those few lucky would get to know. Heightening the mood for me and drawing my body to an end, now fighting to stop the orgasm washing over me to force a sharp gasp out of my lips as the first spurt fired from my cock. Hitting my face to drip down over my lips, my tongue darting out without thought to taste my own juices, that continued to spurt over my body soaking me and mixing it with the sweat dripping down my body to give off a slut kind of looked if someone was looking upon me.

"Who there`s? When I find out who has broken in here I'll skin your hide!" Mr. Vargas yelled out, echoing in the bathroom to strike fear upon me, when really my body was in that moment of bliss that left me oblivious to everything else around me. While he quickly grew annoyed by the silent reply and kicked open each stall door until he came to mine, finding it locked and now chuckling out as he used the schools master key to unlock the thing before shoving it open and leaving me trapped in his sight.

My body came down from the high to find him staring over me, a sight to surely see with me covered in my own cum and truthfully loving every moment of what I had gotten myself stuck in, another moment of that something in my mind breaking free. As he growled out at me to explain what the hell I was doing there and in such a state before my silence made him look around the place before heading off to lock the door, leaving no escape for me as he came back and blocked the stall door once more with his body.

"You really are the spitting image of your father!" He chuckled, sounding a little seductive in his tease over a matter he knew I would question about later. As I watched his hand trace down his body to stop at his zipper, once more pulling it down to reach inside and pull out a surprising thick eight inch cock.

"Bigger than both you and your father!" He grunted, knowing his words would make me try to question his logic as he moved closer and added "Now lets see just how much like your old man your are!" with his hand coming around the back of my head to pull me closer. Forcing my face down to his groin as his circumcised head rubbed against my lips, adding his precum and the few remaining drops of piss to my sticky lips. Him watching me intently as he found a look burn in my eyes, unable to resist what he was offering to me as my lips parted and the head entered my hungry mouth to be gently sucked on.

"Your first time?" He asked me, sounding a little sweat this time in his words as he watched me nod to give him his answer. "Then take it easy... and watch the teeth! We have enough time here for me to teach you how to suck cock like your old man." he added, to once more grin over the hint he leaked about my family life to leave me guessing on his words, trying to find if their was truth among what my mind took as lies. As he took his time, loving the attention I was paying to his cock, from what he would call me a natural born cocksucker that did not need much teaching in the art of giving pleasure to a throbbing cock.

"Not yet!" He growled out, gasping a little as he pulled away from me, refusing to cum and claiming I had to earn his sweet nectar by taking his full length in my mouth. Giving the slut to me a new goal and meaning, breaking free a little to force me to lose control even just for that moment as he found me working over his cock with more meaning than before. My body almost begging for his juices as he pulled on his nipples, judging I would easily take his length and in his eyes now judging me like my father, adding to his own pleasure. As he watched me take, the final inch to force my nose against his groin before his hands clasped around the back of my head and he fucked my face, as the final steps. His cum boiling in his balls and ready for release as his growl sounded out and he forced me down, refusing to let go as I felt his cum hit the back of my throat. Mr. Vargas being the first to mark me in a manner only a man could understand to leave me forever craving a mans juices down my throat like a cooling drink on a hot summers day.

I watched him come down from the high to smile at me, a smile almost unbefitting of his image within the school as he pulled his limp cock out of my mouth to rub it around my chest, lubing it up with the cum that rested on me before lifting it back up for me to clean. Ordering me to not miss a single drop as I left his cock cleaner than when it had entered my mouth as he patted me on the head and removed it a final time to fix himself up and leave himself looking presentable once more to those outside in the school still. While for me, I got out of the stall, using what I could in the bathroom to clean myself up until I could get home and shower up to avoid myself being caught out by one of my parents to give our game away. As he waited for me to finish before corning me in the bathroom, looking menacing once more and with his gaze directed down at me in a frightening manner.

"Listen to me carefully, boy! What just happened between us can never be told to another living soul unless I speak of it first! Keep your silence and I won't out your father to this town along with other personal stuff about him." He threatened, trying to force my silence in a manner he thought I would easily admit to. As I looked up in his eyes and promised, it would be our secret, letting a smile crack on his face as his hand lifted my chin to kiss me on the lips. Using the kiss as a promise for more to come in my silence as he told me his hours and in turn, I told him about what happened to me to get me in detention. Leaving him to agree to free me from their gaze, but lock me under his guidance for the next two months, leaving my after school life gone in a manner I knew would not bother me that much for what we both had planned.

By the time I got home that day my parents were waiting for me, both wondering why I was so late home and my father seeming more worried over something than angry. As I give them the truth mixed with lies, using the detention and Mr. Vargas' deal as my reasoning to also warn them I would be late home from now on. Before I hurried up to my room, no longer caring about my homework for the time being as I took out my vibrating phone and opened the message to find it from Mr. Vargas. A video sent from him to me as a thank you for today and another little spoiling gift to keep me tied over until tomorrow. As the video played out, him stripping naked in his locked office to sit down at his desk and fuck a flashlight slowly, stretching the video out until he could take no more and moved the camera to cum over the lens. Letting me see each spurt hit the les before he slumped back in his chair and the video ended, leaving me with another erection I had to take care off. As I stripped naked and entered the bathroom, waiting until I was under the shower spray to stroke myself off and cover my fingers in my cum to act as lube for each finger that slipped up my ass in the dream that it was Mr. Vargas' cock.

End of Chapter One To Be Continued.

Copyright "HomelessCub" 2012

Please do not reproduce or distribute this story anywhere else without the original author's permission.

Next: Chapter 2

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